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Andre caught lackin

Madoka and Bungo will be up later! Already recorded just need to edit




Daniel Barnes

hoping yall watch baki hanma(netflix) after baki

Merfhew (edited)

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2023-08-17 00:17:54 It feels kinda silly to ask at this point (hump day!), but is there a schedule coming for the rest of this week?
2023-08-16 22:14:29 It feels kinda silly to ask at this point (hump day!), but is there a schedule coming for the rest of the week?

It feels kinda silly to ask at this point (hump day!), but is there a schedule coming for the rest of the week?

Boomerang Guy (edited)

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2023-08-17 00:17:53 Yall are gonna loose your shit when Franklin dies, and wakes up in a world full of monsters and magic. "Drug Lord Reincarnation"
2023-08-16 22:17:35 Yall are gonna loose your shit when Franklin dies, and wakes up in a world full of monsters and magic. "Drug Lord Reincarnation" I haven't finished the show, so if he actually dies....oops.

Yall are gonna loose your shit when Franklin dies, and wakes up in a world full of monsters and magic. "Drug Lord Reincarnation" I haven't finished the show, so if he actually dies....oops.

Damarcus Miller

You guys the GOATS! I almost crashed out seeing this notification 😂😂

Tyrese Marshall

I was reincarnated as a drug lord in another world after being a drug lord in my own world would probably be the title

Boomerang Guy

You're right. I heard Sheera screaming Jobless reincarnation in my head when I commented.

Layla Reed

I was so happy to see a snowfall notification pop up😂

cami ً (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-17 00:53:12 damn no attorney woo today </3
2023-08-16 22:50:18 damn no attorney woo today </3

damn no attorney woo today </3

Mob K.O.

Golden Boy please 6 episodes real quick

Devin B

How can Franklin's smile look so innocent yet so intimidating at the same time


Cant wait for yall to see that nigga stacie


I’m glad you felt the same way Roshi with the power thing ghost wanted out and his wife nah we got be drug lords we make more money selling drugs then that club cuz I’ve seen to many people say that Tasha was not wrong for that 😭

Hasnain Khan


Dontsop Keran

Nah I feel like the Andre hate agenda is a lil too much. Ik it’s fuck 12 and everything, but Andre is by no means a corrupt cop. You could make the argument that his vendetta against Franklin is personal, which I don’t believe so but regardless Andre is in the right, pun intended. The show doesn’t show the consequences of crack that clearly until the later season, but Franklin is 100% the bad guy in this neighborhood. If the show was through Andre’s perspective we’d be rooting for him. I’m not saying that I’m rooting for Andre or anything, bad guy or not Franklin is that nigga. But the reason franklins is that nigga is because he’s the bad guy. I don’t think Andre as a character should be hated, a single black dad trying to raise his kid at the peak of the crackdemic. The raids that Andre did weren’t for vengeance or anything, he literally did his job and did it well. I truly believe that it’s not personal for Andre but Franklin is making it personal. Later in the show we get introduced to actual Crooked cops and you can’t tell me that they’re comparable to Andre

One & Only

Not sheera saying that's what Andre gets for doing something out of spite when franklin does that shit ALL the time💀


I think it usually comes out on Wednesdays and Fridays, right? He only mentioned Madoka and Bungo, but that's because he needs to edit those reactions. Perhaps he already edited Woo and that'll come out at the same time? Or maybe they're mixing things up this week. Without a new schedule, it's hard to say, but we'll find out soon!


"Steve help!!" should not have been as funny as it was🤣. I know people are gonna be mad we're rooting against the single father trying to keep crack off of the streets. To those people I say get over it its not real lmao. Fck twelve.


sheeras predictions/lil remarks throw me off sometimes cause they be making no sense 😭

Antonio Williams

ma'am...his business is the community. That's literally what he, at least believes, he's getting paid for. Like yeah it's personal but..THEY'RE DRUG DEALERS. And maybe its because I've seen the series already so the allure of seeing Franklin in action has worn off, but nothing Andre did was out of pocket and the only dumb thing he did was more or less keep talking when he had Louie locked up, since she was cracking but he said the wrong thing. But dude wanted to protect his daughter, and has literally had to deal with an increase in shootings and crackheads and had hope that Franklin would see the error of his ways. He wasn't actually trying to put things into an endgame until he saw that Franklin was irredeemable


Hate to break it to ya champ but this shit ain’t real. I’d assume everybody here knows to differentiate fiction from reality. Nobody would be rooting against a real single father trying to keep crack off the streets. But this is a tv show not a documentary, so yea it’s absolutely fuck Andre lmao. Hate train ain’t stopping til that nigga in the dirt. Have fun on that moral pedestal though🫡.


Mind you, he locked Louie up for something she didn’t do.


Nah, Andre is literally written in the way he has to show you can’t fix the system from within it; he’s shown abusing his power and allowing his personal vendettas to push his decisions, even as he shows regrets. There is no “bad guy” or “good guy”, but he’s definitely not admirable either.


Andre actually initiated Franklin to make the moves PERSONAL between them... Not Franklin.


I kinda disagree. He’s made some poor decisions, but compared to Franklin he’s definitely a good guy and his intentions are pure. I just don’t give a fuck cuz it’s not real lol.


he locked Louie for something that he has no evidence of, and literally told a story that she knows its a lie. that's being corrupt if anything

Art of Trolling

Ik this is a show but I can’t blame a father trying to protect his community and daughter. What I can blame is him deciding to make shit personal. That’s where Andre loses me.


If you blurt out a bunch of stuff every few minutes you'll eventually guess something correctly


wait they dont know about ear drops? i mean idk if he was taking ear drops but you can take medicine like that lol

KS Neelesh (edited)

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2023-08-17 02:25:41 The thing is I cant understand why people get mad at cops trying to take down drug dealers and murders. WTF like I get the cast are the main characters and we like em but they literally kill people and SEEL DRUGS!! They get people fucked up on crack and people get mad at andre for being a cop and doing legally what's right?? I get liking characters EVENTHOUGH they're drug dealers and gangsters but CMON. Franklin, his family, Oso all these people should be caught they're literally doing the most ILEGAL SHIT🤣 and also like andre is a cop and a father he has to protect his daughter from drug dealers. That's obvious
2023-08-17 00:23:39


I mean it’s been personal since Franklin is involved with his own daughter

Jose Angel Martinez

The thing that skulls was putting in his ear were sherms. A psychedelic that makes you hallucinate

Aniki Pft

Damn, I hate to break it to you but this not real bro. It's literal common sense, you can view Andre and his actions as heroic since he does intend to help his community. But OBVIOUSLY the main character is Franklin, people are going to side with him despite literally being the problem to his own people. You don't have to clarify the fucking obvious. No one views Frank and his family as good people, but again most of the viewers are attached to him.

Dontsop Keran

The not real argument is lowkey retarded because you ignoring the months of work that the creators went towards writing well-written character but I digress. I’m not saying that I’m rooting for Andre, I’m with y’all Fuck tht nigga. But trying to overly-villainize him to make Franklin seem less of a bad person takes away from FRANKLINS character, And completely ruins the point of the show.

Dontsop Keran

Bruh let’s be Fr. Obviously there’s no good or bad guys, but on the objective scale Andre is a good cop. Which makes the events that happen later mean way more


Yeah might come out tomorrow there’s only a couple episodes left anyways

Asante Upshur-Benson

Some of y’all in the comments need to realize that this is a crime show so we’re usually gonna root for the bad guys and not the cops. Only show that has a balance of both is The Wire. If this was real life, most of us would probably be on Andre’s side.

che n straker

Yall bugging andre doing his job the right way. Before andre did anything no cop was paying attention because it was a black community. Also his daughter is in danger because she keep going to the projects to see her friends. Its not his fault. Frankling literally is selling CRACK AND killing people.


I swear they make the same comment under every episode. Sound like those goofy ass middle American parents complaining about GTA.


Nobody’s ignoring shit wtf are you chattin bout. We’re all well aware of and appreciate the complexities of all of the characters. That’s what makes them so fun to root for/against in the first place. We just don’t need some random on the Internet to lecture us about morality. Especially some high schooler who still uses “retarded” as an insult and expects to be taken seriously. You don’t get to decide what the point of the show is for other ppl. I’m sorry if we didn’t root against Andre the exact perfect amount we were supposed to to make you happy. If how other people watch a show ruins it for you, maybe stay away from reactions in general.

Damarcus Miller

Alot of y’all riding Andre nuts too hard 😂😂 we obviously don’t fuck with the police(I’m on Franklins side) & he be acting like a bitch 24/7 & love being the white men lapdog .. cry me a river, ITS FOREVER FUCK ANDRE


u can have an opinion but why u telling other people that theirs is wrong?

Lily Rose

Yaboyroshi has one of the cleanest well categorized patreons I’ve ever seen, even the videos are clean and professional. it’s easy to access everything, they’re never on their phones, they don’t fall asleep, they don’t go on rants about things that have nothing to do with the show/movie, they screen whatever they’re reacting to so we don’t have to “sink” ours with there’s (which is the best part) - all whilst giving us entertaining reactions - you may not notice all of this until you subscribe to other patreons and see just how ghetto and chaotic theirs is and you realize a patreon this good isn’t the norm.

metronxtdoorr (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-17 03:54:31 “breast friends” 😂 this nigga lupa stupid asf 💀
2023-08-17 01:51:45 “breast friends” 😂 this nigga lupa stupid asf 💀

“breast friends” 😂 this nigga lupa stupid asf 💀


"I swear they make the same comment under every episode. Sound like those goofy ass middle American parents complaining about GTA" why the insult just because someone disagrees with you?


Because I think their opinion is goofy, as I clearly implied in the comment you quoted. That’s my opinion about their opinion. I never said it was the wrong opinion because opinions, by definition, can’t be wrong. You following?


One opinion I think we can all agree on. First Patreon I subbed to and it honestly might’ve ruined others for me. Now if the channel isn’t at least up to this standard I’m not giving them my money lol.

Jason Li

Seriously, the amount of attention the trio has to maintain while watching multiple pieces of media daily is incredible considering how quality the reactions are.


ok wait i saw ur thing about pure intentions lol nvmnd what i said

Aniki Pft

I was literally saying the same shit. You can acknowledge that Andre has good intentions, but these motherfuckers act dumbfounded about us not fucking with Andre. "Real life-" of course we don't condone these actions it's a show.

Aniki Pft

@Dontsop Keran Bro what? The show itself ISN'T REAL. It isn't a matter of not appreciating the hard work that went into the show, that's totally fucking unrelated. As you said yourself they're literally characters. And I haven't seen anyone villainize Andre, he's clearly in the way of what Frank is trying to achieve and it's perfectly okay for people to not fuck with that.

Art of Trolling

I also forgot to mention Franklin forcing this nigga Leon to work with Manboy is fucked up. He is so quick to say "It is Business" but if it was his girl, he damn sure wouldn't work with that nigga.


If y’all ain’t know the show doesn’t explain you just supposed to use context clues but skulls the leader of Inglewood bloods and manboy the leader of the Compton crips so manboy actually is a pretty reasonable threat to be worried about

rickie woodson

the whole time they were in the bar i was like "what if she's an assassin hired by saint...nah this not that kind of show" i was so close to the truth!


He is not a good guy, and you missed the entire point. He is an uncle tom, and when push comes to shove, he will shill for the white man to try and gain status and acceptance. (he is just less evil than Franklin) no one who illegally holds a woman against her will is a good guy. That's called being a dirty cop.

Dontsop Keran

Lmao nigga calm down, I’m not telling anyone anything I’m js offering a different perspective


so u just admitting u biased? if holding a woman against they will for a bogus reason and making her pee in a bucket is "doing nothing wrong" to u then that's strange. Dont let the fact that franklin is a bad guy justify other people doing bad things

Dontsop Keran

Nah fam you missed the entire point. His whole character is to help the community, the BLACK community. If he only cared about status and acceptance then he wouldn’t have continued to go after Franklin even though his superiors told him to drop the case. This whole season and next is about the consequences of crack in the community, that’s why the opening of this season shows… the community. And I can’t continue to say anything without spoiling but the later episodes literally prove this. Ima js keep my mouth shut and let y’all watch cause idk who finished the show or not

Israel Perez

Mr vibez is finally here 😂 skully is hilarious

rickie woodson

honestly they dont need to do any more although i know they not going to leave it up to fate. but just taking the gun and badge they could sit back and watch the chips fall where they may. him losing his gun is a HUGE issue that he can get fired over. depending on the drug report as well? he's done which is all they want right? andre no longer a cop. works for me.

Antonio Williams

I forgot about the bucket thing but that's not a bogus charge by any means. Louie immediately came home crying and stayed in bed all day...you don't think she did it? They didn't have evidence aside from her being the last person who saw Claudia alive but given her history and resources swooping her up is valid. The pee thing is wrong since that's just a basic human rights thing. But I mean...it's HEAVILY implied that this point in the series that she did it. And given how they operate if that's the biggest sin he's done I'm still putting him as a moral authority over Franklin and friends But yeah irl I'm no fan of the police but given how we get to see EVERYTHING that goes on if course I'm biased against crack dealers 😂. Don't get me wrong, I love villains. Franklin is one of my favorite live action MCs, but I just don't like blatant bias that refute the logic of this series . Yes andre is an antagonist but they, mainly Sheera is acting like he's wrong for doing his job. The bucket thing is extreme but...these are crack dealers who have seen the effects of crack and the violence it brought and still chose to go down that road (albeit Teddy complicates things)

rickie woodson

yall so cute. bless your hearts. ear drops are a thing. there are ones for pain and ones for earwax removal. thats what you are supposed to use not q-tips as that can damage your eardrum. no one can say snowfall isnt educational lol yall all learned something new today lol

rickie woodson

its reminding me of power but in a different way. like ghost, franklin is super selfish and focused on his end goals. damn the consequences of anyone else with him. franklin first and if yall benefit along the way so be it. very ghost. like let jerome GO. after he has done for you and been through? the least you could do is let him go legit. nope, not in his plans so he cant let that happen.

Lily Rose

@mollywhooper same, I subbed to other reactors I watch and it’s bad - it’s not organized - they’re not as entertaining full length - they don’t mirror what they’re watching on the screen - they get up during reactions etc - yaboyroshi really has an elite patreon


I think it’s possible to root/side with Franklin without always criticizing Andre’s every move. End of the day Andre is doing what’s right, and that’s why while watching the show even though I’m on Franklin’s side since the show is essentially his POV and I’m immersed, I never got upset at anything Andre did because it was realistic and completely understandable. But I also get why the Trio react to Andre the way that they do, and it doesn’t bother me. Obviously, if the Trio were to have an objective discussion about the subject they would side with Andre and not Franklin in the overall situation, but they’re reacting to a show, and they’re immersed, and they’re watching Franklin’s story, and in his story, Andre is the primary antagonist, so it makes sense to feel the way they do/react how they’re reacting. At this point Sheera, Roshi, & Lupa all have the Saint Last Name & that’s FAMILY 😂 Also, people in the comments completely misunderstood the Andre & Louie situation regarding her arrest. It’s heavily insinuated that Louie killed Claudia. Louie was literally the last person to see Claudia before her death. That alone gives the cops enough to arrest her and bring her in for questioning. Not letting her use the restroom was foul, no debate there. Aside from that, Andre knew Louie did it, but he was on a time crunch because he could only hold her for questioning for so long before Franklin got her out. So, in his effort to break her, while he didn’t know exactly how it went down, he had to gamble on the detail of how Louie killed Claudia because the cops had to release her any second now since Franklin and the Lawyer were waiting. He almost had her too, had he guessed right, Louie would have broken, believed Andre about their being an eyewitness who saw the whole thing and completely folded and admitted to it.


Nigga Franklin walked out that office like a serial killer 😂😂😂


Andre had to learn to the hard way that regardless of that badge you still just a nigga 🤷🏿‍♂️

Franklin Saint

The first person that Franklin loses was close to him was his best friend Kevin.

Franklin Saint

Nah Franklin is getting more scarier as the show goes on lol


Andre hasn’t done a single thing right he is garbage that loves to speak from a moral high ground when he will act just as evil as the criminals he wants to catch


Yeah except Franklin and Andre r two sides of the same fucked coin that ruins the lives of the regular black ppl


Andre isn’t helping at all both Franklin and the cops/Andre r two links to the chain reaction that collapses the black community


The cops in the Wire did plenty of shit to hate them too obviously u not rooting for the drug dealers but a lot of the cops aren’t any better


Yeah crack supplied by the us govt and then criminalized by that same govt


His intentions aren’t pure he just another delusional pos with a badge that thinks he can change anything as a pawn and obviously Franklin is trash he destroying the community and ppl like Andre r the reason why the community still choose ppl like Franklin over the cops

Asante Upshur-Benson

Oh for sure but that’s why I said The Wire has a balance on both sides. There’s the cops that actually wanna do their job while there’s drug dealers & robbers like you know who that you wanna root for too. Besides that side is all about how most of the characters are.


Not you defending a cop for falsely detaining Louie lol you all of sudden forgotten about that huh 😭😭😭

One & Only

No ones saying that was right bruh, that was completely foul. And I feel like the Andre hate I lil too much cause franklin gonna fool around and get everyone he loves killed

One & Only

No way that's what you got from his comments there is no way💀


The comments are acting like snowfall is a documentary and the gang are genuinely rooting for crack dealers to put more crack into a real community. Y’all it’s a tv show relax


he suspended, not terminated, so he would come back around eventually right?


what kind of shit other reactor pull..i have never watched other reactors


thank you what is w these comments 😂😂


the cia is responsible for putting crack "in the community." they take advantage of kids who grew up poor and ghetto-ized knowing they would do anything to escape poverty. but these dealers, the "franklins," are not the foundation of the responsibility chain, though they are harming their community don't get me wrong.


and andre is showing it. even a black cop functions to consume is own neighborhood. like siccing a white racist cop, who conceptualizes everyone in the neighborhood as an irredeemable "thug," deeper into the exact place he is trying to "protect." he's a danger to his own community no better than franklin.


Sheera yeaaa? Good cop? He trying to stop drug dealers and protect the neighborhood but y’all supporting them over him cause they the mc’s lol


Nigga shut your dumb ass up talking police don’t protect shit lmao you slow shit


It was so crazy seeing melving gregg as manboy. Bro started from vines