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Amazing episode! 



My favorite episode so far! And Hera is jacen's real mom!

Lupa is Dadi

Fat W like roshis yams


Shout out the GOAT, Kanan. Your son was finally useful



Hasnain Khan


Vinh Dinh

Alot of the stuff in this episode gets explained in Rebels. LIKE ALOT! Like Hera's kid and the "Force Realm" Lupa mentioned. It's not called the force realm FYI but i won't say due to it being a possible spoiler. Also direct references to the The Clone Wars TV series.


Sheera was right, the father was clapping green cheeks. That little boy’s mom is Hera.

Alex Omega (edited)

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2023-09-14 03:40:25 Jacen is the son of Hera Syndulla and also a hybrid.
2023-09-14 01:39:27 Jacen is the son of General Hera Syndulla & Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus and is also a human/Twi'lek hybrid.

Jacen is the son of General Hera Syndulla & Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus and is also a human/Twi'lek hybrid.


hera smashed a jedi thats her actual son

Spidey Productions

yall should watch clone wars! amazing show


dunno if you caught it and i could be trippin but Ahsoka's eyes went sith yellow when she held Anakins saber to her face


Hera is in fact Jacen's mom, hence the green hair. We've seen a couple other human/Twi'lek kids in Clone Wars as well.

ur mom

If anything, watch the last 4 episodes of season 7 of clone wars.

Noah Marshall

as someone who grew up on clone wars. PLEASE WATCH IT. This episode is something I used to dream about seeing. i cried watching it this was 15/10 content.


Kanan was Ezra's master and passed away in Rebels that's how Ezra found the world between worlds. efore he died he also was clapping Hera's cheeks.


Im begging yall please watch clone wars yall will have SO much fun I promise you


Dave Filoni is Carrying Star Wars rn he was trained under George Lucas


yep that is her real son lol


I need to know that piece playing at the whale hyperjump scene, had me feeling majestic asf

Matthew Poth

You all should watch clone wars and rebels


clone wars would be peak double reactions if they did chronological order

Deadly Silence

Y'all know Sabine saw Ezra as a brother and vice versa right? They didn't have anything going on with each other romantically, like at all.😭


@ YaboyRoshi, be careful who y'all listening to on these Asoka show takes. Just watched you all's intro statements about what people are telling y'all about the show. When others are giving you names of people and actual places in the Star Wars universe that is legit. But the comments about how "Sabine's decisions don't make since because you haven't watched the show Rebels "and the "why Asoka isn't using 2 lightsabers because she would be physically overpowered using the 2" those are fan speculation. I have watched rebels and I still say Sabine's decisions don't make since and are dumb. And the Asoka lightsaber thing is fan theory never confirmed with actual Star Wars officials. She fought Darth Vader with 2 lightsabers and I doubt this guy's stronger than the cyborg Darth lord. Just trying to look out for y'all. Have a great day.

che n straker

Thats his real mom. Where did yall even get the hint he was adopted lol. He a hybrid hence the green ass hair🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️


This made me want to rewatch clone wars.


Damn y'all calling Hera's kid not hers like racist white folk call black parents with really light skinned children not their real parents. Y'all are racist. jkjk. I dont blame you guys on that assumption... it is, especially for regular ass people, kinda something that comes out of nowhere lol. (EDIT: props on Lupa for getting a feeling that's actually her kid)


We need a live action of just Vader hunting down jedi during the age of the Empire.

John Cedar

probably because he doesn't look like he got any genetics from his mom at all, it's almost like a bad joke that a human and a twilek would just create an anime character with natural green hair and not some alien hybrid monstrosity


Yeah you guys definitely should react to Clone Wars. Dave Filoni really is the GOAT. He was also one of the main directors for ATLA.


Yea that’s their biological son. Azkaban is from Rebels too. Definitely later on watch Clone Wars and Rebels. Also for a quick 12 episode show watch Andor!! Y’all would absolutely love that show guaranteed!

Rocksolo (edited)

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2023-09-14 04:49:42 Her son hair is green because that’s her son a trait he got from her they probably did because they didn’t want to give him tentacles my guess 🤷🏽‍♂️but yea his father was human Jedi and ezra master
2023-09-14 02:41:08 Her son hair is green because that’s her son a trait he got from her they probably did it because they didn’t want to give him tentacles my guess 🤷🏽‍♂️but yea his father was human Jedi and ezra master

Her son hair is green because that’s her son a trait he got from her they probably did it because they didn’t want to give him tentacles my guess 🤷🏽‍♂️but yea his father was human Jedi and ezra master


For those who havent seen Johns reply it is below.Thank you John Cedar. I wanted to make the comment about stances and styles but my message was getting long. But you are absolutely right it's a style/ saber form thing. I just wanted to comment on how the overpowered thinking was wrong. Great follow up.

Matthew Barrett

I would watch the shit out of a Clone Wars / Rebels viewing from yall. Even so, your reactions make any show even better!

JPowerFTW Random stuff

Kanan Jarrus was Ezra's master, and he was also clapping Hera's cheeks so yes that is her son


Hey John saw your message reply in email but don't see it appearing under mine. Just wanted to say great follow up. You are correct that it is a a style and form thing. The cool thing about Asoka is that she has many lightsaber forms she is proficient enough in that she can use that may give her an advantage in certain match ups. I just wanted to comment that the overpowered or she's not as strong with 2 thinking is wrong. Great reply and I appreciate it.


the seige of mandalore happen in later season of clone wars, it was so awesome to see it in live action

John Cedar

yeah sometimes i just decide that what i said wasn't worth the effort and delete it immediately lol, thanks bud


Idk if y’all will watch rebels or not but Ezra was able to communicate with the whales and he used them to take thrawn and himself to another galaxy since they were the template for the hyperspeed thing


if you guys liked Ahsoka, you've GOT to watch Andor. Tonally it's very different, but it's one of the coolest star wars things in years (also it's stand alone enough that you don't need rebels or clone wars knowledge)


Sheera that's why this was never thought of... them whales can take them ANYWHERE in the universe... it would be nobodies first choice lol

Rocksolo (edited)

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2023-09-14 05:17:05 I really hope y’all react to Star wats rebels I promise everyone will love to see y’all react to it
2023-09-14 03:06:36 I really hope y’all react to Star wars rebels I promise everyone will love to see y’all react to it

I really hope y’all react to Star wars rebels I promise everyone will love to see y’all react to it

Wulves Gaming

Clone Wars reaction series, let's go!


Clone wars reaction when?


lmao they had trynna remember if they was ever even flirty. Ezra's basically her brother. Also when he was abt to leave didn't he only tell her to come find him?


So many people who haven't watched Rebels keep getting misinformed about Sabine and Ezra's relationship. It's strictly platonic and they see each other as brother and sister. Ezra had a small crush on Sabine in season one of Rebels but Sabine never felt the same and his crush went away. They just have really strong sibling relationship.

Sam Al

I think i heard somewhere that the technology they use to go to hyperdrive in star wars come from the wales. Long ago they managed to obtain something from the wales that was required to hyperdrive, a fluid or something. Their hyperdrive a way better than regular starship that why they the vilains needed that supership to go there. The wales are the only one who can do that otherwise.


Yes, Hera is Jacen’s biological mom. He’s a hybrid between Human & Twilek.

Dark Danny

It’s such a Anakin move tho. They definitely need to react to clone wars so they can see how wild Anakin and young Ahsoka were cause she’s definitely mellowed out a lot now that she’s older


To deep dive into the lesson for Ahsoka by Anakin. Ahsoka during the clone wars was really charismatic and so was Anakin, which is why the Star Wars fan base agree animated Anakin was what he was meant to be in the movies and why Clones Wars animated show made the prequels better. Anyways Ahsoka has been through a lot a Padawan, more so as a child (she was only 14 to 17 during the Clone Wars). Which is why in this show she is not the normal Ahsoka we are use because she is more bitter and depress. If you notice Anakin was trying crack jokes like he normally does with Ahsoka during the Clone Wars but since Ahsoka was in her younger self with her present day mind she was more serious. Basically it was Anakin telling Ahsoka to be her younger charismatic self and leave the past in the past. Also you have to know is at his point in time she has spoken to Luke and most likely he told her that Anakin redeemed himself by killing the emperor which in the end confirming he was the chosen one that restored balanced. Please watch the animated Clone Wars movie and you could also watch the show in Arcs. Here is the list that tells you on the episodes in order to watch the show because originally when it aired it jumped around in timelines. https://www.reddit.com/r/clonewars/comments/ge3blx/i_made_some_revisions_to_my_list_of_essential/

Kumi Chan

Ezra and sabine are more like siblings than lovers

Dark Danny

I honestly think that can change and from what I remember he definitely liked her longer than a season she just didn’t like him back so he just settled for being friends but I can see her liking him now, I wouldn’t be surprised if we see him this season the first thing she does is kiss him


For real, let's get a clone wars reaction going. Let's revisit Ashoka's growth.

Dark Danny

Ezra liked her but she didn’t feel the same at that moment so he just settled for being friends. That could change tho, she might have developed feelings for him


Jacen's father trained Ezra throughout the entire series but niggas got jammed up in the final season and he had to take one for the team. RIP Kanan He was a real one.


If y’all knew how many bodies Chopper had on him


It's definitely a possibility but Dave has stressed in the past that he wanted them to have a strong male/female friendship that didn't end in romantic feelings because its something that isn't shown often. So it would be weird if he went back on that now. Especially since he refers to her as his sister at the beginning of Ahsoka.

The GoDKing 27

Petition for clone wars/rebels trio say I

John Cedar

Anakin this ep: You kill just a FEW hundred younglings and suddenly that's all anyone remembers about you 🙄

Kumi Chan

The whales are force sensitive


I didn't watch rebels btw, but I did watch a recap. Maybe not watching rebels fully is why I don't get where she's at right now. But I don't think it makes sense for her character to be this deep in a semi depressed-ish kind of head space. Like its not consistent with who she was in Clone wars which I did watch fully. I honestly feel like even in clone wars towards the end Ashoka had much more life and purpose in her than she does here. I feel like in this series she's just going along with the motions, like the light in her eyes she had when she left the order in clone wars and survived order 66 is gone. Currently she's just existing. Also one one my biggest complaints is I don’t think what has happened in the show and what is currently going on adds to the prequel series and original Star Wars in the way that clone wars did. Which for me Is a very big disconnect. Like how does Sabine, Hera, and even Ezra add anything. I’m not impressed with the show so far. Andor and Mando season 1 are far superior for me in the Disney era of Star Wars. Which is disappointing because I was really rooting for Filoni.


*Clone Wars/rebels spoilers* Brother wtf Clone Wars eps did you watch with Ahsoka where she ended in a happy headspace? - Literally the final shot of her was burying everyone and depressed lmfao. - Tales of the Jedi was a direct continuation and she was visibly depressed, crying and voice cracking while talking to Organna. - Rebels ended her arc by getting absolutely fucked over. Where tf was she happy xD Your conclusion was right on how she's acting in this show, but idk how you got there from your analysis.

Deadly Silence

Well I gotta tell ya, watching Rebels and Tales of the Jedi would've made put into context why her personality shifted, you're doing yourself a disservice not watching them.


Yes, I want to see that whole arc where he kills Anakin Skywalker so that only Darth Vader remains. The comics did a great job and live action done well would definitely be awesome.


Tbf we did actually see human/Twi'lek kids who had obvious skin discoloration in Clone Wars. Green hair isn't really the wildest thing in the universe considering Sabine literally exists.


Clone wars reaction when?


I was doubtful a year ago but we might have a chance now that they've watched this


Clone wars on the channel would be incredible


You guys really do need to watch clone wars

Mr. Toxicc

After watching this, I'm definitely watching clone wars. Only ever seen a few episodes of it.

William Subleski

it is her son, she had a baby with a jedi (human)

Cristian Rogel

check new rockstars rebels breakdowns for each season of rebels. It should give you the background you need to understand thrawn and ezra backgrounds

Danger Tomato

Andor before anything else star wars


Clone Wars is a must after this episode


that clone wars scene made me tear up wtf so good. I noticed anakin had his old drip but I was NOT expecting the ahsoka throwback


When Ahsoka first landed into her flashback, I immediately clocked that it was young Ahsoka. I don't know how, but the moment I saw her stick her leg out, I saw that she was wearing an entirely different set of pants than the very baggy, loose ones she was wearing irl, and I just knew. That last clone wars flashback takes place during the Seige of Mandalore, which is part of the final season of Clone Wars, moments before Ahsoka went on to fight Maul, which was a peak star wars moment. The purgil were the original hyperspace travellers. Early engineers and star explorers learnt how to traverse hyperspace from them, if I'm remembering correctly. Also, Jaycen is Hera's biological son. She and the Jedi--Kanan Jarrus, who was Ezra's master-- had a child at the end of Rebels, who they decided would have no Twi'lek features but green hair lol


I never said happy. I said charismatic. Why do you think her nickname is snips. She was over confident and snippy, she was full of youth. I think you need to re watch Clone Wars and Rebels, she was less charismatic after Order 66 but she still had small amount in Rebels.


eh it was leading to more tho it was kinda obvious


seen rebels multiple times and idk it seems to go towards a relationship imo then gets cut off and then in this show she specifically is the one that wants to find him so bad and he specifically left her with a message when they were all one family adds to it imo


Andor good but so overhyped. ppl acting like its any more than a solid 8/10 because it came out after two mid ass shows named kenobi and boba fett. Yes its good and I agree in the recommendation and you are probably right that its the best in years but that is such a low bar rn


Yeah... i feel like its a fair question tho because who would think a half human half twilek would look human just with green hair lol. Looks like a human who dyed his hair


yeah clone wars had half twileks and they actually look the part sorry green hair is not q good indicator lol


The hyper jump was based on the whales if I’m correct years ago they killed them and studied how they could travel through light speeds and they use that for their ships and that’s how it started


the way this show is going and from the pov of someone who hasnt seen rebels thinking they have a relationship is quite reasonable imo


yeah and those kids actually looked like half of each not a human who dyed his hair lmao

Bryann Kam

And a fun fact about Kanan Jarrus (AKA Caleb Dume) is that his master Depa Billaba was the trained by Mace Windu, who once fought alongside Hera's father Cham during the Clone Wars

szeth (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-14 10:01:48 I'm sorry that explanation for Ashoka only using one lightsaber is cope. The real reason is it's live action and not animated so it would be hard to create in a way that looks good without a stunt double. Ashoka always fights with two lightsabers unless one is knocked away no matter her opponent in animation because that is what she has mastered. She fights plenty of physically strong force users and none of them with one lightsaber. I'm not saying this to hate on the show it was still good but ppl trying to use lore incorrectly when its just a filming thing are goofy.
2023-09-14 07:47:35 I'm sorry that explanation for Ashoka only using one lightsaber is cope. The real reason is it's live action and not animated so it would be hard to create in a way that looks good without a stunt double. Ashoka always fights with two lightsabers unless one is knocked away no matter her opponent in animation because that is what she has mastered. She fights plenty of physically strong force users and none of them with one lightsaber. I'm not saying this to hate on the show it was still good but ppl trying to use lore incorrectly when its just a filming thing are goofy. Edit: Ok tbh what I said was a guess all I know is that reason ppl gave makes no sense lore wise

I'm sorry that explanation for Ashoka only using one lightsaber is cope. The real reason is it's live action and not animated so it would be hard to create in a way that looks good without a stunt double. Ashoka always fights with two lightsabers unless one is knocked away no matter her opponent in animation because that is what she has mastered. She fights plenty of physically strong force users and none of them with one lightsaber. I'm not saying this to hate on the show it was still good but ppl trying to use lore incorrectly when its just a filming thing are goofy. Edit: Ok tbh what I said was a guess all I know is that reason ppl gave makes no sense lore wise


And if people want an example, she uses two against Grievous who would absolutely clap Baylan in an arm wrestle


I love how they were fighting Death Watch on Mandalore in that flashback. Look at their armor for god sake they are awesome. 21:30


Sorry I typed a previous reply after misreading your comment sleep deprived so I deleted it. But ya I respect your opinion. Just going off of Sabine never showing any actual romantic interest and what Dave has said about them being platonic I don’t really see it ever happening imo. It’s seems like such a weird thing to go back on when he’s talked about it in multiple interviews. I could be wrong tho and they could actually go for it but it’s seems really unlikely.


CLone Wars Reaction???


Watch the last 5 episode of rebels it give a lot of context for this and what happened everything with the whales, Hera kid, what happened to Ezra ,what happened to Jason’s father


Yes, Sabine's decisions have been pretty stupid but I don't really think it's that far-fetched considering the relationship she had with Ezra and everything he had done for the rebels crew would want to make her risk everything to get him back. Again it is still pretty dumb decision-making and also Anakin has to be stronger now because he's a part of the force once again and Darth Vader Anakin literally had to draw from the dark side to make up for his lost midichlorians.


Anakin could've beat her but that didn't seem to be the point of the whole fight anyway, the lesson was to teach her to live and let go of all of the failures and guilt she's carried around for so long.


Bro get a job you said this on 10 different comments fuck off

damein brown

plz react to Clone Wars and Rebels. That would be awesome!!


John Cedars original reply , "They likely did it because they wanted to showcase Baylan and Ahsoka changing stances, studying each other, and they wanted to show Ahsoka's utter dominance over Marrok. They basically had them do kendo forms, at least at the beginning. You can't do that with two lightsabers. I know it wasn't outright stated why Ahsoka is using one lightsaber sometimes, but there is such a thing as studying what the stunt choreography is and trying to extrapolate decisions they made from that. Everyone is telling a story in film, from the set designer to the visual effects artist to the stunt coordinator, and you don't need to be directly told something to pick up on it. That's why people said that's "probably" why she's fighting like that, because it's the most likely explanation. No one said that Filoni confirmed that"


Clone wars duo reaction plz


"that's not his real mom" ...SIR Jacen was baking in her guts for however long a half human half Twilik hybrid takes to get done


Ashoka: "You were more powerful and more dangerous than anyone realized" Anakin: "Is that what this is about?" Ashoka: "The GENOCIDE?? YES ANAKIN, this is about the genocide..."


look clone wars season 3-7 is fantastic... but Clone Wars season 1 & 2 is ROUGH. Not just the animation, but the story feel worse in the early seasons too. If yall ever tried to watch it, you should do a guided watch so you can get through the early seasons quicker cuz it gets good, but it starts bad

Andrew W

Anakin with the "oh, so now we bringing up old shit?" energy there for a bit.

Arsean Wilbon

The boy is her biological son. A twilek human Hybrid it’s evident by his green hair.

Drake Chuckle

I know it's true but how does it even remotely make sense lol. I don't think Hera even has hair (eyebrows, I guess, but they look black/brown) so how did green skin equate to green hair on her kid? lmao

Darrell Johnson

You see Thrawn in the trailer. So he's shows up.

Samuel XK

in the show he had some big green ears, but it was goofy as hell.


Please watch rebels I beg


My goat Anakin


Y’all really should just watch rebels, it’s 100% worth it.


We need to review the archives of the Clone Wars first

Felipe V

Long story short Jacen is her biological kid, Twilek human hybrids can come out looking like a Twilek, a combo of both with shorter head tails and human ears and vitiligo type skin, or human with some Twilek characteristics like Jacen having green hair cause Hera is green

Darrell Johnson

Sabine and Ezra never clapped cheeks. If her logic seems flawed it's because Filoni has messed up the Rebels characters and totally left some characters out of the show. Ahsoka has been inserted into a story line that never involved her in the original animated show.


Y'all should definitely watch the new Rockstar videos recapping star wars rebels. It's super short and covers everything that's important

Felipe V

it was the reflection of the red saber in her eyes but that's what it meant to imply

Malcolm Washingon

I find it wild that ahsoka lost a fight and this nigga Anakin came from the dead just to be like 'i ain't train no bitch, get it back in blood'


They way they reflected the red saber onto her eyes to imitate her being a sith was cool


If u don’t get sorry grown ass off of here then Iknow something u hoe as old little bitch


That's her son. He just came out lightskin

The Pebble

I kinda like Anakin being nonchalant when Asohka alludes to his time as Vader, " Is that what this is about?" Like as if he's just internally shrugging and thinking, "Ehhh, shit happens."


Should probably remove this in case they want to watch the show, even though they said kanan died they never said when, TOD is a spoiler.

Keonja Hazel

Roshi I wanted to let you know that is actually Hera’s son

Twin Hallow

Was just so cool seeing clone wars Ahsoka and Anakin in live action. Wish they would make some of the big Clone Wars episodes into Live action.

These Plums

Roshi is a mixed child denier. smh.

MgGlenn Etienne

Sheera was right his was clapping green cheeks! Also his dad was the jedi that trained Ezra.


Sabine lil bro'd him in the first season and they been poking fun at each other ever since

Colin Donnelly

The clone wars really delves into how anakins fall to the dark side actually happened. It’s a very good show


If you guys did a reaction on SW:TCW that would be PEAKKKK!!!!!

Kumi Chan

Yeah it was until Ezra sent himself and Thrawn to another galaxy. maybe we will see Ezra and Sabine grow closer in later episodes

Ara Araragi

Ahsoka: "I won't fight you." Anakin: "Funny, my son said the same thing to me. The little shit cut off my hand. I was so proud."


Guys even if they end up watching all the Star Wars stuff y’all recommend, it’ll probably be in their own time and not as a reaction considering the clone wars has 7 seasons of content

Romari Richards

y’all should react to star wars visions

Chris (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-19 08:37:08 That IS his real mom, actually. His dad (Kanan Jarris, who is...not with us anymore) was just human and apparently Twi'leks and humans can have kids and they look...like that? His natural hair color is green. It's weird but they established it in Rebels.
2023-09-19 06:33:37 That IS his real mom, actually. His dad (Kanan Jarris, who is...not with us anymore) was just human and apparently Twi'leks and humans can have kids and they look...like that? His natural hair color is green. It's weird but they established it in Rebels. And for Sabine-Ezra...they were EXTREMELY close, though it was always a bit dubious if it was romantic as opposed to familial in a "found family" way and the holo they played to start this show seems to close the door on romance. It really does help explain her decisions, though. They were the closest in age on the Ghost crew and were presented as very close by the end. He basically treats her as the only one who will understand him once Kanan is gone.

That IS his real mom, actually. His dad (Kanan Jarris, who is...not with us anymore) was just human and apparently Twi'leks and humans can have kids and they look...like that? His natural hair color is green. It's weird but they established it in Rebels. And for Sabine-Ezra...they were EXTREMELY close, though it was always a bit dubious if it was romantic as opposed to familial in a "found family" way and the holo they played to start this show seems to close the door on romance. It really does help explain her decisions, though. They were the closest in age on the Ghost crew and were presented as very close by the end. He basically treats her as the only one who will understand him once Kanan is gone.


I swear to god I remember them saying they would when it first came out. I've searched their posts and twitter etc trying to find it. But I must've misremembered. I hope they get to it if they haven't already

Romari Richards

right i hope they get to it i thought that would’ve been one of the first things they reacted to 😂

Michael Pamon

Lmao Hera literally is Jacen’s real mom. His dad was human.