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forgot to ask during reaction but is that guy an Inquisitor?


Jahari Fields

It seems that way, he at least has their weapon

Felipe V

More than likely he is bc he has the weapon and armor of one

Rikudo Demeko

It hasn't been confirmed if he is an inquistor but the likelihood is no the inquistorious was taken out with the rest of the Empire


Idk about this series man. Everyone who is exiled in Star Wars magically has a map leading to them, and lightsabers don’t kill anyone unless your name is Qui-Gon. I swear all Disney has to do is mention anakin or the prequels and everyone says it’s amazing and “peak” cinema like I’m tired boss.

Lupa is Dadi

i’ll think about it

Fernando Perez

Bro I didn’t even think about the “convenient map to exiled person”. They do do that a lot lmao


Right??? It’s so crazy and why is it always hidden in a unguarded temple that so easy to get to.


The hype is more from Clone Wars/Rebels animated shows, not really Anakin or Prequels.

October Veil

He's certainly dressed like an inquisitor.


Yes he is an inquisitor

Hasnain Khan



There is no known way of traveling to another galaxy except them big ass whales in star wars


It kinda makes more sense why Thrawn is still alive if you've seen the animated series before this but I feel you the lightsabers not killing everyone and the magical map appearing BS is annoying. If this wasn't continuing storylines I've already watched before this I probably wouldn't even have given it a chance after all of the mid-Star Wars has been on.

John Cedar

Star Wars never had good very good writing even when Lucas had control of it, it's just that their lack of good ideas for plot devices and character motivations is becoming more and more apparent with each new story. You honestly need to put your brain in a certain "fun mode" like when watching the fast and furious movies imo.


Both of you guys are correct. And I just wanted to say that I really appreciate everyone in this thread being nice and constructive not just dismissive. Posted some of my thoughts like this on Reddit and Twitter and man I didn’t expect the backlash for having a different opinion on the show. So thank you guys for being civil.


I don't know why but it seems that they've Nerfed Sabine cause she was already nasty without a lightsaber, I guess she didn't have her armor on that's why but that shouldn't really matter after all she's a sharpshooter and a fighter so oh well just have to see how this continues.


lmao youre so right but i live for some anakin and prequel mentions


By the way, the droid chopper has probably one of the biggest kill counts in Star Wars he just does not give a fuck lol

vx. sc4rf

PLEASE watch The Last Kingdom


I'm 90% sure the map isn't to anyone we know from the trailer at some point they end up at the world between worlds which is star wars way of "time travel" so I'm betting the map just leads there and the bad guys think it will "lead them to Thrawn" and the good guys are thinking if they bad guys think it leads to Thrawn and Ezra died with Thrawn then it can lead to him


lmao youre so right but i do live for some anakin and prequel mentions

kai (edited)

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2023-08-24 03:28:48 yk whats crazy the end of this ep is exactly where rebels ended off 💀
2023-08-24 01:27:27 yk whats crazy basically the last 5 mins of this ep is exactly where rebels ended off 💀

yk whats crazy basically the last 5 mins of this ep is exactly where rebels ended off 💀

Denickart (edited)

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2023-08-24 03:39:28 that last scene with Ahsoka and Sabine is a remake of the final scene of Rebels
2023-08-24 01:36:44 that last scene with Ahsoka meeting up with Sabine was a remake of the final scene of Rebels

that last scene with Ahsoka meeting up with Sabine was a remake of the final scene of Rebels

Anonymous (edited)

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2023-08-24 03:45:46 Chopper (the funny droid) is the most blood thirsty character in all of SW.
2023-08-24 01:44:31 Chopper is the most blood thirsty character in all of SW.

Chopper is the most blood thirsty character in all of SW.


Roshi if Sabine died, bitch would have stabbed her and then pulled that shit out in an arc


They don't even know about demon time Chopper.

October Veil

I guess I'm terrible for loving Chopper, but he's still funny as hell


Roshi finding it hard to believe Sabine lived from the light saber stab, meanwhile Anakin lost both of his legs, the one arm he had left, while also becoming completely engulfed in flames and suffering fourth-degree burns across what little was left of his body 🤣


They aren’t Inquisitors, they’re dark jedi, which are basically just Jedi that fell to the dark side but they still adhere to certain teachings of the Jedi Order

Uly A O

Anyone else get Treasure Planet vibes?


As a twist, it’d be wild if the place they needed to get to ended up being the location of Abeloth the Mother. I doubt it’ll happen but if it did that’d be kinda fire.

Emiliano Ruiz Chong

Btw, that device seems very similar to what appeared in the animated clone wars. It should like a hyperdrive ring, a device to attach a ship for traveling ULTRA long distances. Though this one seems to be on a much bigger scale.


The two people from the first episode where you guys where saying their lightsaber are red are not. Its more of flatly orange. They are what is called grey Jedi. Ones who use force abilities from both the light anddarkk side but have free will to do whatever they want. Either be perceived as bad or as good and or whatever pays well. Now the guy that Ahsoka was fighting that was more of clear red. They are what is called an inquisitor. Ones where once Jedi that survived order 66 same goes for younglings and or padawans too that have been turned to the dark side under Vader's name. They also still search for force sedative people to bring under their rule. If they choose to deny or fight then they simply just kill them.


If your gonna watch a star wars show besides this, andor would be really great

Nicka Snax

less grey jedi and more straight up dark jedi. grey jedi still tend to be "good" guys, like Jolee Bindo from Knights of the Old Republic, they're just more neutral these two are dark jedi for the reasons you mentioned (can use both light and dark since they used to be jedi) but aren't sith

Kumi Chan (edited)

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2023-08-24 13:18:41 Dude this episode was a perfect portrayal of the Rebels final episode. 👏
2023-08-24 11:16:37 That Mural of the rebels is taken from the season finale of the show. If your curious about the significance of it , check it out

That Mural of the rebels is taken from the season finale of the show. If your curious about the significance of it , check it out


@John Cedar I disagree with this an think your being a little harsh. While the prequels certainly had there issues. I don't think all the writing was bad nor that there weren't great character moments. As revenge of the sith is often argued to be one of the best in the franchise. You could say I have on rose tinted glasses but when you look at all the uninspired crap that gets regurgitated out now to Hollywood on a regulars basis. Especially Disney stuff. Or even some of the anime I have seen. I honesty don't think the prequels were that bad in comparison. Certainly not award winning movies. But serviceable at best and they achieved what they set to do. This also isn't getting into how beloved the OT is.


@Z while I know this probably isn't what you're saying. But I have to disagree with the overall consensus that the clone wars were better then the prequels. I know this is an (unpopular take) I personally think they were both doing different things. And work well together, minus certain (inconsistences) But I don't think the show would be anywhere near as popular if it wasn't riding the prequels coat tails. I also thought the prequels did a far better job of showcasing who Anakin really was. A flawed but mentally disturbed man who had a lot of responsibility on his shoulders to live up to. While the clone wars gave you a more sanitized and more palpable version for audiences to like. I personally didn't care for the clone wars version of Anakin for this very reason.. I also didn't really like the clone chip thing either.


@Jansson well you have to remember that this has been disneys plan since they ran out of actual ideas for the sequel trilogy. Why else did they bring back Palpatine and other legacy characters? Unfortunately they knew that the new characters and stories they have made weren't anywhere near as interesting or engaging as the ones under lucas.

John Cedar

They don't have good writing dude, you can find interviews of the actors themselves making fun of George's writing. The reason the original prequels were more grounded was because he was not writing things completely alone then. The man is good at worldbuilding, but he's not good at dialogue or character motivations. You definitely do have rose-colored glasses because the prequels were a hot mess writing-wise, throughout. Revenge of the Sith had so much passion put into it from every angle and was revolutionary in many regards, its a perfect film for a child, but its writing wasn't good. And it's why Andor was such a surprise. It's literally the first time Star Wars was treated like a story that had the gravitas and importance beyond a simple good vs. evil dichotomy of space wizards and laser swords.


@John Cedar Again says you dude. You or I aren't the arbiters of what constitutes good writing an plenty of people would disagree. Now I have seen interviews where the actors have said the dialogue was often bad or wooden. But not the writing itself. I think the character motivations themselves were fine. The dialogue at certain points could have been better. How were the prequels a hot mess? I always see these types of criticisms thrown at them but nobody actually goes into detail on why the writing was bad. Also many things are made for children that are often regarded as good movies or tv shows. I don't know why you think that somehow takes away from it because its made for kids. I thought we left that type of thinking in the stone age. There is nothing wrong with keeping a story simple. And while the prequels and older star wars stories weren't particular breaking the mold I still think they did well with what they going for. which was to tell a cohesive clear cut story.

John Cedar

Star Wars writing has always been surface level my guy, the entire franchise is a dumbed down version of Dune. If you want to hear the very real and VERY detailed criticisms people have about the prequels, feel free to look up one of the tens of thousands of reviews or video essays people have made about them in the last 2 decades. Idk how deep you want me to get into specific plot points but that is time wasting as fuck. That's like me demanding you tell me why the sequel trilogy is bad. in detail. Nah dude, we don't need to clog the Patreon comments section. I like the discussion here, to a point. If someone was trying to argue that The Rise of Skywalker was good and actually had a good plot, I wouldn't feel the need to waste my time with them any more. I feel similar to discussing this with you any further. I just hope you can broaden your horizons and learn to demand more from your sci-fi stories.


anyone else notice the buzzing in the audio?


@John Cedar Again just more of your opinions. I can agree the stories aren't that deep. But surface level is a bit much. Also comparing it to dune is weird as hell. What's the comparison there? I haven't seen it. Also telling me to look up reviews from other people who no doubt probably hold there own biases an no real merit to there actual criticisms is such a cop out my guy. I'm asking you, Just say you don't like them. its not that deep. And were having a discussion, if you consider that a waste of time then by all means we can end it here. I was just curious on why you think the prequels were so badly written. A lot of times, I have found (not you specifically of course) that many people will simply parrot the views and opinion's of other well know reviewers instead of making there own informed opinions. Not only that but reviewers themselves are not infallible or the word of god. There human like us. And there points themselves can be argued. Also the example with the sequel trilogy doesnet hold weight. I never made the claim that the sequel trilogy had bad writing. My claim was that they ran out of ideas for a coherent storyline which is why they were reusing legacy characters to keep people interested. I can argue that point if you like, but there isn't much to say. As I can barley remember the sequel trilogy and have pretty much forgotten them. Also its pretty condescending for you to think that just because we have different tastes that I'm somehow wrong in what I think. Perhaps you can learn that not everybody is going to agree with you and that doesnet mean there wrong for doing so. Nor that they need to demand more from the media they consume if they enjoy it.


Should definitely watch Andor. It is pretty much the best live action star wars.


i was quite surprised that Ashoka had force echo the only other person i knew who had that was Obi wans homie Quinlin Voss


Considering how ordinary people can travel across the galaxy like it was just a highway i would say the ability to heal a lightsaber wound is not that impressive Anakin and many others survived worse RIP Maul

Colin Donnelly

If y’all don’t plan on watching rebels u should watch new rockstars breakdown of each season of starwars rebels. It will give you guys great back story about some of the characters in this show and why they r important and they do a good job at giving the details


just to let u guys know chopper is a demon he has a estimate of 50,000 kills


a cool little rebels tidbit for yall sabine used to be the wielder of the darksaber for a short time before giving it to bo katan

Quincy wincy (edited)

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2023-08-25 08:12:15 So Marrok (the guy with the hilt lightsaber), his description is the LAST inquisitor. The lightsabers are orange, not red and they're basically Jedi but not Sith, and not grey jedi because those don't exist. They're most likely Jedi who have turned into Mercenaries (in order to survive after Order 66) and Billie Evilish is his apprentice. show is dope. your reactions are doper <3
2023-08-25 05:53:59 So Marrok (the guy with the hilt lightsaber), his description is the LAST inquisitor. The lightsabers are orange, not red and they're basically Jedi but not Sith, and not grey jedi because those don't exist. They're most likely Jedi who have turned into Mercenaries (in order to survive after Order 66) and Billie Evilish is his apprentice. show is dope. your reactions are doper <3

So Marrok (the guy with the hilt lightsaber), his description is the LAST inquisitor. The lightsabers are orange, not red and they're basically Jedi but not Sith, and not grey jedi because those don't exist. They're most likely Jedi who have turned into Mercenaries (in order to survive after Order 66) and Billie Evilish is his apprentice. show is dope. your reactions are doper <3

Ethan Vinson

I knew Hera looked familiar, that's bae from Scott Pilgrim ( Ramona Flowers)


She's also Ewan Mcgregor's (Ovi-wan kenobi) current wife

The Endless (edited)

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2023-08-25 12:35:55 Lupa does know that the Jedi are a faction and not a race of ppl right? And the Jedi do not use red sabers. The Sith do. The opposite faction. You can switch from being a Jedi to a Sith. Not too hard to figure out what the pair are. Don’t wanna be too hard but this the bare bones knowledge of the lore lol
2023-08-25 10:34:52 Lupa does know that the Jedi are a faction and not a race of ppl, right? They werent ostracized bc of their abilities but the side they represented especially when the Empire was in control and being hunted. Yeah nobody were really messing with the Jedi. And the Jedi do not use red sabers. The Sith do. You can switch from being a Jedi to a Sith. Some ppl are calling the duo "grey jedi" but that's a pure headcanon term that doesn't exist. Its unclear if dude had A Sith master himself and was properly trained by one, but it feels like they're doing the whole Rule of 2 thing here with them and in any case, they're definitely not following the teachings of the Jedi Order so no, they're not Jedi, grey or otherwise that would be a contradictory concept anyways. Don’t wanna be too hard but this the bare bones knowledge of the lore lol. Also, Roshi you gotta come out of the box of thinking these are human beings bc they look like them. Just bc a human being wouldn’t be able to survive a lightsaber stab doesn’t mean a Mando, or a Togruta, or a Dathomirian wouldn’t be able to.

Lupa does know that the Jedi are a faction and not a race of ppl, right? They werent ostracized bc of their abilities but the side they represented especially when the Empire was in control and being hunted. Yeah nobody were really messing with the Jedi. And the Jedi do not use red sabers. The Sith do. You can switch from being a Jedi to a Sith. Some ppl are calling the duo "grey jedi" but that's a pure headcanon term that doesn't exist. Its unclear if dude had A Sith master himself and was properly trained by one, but it feels like they're doing the whole Rule of 2 thing here with them and in any case, they're definitely not following the teachings of the Jedi Order so no, they're not Jedi, grey or otherwise that would be a contradictory concept anyways. Don’t wanna be too hard but this the bare bones knowledge of the lore lol. Also, Roshi you gotta come out of the box of thinking these are human beings bc they look like them. Just bc a human being wouldn’t be able to survive a lightsaber stab doesn’t mean a Mando, or a Togruta, or a Dathomirian wouldn’t be able to.

Paul Griffin

Sabine is actually from mandalore from a whole clan she doesn't follow the same creed as dinn djarin from the Mandolorian show it's not an issue for her to not wear her armor or helmet

Paul Griffin

It's been several decades since qui-gon died so medical technology has advanced and they was able to fly her to a hospital qui-gon laid there waiting for a whole other fight to finish

The Endless

Then they are just Force Users. Theres no such thing as Grey Jedi, if youre not part of the Order or follow their teachings then your not a Jedi anymore. That would like trying to say there are Grey Siths.

Colin Donnelly

True. But idk if sheera and Roshi r gonna have time to watch that shit with all the shit they do. I mean lupa said he was gonna get back into it so but hey if they do it will be awesome. Rebels is top teir

Colin Donnelly

Well the map isn’t really just a magical map to thrawn it’s a ancient map leading to a different galaxy that the night sisters theorized about. And Morgan eslbeth believes that’s where thrawn went. There is a lot of Star Wars legends lore that Dave faloni gets inspiration from. And if u watch new rockstars breakdown of these episodes it explains a lot from those legends. So the map didn’t just magically appear to find thrawn it was already a thing for a different galaxy that ancient people of the night sisters already knew about


i think i will highly suggest you guys watch rebels because if I'm correct this picks up right after ezra defeats thawrn it seems otherwise you guys are going to be confused as you go further into the series if they don't explain it and i believe there was a cameo or scene with grogu in mandalorian were ezra was in hyper space but thats was a theory


Galaxy to Galaxy travel suppose to be impossible unless you get one of the whale things, like on the architecture of that "map reader"


correct me if im wrong but didnt din djarin fought the witch in the mandalorian she had the beskar spear right? we didnt seen any of her witch powers back then


Gray Jedi is not a thing. It was never ACTUALLY a thing in Legends, beyond non-lore-supported gameplay in some games, and it is not a thing in Canon at all. The "master of both the light and dark!" crap is just some fanon BS from people who want their fanmade OC to be edgy and "cool". The canonical definition of a Gray Jedi in Legends would be someone who goes against the Jedi Council, like Qui-Gon... or someone who has gone rogue or left the Order, but not fallen to the dark side... yet.


The biggest and most awful mess of a "story" in Legends? Gods, I hope not...


Thinking more "Outbound Flight" from Legends, which also had connections to Thrawn, ex-Jedi, was built for leaving the Galaxy, etc.

Julian Vargas

Darth Maul was cut in half and survived, sabine getting a little poke is nothing in the star wars universe as long as they have immediate medical attention, it's not like she hit anything vital


Darth Maul is deeply rooted in the darkside though. The going theory is that his hatred for Kenobi, and his lust for revenge kept him from dying after being cut in half. Similar to how Anakin's hatred for Kenobi probably played a role in keeping him alive after having his other 3 limbs cut off, being burned alive, then being left for dead. Being treated as quickly as possible probably helps as well if you don't have the dark side driving you. Which could explain why Sabine lived, and Qui-gon didn't for example. Either that or we're all coping over the inconsistent writing.


I mean to be fair that's a bit different bro. Anakin was powered by hate and the dark side. which is why he was able to keep going as vader for so long. It was the main thing holding him together. And then when Luke finally redeems him in return of the jedi, he is able to pass on after letting all his hatred go.


ezra was the main character in rebels. his powers are a no joke. he. is. a. problem.

Guns (edited)

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2023-08-27 22:37:54 facts about rebels that this series expect you to already know:
2023-08-27 20:37:39 facts about rebels that this series expects you to already know: (spoilers to Rebels but not spoilers to this current series, more like information) 1. The droid Chopper is an absolute menace, he has more bodies than the rebel's crew combined, and he gives zero shits about anyone except Hera on his team. He is an absolute fan favorite in the Rebels series. 2. Sabine was never Ahsoka's apprentice in Rebels, she only used Mandalorian equipment and loved to blow stuff up. She was never seen using the force, nor was stated she had even 1% aptitude for it. But she did in fact wield the black saber and lead the Mandalorians with it at some point in the series which explains why she held her own instead of getting one shot. And she is no Jedi, not even close. 3. Ezra and Sabine were not a thing, but were shipped because of their chemistry together and they were very close. 4. Since this show seems to revolve around Thrawn and Ezra, It's certain that this is pretty much a sequel to the Rebels, so aside from Ahsoka, you guys should realize that every main character in Rebels is also the main character here so no-one is gonna die without some stupid over the top dramatic sequence. 5. The last member of the Rebels crew (Ghost crew) is Zeb, a huge guy from the Lasat race who now lives on his people's planet along with a former main antagonist of the Rebel series who turned good (who was also responsible for wiping out almost all Lasats), Admiral Kallus. (I don't know if they will make an appearance or not) 6. I feel like I MUST disclose this for future episodes in case it is shown as a huge reveal, Ezra Bridger, a Jedi Padawan, also has an extraordinary aptitude to communicate with any type of beast. In the last events of Rebels, He was able to control enormous-sized monsters that were the sole inspirations of hyperspace travel. And was able to use those beasts to hyperspace Thrawn's Destroyer to wherever Ezra commanded them to along with him, which was his sacrifice and the reason he is now missing. I'm mentioning this just in case there are some suspicious acting animals further into the series that hint Ezra is actually alive or something.

facts about rebels that this series expects you to already know: (spoilers to Rebels but not spoilers to this current series, more like information) 1. The droid Chopper is an absolute menace, he has more bodies than the rebel's crew combined, and he gives zero shits about anyone except Hera on his team. He is an absolute fan favorite in the Rebels series. 2. Sabine was never Ahsoka's apprentice in Rebels, she only used Mandalorian equipment and loved to blow stuff up. She was never seen using the force, nor was stated she had even 1% aptitude for it. But she did in fact wield the black saber and lead the Mandalorians with it at some point in the series which explains why she held her own instead of getting one shot. And she is no Jedi, not even close. 3. Ezra and Sabine were not a thing, but were shipped because of their chemistry together and they were very close. 4. Since this show seems to revolve around Thrawn and Ezra, It's certain that this is pretty much a sequel to the Rebels, so aside from Ahsoka, you guys should realize that every main character in Rebels is also the main character here so no-one is gonna die without some stupid over the top dramatic sequence. 5. The last member of the Rebels crew (Ghost crew) is Zeb, a huge guy from the Lasat race who now lives on his people's planet along with a former main antagonist of the Rebel series who turned good (who was also responsible for wiping out almost all Lasats), Admiral Kallus. (I don't know if they will make an appearance or not) 6. I feel like I MUST disclose this for future episodes in case it is shown as a huge reveal, Ezra Bridger, a Jedi Padawan, also has an extraordinary aptitude to communicate with any type of beast. In the last events of Rebels, He was able to control enormous-sized monsters that were the sole inspirations of hyperspace travel. And was able to use those beasts to hyperspace Thrawn's Destroyer to wherever Ezra commanded them to along with him, which was his sacrifice and the reason he is now missing. I'm mentioning this just in case there are some suspicious acting animals further into the series that hint Ezra is actually alive or something.


Ashoka fought her not din djarin, and she may be hiding her powers so she's not hunted

Hueki Yuuki

DUDE HOLY SHIT at 16:15-16:23 don't you guys hear that background music / score ? It sounds exactly the same I think as the score / music from the Astartes Videos, RIGHT ?!


"Caulking" HAHAHA


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Q9DkzJNmoY If y'all are interested in filling in the gaps/background without watching all the other ish, I recommend this before the next episodes drops tomorrow. I'm fairly casual with Star Wars as well and it helped a lot. That said, what I have seen of Clone Wars and Rebels were really good

Zachary Shepard

It’s still amazing that Marrok did so well against Ahsoka. Seriously he’s got to be Trilla or Grand inquisitor level, because she bested Fifth Brother and Seventh sister in a two on one without her lightsaber with ease. She didn’t have much trouble with Eighth Brkther either. When I heard an Inquisitor was gonna show up I figured he’d be a one off fight and die easy. But the boy has some game.


Bro that white haired evil chick is doing something to me man. I can fix her, trust.