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double audio fixed, sorry bout that



damn, yall really be pooping these out and watching this shaft animation is making me want you guys to do more monogatari, like its been so long :sob:

Deshawn Gorham

Hopefully y’all could watch nichijou when you can


Thank you so much! 💕


This was so scary to me as a kid

Norrin Radd

I really sympathize with Mami. She was a real one and a big sister to these girls that really benefited from it. The problem is, being a super-powered being in this world isn’t “fun & cool”, it’s super fucking dangerous. Mami was mad powerful and she got eaten like a puppy treat. It’s hot outside. 🥵 ☠️

Tuny kun

Ok, that was hype. I'm all in on this. Can't wait for the next one.


I'm so glad y'all are watching this. The BEST magical girl deconstruction ever.

Huemon Nottabear

I totally misremembered this show. I thought Madoka became a magic girl in episode 2, then after the first fight Kyubeh was like, "Yea, this shits dangerous, to late now" Kind of wondering if the scene that I most remember about this show was actually some other show.


So happy you did the 3 episodes back to back. Y'all are the GOATs!


FYI in case it hasn't been commented, the labyrinths' are in /part/ dependent on their surroundings. This witch was around a hospital, which would explain the pills and syringes vibe

nekonomsicon (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-18 01:52:55 man I remember watching this in high school and losing my shit. easily one of the best examples of turning the magical girl genre on its head. yuki kajiura absolutely KILLED it with the OST as usual and to top it off, the sudden and overwhelming disillusionment is just chef's kiss. can't wait for the rest of the series!! love y'all!!<3
2023-08-17 23:44:01 man I remember watching this in high school and losing my shit. easily one of the best examples of turning the magical girl genre on its head. yuki kajiura absolutely KILLED it with the OST as usual and to top it off, the sudden and overwhelming disillusionment is just chef's kiss. can't wait for the rest of the series!! love y'all!!<3

man I remember watching this in high school and losing my shit. easily one of the best examples of turning the magical girl genre on its head. yuki kajiura absolutely KILLED it with the OST as usual and to top it off, the sudden and overwhelming disillusionment is just chef's kiss. can't wait for the rest of the series!! love y'all!!<3


Kyubey: "Aye ya'll tryna get in on this 360 deal after seeing ya homie get packed up? No? Damn that's crazy"


istg as a 12 yr old this scene was more graphic??? am i trippen

Oh Alone

The body parts of chewed Mami drop next to Akemi after that thing blow off


dam i was wondering when this show was gonna get dark lol

Tim Chaos

holy crap I've never noticed! that gave me heebie jeebies D: (y'all can see it at around 21:06)


Y’all should give danmachi another poll trio or duo it don’t matter

Tim Chaos

Whew this show's OST gives me chills. The ed is an all-time favorite of mine

Jacob R

Kyubey really needs the commission on this record deal. He is underwater on his mortgage.

Oh Alone

Imagine Kyubey come to Lupa and Sheera and said “Yeah I can make you guys got 100M subscribers and followers, just sign me a contract”

J Man

Kyubey slinging that contract like he's a drug dealer


The outro for this episode is so simple yet so great and foreshadowing so much

Alex cleveland (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-18 05:27:53 these niggas drop 3 eps for this anime lmao. Im not mad at it. If u an OG patron, they did this shit all the time💯🔥🔥 Love to see it. Now time to watch this ep 3 hype yall been saying lol
2023-08-18 03:27:38 these niggas drop 3 eps for this anime lmao. Im not mad at it. If u an OG patron, they use to do this shit all the time💯🔥🔥 Love to see it. Now time to watch this ep 3 hype yall been saying lol

these niggas drop 3 eps for this anime lmao. Im not mad at it. If u an OG patron, they use to do this shit all the time💯🔥🔥 Love to see it. Now time to watch this ep 3 hype yall been saying lol


i love how they really went all out with the misdirect, i think if it wasn't for the intro scene in ep 1 this could have really fooled people into thinking it was just another slice of life magical girl show today. Tho lowkey, in the 90s, especially in manga, some of these magical girl anime were dark as hell fr... like even sailor moon went places you wouldn't expect a "magical girl" show to go, in that sense it makes me feel like madoka magica is less of a deconstruction and more of a 'return to form'

Dark Danny

Mami wasn't making it sound like the job was great, she's literally been telling them that being one is dangerous and to really think about it before becoming one. the other one is warning them too but she also just seems like she just doesn't want competition


Yea they want to smash it out while JJK on holiday so wouldn't be surprised if we end up with 1 ep per show normal day

Louis Kalman

Honestly got a lot of respect for how clever all three of them are. Not that their guesses are always right or that they don't get lost in some joke for a minute and miss out on a ton of exposition, but they pick up on a lot of subtle clues. Stuff I miss when I'm just mindlessly watching a show. Sheera and to a lesser extent Roshi always pick up interpersonal hints too, like some tension between characters or someone acting a bit off. Half the time Lupa seems like he's lost in his own world but he's damn entertaining too. Kinda surprised they didn't call out the Mami death flags sooner but they immediately realized shit was about to go down. Did think it was funny they thought the person Sayaka was visiting in the hospital was one of her girl friends because she was blushing and all that, but I looked it up and his voice actors are women so it's easy to see after they mention it. Interested to see their theories on the story as it progresses. Some stuff is obvious in retrospect or on a rewatch but nothing I would've picked up on my own.


have they seen “Devilman Crybaby”


Three episodes in and we already pouring one out. Hate to see it...

The Endless

it was very underwhelming to say the least. i have to remember that ppl got different thresholds for "hype" and "dark".

The Anime Dude

Glad y’all are watching this, I only watched for the first time a couple months back, but I loved it.


Never ever trust someone that smiles that much kyubey is a whole opp 😭😭😭😭

Most Sane Oreimo Fan

Now that we came to this episode, I am now able to let you know that Madoka was written by the same person that wrote Fate/Zero (Gen Urobutchi) so coming from something you have already watched and this episode, you know what is about to come after next. Just a quick note as well that the "real" ED for the anime is sung by the same artist that did the second OP for Fate/Zero.


now kill her friend. make the protag suffer. now that's worth watching

Jazmyne Mattucci

Kyubey's Kick deal goin down the drain rn lmao

Alex cleveland

I agree to that bro lol. I thought it was gonna be some school day’s final ep shit


Of course there will always be darker shows out there. But to be fair, the general trope of cutesy magical girl shows is they make a contract with a super cute chibi animal and get powers that save the day no matter what. So compared to your average feel good magical girl show like Cardcaptor Sakura and Sailor Moon, this one is taking some of those ideas and twisting them in an incredibly dark manner.


One of my faves, dark and gory, w/ some deeper things to think about. Not everyone’s cup of tea, unfortunately.


are there more episodes they watched??


They just started reacting to this show. But they've been pumping out the reactions, faster than most shows


@MDLNubes yep and I think they're trying to knock this out before Jujutsu's Shibuya arc since its on break right now and Madoka is short (minus the movie)

Challis H

Plus, we're just getting started. Trust me, let that despair cook, It's coming.


Kyubey records lmfao


IDK, Mami's bloody remains falling on the table after the witch was killed seems pretty dark to me.

October Veil

It reminded me of the music from Noir and thanks to another fabulous patron here, I learned the same composer WAS involved! The music is so soooo dope