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if we dont get a season 4 renewal we riot



Fingers crossed for season 4! That season finale was crazy

JJ (edited)

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2023-08-17 23:03:57 Roshi I really hope you put Sasuke back in the intro if he dies in next chapter of the manga 😭
2023-08-17 21:02:28


Let the riot begin warrior has been cancelled

Shay Peart

where is that information, send the link because I didn't see that

Hasnain Khan



Whose mans is this spreading false info🤦🏽‍♂️

metronxtdoorr (edited)

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2024-05-04 23:06:33 this world shall know BAIT
2024-05-04 23:06:33 this world shall know BAIT
2024-05-04 23:06:33 this world shall know BAIT
2023-08-17 21:12:01 this world shall know BAIT

this world shall know BAIT


Bro I'm ngl I got a little teary eyed during this finale. Genuinely felt the suspense throughout the entire episode. We need Season 4

Mob K.O.

Golden Boy


I love how everyone knew hong would’ve been a problem in the fight and the show confirms it by having him knock the nunchuck out of his hand lol


W season. This ending on a highnote, but I swear this would be so messed up to not get another season and to be left like this lol

October Veil

F yeah we riot fight like a Warrior to get it renewed!!


Facts we better get a season 4. What a 🔥season this was

Erica Collins

I find it hilarious that it's so unbelievable for anyone to love Buckley that we all knew he was getting played lmao

Frank Wesely

Hop Wei wiped out Zing’s crew when he went to prison. Also Zing’s an escape death row inmate. He ain’t going back to running shit. He just out for revenge. It’s crazy cuz he got beef with everyone! Like Leary told Bill ‘it’s gonna come due’.

Frank Wesely

If they really killed Chao I’ll respect em for that. Only so long you can play with fire.

Frank Wesely

I can’t imagine what the tongs are gonna look like now.


“Oh no.. is the camera on me?” dawg😭😭💀


Li Yong really said "fk that ho"


Nah I need a season 4 like now when chow got stabbed I was like is that who I think it is nooooo wtf bro 😭


Ah Sam is really him, nigga waxed the whole Hop Wei dolo


I don’t think Chao is done. He bled out. But we didn’t see him take his last breath or close his eyes cause his hand was still moving while he was holding his stomach. Plus Chao literally is the wisdom of the show. And I think Ah Sahm is finally gonna be the hero of Chinatown and the tongs are gonna be the villains in that storyline.

J Man

I hope mah main man Wang Chao isn't done. Dude was a real OG.


Nigga Strickland turned Leary into a fucking supervillain 😂😂😂


Zing is definitely gonna be a problem for everyone next season but mainly Li Yong, and Bill since they’re the ones who set him up. But he’s definitely gonna go after Mai Ling as well so that means that’ll be the first time he may finally has some beef with Ah Sahm. And also I was rooting for Ah Sahm this whole season because all of the tongs were tripping especially Young Jun and Mai Ling. Their egos and pride is what got people jammed up. Notice how Ah Sahm is literally the person to save everyone. Even though Mai Ling doesn’t deserve to be saved, as a big brother myself, I would’ve done the same thing. I’m not letting anyone kill my little sister especially my homeboys. So I’d run the fade too. Also if they’d just let Ah Sahm leave when he made his choice then I’d been okay with Young Jun but the fact that he had the goon squad waiting to off Ah Sahm is where I knew I couldn’t rock with him anymore


No poll needed, just replace this slot with Banshee.


"They cut the music" *leans forward*


They definitely gonna get renewed for a S4, HBO would be stupid to let a show this good go. They set-up multiple plot lines so S4 is laid out. I just hope this show doesn't end up like GOT or Titans.


Banshee now until you leave s4 warrior. You will love the show


The show is called Warrior for a reason Ah sahm was always gonna break apart and become a man of the people I think these previous seasons was just the prologue

nami (edited)

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2023-08-18 02:37:35 Man im actually insanely happy mai ling survived that. Been wanting them to actually like revive their relationship with each other the whole show. Of course Ah Sahm was gonna choose his sister over a group of ppl who forced him into a gang, regardless of how close they got
2023-08-18 02:37:35 Man im actually insanely happy mai ling survived that. Been wanting them to actually like revive their relationship with each other the whole show. Of course Ah Sahm was gonna choose his sister over a group of ppl who forced him into a gang, regardless of how close they got
2023-08-18 02:37:35 Man im actually insanely happy mai ling survived that. Been wanting them to actually like revive their relationship with each other the whole show. Of course Ah Sahm was gonna choose his sister over a group of ppl who forced him into a gang, regardless of how close they got
2023-08-18 02:37:35 Man im actually insanely happy mai ling survived that. Been wanting them to actually like revive their relationship with each other the whole show. Of course Ah Sahm was gonna choose his sister over a group of ppl who forced him into a gang, regardless of how close they got
2023-08-18 02:37:35 Man im actually insanely happy mai ling survived that. Been wanting them to actually like revive their relationship with each other the whole show. Of course Ah Sahm was gonna choose his sister over a group of ppl who forced him into a gang, regardless of how close they got
2023-08-18 02:37:35 Man im actually insanely happy mai ling survived that. Been wanting them to actually like revive their relationship with each other the whole show. Of course Ah Sahm was gonna choose his sister over a group of ppl who forced him into a gang, regardless of how close they got
2023-08-18 00:24:43 Man im actually insanely happy mai ling survived that. Been wanting them to actually like revive their relationship with each other the whole show. Of course Ah Sahm was gonna choose his sister over a group of ppl who forced him into a gang, regardless of how close they got

Man im actually insanely happy mai ling survived that. Been wanting them to actually like revive their relationship with each other the whole show. Of course Ah Sahm was gonna choose his sister over a group of ppl who forced him into a gang, regardless of how close they got

Bradley Canning

New Show recommendation for the poll, i think Vikings. Its an amazing show with amazing characters and story line. It is one of the best shows out there on par with peaky blinders in my opinion. Please place it on the poll i promise its worth it

Ethan Vinson

Excuse the language, but HOLY FUCKING FINALE!!! That was amazing, we need confirmation for season 4 asap.


Best finale we had for this show so far. Honestly, I'm pretty sure Warrior has the best fight choreography I've seen in any TV show. Its S tier when it comes to fighting. That's not to say I'm not disappointed on the direction Ah Sahm's character went. Dude betrayed his brothers for some chick he just met, and also betrayed him for his sister that literally tried to get him killed. I know the plot was hinting on him turning on the Hop Wei, but still downgraded his character for me. If I had to pick a side I would for sure be in Young Juns side. After all, he didn't betray anyone. Anyways, hopefully HBO isn't stupid and renews this show for a S4.

rickie woodson

this is why i love you guys. the logic aint logicing but i love the funny lol. show: literally just gave hong a boyfriend. them: ooh this is leading to something spicy. something is up with this guy. show: he's just a boyfriend. them: worst storyline. there wasnt a major twist like i wanted. if you just wanted him to have a boyfriend just give him a boyfrined. show:................ no season four then lol. not every relationship has to tie into the plot. look at lee and fatsy. they're girls dont tie into the major plot of the show or anyone else's storylines so...........gays can have basic ass ships too. thats the goal to normalize everything lol

Art of Trolling (edited)

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2023-08-18 03:08:47 Ngl wtf Ah Sahm think was gonna happen. How you join a rival gang of your sister then get mad when they try to offer.
2023-08-18 01:07:56 Ngl wtf Ah Sahm think was gonna happen. How you join a rival gang of your sister then get mad when they try to off her big head ass.

Ngl wtf Ah Sahm think was gonna happen. How you join a rival gang of your sister then get mad when they try to off her big head ass.


max posted a podcast video on their yt which means that warrior chances of getting a season 4 is more than likely. they usually give shows they fw more attention than others


Yes and no he did fold them both at the same time he couldn’t of done that with Li yong and young jun instead of hong

Cuban Macaw

We need a compilation or road map for the origin of all these jokes. Sinister sex, robo Campbell. Lol

Drake Rage

Its funny cause at the end of last season I literally wrote that it was fkd up how both brother and sister were doing fkd up stuff to people they were close with.. and now a whole new season ends and its literally the same point of brother and sister doing fkd up stuff to people they were close with, haha. I am more on Young Jun's side too cause he turned out to be right all along that Ah Sahm was going to pick his sister over his "brothers" in the tong, in the end :/

Antonio Williams

Bruh Ay Toi was so fast I closed my eyes, laughing at the "how you get everyone to hate yo in one season" joke and he was already cut


Weak Hero Class next please


Remember they bought him. He didn’t voluntarily join them he was sold when he first arrived in America

Art of Trolling

Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t he leave the gang. They let him leave and he chose to come back.


This doesn't make sense. Lee and fatsy, still had a plot line with substance. Also, all the straight people in this show have had relationships that somehow tied into the plot too. Ah Sahm, Mai Ling, Dan, the majors, etc. The only one who hasn't was Hongs. If the whole point was to show that "gays can have basic relationships". Then the criticism was right, it was pointless to the show.


Yeah it was completely dumb, Betrayed the gang for some girl he just met, and the sister that almost got him killed.



Joshua Burns

Was I the only fucked up one that kinda wanted to see her die after the shit she kept doing 😂


Yeah but that’s mainly cause Li Yong is the only one on his level in the show

MM (edited)

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2024-05-04 23:06:33 Hope we get Ah Sahm and Mai Ling on the same team next season.
2024-05-04 23:06:33 Hope we get Ah Sahm and Mai Ling on the same team next season.
2024-05-04 23:06:33 Hope we get Ah Sahm and Mai Ling on the same team next season.
2023-08-18 02:32:35 Hope we get Ah Sahm and Mai Ling on the same team next season.

Hope we get Ah Sahm and Mai Ling on the same team next season.

von (edited)

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2023-08-18 04:47:07 I like the little details in Ah Sam’s fighting style evolution as the show goes on, like how he headbutted the punch during the Hop Wei fight because Leary did it to him, or how he uses some of the moves Li yong used against him
2023-08-18 02:32:43 I like the little details in Ah Sam’s fighting style evolution as the show goes on, like how he headbutted the punch during the Hop Wei fight because Leary did it to him, or how he uses some of the moves Li yong used against him, and that flip move he did was used by the flashy guy in the tournament last season

I like the little details in Ah Sam’s fighting style evolution as the show goes on, like how he headbutted the punch during the Hop Wei fight because Leary did it to him, or how he uses some of the moves Li yong used against him, and that flip move he did was used by the flashy guy in the tournament last season

Stagger Lee

W show but its time for yall to watch banshee

A. P.

Fire finale. I bout punched a hole in my wall when Ah Sahm hit that one-inch punch lol They definitely better renew for a season 4! Although it might be a while either way with the strike.


He went back but at first it was as a distraction for what he and Ah Toy was doing that vigilante thing on the side until she called it off but it was also a way for him to survive cause he was also was suffering as a coolie and him Mai Ling were on bad terms. It’s not the fact at she’s just his sister, he was just tired of people getting killed over territory and power especially people who are bystanders. He didn’t want to go back to the tong after they abandoned him in the Li Yong fight. The Hop Wei and Long Zii both did him dirty but this season he looked past all of that and started seeing it as maybe if both parts stop warring with each other, then everything will be peaceful. That’s why he doesn’t kill any of his friends of the Hop Wei or let his sister get killed. If he did, he wouldn’t be no better than anyone but a hatchet man but characters like Ah Toy and a few others kept saying he was a hero. Plus letting your sister get killed, would haunt you at some point if it happened

Teyon Alexander

I would love a season 4 but with the writers strike and the show likely not keeping enough viewers- I don’t see it happening. They gave us enough that they could build a season 4 on but i don’t think there will be one.


Vikings next plz

Corey Leach

My boi Li said "Alexa, play Happy by Pharrell" 💀💀

Devin B

Ah Sahm really was trying to have his cake and eat it too. He didn't want to go against his sister but he wanted to be loyal towards his Hop Wei brothers. It just came to a point where there was no way for those two gangs to coexist. Ah Sahm ideally doesn't want anyone to get hurt but at the end of the day he chose family.

Devin B

Young Jun and Hong are problems when they have weapons but Ah Sahm knows how to deal with weapons so it wasn't an issue for him.

Drake Rage

Jaime Lannister runs back to Cersei Lannister, oh I mean Ah Sahm runs back to Mai Ling.


It’s about time Ah Sahm beat down that nepotism baby. Hop Wei were never his brothers. They enslaved him and threw him away whenever it suited them.

Alexis Sullivan

If yall wanna see more Chao you have to react to Banshee. Hoon Lee is fantastic again

Alexis Sullivan

I for one wanted Mai Ling to die, all that shit she did she had it coming for sure. I really hope Chao isn't dead. We didn't actually see him die so there's still a chance he makes it

Fire Fist Ace

Azula and Zuko are finally on the same side lol


hey can you guys react to the new superman show


But the thing is Ah Sahm was trying to have everyone be at peace with each other. They’re so busy wanting power and killing each other they forgetting the bigger picture. Ah Sahm is just tired of warring with his own people and seeing them get hurt by outsiders. Plus Young Jun did cause a lot of problems for the tong this season so that’s on him. And Ah Sahm saved him, Young Jun, Father Jun and Mai Ling throughout the show. So to Ah Sahm is like bro my little sister helped me get y’all out from going back to die in China, our tongs are finally making bread together, now you want to kill her and think Imma let you do it. Plus he’s not looking at the situation as a big brother, he’s looking at it like they’re gonna start another war and people and bystanders are gonna get hurt because of this tong beef

Devin reid

Banshee time?????


Twisted Metal on the next poll pls

Marquiste jerome

Yall know ah sahm is from the u.k? Mai Ling and ah toy are both Canada?.?

metronxtdoorr (edited)

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2023-08-18 12:47:57 yoo i got mad chills when ah sahm did the one inch punch. such an amazing finale
2023-08-18 12:47:57 yoo i got mad chills when ah sahm did the one inch punch. such an amazing finale
2023-08-18 12:47:57 yoo i got mad chills when ah sahm did the one inch punch. such an amazing finale
2023-08-18 10:45:24 yoo i got mad chills when ah sahm did the one inch punch. such an amazing finale

yoo i got mad chills when ah sahm did the one inch punch. such an amazing finale

Teyon Alexander

Banshee would be great. I see others calling for it too. If you’re looking for a show, Banshee is a great choice.


It’s time to y’all to finally start Vikings


@Jalan If Ah sahms objective was too have peace, then he wouldn't have just betrayed the Hop Wei for a girl he just met. He literally caused the conflict on what happen this episode. It was all because of him snitching/simping for Yan Mi. And they ain't making bread together anymore, since you know Ah sahm became a snitch.


I also don't buy the whole sister thing. Like Ah Sahm has literally been talking shit about her non stop, (even last season) how he ain't ever gonna forgive her, he was hesitant about going to her wedding, etc. At the end of the day, I don't hold it against the show that much, since it is his sister and she's blood. But like, the show should have done a better job portraying Ah sahm's change of heart for her. It came off as the show trying to make something happen for "action", than more of a build up.


Well it's already on the list but they skipped it because the length I believe.

Jay Voorhees

RIP Chao hopefully they watch Banshee soon for more Chao and Homelander🫡😂


great season. cant wait for another season to show up. also im pretty sure he was there no? when they showed li-yong he was all fucked up. cut up and bruised . so he was there fighting no? they just didnt show him

AOArlert (edited)

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2024-05-04 23:06:33 Castlevania season 3 finale, Peaky Blinders season 3 ish and “they’ll never believe you” is a random thing they sent each other but first brought it up in the Made in Abyss season 1 reaction. You’re welcome 🙂
2024-05-04 23:06:33 Castlevania season 3 finale, Peaky Blinders season 3 ish and “they’ll never believe you” is a random thing they sent each other but first brought it up in the Made in Abyss season 1 reaction. You’re welcome 🙂
2024-05-04 23:06:33 Castlevania season 3 finale, Peaky Blinders season 3 ish and “they’ll never believe you” is a random thing they sent each other but first brought it up in the Made in Abyss season 1 reaction. You’re welcome 🙂
2024-05-04 23:06:33 Castlevania season 3 finale, Peaky Blinders season 3 ish and “they’ll never believe you” is a random thing they sent each other but first brought it up in the Made in Abyss season 1 reaction. You’re welcome 🙂
2023-08-18 13:12:08 Castlevania season 3 finale, Peaky Blinders season 3 ish and “they’ll never believe you” is a random thing they sent each other but first brought it up in the Made in Abyss season 1 reaction. You’re welcome 🙂

Castlevania season 3 finale, Peaky Blinders season 3 ish and “they’ll never believe you” is a random thing they sent each other but first brought it up in the Made in Abyss season 1 reaction. You’re welcome 🙂


I mean when Ah Sahm actually decided to commit to hurting them Hong got blitzed while he had a stab wound lmao so I don't actually think he was a problem outside of the initial start where he's still holding back. Hong was legit no issue

Gnarly 34

I like how in season 1 Mai ling was mad at Asam for not saving her or try to protect her from her other husband to her now hugging her older brother after almost getting clapped


Chao ain't dead if Mr. Finnie can come back from being shot point blank at a train station I believe in Chaos return


Thats what I'm saying unless they hard confirm the death it's never forsure. Anime rules apply everywhere. And Mai Ling deserves death I feel like next season they gonna try to humanize her but she's too far gone for me


Yeah but mind you the Hop Wei forced that girl to work for them. She was supposed to just teach them how to print but they said no she’s gonna do more than that. And then when the Hop Wei started to feel like didn’t need her anymore, they were gonna throw her out eventually and Young Jun even threatened her. She didn’t volunteer to be their printer, they made her do it. So Ah Sahm was nervous cause they were gonna kill somebody who is not just his gf but an innocent person. She didn’t even snitch and most likely if Young Jun would’ve found out she was arrested then they were going to kill her. Plus all the tong is worried about is power and territory anyway. Even killing each other for it. Ah Sahm is just tired of people dying cause of the tong bullshit. He didn’t kill anyone on either side this episode. Young Jun had the opportunity to let Ah Sahm leave but no he just had to be on that gang shit, and was gonna have him killed. The fuck was that. Ah Sahm was just gonna walk out. That’s how the Hop Wei roll. You either get abandoned or killed out of the gang. It’s not the first time this happened


Y'all giving Bill a lot of credit. We aint sure Bill didnt recognize Ah Toy cause his racist butt thinks Asians all look the same 😂?

deonte johnson

Crazy lie mei got a whole flawless victory on buddy, he thought shit was sweet 😂😂


I disagree that Ah Sahm was just upset because it was an "innocent" person blah blah. What really happen was that he got pussy whipped hardcore. He would not have gone to the lengths of dropping all his money and betraying the gang for a random person. He did it because he simped hard for this girl. I do agree in some since Ah Sahm is tired of all this gang life/bullshit, but snitching on the gang to the cops isn't gonna make anything better. As CLEARLY shown in this episode, it just made everything worse. And your right that is how the Hop Wei roll, and Ah Sahm knows that like everyone else does. So idk why he would expect Young Jun the leader of the gang to be like "okay bro, bye!". Which is why I'm more in Young Juns side, he's the one that got betrayed, after ALWAYS vouching for him and having his back. Young Jung wasn't even gonna do anything evil, he was just going to take out his sister, who is by the way a crazy, power hungry, traitorous bitch. And again its Ah Sahms blood sister so I get it to some extent, but team Young Jun all way, AT LEAST for now.


If you think bill is racist, you haven't been paying attention since season 1, dude's crooked as hell, but not racist. He even spoke to Ah Sahm normally in Season 1 after he got released from jail (even though he let the irish dudes try to kill him, but that was more of a favor for Leary than his racism).

Drake Rage

@Jalan Bro the print shop (her Father and brother) turned them down and she volunteered, knowing it was a job by the tongs so obviously was gonna be risky/shady/criminal sht. Sure she is innocent in the bigger scope of things but Ah Sahm betraying his brothers for this one girl he recently met is not justified at all.

Drake Rage

Yeah lets conveniently forget what life was like for Ah Sahm when the tong threw him out for a while.... literal hell on earth the way the Chinese were getting worked out there, so you thinking "of course he would betray them" doesn't make any sense. If it was so obvious that Ah Sahm would choose his sister.. then why not join her tong instead after he got kicked out the first time? Mai Ling is trash and what Ah Sahm did was trash.


So you rather him just let them kill her even though she’s innocent. Got it. Just because he just met her doesn’t mean to just let her die if it came down to it. Ah Sahm is not gonna let an innocent person just get killed over some tong shit whether if he had some attachment to her or not. All it is for the tong is just killing on another fucking Tuesday, to Ah Sahm, it’s like another person dying in the line of crossfire. Would you stick by the innocent person and keep them alive or let that just innocent body on your hands?

sotonye ogan

Aww would you look at that Mai Ling gets saved again and again after doing bullshit after bullshit, literally gave the nod to kill Ah Sahm but no matter what you still my lil sister🥺. Ah Sahm as a main character has massively downgraded for me, cant wait see which pussy will sway him to do more stupid shit next season lol.


it's his sister you haven't been watching the show if you thought at any point he would actually kill her


Adam Rayner (Strickland) is also in the show Superman and Lois and he plays literally the same guy.

Drake Rage

The discussion is about what it costs to save her, the cops said they were going to arrest and deport all of them maybe even Mai Ling if Buckley had not brought her away, and mad people woulda died crossing the sea too btw… So yes Ah Sahm was not justified to put many other people’s lives at risk to prevent this one girl from getting deported… The tongs woulda killed her either way cause Mai ling took her to her wedding which got her arrested which caused all of this. Btw I think you believe the tongs are all bad but they do serve as the muscle, a shield to protect Chinatown, not Mai Ling's tong though cause she wants the tong to serve her while Young Jun wants to serve the tong that serves chinatown overall.


I can tell folks in the comments really don’t understand Ah Sahm’s arc as a developing hero, but only see that he just did it for some pu***. But hey whatever


From a viewer perspective it was beyond obvious Ah Sahm would choose his sister because they had shown him warm up to her ever so slightly once their relationship hit its absolute bottom in like s2 i think it was. As a character in a show, again it was obvious Ah Sahm would choose his sister. It's his baby sister. Young Jun literally outright admits in this episode that he knew Ah Sahm couldnt go through with letting her die lmaooo that's why he also questioned it but Ah Sahm was a brother to him so he let him make a choice. If you would let your tong kill your baby sister I would argue you are trash. By your logic, why would Ah Sahm then choose his tong over his sister when they were so willing to toss him aside when he lost to Li Yong? Or when Young Jun has clearly show lapses in judgement the whole season as a leader to where ppl are trynna convince Ah Sahm to take the lead?Or when he was literally convinced Young Jun would have his gf killed? You can dislike them, sure. But who in their right mind would let their friends kill their baby sister, I cant imagine too many people. Also lets remember this is quite literally not the first assassination attempt Ah Sahm has saved Mai Ling from in this series. How you thought Ah Sahm would choose otherwise is just delusional lmao

Drake Rage

Young Juun on a roll, he had said Ah Sahm was gonna choose his sister for a while, true. Young Juun this episode said Mai Ling prolly tipped off the cops, kinda true since she brought printer chick to her wedding where Lee saw the printer chick and thats how they knew she was printing the fake money for the tongs...

Drake Rage

Betraying your homies on the path to becoming a Hero is understandably not something people will appreciate, cause it was fkd up.


Don’t assume what I think. I don’t believe all tongs are bad but look at how they’ve been acting all season. One they were gonna kill Yan Mi even though she’s innocent. Also wasn’t Young Jun gonna pull his knife out on her father earlier on and threatened her later in the season. Second the tong only protects the town cause wtf would they rule if there’s no people there give them money for protection which they are known for doing. The tongs are not protecting Chinatown for free. That’s why we see them collecting money from people from time to time. If the rioters murdered all of Chinatown back in season 2, then there’s nothing to rule. Li Yong’s not bad at all. He shows people respect and morality unlike Mai Ling. Young Jun’s not bad either but his temper and demand for respect is what got him arrested and got the tong jammed up. And what did he do when the only solution was for Ah Sahm to ask Mai Ling to help him get out, he didn’t appreciate it. He was just pissed about it the whole time when it was him who got himself in that situation in the first place. Mai Ling was so power hungry, she even killed the elders cause she knew they were gonna replace her with Li Yong. The only time we really saw the tongs fight for their people was the riot but that’s about it. This season showed who Ah Sahm really was as a character and that is not a damn hatchet man. It’s a hero. Is he a perfect hero? No. But he’s helped many characters in the show and has spared people even when they didn’t deserve it. There’s a reason why he’s painted on that wall and not any of the tong

Frank Wesely

That’s Buckley’s aid in bed with his girl.

Drake Rage

Whenever Young Juun would say that he would choose his sister.. most viewers, even Roshi literally said nah Ah Sahm would never betray them, literally a couple episodes ago when Hong replied to Young Juun with "He would fight or die for you Boss." You are saying even for characters in the show it was obvious.. like no only Young Juun doubted him, not even Ah Sahm thought he would choose his sister, even this season he didn't really want to go to her wedding, all these things add up to it feeling like trash that Ah Sahm betrayed his brothers for her who has already ordered his death once already and literally doesn't trust anyone else, not her husband, not her brother, it's only about her.


Letting your homies kill an innocent girl ain’t something people would appreciate it either. Instead of being one sided about everything but hey that’s your opinion. When Young Jun gave him that choice to pick, all Ah Sahm did was trying to leave and walk away from the tong without anyone getting hurt but Young Jun had goons waiting in the cut to kill him. Like should’ve just let him walk out but you gon try and kill him. Riighht? Ah Sahm didn’t have to choose if he wasn’t given that choice to stay in the tong or choose his little sister. He wanted folks to get along but nope Mai Ling and Young Jun’s beef just had to get in the way. It wasn’t even Mai Ling who snitched but Young Jun assumed she did. That boy was just waiting for another reason to off her. The fact that he had mfs waiting to kill Ah Sahm if he chose to leave them that’s fucked up, cause all he tried to do is just leave but now all of em got their asses kicked. But like I said it’s your pov that’s only about him betraying his brothers and not the other parts

Drake Rage

Yes Ah Sahm has heroic qualities but betraying his brothers, that brotherly bond we have seen developed through at least 2 seasons, seeing all that getting shattered to save 1 girl and then continue into betraying them to save the sister that has done so much psychotic shit... this was just not a good way to show Ah Sahm's growth into a potential hero. and yea I just said the tongs are not all bad, but yes they do a lot of bad stuff, my point just being that the whole area would be sweatshops, people getting abused to death by the businessmen, if the tongs did not exist.


What Hong said wasn't even incorrect, Ah Sahm has shown he would do both, just not for at the cost of his sister. It's why the point was driven home of him referring to Mai Ling by her real name. He would very well have let "Mai Ling" die but not Xiao his baby sister, who is who he saw and was thinking about. Also I would argue strongly that "most viewers" did not think Ah Sahm was incapable of betraying them since he has literally betrayed them in the past already but that's also a point neither of us can really prove so no point discussing that. When I say a character in the show I really do mainly just mean Young Jun yes, . I believe Jun was aware of what Ah Sahm would choose and just didn't want to believe it or respected him enough as a brother to make the choice himself. There is a reason Jun had sent out a party of Hop Wei members to kill Mai Ling before Ah Sahm even made his choice. They also had a squad literally on deck to fight him at the moment he made a choice. Every instance this season that I outlined above in the previous message, that you didnt address, led to that decision pretty seamlessly I would say. Also yes, those are his "brothers." They were also willing to kill his sister against his will. If you remember he didn't actually even want to fight them, he wanted to walk away and they didn't let him. He even held back in the fight until he got stabbed, and then he spared Young Juns life. Ah Sahm is not trash for not allowing his "brothers" to kill his little sis lmaoo if you dont understand how nuanced of a situation it and how absolutely BRUTAL that blowback would be mentally to literally let your sister die then there is nothing I can say to you and you are not convincing me of the opposite we'll agree to disagree.


Oh shit it is him. Idk why I couldn’t remember his face. I had a strong feeling bro was up to something

Drake Rage

Wait you think Young Juun was going to kill him from the jump? I am sure they were just going to lock him up until they got his sister thing figured out... When Ah Sahm came to fight Hong, Hong disarmed his hand and said "Don't" so obviously they wanted him to stop fighting back and be locked up for the time being. It is still being one-sided if you not seeing that betraying the homies is a fk'd up thing that you don't expect a "Hero" to do, cause at that point it wasn't the innocent girl, it was the psycho sister that he wanted to save.

Drake Rage

Yes there is a lot of nuance in wanting to save your psycho sister that has ordered your death once already, was there a BRUTAL blowback for Mai Ling to cold-heartedly give the nod to Li Yong to break her brother's neck, or is it only applicable to guys caring about their sisters, even psycho ones? I didn't address your 2nd paragraph from the original reply because the tong kicking him out was not Young Juun's fault, and Young Juun has always been a brother to Ah Sahm since the very first day he joined, even though he doubted Ah Sahm's loyalty after Mai Ling THREW him under the bus by announcing that he was her brother to Young Juun. Young Juun ultimately gave Ah Sahm the benefit and mostly interacted with him like a brother, despite having doubts, which were proven true. He did not deserve this, Ah Sahm's sister does have a ton of reason to get clapped, she literally makes an enemy out of everyone she has met, even her own husband so yea the "protect your wittle sister" stuff doesn't apply to a demon like Mai Ling...


You know damn well they wasn’t gon lock him up, cause for one he don’t go down easy. Especially since he whooped everybody like that. Ah Sahm ain’t nobody you can just beat up, you go have to actually kill him. And sure Hong took the nunchuck but Young Jun took out the blades and we all know when he does that, he’s going in for the kill. Plus Ah Sahm spared everyone in the house who came at him during the fight especially Young Jun and Hong. Ah Sahm also could’ve let him get sent to China to die a few episodes back but he saved him from that too. But Imma ask you the question if you have a little sister that you still care for even if y’all not on the best terms and she has beef with your homie and he decides to kill her, are you gon let him do it?


How about Banshee until we get a Warrior Season 4?


In a way, are we forgetting when Mai Ling had that moment when Ah Sahm was fighting in the underground trying to get him back in her life? Every time her ass has been towards the fire in a life or death scenario Ah Sahm has chosen to protect her regardless of what she's done to him. Hell, Ah Sahm has been trying to protect damn near everyone the entire series. I believe the stuff Mai Ling went through at mainland was when he had left so he probably felt responsible. It's also idiotic and disingenuous to ignore the very real world fact that big brothers feel an innate resposiblity to protect their younger sisters. So yeah, after everything she did he made the choice to protect her anyway lmao I can't even fathom how this is a hard concept to grasp but it could be just because i love my family to death so i can relate. You are entitled to your opinion but its just idiotic to pretend not to understand why he made that choice and to pretend that Young Jun didn't already know what choice was going to be made since he took every single precaution in preparation of it. You think he's trash for choosing his sis over his brothers, and i think he'd be trash if he let her die. Lets call it there, because you diminishing the nuance in the very first sentence of your post literally tells me everything I need to know bc you keep attacking Mai Ling. Of course shes been a piece of shit 90% of the series (except when she saved one of his best friends life in Toy) I never once refuted that. We can ALL agree that Mai Ling has been a problem for nearly everyone in the show at somepoint. but that doesnt necessarily immediately mean suddenly Ah Sahm would be okay seeing her die.

Drake Rage

Well Mai Ling is the older than Ah Sahm so that innate responsibility you mentioned goes out the window I guess, lmao. I understand your point that she is family at the end of the day, so he should protect her, but she just doesn't deserve it. When you say "I can't fathom how its a hard concept to grasp".... idk if you even believe the stuff you are saying, if you had a sibling as horrible as Mai Ling who has ordered your death even though you have risked your life multiple times to save them, like you mentioned.. like Mai Ling has done too many bad things for Ah Sahm to still want to save her, he can do what he wants but yes it is a trash decision to betray his brothers to save a sister like Mai Ling. But alright I guess we do have to agree to disagree then.

Drake Rage

I am saying about the part when you said "all Ah Sahm did was trying to leave and walk away from the tong without anyone getting hurt but Young Jun had goons waiting in the cut to kill him" and "The fact that he had mfs waiting to kill Ah Sahm if he chose to leave them that’s fucked up" That part, the dudes waiting were there to forcefully lock him up, even when Ah Sahm beat them all down and came to face Hong and Young Juun, Hong disarming him and saying "Don't" was still them trying to lock him up, but yes since Ah Sahm still wanted to fight, then it got very dangerous and possibly lethal. About your question, the issue is if I have risked my life and gotten beat to an inch of my life multiple times to save her, and she has even ordered my death that I survived due to pure chance (Bill shooting the gun and stopping the fight)... that is more than "not being on the best terms." Literally the only argument is "oh its his sister ofc he would save her," but no she is just too far-gone with all the stuff she has done to those she was close with, and I don't respect Ah Sahm for doing the same to who he was close with, especially Hong and Young Juun.


If they were planning to lock him up then why take out their hatchets during the fight or Young Jun taking out his knives. There were literally parts of the fight where he was aiming for the chest or the head. Especially when he threw the blade and Ah Sahm dodged it. That ain’t no damn trying to lock somebody up. But I’m done with the debate tho 😂😂


If i take out younger and just say sister it's exactly the same. Brothers feel a responsibility to protect their sisters, yes. It's weird to be intentionally obtuse about that, you can give ground in a debate lol at the end of the day we are just expressing different views, isnt the end of the world. And i do believe it, I'm not arguing just for the sake of it. Yes, Mai Ling has treated him horribly at times, majority of the time actually throughout the show. But she did save Toy, she got Ah Sahm out of jail, and she's his only actual family. she still blamed him for what happened when they were kids and felt remorse after the fact which was shown. This isn't me defending her, im just saying. This is just the angle I am able to view it from which is why i feel the way I do, but I do also understand why you and others may view it differently. Me saying "I can't fathom how its a hard concept to grasp" isnt me saying "idk how ppl dont agree with me", i just wanted to be able to get my view across is all lol But yeah i get and respect your opinion, hopefully we get a s4. Have a gn!

Drake Rage

Was Ah Sahm letting them lock him up when they pulled out the hatchet and knives? tf.. You really think Hong said "Don't" cause he was asking Ah Sahm to stop fighting and just die.. lol.

Drake Chuckle

I will never not find the Roshi rooting for Bill thing not funny, especially cause I am now too. He's awful, but here we are, lmao.


Okay then so that means they were gonna kill him. They knew he was not gonna just let them lock him up without running the fade so what other option was there, other than just letting him go or kill him. Cause locking him up was definitely not gon work. That locking up solution is out the window. The moment they pulled out them weapons on him was a clear example they were not planning on letting him live. He was the only one not trying to kill them. They were though but failed painfully 😂. He could’ve killed everybody that night. Even when he got to Hong and Young Jun, he could’ve kept his other nunchuck or grabbed a hatchet or take the knife Young Jun stabbed him with, but he still held back cause when he got stabbed that’s when he had enough of holding back. Betrayal or not, he could’ve killed them if he wanted to any time ago. I don’t hear nobody giving this same energy when Li Yong was doing the same thing for Mai Ling when he killed his best friend. At least the Long Zii let him walk away. Hop Wei did the complete opposite

Jaelyn Mcgee

Ouch, this episode hurt. I'm really curious though what's gonna happen with Mai ling and Ah Sahm, cause she's still going to put her own survival and schemes above him. I think he's gonna have to put some ground rules down and make it clear that he's not Li Yong 2.0 and that she can't treat him this way. and it's interesting that Ah Sahm literally told Hong that they had to put the Tong first when Young Jun was about to be deported and that Father Jun was right to kick him out, but he couldn't do the same for them, for understandable reasons. I really do think Hong got the short end of the stick, in terms of characters arcs too, but I can definently understand his outrage at Marcel. I really wish we could have had more of Yong Jun, Hong and Ah Sahm bonding before things fell apart, because their friendship and chemistry was great

Drake Rage

Maybe they were hoping someone was going to get a lucky bonk on his head like the cop did earlier in the episode. But seriously though, I am 100% sure they weren’t going to kill him, the exact point when it became a deathmatch was when Young Juun said “I woulda done anything for you” then pulled out his knives, that is when someone coulda died and Juun prolly was prepared to kill or be killed. They knew he was going to go save his sister so they didnt want to let him leave, like I am 100% sure the plan was to lock him up but Ah Sahm was just too much for them and they started using weapons.



Sheraya san

If y’all haven’t watched it, I know it’s an iconic show and so many have viewed but if y’all haven’t, pls react to the sopranos


na we need viking reaction soon




No way! Black Sails or The Last Kingdom. 2 shows that are just like Warrior in that they're high quality but very under-appreciated.


Better to do The Last Kingdom. It's better than Vikings in every way with higher quality in acting and writing.


You have bit of a short memory. Don't forget the back story of these two.


I recommend BLACK SAILS being your next watch. It has the same issue as Warrior in that it's an amazing show that not a lot of people have seen because it's on Starz instead of one of the bigger streaming channels. But it has a great cast of characters, great action, and great writing from start to finish. It's 4 seasons and you'll be begging for more. You'll be hooked. Guaranteed!


I do like the last kingdom a lot , just prefer Vikings that’s all. Vikings also might be to long of a show for them to get through

Jaelyn Mcgee

Since ya'll plan to watch The Bear, I won't recommend that, but i will recommend Only Murders in This Building. Black Sails and Banshee are also really good

Manny (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-20 02:47:13 Literally one minute into the reaction.. Roshi: Chao always has the right amount of information necessary to save his life GODDAMN IT 😭
2023-08-20 00:42:02 Literally one minute into the reaction Roshi: Chao always has the right amount of information necessary to save his life 😭😭😭😭😭😭 you got blood on your hands my boy

Literally one minute into the reaction Roshi: Chao always has the right amount of information necessary to save his life 😭😭😭😭😭😭 you got blood on your hands my boy

Daniel Martins

Yep, The Last Kingdom is by far the better show, would really like for them to react to it.


he's racist but not WILDLY racist like the other characters in this show.. given the time

Mike Besaw

Yeah, I too prefer The Last Kingdom over Vikings. Vikings is 89 episodes. Which I believe they said was too many. The Last Kingdom has 46 episodes. So maybe they'd go with that.

RowdyCloudy (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-25 08:48:05 We definitely need a Season 4 asap. This show is 🔥🔥🔥
2023-11-25 04:07:08 We definitely need a Season 4 asap. This show is 🔥🔥🔥 PS fingers crossed 🤞 that Chou somehow survived.

We definitely need a Season 4 asap. This show is 🔥🔥🔥 PS fingers crossed 🤞 that Chou somehow survived.


Time to riot


Mannn finishing this rewatch im so pissed they canceled sooooo many plot points man li yong new leader, zing return, chef bill, WTF are mai ling and ah sahm gonna do, hop wei gonna be gunning for ah sahm, also i don't think chao died lol FUCK


The numbers on Netflix has been great since Netflix just got the show so hopefully Netflix brings it back

General Grevious

Roshi face when Sheera was explaining at the end had me dead😂