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the most extra setup of all time



finally bro can we get back to the teleportation plot pls

Liam Gilbert

The princess really rubbed off on Nymphie over these past few years


I actually really love the Yapathon this season is. Feels like we are building something great.

Orion Clement

Sylphie really had the most horny teenage girl answer of all time just ready like that. She's put some thought into it. Many, many nights of thought indeed..


Between Sylphie airing out her Rudy fanfic and Elinalise's everything I'm convinced that elves in Mushoku Tensei are all just born degenerates.

The Endless

nah twin its just starting , the manga currently aint even focused on that lmao


bet cause its been a hit or miss for me this season lol

zILovePelmeni _

the university arc is probably the weakest arc of MT but still enjoyable af. that means a lot


ive been reading the light novels and im on volume 23 right now. I can say with certainty that the show is gonna get better every damn season


basically shit takes off after this moment, can't wait for the next arc after this


Btw Ariel and Luke don’t know that sylphy’s hair was originally green, so they’re confused on why sylphy was getting bullied cause of her hair colour and why rudeus doesn’t recognize sylphy


I cannot WAIT for next episode! I wonder if they're gonna do some more anime only stuff to make the ending pop like they did with the end of s1. Or if they're gonna make the parallels more apparent or something for those who maybe don't remember s1 as much bc it's been awhile


Man thank god its finally over, shit was so frustrating. I really hope the rest of the season is better than this, its been a real drag so far.

King Jonny

Man y'all over exaggerating how long this arc was, it was 5 episodes between Rudy meeting Sylphie again and this moment and between those 5 episodes they were mostly focused on building up the cast from henceforth and only 1 episode and a few small moments were dedicated to SylphieXRudeus


LMFAO so extra


Bruh thats 5 episodes and 5 weeks, almost half the episodes we got. It won't be so bad in a binge but if you don't like that secret identity will they won't they stuff its a pain in the ass week to week.


Anyone know if teleport labyrinth arc getting animated this season?


i remember reading this part in the light novel it took me by surprise that Sylphie is very kinky but i aint complaining :)


Barely on volume 14 lol, is teleport labyrinth arc getting animated this season? cuz I feel they'll just drag the rest of it from the whole Elinalise and Rudy journey

Jaime Martinez

That face the princess makes.

Hasnain Khan



Manga is soooooo far behind, even the damn anime's gonna pass it which is fucking insane


The glasses had an enchantment on them to obscure her identity. You also have to remember that it's been many years since Rudy has seen Sylphie, and she had green hair back then. Sylphie did this convoluted plan because she was too afraid that Rudy might have forgotten about her. In the LN Sylphie made an excuse to stay over in Rudy's dorm but never gathered up the nerve to tell him her true identity. This plan came about because she failed to do it the first time.

Jacob The weird (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-19 01:41:47 Time for Rudy and Sylphie to enter love mode!
2023-09-19 01:41:47 Time for Rudy and Sylphie to enter love mode!
2023-09-18 23:38:40 Time for Rudy and Sylphie to enter love mode!

Time for Rudy and Sylphie to enter love mode!




the princes being disguised as fitz is part of the whole parallel sylphi storyline they had in the manga and seem to be skipping in the anime


God damn. Finally this shits over. Go find mom or some shit


Bro wants there to be fighting and killing 24/7. Like this ain't JJK brother. Let the plot develop. Welcome to anime btw, you can watch an episode and be upset for 6 days or watch something else

Eric martinez

Surprised more people aren't talking about how much more mature Rudy has grown. If this was him when he was first reincarnated he would've done some freaky shit once he found out Fitz was a girl. But, he gave her space and was actually willing to keep pretending she was a guy for her sake. Also, in the cave he was trying to make her as comfortable as possible and he was hesitant and making sure Fitz knew that he knew she was a girl before starting to undress her. I really appreciate how Rudy has grown so far and I bet he gets even better as the story goes on.


Yall really missing the point and making assumptions, I don't want fighting and killing 24/7 I just don't want this secret identity shit. I like the other stuff just fine, just everything with sylphie has sucked.

Weiss Schnee

This the horniest thing I've seen a girl say in anime all year. Turns our sylphy as down bad as Rudy.


My guy out here spitting facts. Rudy is growing as a character


This guys complaining but isnt even paying attention lol


the whole reaction yall are just making jokes because of how stupid this is to you guys lmao

this is one long ass username

The pacing of this season so far has been pretty bad. This reunion felt so artificially dragged out and this reunion scene was so meh, especially with Rudy’s basically non existent reaction.


a death match between and eris and sylphie sounds dangerous for one character in particulair.

Grant Beaudette

Sylphie: The first person to bet on Rudy still being an impulsive idiot and lose.

B Mowglli (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-19 02:18:50 Apparently Sylphie never told Luke/Ariel that she had green hair, which was another thing they assumed Rudy had forgotten, so it seems like they kinda accepted that he forgot her Sylphie's always been a super meek character, I can see someone being so anxious and afraid of being forgotten. But maybe 6 months at most
2023-09-19 00:16:46 Apparently Sylphie never told Luke/Ariel that she had green hair, which was another thing they assumed Rudy had forgotten, so it seems like they kinda accepted that and didn't want to bring it up and Sylphie's always been a super meek character, I can see someone being so anxious and afraid of being forgotten. But maybe 6 months at most. Especially if you're that down bad. Sheera's bouncing comment made me choke lmao. also had the same 'out here nobody can hear you scream 😈 ' thought

Apparently Sylphie never told Luke/Ariel that she had green hair, which was another thing they assumed Rudy had forgotten, so it seems like they kinda accepted that and didn't want to bring it up and Sylphie's always been a super meek character, I can see someone being so anxious and afraid of being forgotten. But maybe 6 months at most. Especially if you're that down bad. Sheera's bouncing comment made me choke lmao. also had the same 'out here nobody can hear you scream 😈 ' thought


roshi getting triggered by how long they dragged this lol


I'm not going to spoil, but there is something much more than Sylphie being Fitz and her hair color changing that caused Rudy to not know who she is. It's something that can be partially explained with the fact that Ariel pretended to be Fitz in the previous episode, with Rudy noticing something more than "Fitz isn't talking". Also, this plan wasn't made by Sylphie, it was made by Ariel and/or Luke, using the memories that she told them this episode, Sylphie was just playing her part in that plan.


mom definitely aint found btw. they think they know where she is, but she aint found yet

Andrew shultz

Yeah “fitz” is the worst part of the story. But if you’ve made it this far you’ll be fine, just gunna get better.


imagine that last line is a death flag "I want to stay with you forever" gets decapitated by some random demon


yeah its not like this is how it happened in the LN lol

Jeremiah Clark

The reason why the princess and the other guy don’t know is that slyphie’s hair hasn’t always been white and that’s one of the main reasons why rudeus hasn’t remembered her


You prolly would’ve enjoyed it if you binged it instead of watching it weekly. I can see how having to watch it weekly could hamper your enjoyment. This arc’s purpose is for introducing characters that will be relevant for the rest of the story and setting up events for future story arcs.

The Endless

keep in mind gang that they separated from Bueno village when they were still younger kids (when Rudy left to tutor Eris) so it’s been probably at least a decade since they’ve last seen each other. She’s grown with a drastically different hair color and them RayBands under the guise of being a dude. I dont blame him for not knowing from the jump lol. Also I like how they’ve showed his progress of becoming more mature and respectful towards women bc we know old Rudy would JUMPED at the chance to strip her as well as his interactions with other women now(even tho it could be a side effect from the impotence idk)

A. P.

Iight but what if Rudeus just wasn't attracted to her anymore after that lmao "Nahh Sylphie, you're like... like a sister to me 😇" lol clapped Definitely about to be some interesting developments whatever happens


The reunion with Eris is gonna be crazy

A. P.

Either I have anime ptsd or some fuckshit is definitely bout to happen lol


I will say as dragged out as the whole Ed arc felt it was necessary. Goes back to soldat said. Rudy had to build a relationship with someone to cure his problems. If he knew who Fitz was right away it wouldn't have worked because he spent so much time away from her he didn't really know sylphy of like that anymore. So he has to get to know the current her in order to get feelings and get his soldier to salute 🫡 again


Also I will say the next cour and the season 3 will be AOT S3 levels of pay off in terms of shit that was set up in season 1 as well as way world building and even more questions brought up as well

Jamaal Ellison

Sylphie was humping the wall. 🤣


Each cour adapts basically 3 volumes of the LN. this cour was 789 next cour will be 10 11 12. And volume 12 if done right will be considered the best part of the show until season 3 and volume 15 is adapted


bro the reason people were so excited for MT was because the ENITRE journey is being animated. not just the fuckin battles lol. cant have wars without peace my man


This episode was to much xD like daym all this was in the books but sort of wish they cutt some of the cringe out

Joshua Burns

I don’t think it’s that ridiculous that he doesn’t recognize her with just glasses it’s been like 10 years since he’s seen her and she has white hair now too

Taylor Moon

Disagree, Because if they cut it out people would still be complaining about more getting cut from the show


Oh okay, I was asking cuz ik S1 only covered like 1-6/7 so I was assuming S2 would cover like 6-12


You arent wrong and i'm all about keeping the good stuff, but my personal opinion is that I really don't want then to go the way of SAO elf arc. These sequences tend to take away from actual character development and just overindulge themselves in harem fetishes. (Like way over indulge but aye thats just me. Youre everyday average viewer) But oh well, IL just fast forward through some episodes.


Yeah that's fine , but a whole episode of them just messing around like that. With no real character development. Or rather substantive character contribution. Is a little much for me. You can argue silfie found some courage I suppose. But she did way to much to achieve it. Or rather it didn't really feel that way to me anyways


I would argue this episode did exactly what you thought it took away. Quite a bit of character development in this episode. Got to see new sides of sylphy and the princess, Rudy being alot more respectful of women, and obviously the confession


Agreed. Been nearly 10 years, has white hair, refers to self as a boy named Fitz, and wears thick shades. People are just bein ridiculous


and for half that time he thought she was a dude so he wouldn't have connected it. maybe some accidental racism like damn elves look hella alike this man looks like my childhood girl.


Sides of sylphy I would disagree, I didn't take away of anything new from character that wasn't already developed from previous episodes. Rudy being more respectful of women. Well you have me on that one. But I don't think he was generally disrespectful toward any previous women. Just extremely misunderstood. Which he technically still did misunderstand the situation in this episode.


I mean, shes a 15 year old girl who has always been meek when it comes to Rudy. Hard to expect teenagers to be upfront with their feelings when it comes to the people they like

Dequone Jackson

Not Manga readers never being able to keep it in their fucking pants and spoiling Roshi that the princess was in disguise the episode before she said it herself. Smh what is with these people? 🤦🏾‍♂️


? Rudy talked about it being the princess last episode ~18min marker in the reaction.


We found out shes down horrendously bad, which definitely wasn't addressed in previous episodes. Also she managed to gather the courage admit she has feelings for Rudy and then confess. Also found out she still is a crybaby like she used to be. Lots of new bits of info about her


All this was already established in prior episodes. Nothing to do with this episode

Taylor Moon

Removing the glasses wasn’t all it took though, the scenario did spark the memory in him which made it that much more apparent to him who she was. Im tired of people saying he shoulda known sooner like, Hoowwww!?!?! They hadn’t seen each other in 10 years (they weren’t even friends for a long time) how many of yall remember shit when you were 15 from when you were 5.. she was actively acting and talking like a boy, she’d grown a foot taller her hair was a completely different color and on top of AAAALLLLLLLL that she covered her skin and wore big black sunglasses. At this time rudy had travelled the world and seen a shit ton of different races and people, hes not gonna be like.. “OH, short haired elf.. must be sylphie.”

Taylor Moon

So if she’s not lost, now stay with me, she’s….. Found!! Yeah you got there good job son

Taylor Moon

Exactly vlad that’s barely over a month, If you think that’s a long time you just need to watch other things and stop watching weekly because it just ain’t for you


i get pretty much everything that sylphie did. my only issue was that she was afraid rudy didnt remember her, but when they met in the library and he asked about studying the mass teleportation he said that a childhood friend hadnt been found yet (iirc) now me personally, i wouldve been like "oh, who is that friend or something like that.

Devin B

Ariel was speaking on behalf of the viewers when she told Sylphie to reveal herself because this will they won't they stuff has been going on for a minute now

Malcolm Gordon

I played an over under on Yeahhhhhs this episode. Took the over and am proud to say I smashed the bar

Devin B

@ShrekMedic but the way Rudues said it was in a joking manner. It wasn't confirmed until Ariel said it.

Darren Banks

Thank you. Everything about the scheme to get Rudy to undress Sylphy was in order to trigger Rudy's memory and reduce the anxiety Slyphy was feeling about Rudy potentially forgetting her.... and it worked. They were making the plot to be more dramatic than it was. it was a nice Deja Vu orchestrated in a tender way instead of being used as a gag.

Darren Banks (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-19 05:28:27 This constant talk about why didn't Rudy recognize Slyphy immediately falls under the same logic as all [insert ethic minority group] look alike... sheesh.
2023-09-19 03:27:47 Lol the whole point of the plan was to put Rudy in the driver's seat to remember it was Sylphy instead of her risking telling him and him not remember. She's only spoken and thought about it the entire arc. She was absolutely afraid to tell him, which is why Ariel had to intervene and help Sylphy come up with the Deja Vu plan. Luke wasn't very helpful either by throwing the idea out that Rudy had forgotten her all together.. & in his defense, that isn't too out of the norm.. how many kids from literal kindergarten do you remember in 10th grade after traveling the world in between and starting new friendships at each destination? The perfect example of this are military brats that attend half a dozen schools in 6-8 years. Ask us about kindergarten and most of us will stare blankly trying to even remember who the teacher was, and I had to do kindergarten 3 times at 3 schools in 3 different cities. I don't remember ONE kid from any of them. Anyway love the reactions 😅

Lol the whole point of the plan was to put Rudy in the driver's seat to remember it was Sylphy instead of her risking telling him and him not remember. She's only spoken and thought about it the entire arc. She was absolutely afraid to tell him, which is why Ariel had to intervene and help Sylphy come up with the Deja Vu plan. Luke wasn't very helpful either by throwing the idea out that Rudy had forgotten her all together.. & in his defense, that isn't too out of the norm.. how many kids from literal kindergarten do you remember in 10th grade after traveling the world in between and starting new friendships at each destination? The perfect example of this are military brats that attend half a dozen schools in 6-8 years. Ask us about kindergarten and most of us will stare blankly trying to even remember who the teacher was, and I had to do kindergarten 3 times at 3 schools in 3 different cities. I don't remember ONE kid from any of them. Anyway love the reactions 😅

Cameron Robinson (edited)

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2023-09-19 05:52:55 Personally I think the identity of Fitz needed to be drawn out like it did in order for Rudeus to build a true platonic relationship that leads to romantic feelings. Rudeus probably has never had a true platonic relationship with any woman who wasn’t family. He always objectifies them even the women he respects and cares about because he is so pervy. In his original life the women he saw were online and in his new life he had the benefit societal standards, noble birth and power so he has never had to really check his pervyness. It took his pervyness seemingly being rejected by Eris for him to change. He let his objectification of women go but still saw some of the women him around as possibly romantic interest not just people with him immediately comparing Sarah to Eris and never really seeing her as a partner but sexual opportunity. If he met Sylphie at the beginning of his time at the school I think Rudy would have never created or recreated that bond with Sylphie. I honestly think he would have used her as a way to get over his ED especially since Sylphie at that point liked Rudy more than he liked her. I imagine a situation similar to when he touched those beast girls and with Sarah. It would experimentation with out really caring about the partner. Now that Rudy has “cured” his ED by finding a partner, not finding someone to have sex with, I hope he and Sylphie can forge a strong relationship.
2023-09-19 03:34:48 Personally I think the identity of Fitz needed to be drawn out like it did in order for Rudeus to build a true platonic relationship that leads to romantic feelings. Rudeus probably has never had a true platonic relationship with any woman who wasn’t family. He always objectifies them even the women he respects and cares about because he is so pervy. In his original life the women he saw were online and in his new life he had the benefit societal standards, noble birth and power so he has never had to really check his pervyness. It took his pervyness seemingly being rejected by Eris for him to change. He let his objectification of women go but still saw some of the women around him as possibly romantic interest not just people, with him immediately comparing Sarah to Eris and never really seeing her as a partner but sexual opportunity. If he met Sylphie at the beginning of his time at the school I think Rudy would have never created or recreated that bond with Sylphie. I honestly think he would have used her as a way to get over his ED especially since Sylphie at that point liked Rudy more than he liked her. I imagine a situation similar to when he touched those beast girls and with Sarah. It would be experimentation with out really caring about the partner. Now that Rudy has “cured” his ED by finding a partner, not finding someone to have sex with, I hope he and Sylphie can forge a strong relationship.

Personally I think the identity of Fitz needed to be drawn out like it did in order for Rudeus to build a true platonic relationship that leads to romantic feelings. Rudeus probably has never had a true platonic relationship with any woman who wasn’t family. He always objectifies them even the women he respects and cares about because he is so pervy. In his original life the women he saw were online and in his new life he had the benefit societal standards, noble birth and power so he has never had to really check his pervyness. It took his pervyness seemingly being rejected by Eris for him to change. He let his objectification of women go but still saw some of the women around him as possibly romantic interest not just people, with him immediately comparing Sarah to Eris and never really seeing her as a partner but sexual opportunity. If he met Sylphie at the beginning of his time at the school I think Rudy would have never created or recreated that bond with Sylphie. I honestly think he would have used her as a way to get over his ED especially since Sylphie at that point liked Rudy more than he liked her. I imagine a situation similar to when he touched those beast girls and with Sarah. It would be experimentation with out really caring about the partner. Now that Rudy has “cured” his ED by finding a partner, not finding someone to have sex with, I hope he and Sylphie can forge a strong relationship.


Still missing the point yall can't read huh, I don't hate that they're telling a story what I hated was the secret identity stuff with fitz.


damn anime clowns being pedantic and shit, I mean go get her. dumb sol fans wanting a whole season of school arc


i agree with others on how its good for Rudeus character to grow. but god damn, finally...


Its taboo for elves to show skin to people unless its specific circumstances like for someone they love so elinalise must be an entire war crime amongst the elves.


Rudy: Wait a minute..... This collarbone seems familiar....


Its extra but people that are complaining about the "plan" are annoying. Like you really just wanted the most boring shit of her going up to him and pulling off her glasses? This is much more meaningful and romantic. Its more entertaining as well. I loved it


I think a difference here is that Rudy doesn't have the memory of a 5-6 year old, remembering back 10 years at his age wouldn't be that hard, especially when you remember very close friends of which he hasn't had a lot. Then you take into account that Rudy had strong feelings towards Sylphy as well as her practically being a member of his family. This is all ignoring the fact that in episode 5 Rudy says to Sylphy that he is researching the mass teleport because his family has been found buy one of his old friends is still missing. So he has 100% not forgotten about her.


"unless its specific circumstances" I feel like being cursed and dying if you don't will fall under this umbrella xD

Saucy Jonathan

Buahhahahaha sex scene incoming


Yea, so many comments of people saying that she needed to spark his memory and 'how would you remember someone from 10 years ago', but we know from ep 5 that he does remember her, and he basically told her that. I feel like she would be smart enough to put together that she is the childhood friend if she thought about it.

Darren Banks

And I would grant that as the main reasons he put two and two together in the cave. But 1) Rudy’s old self has the mental and emotional maturity of a 15 year old boy it comes to girls and women. 2) he’s been through so pretty traumatic stuff that he’s confided in Fitz about. 3) he hasn’t verbally expressed who he’s looking for from Fittoa to Fitz so Sylphy, knowing her personality at this point, had no reason to believe he remembered her until he brought up the elf trivia in the cave. He’s gone on about his adventures to her and all the people he’s met but it was all after his departure from the village. And lastly… sylphy doesn’t no bro is like 44.. I’m sure that would kill some of the tenderness behind the moments 😅


Nah Rudeus deduced it was the princess. Roshi just worded it in a way that avoided giving Rudy the credit for figuring it out since he and Sheera were calling him dense and said he was wrong about the princess being in disguise.

Jose silva

some real relationships are going to happen in this show thats all im going to say

Dequone Jackson

Exactly he "TALKED" about it.. If it was already confirmed why would they confirm it again in another episode that doesn't make since. He could've waited for it to be confirmed like all the other anime watchers

Justin Spencer

This show has me locked in and has since episode 1 thanks to you guys but I don’t really know why 😂


Tbf when eris left she must have figured that if years pass he'll have probably moved on from her, she can't even be mad at that point she did that to herself


Except Sylphie isn't watching the anime, so she doesn't know everything that we know. Same goes for Rudy.


Actually fully agree with you here. Also, there was actually a point, which was heavily emphasized: To help Sylphie reveal herself to Rudy in a way that helps her overcome her insecurity and fear. Best way for her to do that was re-enacting a similar situation to a fond memory. Idk why that's so difficult to understand for some lol.

JsnSkg (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-19 23:32:56 Ngl, rather shallow mindset this reaction. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but still a tad disappointing.
2023-09-19 21:30:28 Ngl, rather shallow mindset this reaction. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but still a tad disappointing. Completely missing the point...... even though it was stated and emphasized, it just flew way above their heads like a whole aircraft.

Ngl, rather shallow mindset this reaction. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but still a tad disappointing. Completely missing the point...... even though it was stated and emphasized, it just flew way above their heads like a whole aircraft.

Darren Banks

rune, Touché I left off at volume 9 so I’m anime only at this point. Good catch.

britt m

I def understand what you mean... idk what these other people are on about. Personally, I don't even care about this Rudy/Sylphie relationship because we barely know Sylphie as a character. She had little to no impact on the overall plot so far so it feels like her character is borderline meaningless outside of being Rudy's rebound from Eris. This whole season so far (outside of Nanahoshi interaction) has just been so slow. Which I hate, because there has been a few good character interactions, but overall... this season has been a "meh" for me. Hopefully it picks up soon.


EXACTLY. Idk why a lot of ppl don't understand this. Common sense lol.

Me Me

I'm curious, what is the point. I think I missed it too. Can you share?

britt m

I mean... it is a bit silly. Like the plot of this show is so interesting yet here we are in the middle of this nonsense... 😭

Huemon Nottabear

Next episode she puts glasses back on and Rudy's like,"Yo Fitz, you see a girl come through here"


Ngl, rather shallow mindset this reaction. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but still a tad disappointing. Completely missing the point...... even though it was stated and emphasized, it just flew way above their heads like a whole aircraft.

Andrew shultz

In my opinion most of the volumes making this season was the lowest point in the story. But it should end on a high note and keep rising from then on. Even if you don’t like this season, if you liked season 1 you’ll love the following seasons.

Darion Wilson (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-21 17:30:08 VALID LMAO!
2024-01-21 17:30:08 VALID LMAO!
2023-09-20 00:58:29 VALID LMAO!



All this is based on her own assumptions on what would happen. She could've just told him the memory if her name, face, & home town didn't do the trick. I understand why she, as a character did it, still extra. I'm not mad it happened, it was funny.


Watch, Rudy's reply is going to be: "I love Emilia"


One detail that wasn't made explicitly apparent is Ariel and Luke didn't know Sylphie used to have green hair. In their first meeting, her hair had just turned white, and she never worked up the courage to tell them it used to be green, out of anxiety for how she used to be treated for it. As shown in this episode, she told them she used to be bullied due to her hair color, but they thought it was the white hair she was bullied for. This is part of the reason they were questioning why Rudy hadn't recognized her yet.


Can any light novel readers spoil me on who he ends up dating? Whether it’s sylphie or eris down the line. I hope this don’t turn out to be some I love Emilia shit


This felt so good that scene hit perfectly.

Kodyak Combs

Marries all 3 have two kids with each. Wives in order: Slyphy, Eris, Roxy

Abstract Dread

Actually Roxy was his second wife then Eris followed him around then beat him up out off fustration then saved his life then married him lastly.


I'm sorry Rem but I'm in love with Emilia 🤣


As extra as Sylphie is, this is exactly the kind of shit women do. They go and orchestrate convoluted scenarios with their friends in hushed whispers so they can manipulate the guys they like into being in situations where they can force their hand, and the guys still remain completely oblivious. This shit happens all the time, and it represents one of the great things about this show, how the world and the people in it are treated realistically. There are a lot of very well-written characters, and Sylphie being down horrendous and longing for romance and nostalgia is an excellent example of that


All she had to say was: Let's got the gym bro! 😅

john segun doe

Sylphie went from im too scared to tell him to IM GONNA TELL HIM IN THE MOST EXTREME MANNER EVER lool WHAT??? LMAOO Clown-SHoes FC

john segun doe

Not ppl misinterpreting what u meant and Getting maad triggered. Yikes Lmao but fax.. Lets get more on mom. this was way too long i get it... basically "move tf on"


Edging the anime 🤣🤣🤣


Let's just recreate this Canon event 💀

Eli Kisamo

Sylphie is a fucking freak. Lmao not her loving Rudy’s crudeness. Her explaining the scenario to the princess was WILD