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Drink, Norazashi!



Love Kenpachi


Literally clicked it as soon as the notification appeared


They adapted this episode so well


Gremmy hit the "don't come to school tomorrow"


Seeing Kenny in his element just brings back memories


LETS GOOOO. Also the flashback to yachiru touching the sword after being asked “where did you come from?” Was just 😩👌🏾


I don't know how many episodes we got left but my favorite moment of this arc is about show up

Devin B

This episode was beyond my imagination


Gremmy really said this is America


man lee so ugly but that art kubo did of him recently is soooooo fire


Knew once yachiro took damage, Kenny was coming to clean him up 💀💪🏻


Sternritter tanjiro is crazy


Studio Pierrot just gave us the best episode of this cour. 10/10 episode fucking CINEMA 🔥


JohnnySmoke (edited)

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2023-08-21 23:21:26 Bro all these Kenpachi moments are just making me even more excited for when he does "you know what" against "you know who"
2023-08-21 21:18:52 Bro all these Kenpachi moments are just making me even more excited for when "you know what" happens against "you know who"

Bro all these Kenpachi moments are just making me even more excited for when "you know what" happens against "you know who"


This was probably one of the most fun fights to watch this cour, gremmy was throwing random ass shit, and Kenpachi just kept cutting through it lmao

ok (edited)

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2023-08-21 23:25:01 4:00 The reason it's impressive Yachiru attacked on "impulse" and Isane said we don't know if V is an enemy is because he literally "erased" himself from their mind so they completely were supposed to have forgotted who he was. But Yachiru is just on sight regardless.
2023-08-21 21:21:44 4:00 The reason it's impressive Yachiru attacked on "impulse" and Isane said we don't know if V is an enemy is because he literally "erased" himself from their mind so they completely were supposed to have forgotten who he was. But Yachiru is just on sight regardless.

4:00 The reason it's impressive Yachiru attacked on "impulse" and Isane said we don't know if V is an enemy is because he literally "erased" himself from their mind so they completely were supposed to have forgotten who he was. But Yachiru is just on sight regardless.


what was the point in bringing up one piece under here lmao


Because by comparing this episode to what, as a manga reader, we were expecting to be the absolute peak (and it’s great) I am emphasizing how much they are killing it. I’m literally not caught up on tybw whereas I am with One piece I say that to assure I’m not one of those dudes who needs to put the latter down. Although I guess I failed in that

Austin Friley

Seeing kenpachi creep out of a black hole like some kind of demon was kinda terrifying Ngl


I would of went over there and kicked that shit get this ugly ass shit out my face fuck nigga 😭🤣


It’s not a black hole it’s just space, it’s like being sent out of orbit. Even Kenpachi not surviving a black hole

Daniel whitley

For some reason, episode 20 felt like something was missing to me at least


This a pretty blatant spoiler icl, it’s kind of obvious what he has left to show

Hasnain Khan



If only Gremmy imagined himself with more brain cells, smh.


This fight was "What's a god to a nonbeliever?" personified


Frr it’s obviously a spoiler like what else is he gonna do? Shunko?


this man really had the black materia


Now you guys got me fucked up because Roshi said "last year" in the last vid too so I was like.... wait, did I see this one already? huh??


Kubo gave this man the most broken ability just for him to fuckin suck at using It lmao


he thought he was the protagonist, wrong anime little bro haha


I guess Kenpachi's power was unimaginable to the extent that Gremmy wasn't capable of imagining a vessel robust enough to contain it?


Bleach just cant be stopped, week after week straight gas


Pretty much this, Gremmy was able to correctly asses kenpachi's power(his words) but he didn't account for the body that would be required to contain that power.


A couple things about Gremmy worth noting (some from the light novel so kinda spoilers, but not really) Gremmy's power isn't truly limitless, it is first off limited by his own imagination and intelligence, but also some things (like yachiru's bones) stop if he stops imagining it. Finally, he was able to increase his abilities with more copies, which implies some power cap for the individuals. Secondly, Yhwach had locked Gremmy up for most of his life because of his power so he had never really felt this much strong emotion, he felt alive and got caught up in the fight, he wanted to prove his strength and beat Kenny legit, not just imagine he died. This is his weakness, as essentially a child due to his lack of life experience he wasn't pragmatic enough to look past the emotion and taunts and Kenny's enthusiasm. The novels also elaborate on how Gremmy actually died here and how his powers work, but it's complicated so the long story short is that the shock of his body getting destroyed when he tried to copy Kenpachi shocked the brain and broke its trance-like state that allowed its powers to work, essentially killing Gremmy


The Most Animalistic Shikai: NOZARASHI (Exposed to the Wilds) By stating the command, "Drink", Kenpachi can activate Nozarashi's Shikai form. Nozarashi's released form resembles a gigantic axe, with enough cutting power to slice through practically anything. Its cutting power is greatly enhanced, allowing Kenpachi to effortlessly cut through the bodies of his opponents and even through meteor and space itself. Regarding the title of the episode, Unohana back in Episode 10: “During our battle, we both experienced a sense of joy such as we’d never felt. The difference was, you found joy fighting on the Edge, instead of fighting to win, you learned that fighting me, and that is my sin. Everyone you’d ever met had been weaker than you. You had run out of enemies to test your sword against. Until you met me. I was the first opponent you’d ever encountered who could rival your power. But only rival it” And now the same happens here. Gremmy is what happens when you give a Child the mind of God (Soul King) He probably could’ve imagined Kenpachi out of existence but aside from the lack of spiritual pressure, he wanted to test him out and beat him fair and square, as well as break down his hope and spirits. Last episode was simply a priority, but this as well as the next and finale (Ep 26) are high priority ones.

Anonymous (edited)

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2023-08-22 00:12:19 Gremmy can't just imagine Kenpachi dead cause the reiastu difference is to great. Aizen vs Soifon is a good example that reiastu > hax since her weapon is always a two shot kill. So Gremmy just had to throw stuff at Kenpachi rather then imagine Kenpachi weak cause if he did it wouldn't work cause how much reiastu Kenpachi has.
2023-08-21 22:04:06 Gremmy can't just imagine Kenpachi dead cause the reiastu difference is to great. Aizen vs Soifon is a good example that reiastu > hax since her weapon is always a two shot kill. So Gremmy just had to throw stuff at Kenpachi rather then imagine Kenpachi weak cause if he did it wouldn't work cause how much reiastu Kenpachi has.

Gremmy can't just imagine Kenpachi dead cause the reiastu difference is to great. Aizen vs Soifon is a good example that reiastu > hax since her weapon is always a two shot kill. So Gremmy just had to throw stuff at Kenpachi rather then imagine Kenpachi weak cause if he did it wouldn't work cause how much reiastu Kenpachi has.

Nick Whatever

man yall not ready for he's u know what maybe next ep or 2 or ep


it honestly just felt too short. even though it wasn't lol


He’s basically what happens when you give a child the mind of God

مجاهد الجوكر

no , he is right , Gremmy will most likely need 20 copy to just imagine kenny dead . if not then gremy be like " I imagine all soul repers and quincy dead

Norrin Radd

What would’ve happened if he turned Kenpachi’s bones into cookies? I guess we’ll never know.


Loved this EP and reaction. Kenpachi is the shit.

Joshua Hoerner

I want yall to remember the way Yachiru touched the sword


Blatantly false, the reiatsu statement that Aizen made has contradicted itself many times throughout the series, the reason gremmy didn't outright kill kenpachi is because kenpachi goaded him into a fair fight.


I know it's been 10 years but let the show run it's course please.


it actually makes sense. someone with a broken ability like him was locked away for how dangerous it was. so he has little experience with fighting. not to mention he was cocky cuz of his extreme power so he developed a habit of playing with his food. then hes faced with the force of nature that defies logic itself known as zaraki kenpachi


It wasn’t really his imagination that was limited since it’s not actually his brain, it was more so his body.

Lord Joku 69 (edited)

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2023-08-22 00:47:40 Gremmy stupid that’s why he didn’t imagine Kenny dead gremmy has the iq of a 5 year old kid
2023-08-21 22:36:11 Gremmy stupid that’s why he didn’t imagine Kenny dead gremmy has the iq of a 5 year old kid also forgot to mention that gremmy he just wanted a fight he could of imagined kenpachi dead but he just likes to enjoy the fight plus I think it’s crazy at the fact that he looks ten but he’s 1000 years old so he should have a bunch of experience

Gremmy stupid that’s why he didn’t imagine Kenny dead gremmy has the iq of a 5 year old kid also forgot to mention that gremmy he just wanted a fight he could of imagined kenpachi dead but he just likes to enjoy the fight plus I think it’s crazy at the fact that he looks ten but he’s 1000 years old so he should have a bunch of experience

John Endaya

You'd think Renji kicked Sheera's child, hearing all that slander lol


If that was the case. He could’ve imagined himself with more reiatsu or some shit and a better body, instead of 20 copies. Hell, if he wasn’t stupid, he could’ve at least created 20 or more copies. Him being actually stupid plays a role too. They should’ve had Yachiru’s mini fight in the end of episode 6 and leave on a cliffhanger with Kenpachi showing up or just cut back on some of the talking dialogue in this ep. Gremmy’s backstory is pretty damn important and plays a role to why he isn’t very ‘imaginative’. Hopefully they show it next episode or something.

Devin B

He just wanted a challenge because he never got to use his imagination to that extent before


It prob wouldn’t have worked considering he saw Kenpachi doing crazy ass shit and couldn’t imagine his bones being a cookie. Or it’s relative to one’s own power, so he would’ve had to create more of himself to do that. I think that’s more the point though, he did at the end just imagine himself stronger than Kenpachi which makes sense but it just backfired on him.

Darion Wilson

does the new bleach since cour 1 seem rushed?


Yes Kenpachi cut thru space lmao

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free

No it wouldn't have worked because of how Reiatsu works. The reason why Gremmy couldn't alter Kenpachi's body directly like he did with Yachiru is simply because he had more/ equal Reaitsu to him. For hack abilities to be effective on your opponent, you basically have to more Reiatsu than your opponent. It's why Aizen was able to completely ignore the effects of Soifon's shinkai special ability - he had overwhelmingly more Reiatsu.

Silva Jin

Gremmy is so ass, how do you lose a fight and you have the power of imagination 😂


Aizen didn’t contradict himself. Kenpachi literally states the same thing when fighting ichigo during the S.S arc. The weaker reiatsu gets pushed down and blocked or nullified. But this fight was a combination of the two. Kenpachi brought out Gremmys desire to crush the strongest goading him into a fair fight. But gremmy trying to “think” Kenpachi out of existence probably wouldn’t work because of reiatsu difference. Especially considering Kenpachi still had his eyepatch on limiting his spiritual pressure.


All this with his eyepatch on too limiting his spiritual pressure


“I can alter realities” “So…my names Kenny bitch!”


He doesn’t choose what he imagines to come to existence literally what he naturally thinks also comes from into existence so in the heat of a battle and someone’s overpowering you you’re naturally going to think they are strong which is why even if he tries to think of kenpachi being weak with the feats he is doing right in front of you it will be extremely hard to do so


@Gyasi --- I thought Aizen was able to completely ignore the effects of Soifon's shikai attack because Suzumebachi was used on Hinamori or never made contact with anyone. Maybe she literally just attacked the air, because Aizen was controlling her senses. That's not to say your reiatsu explanation was wrong, because I think you're probably right about that.

Trist9n (edited)

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2023-08-22 01:07:20 Kenpachi did all this with his eye patch still on, sealing away more than half of his Reiatsu
2023-08-21 23:05:48 Kenpachi did all this with his eye patch still on, sealing away more than half of his Reiatsu. This why he's one of the special threats

Kenpachi did all this with his eye patch still on, sealing away more than half of his Reiatsu. This why he's one of the special threats


I'm with Sheera on this. Renji cemented his "butt of the joke" reputation long ago, and that'll never go away. He didn't know his sword's full name because it was like, "Nah, you ain't getting my contact info," and gave out the bare minimum. If it weren't for dungeon master Ichibe doxxing Zabimaru, who's to say when (or if) the sword would have chosen to reveal its full name. Defenders of Renji will (correctly) argue that his Zanpakuto was impressed by the training arc, but there's no denying that Renji would have been screwed without the Zero Squads' insider information.


I'm with Sheera on this. Renji cemented his "butt of the joke" reputation long ago. That doesn't just go away.


I thought Gremmy said he correctly imagined how strong Kenpachi is, right? The problem was that his "body" couldn't withstand the raw power. I wonder if things would have played out differently if he'd created a Kenpachi clone separate from Gremmy's body. Or am I thinking too literally?


Bro I'm most excited for the final episode of this cour. It's gonna go unbelievably hard I already know

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free

Nah, Aizen explicitly explicitly explains that the attack didn't work because he brute forced the effect with his own Reiatsu. If you remember the exact same thing happened the first time Ichigo fought Kenpachi, he attacked him, but the attack was completely nullified by his overwhelming Reiatsu


I wish they made Gremmy’s downfall more centered on something like intrusive thoughts, which is something he grapples with in the beginning. I think that’d be a better explanation or more digestible reason for him to lose. Through his inability to stop the thought of dying or losing which is relatable for many.


Like intrusive thoughts would kill so many ppl if we had the ability to make thoughts into external reality.


@Gyasi Aizen also said before that “a battle between shinigami”…


Honestly, I wish we could have seen some of Gremmy's backstory in the anime. Oh, and also everyone's reaction to the meteor. I know they wanted this fight to wrap up in a single episode, but I think it should have gone into next week. They could have ended this episode at the Nozarashi reveal, and in the next episode, continued beyond Gremmy's death (as a manga reader, I'm fairly certain this was doable). This would have allowed them to fit all of Isane + Yachiru into Ep. 20, instead of showing some of it last week. I kinda thought last week should have ended with Byakuya and Rukia anyway, so that would have been a bonus. If even more content was needed, the anime skipped a Renji scene after his fight with Mask de Masculine, so that could have been added back in (it's too late now, though). If only this cour had been allowed 1 or 2 extra episodes. 😢


@Gyasi Gremmy’s power is literally imagination. Making fantasy into reality. His power got nothin to do with reiatsu like that. If his power depended on reiatsu, then it would’ve been mentioned from his ramblings. Also, you really going to believe everything Aizen said? His ass got shit wrong because he was cocky.


@Merfhew Rather than it being "probably" right, it's definitely right. Aizen literally tells Soifon directly to her face that he can easilly overcome her powers due to his reiatsu/spiritual pressure. Hinamori hadn't been introduced into the fight yet by that point.


I actually think about that alot like the things people think about sporadically even though they dont normally think of something like that could do some damage if brought to life


Yes and no. Speaking as someone who grew up watching the original anime, the TYBW anime adaptation is noticeably faster. The original adapted every manga panel, sometimes dragged things out longer than necessary, and was forced to utilize a lot of filler content. Compared to that, the TYBW anime adaptation feels rushed, yes, but whether or not it's going too fast, that's up for debate. I don't think the pace is awful, but I wouldn't be upset if they slowed down just a tad. For reference, this fight lasted somewhere between 6 - 8 chapters, so manga readers were waiting over 2 months to see the conclusion. Compared to this single anime episode, that's a significant difference in time, but very little manga content was skipped. Action panels are quicker to animate than dialogue, and these chapters were very action heavy, so it was easy to fit everything they wanted in a single episode. Of course, I think the fight should have lasted 1.5 or 2 episodes. It would have been nice if the anime kept everyone's reaction to the meteor, but I understand why they did it this way. They don't have enough episodes to fully adapt this arc, even with four cours, so we're seeing some sacrifices.


We’re kenpachi asked where she come from she touched the sword but he didn’t catch that


@Yuuki --- Do we know for sure that Himamori hadn't yet been introduced to the fight? Unless this was explicitly stated by Kubo, I assumed it was meant to be open-ended. Aizen literally implied to Shinji that he'd been using Kyoka Suigetsu all along.

John Cedar

He seriously could've been Jobu Tupaki from Everything, Everywhere, All at Once. He literally could've imagined Zaraki turning into a banana or imagine a world where every time he tries to pick up his sword it just slips out of his hand. Just never look at his Shikai and then imagine a world where Aizen goes insane every time he tries to go near the Hogyoku. Oops, I guess Aizen just lost. You basically have to nerf anyone with this power to either be extremely arrogant, short-sighted, or just so bored that they become sloppy. Because otherwise, there would never be a conflict.


It’s actually not going too fast or rushed since it’s appropriate for a war arc, so it’s not really up for debate especially considering the fact that it’s being generally supervised by Kubo as the Author himself so that they can fit as much anime original content to flesh out the 2nd Half of this arc as possible. What they’re basically doing is fine-tuning, streamlining, and trimming down the fluff/comedic scenes for the sake of the pace and tone that is meant for a war arc. It will start to slow down with the next part at a regular anime’s pace of about 2-3 chapters instead of how they’ve been doing it mostly so far of about 5 chapters.


There were people that complained about Zaraki Vs Unohana being split into 2 episodes (9 & 10) and the overall quality was sacrificed, it wasn’t nearly as a priority or highly animated as this episode. Unfortunately, people will never be completely satisfied with their unrealistic expectations. The animators, studio production committee and especially Kubo in better health knows what they’re doing with the overall bigger picture.


He can’t directly affect someone who has superior Reiryoku than him. So instant killing , turning him into something wasn’t going to work. Gunreal lee was a product of his imagination, yachiru was massively weaker than him. And rose and kensei were practically dead and couldn’t defend themselves.


@Xeparator --- I don't think that's a fair comment. I've seen a lot of people being shamed for giving the TYBW adaptation praise or anything less than a 10/10 rating, and I don't understand why people who offer critiques or different opinions are being shut down. Why is the opinion from someone who thinks that Kenpachi vs. Gremmy should be 1 episode any more or less valid than the opinion from someone who thinks it should be longer?


@yungzeus you do realize your watching bleach right? All characters abilities and powers function based of Reiryoku the energy source. Reiatsu is the pressure the Reiryoku exerts, every ability in bleach is based of this rule there’s no exception the Schrift gremmy has is powered by Reiryoku all bleach characters power source. Something like that doesn’t need to be said because it’s established everyone has it. Onus would be on you to prove Aizen is wrong Aizen was literally shown negating soi fons shikai. Kenpachi vs Ichigo he tells us everything is a battle between Reiatsu the weaker one get pushed out and having massively higher Reiatsu than your opponent you can negate their attacks. In safwy it’s stated that zaraki is capable of simply cutting through barragans respira. I can make a whole comment debunking all the notions about gremmy if you want.


no it’s literally stated “it’s not that I couldn’t imagine your power. It’s that’s your body is the only thing capable of handling said power.” Cfyow backs this up saying gremmy imagined eyepatch injured ShiKens power in its entirety but was incapable of imagining a body to contain said power meaning there’s a clear cut limit. I’ll break it down further for you. http://i.imgur.com/fJltXfl.jpg 1.) Gremmy's power affects literally any thought in his mind. He nearly imagines himself losing. This shows his control over reality is subject to what can be envisioned in the human mind and can be affected by fleeting thoughts; (http://imgur.com/a/rq2pK ) 2.) His power is limited threefold: One, he had to outright double his power to summon a meteor strong enough to destroy Seireitei (http://i.imgur.com/A2IZzus.jpg ). Two, all powers in Bleach are subject to the Reiatsu rule as explained by Aizen (http://i.imgur.com/i8Ls8GV.jpg ). Even if Gremmy attempted to directly assault Kenpachi with his power, he would fail, and his constant references to him being a monster likely indicate his knowledge of this fact. Three, his mind cannot focus on multiple things at once, just like a normal humans' has issues with multitasking (http://i.imgur.com/hQ42UTy.jpg ). If multiple uses of his power are necessary, he simply will not maintain them all due to innate mental limitations. 3.) Shit, just using his Galaxy Room attack that open up the void of space winds his true body (http://i.imgur.com/n1yge9c.jpg ). Dude's outta breath just by BFR'ing a dude to outer space, yet people expect him to be some roflstomp "I imagine myself to be omnipotent" character? No, you don't get his limitations if you do. Limits of Gremmy's power aside: Gremmy himself is a fucking intelligent combatant. Let's take a look at how he responds intelligently in combat, shall we? 1.) When attacked by his own creation, Gremmy simply imagines him out of fucking existence (http://imgur.com/a/kqN2R ). 2.) Gremmy outright murders two weakened Captain-class opponents (http://imgur.com/a/XWB9p ). when given the chance due to them being unprotected. Note: weakened, as in, their reiatsu cannot repel his. Links back to point 2 up above. 3.) Gremmy uses his powers right off the bat to prevent Yachiru being a problem (http://imgur.com/a/UNSQg ). She blitzes him, he calls her stupid for thinking he'd stand still, then boom she's made of cookies (http://i.imgur.com/wQrH57I.jpg ). How is this retarded use of power?? 4.) After Zaraki no-sells his missile barrage and machine gun blitz, Gremmy straight up traps him in water mid-air and imprisons him in the ground to ensure he dies (http://imgur.com/a/bIdOi ). He can't affect him directly, so he goes for drowning/suffocation, pretty rational. 5.) Gremmy tricks Kenpachi into attacking him, turning his body sticky so Kenpachi is left with no other option but to be hit by an attack (http://imgur.com/a/kZH8q ). 6.) When Gremmy realizes nothing else is working http://i.imgur.com/rweEzag.jpg (this happens after both 4 and 5 happen in order, then he summons the meteor, then this occurs right away, for a timetable), he straight up BFR's Kenny into outer space (http://i.imgur.com/gOO7JZy.jpg ). "Gee I can't kill him directly or entrap him, lets fling him into space" isn't intelligent or rational enough for people? Alright so those are out of the way. A dude with limited powers, both by his mind and by in-universe rules up against a superior opponent based on said rules, who actually is pretty ruthlessly rational with his power. So why's he catch flak? Cuz people think even engaging Kenpachi on anything approaching his terms was stupid. Well shit, too bad there's a good explanation for that!! 1.) Kenpachi's character is defined by challenges. He wants to be strong and thinks being strong means fighting physically. He practically shouts this at Gremmy even (http://imgur.com/a/2z3ho ). Gremmy apparently takes this to heart, being a naive kid who had never been challenged before, and accepts the provocation (http://imgur.com/a/4v518 ). People may look at this as shit writing; this kid is a dude who literally has never been challenged, and someone finally puts the idea in his mind that he may not be the strongest. 2.) The way he dies is considered stupid. Well, let's cover that. He imagines himself to be superior to Kenpachi and dies as a direct result, stating “your body is the only thing that can withstand your power” (http://imgur.com/a/VioEH ). "WTF see he's dumb!" You shout. Nah, fam, that's literally explained in-universe. See next point. 3.) Kenpachi fuckin' Zaraki himself can't even handle his own reiatsu, at full power (http://i.imgur.com/BQeDJoi.jpg ). Gremmy just straight up imagined "Be stronger than Kenpachi" without any other caveats, just "Stronger than him" and died cuz not even Kenpachi's monstrous body could contain all of that at once. He rekt himself cuz he had no way to check himself, dig? Perfectly contained with in-universe explanations, and something he could not have foreseen without being stupidly overly cautious with his power in the midst of combat. He would have had to give himself a transcendant body, something he cannot do by laws of Bleach universe, then give himself a body superior to Kenpachi's, arguably unimaginable, and then grant himself superior power to Kenpachi. This all links back to limitations on his power. In any non-Bleach setting, Gremmy has the option of "Imagine my opponent is dead" or "My opponent's bones are cookies" Further, this is his go-to move until he met Kenpachi, this is literally in-character for him to blitz with power like that, he even references nobody questioned him before. Back to the first body section: If an opponent is intelligent and has studied him, they may be able to manipulate the fact that the human mind is innately frail and has intrusive thoughts, and every one of these can be lethal to Gremmy due to the nature and limits of his power (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intrusive_thought ). Didn't think of that angle, did ya? Every thought he has, has to be carefully measured since it becomes reality. To the second main section: Anyone who claims Gremmy is retarded or doesn't use his power rationally has no grasp of the context of his powers, and doesn't accept feats and context as provided in-story, or has outright ignored them, as shown herein. To the third: Gremmy was challenged and had never felt that before; Kenpachi put a new thought in his head, and his power actualized it. That's it. Even if he hadn't, his power has no chance of directly influencing Kenpachi in-verse, so it would have played out the same anyway.

Davon Thomas

That brain leads to one of the strongest characters in Bleach in the arc after this.

Daniel Robb

Not the manga readers coming in to explain every scene 💀 just let the anime do it, y'all are bordering on spoiling by pointing out things the show is trying to obscure. I get it, y'all already know what those scenes mean 🤣

Daniel Robb

Just noticed y'all have Bounce Man Luffy in the OP, Does that mean you've seen One Piece??

Edd R

"Buddy was a whole brain"....yeah about that, another is coming soon 💀


vlone is crazy 😂😂

Edd R

What's after this it's been too long since I read bleach

Nick Whatever

I think we get two bankais one is toshiro and kenpachi I think if I remember right

Bona Fide

Bro Kenpachi is so much hotter now

Isaac (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-22 04:17:34 People in these comments being silly asking why he didn't imagine kenpachi being dead. Here's the answer. He is V the VISIONARY. His power is IMAGINATION. Simply imagining him dead has zero imagination tied to the out come ( i dont care about the Reiatsu counter balance thong, im talking about the character's psyche ). He wanted to be creative about it. It needed to be cool. It's like a serial killer refusing to simply murder with a gun. They want drama, they want it complex and articulated, they need to FEEL their murder. Same applies to him . Though he easily killed the two captains in bed without it being flashy probably because they weren't gonna do shit KO'D so that's a bit of a hole in logic there.
2023-08-22 02:13:04 People in these comments being silly asking why he didn't imagine kenpachi being dead. Here's the answer. He is V the VISIONARY. His power is IMAGINATION. Simply imagining him dead has zero imagination tied to the out come ( i dont care about the Reiatsu counter balance thing, im talking about the character's psyche ). He wanted to be creative about it. It needed to be cool. It's like a serial killer refusing to simply murder with a gun. They want drama, they want it complex and articulated, they need to FEEL their murder. Same applies to him and that acted against him with how kenpachi survived everything he threw at him. I forget, did they ever say in the Manga how old Gremmy was, because to me I always thought he was a little kid which is why he imagined all this cool stuff to try and kill Kenpachi.

People in these comments being silly asking why he didn't imagine kenpachi being dead. Here's the answer. He is V the VISIONARY. His power is IMAGINATION. Simply imagining him dead has zero imagination tied to the out come ( i dont care about the Reiatsu counter balance thing, im talking about the character's psyche ). He wanted to be creative about it. It needed to be cool. It's like a serial killer refusing to simply murder with a gun. They want drama, they want it complex and articulated, they need to FEEL their murder. Same applies to him and that acted against him with how kenpachi survived everything he threw at him. I forget, did they ever say in the Manga how old Gremmy was, because to me I always thought he was a little kid which is why he imagined all this cool stuff to try and kill Kenpachi.


@Merfhew I wasn’t trying or attempting to shut you down and your critiques are fine. I was just addressing that there were many others that had an issue with your requested pace of approach for this arc considering that’s what they already did with the 1st part. A lot of things are being rearranged, so there’s still a chance Gremmy’s backstory along with any thing else could be added in the next parts or replaced/reworked with something better like what they did for Omeada’s little sister where in the manga she got stabbed, but in the anime they made him be able to save her giving him shine. Last episode of this part and most likely, the finale of the whole arc are going to be longer extended episodes with the length of 2, so it’s exactly as if we are getting those extra episodes. Now while I don’t think the adaptation or really anything in life is truly a perfect 10/10, I also don’t see how this adaptation doesn’t deserve the upmost praise considering how they’ve actually been enhancing the source material the likes of which has only been done by JoJos and at an appropriate fast pace. Granted anyone who feels differently shouldn’t be shamed for that, so where exactly have you seen anyone being shamed for giving it praise or anything less than that? Can’t imagine anywhere else but Twitter.


@Merfhew I just went back and rewatched that fight, and I think you have a fair point. That whole fight is weird, since if Aizen had been using Kyoka Suigetsu all along, then Hinamori was the one to actually be tagged by Soifon's shikai, and should be dead since her reiatsu definitely isn't high enough to nullify a captains powers. The only way any of this makes sense is if Hinamori was brought back from the dead afterwards, or if Aizen was the one to actually get hit by Soifon's shikai.

John Cedar

Ok, imagine zaraki as a pile of spaghetti and then eat him, simple

Big Daddy Dre

I just looked it up but it seems like that character is a “game only character”


I'm pretty sure based on what he said, he died cause he tried to imagine himself stronger than Kenpachi but failed to realize that only Kenpachi's body is strong enough to hold all that power. That's why his "body" just started withering when he tried powering up.


Where's the drama in that? You saying simple is why he didn't do that to him. It's why he didn't turn his bones into cookies like he did Yachiru. His subconscious was giving too much respect to the monster he was seeing.


@Deondre - It's a light novel character who is playable in Brave Souls.


Kenpachi's shikai just a whole ass monster hunter weapon. love to see it


I’m not going to lie, I don’t understand how he lost. Like how his imagination betrayed him or whatever.

Jimmy Martin

Kenpachi was out here cutting through the vacuum of space doing some Demon Slayer-esque Shinigami Breathing technique and what not lol

Hans Wurst

At least during the newest Madoka reaction Lupa said something like 'What in the Gear5?' while there was some weird animation going on.

Asante Upshur-Benson

Surprised y’all ain’t pick up the meaning behind the Yachiru flashback👀


When the channel first started, Roshi did solo reactions for shows like One Piece.


@Xeparator --- Thankfully, I don't have a Twitter account. I'm mostly referring to Reddit and YouTube, sometimes Patreon. The past two weeks have been fairly tame, especially on Patreon, but it can get nasty at times. A few places, like ANN, have been less favorable to Bleach, but for the most part, the series receives almost universal praise. I think the anime is doing a great job, and it deserves the accolades, especially when it comes to visuals. I'm glad you agree that differences in opinion shouldn't be shamed, but not everyone is so friendly about "perceived" slights to the series they enjoy. Depending on the critique (i.e. the Vizards being fodder and having no meaningful role in the arc, people not reacting to Gremmy's meteor, etc.), most people aren't hostile. However, with other critiques (i.e. why didn't we see more Aizen in Isshin's flashback, why does the CGI stand out so much, why does the pacing seem so fast now, etc.), people appear to be offended enough to attack and downvote into oblivion.


Lol you missed the point of the episode, Zaraki is so raw he would have taken spaghetti form and still have found a way to cut you. He was so terrified and pressured by Zaraki that he couldnt gain the time to actually think. His imagination was his undoing xD


Exactly, he respected and feared him too much. Metaphorically speaking, Kenpachi has "unimaginable" power. Ha ha ha shit joke I'm sorry.


Basically he respected and was so terrified of Kenpachi. It got to the point of wanting to be like him so he imagined being stronger than him but his imagination couldn't contain kenpachi's unimaginable power which fucked him up.

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

Not a manga reader but wasn’t Gremmy locked up away from everyone else when they were plotting cuz he’s too crazy and even Ywach was concerned about his power so they just kept him in a black room ?


They probably will during his bankai


I think so. Grammy wasn't at the meeting when Uryu was announced as Ywach's successor but the anime added him so that was changed.


I think I figured out why I liked this villain so much. He has kaneki's voice actor right? His voice is super nostalgic.


I thought he died because he wished to be stronger than him but he couldn’t comprehend how strong Kenny was and couldn’t handle the power

Daniel Estrella

Gremmy is the strongest out of the normal sternwritters. Remember, there's still Jugram who is the blonde with long hair. He said he is the sternwritter Grandmaster


Love that Lupa Gear 5 Muscle Muscle comment 🖤🤝

John Smith

Kaneki, I was thinking Deku from Boku no Hero. Are they the same voice actor? Either way, I thought it was a really good fit. His voice is made for gentle psychopathic villains just like As Nodt's VA is amazing for LoveCraftian enemies. Edit: Oh snap, he's actually Tanjiro/Kaneki, not Deku. I knew that innocent voice was from something I saw.

John Smith

The same way you can psyche yourself out for a presentation, exam, or interview. You can have all the prep in the world, but the moment you introduce a seed of doubt, all of it will go to the way side once you let the doubt grow.

John Smith

His power of imagination also seems passively active with no gurantee way of stopping it. So it's not like he can just ignore the little voice at the back of his mind telling him he's weaker or that Kenpachi really can cut anything. For example, when Kenpachi cut through the fabric of space, he straight up shouldnt have been able to, but because V kept believing he could, it happened. Overall, V's power comes with a massive downside if you're not a sociopath or void of emotion. Sternritter F would have fucked his mind if allowed to lmao

John Smith

I'm pretty sure one of them knows, he just doesn't want to spoil it for his friend who has apparently been waiting for 15 years for this ahhaa

John Smith

Loved hearing Tanjiro go crazy. For some reason, I thought this fight in the manga was longer and with Bankai. It's been so long I've forgotten but that's why i love watching this show because I've completely forgotten most of it lol

Heavenly Demonic Emperor

Kenpachi out here breaking out of the void like yami from black clover bro 😂 dude just break all laws of physics, mentally, space and time 😂


Man, Stern Ritter V would've been perfect for an Old Spice commercial. "I'm on a horse."


See ya in the next year guys


That doesnt makes sense. They litteraly showed his thoughts when he thought he was cut and dying. But the main thing is that gremmy is dumb and arrogant, him losing by intrusive thoughts would take away from that and dismantle most of his character

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free

The episodes was brilliant but they still squeezed 9 chapters into 1 episode and missed out a lot of context surrounding Gremmy. It's a shame, but as is the case with most adaptations if you want the full picture the manga is always there

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free

LOOOOOOOL What a ridiculous set of statements, William already responded better than I ever could to you though. This is Bleach, all abilities comes from spirit particles. Goes to show people truly don't understand the power system

Daniel Robb

Maybe they'll explain more in the future. Anime will often move things around to make the show more appealing.

Trequan Williams

That’s the internet man if your gonna put your opinion out there just gotta know your gonna get good responses or bad ones it’s unavoidable if your posting online you learn to ignore it tho.


Or really the series at all in general as far as the character are concerned for that .


Not Roshi comparing Kenpachi to Liver King 💀


Kenpachi was so him, gremmy couldn't imagine himself being THAT him


I reread the Manga version of this fight and there's one thing I wish they didn't cut. The reactions to the meteor. They showed the grunts reacting but in the manga a lot of named characters reacted which should have been shown in the anime. That meteor was seen by EVERYONE and threatened to kill EVERYONE, even one of the Sternritters was kinda freaking out saying they shouldn't have let Gremmy fight because that Meteor was too much. Maybe they'll do that next episode as a Lil "meanwhile" moment before moving on but if not, those reactions should have stayed.

Yo Ku

this felt a whole movie lmao


I’m honestly glad they cut it and hope they don’t add it in since now that the arc is complete, we know many of those characters should not be threatened by any type of meteor.


I want to point out how Yachiru - okay so Kubo like foreshadowing like crazy so let's go - When she landed on Ichigo shoulder back in soul society arc, Ichigo noted how weird it was that he couldn't sense her - moments later she scared off someone who was bugging her while she was watching Kenny fight - next we go the Yachiru being able to carry Kenny 😂 that's dead weight bro - Yachiru & Kenny flashback with was first shown in Soul Society is shown again in the fight with Gremmy directly before he enters Shikai - also the first time we hear Kenpachi's zanpato, it's a woman's voice (not sure if y'all were able to tell)


Gremmy couldn't just kill - in the Aizen fight it's mentioned if their retsu (sorry if I spell it wrong) or spiritual pressure is higher than they can withstand it - Like when Soi Feng tried using her ability on Aizen and Aizen was like my pressure is so much higher that It doesn't effect me


The Quincy are are like a big collection of different slices of `godly-power` pie


@Xeparator --- Something to keep in mind is that "feeling threatened by a meteor" and "not wanting to deal with a meteor" aren't the same thing. I disagree with your point about them having no reason to be threatened, but even if we agreed, it seems like most of their reactions were closer to anger and disbelief. When I think back to the specific characters commenting on Gremmy's meteor in the manga, none of their lines felt out of character.


So just trying to clear something up, Did Unohana just remind Kenpachi the joys of fighting? Is that why we see his child self as he cuts the meteor?


@Senijoh Pretty much she awakened his subconscious that was bringing his power down to match his opponent

Stanley Labissiere

Love the show, but it brings up this thing I always had issues with back when this was coming out in the manga, and it's the absolute ridiculousness of the Quincy abilities. It's just the randomest collection of godly powers and it makes no sense. At least the Arrancars and Shinigami had a unifying thing about them. Sure, they have the Blut and the Holy form... but that's it. How we went from Ishida's Quincy powers to whatever they do now makes absolutely no sense to me, but it is cool to watch I guess.

My Big Little Brother

Never noticed this before but, after learning his Shikai's name, Kenpachi can sense Spiritual Pressure. He couldn't do it before and Yachiru would always need to guide him.


Does it have something to do with Yachiru? I may have seen something about whats to come and it has to do with her "helping" Kenpachi


Roshi, did you just say that Kenpachi needs to cut some slack...? Well played bro lol


I am the bone of my sword 😂😂😂


Quinces were also terrified - it's so sad they cut those scenes and the dialogue about Gremmy being locked up