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Mayuri is the villain hero we need



And with that, The Soul Reapers getting there get back in blood, along with the red sky symbolizing it……comes to an end. Love the little extensions with Byakuya taking out those 3 Quincys back to back, just like Ichigo had against the Bambies Holy forms that wasn’t shown in the manga. This wasn’t even a priority Ep yet they knew they had to go hard on it for the climax just like they did for EP 18, meaning these next 3 Eps (the last of which will be a high priority ep) are gonna be just like Eps 19-21, possibly even better. Bleach really said ANOTHER ONE.


Why doesn't Jim Gordon pop off like this in Gotham?


This makes dude earlier in the season not wanting to fight mayuri even more valid😂. Mayuri drugs be op, remember how he did that espada during the arrancar arc

Devin B

I would do my best not to get on Mayuri's bad side because he can drug you without you realizing it and the fact he has everyone's blood sample means he can make the most potent drug to specifically mess you up

Jdogzero Silverblade

pepe is the reason i cannot take the TYBW arc seriously. not him exactly but how stupid and ridiculous he is. so many goofy dumb characters that i cannot take seriously no matter how much they kill.


Fortunately he was the last fodderish SternRitter. The rest of them are dead serious heavy hitting Ritters.


Afaik the reason the Love thing (and Morphine Pattern) didn't do anything to Byakuya is because his clothing is an Ouken like Ichigos made by Squad 0 so it protects him from them


You just gonna put mayuri back in jail he may be next to aizen this time


These Bleach zombies remind me of Buso Renkin


I love when I'm on Roshi's channels there's barely any hate or trash talk about bleach in comment section. When I go to RT TV... I guess community diff?

danial javady

damn the Femritters fr bad bitches wtf

Hasnain Khan



Lmao they really gave Shinji's theme to Pepe

Preston Bryant

Did this dude just get sliced out of his Bankai coming out?

Jaelyn Mcgee

honestly the brief with Zombie Toshiro is probably my favorite part of this chapter/episode, esp with how fluid the animation was


yuha yah wei shouldve had mayurri next under the list right under head captain yama lmao no way can i feel good about my evil plan knowing a nigga like mayuri exists

The Endless

Mayuri the GOAT as usual


I think mayuri used a similar drug on the main villain from the soul candy filler arc too but i dot remember


You must've forgotten that Mayuri was already in prison once. Urahara got him out lol


izanami *cough*


this dude Mayuri is orochimaru with friezas voice. cant be more horrible then that lol


Mayuri is the villain you need on your side that's for damn sure. Like Roshi said, he gets shit done. He doesn't let morals get in the way either. Remember, he orded his squad to murder thousands of innocent civilians in the Rukon district in cour 1 because there was an imbalance from the mass of hallow deaths (from the quincies) that would have fucked the human and spirit and hueco mundo worlds. He didn't flinch making that choice and Yamamoto tried calling him out on that deed when it NEEDED to be done.

Nine Tailed Oven

Hitsugaya is usually trash why is he only popping off when he's on the enemy's team


He's trash because he's typically up against people who are better than him. Ikkaku and Yumichika are just mid tier shinigami so him easily fucking them up is normal.


Here's a take. Personally, I think Pepe was the coolest Stern Ritter in terms of thematic design when looking at him. I'm a huge fan of black representation in any form ( don't bother pulling a racist characature arguments, I know you've seen black people who look like pepe before) and he had potential of being a serious threat with The Love and his selfish ambition to have everyone, even his own crew, kill eachother so that'd he'd hog all the goly for Ywach's favor. Sadly, Bleach fumbled the ball. This fight isn't original because Byakuya fought another black man themed around Love before but I aint gonna be stuck on that. They could have made Pepe the big threat that Liltoto made him out to be and more since Gigi The Zombie and Pepe The Love are basically the same power (little differences here and there) but again they made it seem Pepe was stronger than Gigi. He'll, he can steal Zanpakuto's with his Love. So it's sad it ended like this. My issue really with Pepe is that he acts like a fuckin clown. I dont mind the gross embodiment of being a cherub/cupid because it works for his design imo, it's just his clown shoes personality that ruined him for me. But hey, he technically WON against Byakuya the second the Zanpakuto fell I love with him. Byakuya had no weapons but the protection of his Ouken cloak and kido won't work at all on Pepe.


Naw we needed the other side to have someone like him, just a goofball who has a strong ability cuz up against ANYONE else besides Mayuri he would literally clap them, like even Ichigo would probably lose cuz he's got a tricky ability. He just met his match, its nice to see a balance between bad ass and just goofy, I'm sure that Kubo meant for Pepe to be this way given that so far all we've seen are serious/badass quincies, so it's a nice balance, if he were another serious character it would be too repetitive cuz then what? another serious character shows up after him? and then another? I think it was a good choice to make Pepe like this. Your opinion valid though, Im just giving you my thoughts on probably why Kubo wrote this the way he did.


i understand wanted to fire ol'boy for being a literal mad scientist, BUT i'd rather keep him on the pay role and know where he is.

Eli Gi

Bleach’s orochimaru on demon time for a good cause feels weird ngl. & that soul ass theme song distracted me from the info pouring in, I was just laughing how unnatural it felt as serious information was spewed 💀


Yo Im done. I be microwaving fish in the breakroom microwave with no fucks given. I guess im Mayuri level of evil

Bona Fide

I'm so invested and i still dont know if i should cry or not cause idk if they're coming back. The answer scares me


If u mean the captains then yeah obviously they're coming back, it's bleach. We need them so they can have fights with random sternritters as a substitute for an actual story


Hitsugaya leveled up and got so much deadlier the moment he turned black and joined the Opps lol


I wonder if Mayuri had injected Hitsugaya with that Time loop drug years ago, just in case he ever came into conflict with the Captains of Soul Society. That way, he can always escape if he has to flee.


Calling enemies trash for losing against BYAKUYA is wild. You're basically insulting Byakuya by saying that, like saying he's weak af by they lost to him, so that makes them trash. Nah. What you said is like calling someone trash for losing to Goku. Like the issue isn't the enemy, it's that the protagonist is extremely strong. That's just common sense.


Byakuya is trash, fuck the power boost he got his shikai and bankai are just the same thing and are the most boring of all of the captains zanpakuto


Mayuri did the impossible and actually made the Vizards useful.

Devin B

Lol they were useful when they were training Ichigo but after that they fell off

Sy'mon Almeida

I'm telling you I rather fight any captain than Mayuri this guy is too much, he is dangerous without prediction. at least the other ones you know how you gonna get fold


At least the other ones will kill you quickly. Mayuri is guaranteed to be slow.


I call cap on what Gigi said. There’s no way she isn’t a sadist.

Darion Wilson

Haven't enjoyed an episode in a while. lol This was really good one!!!

Jimmy Martin

I cracked up when Lupa said they needed to lock Mayuri up after the war considering he was already locked up from before and they let him out to replace Urahara when he left to prepare for Aizen's nonsense. The Gotei 13 seem to have a thing for letting former criminals be captains lol


God I cannot wait until you all react to the latest episode. Tomorrow can't come soon enough!!!


the original gotei 13 were all basically criminals. this isn't anything new