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Bill the GOAT



Golden Kamuy today?

October Veil

Mai Ling pulled some (and this is where I show my age) high level Michael Corleone sh!t with that mass ELDER assassination. And my respect for Chao /Hoon Lee went up considerably (and it was already high) when I found out he wrote this episode.

J Man

Damn, seeing Father Jun accidentally attack his son made me cry.... 😢


If I was Dan I’d be irritated you mad I couldn’t get yo kids out of jail y’all niggas want me to do everything y’all want me to get y’all jobs y’all want me to get y’all out of jail y’all want me to get rid of the Chinese how about all y’all nigga suck my dick how about that 🤣😭


Sorry for the essay but i think this episode shows that at the end of the day mai ling doesn't really see Li Yong as a partner with whom they are equals but really as a subordinate whom she loves...


Even though Mai Ling fucked up her relationship with Li Yong and the consequences of the assassination are gonna bite her in the ass, I gotta respect her grind lol. After everything she's been through she climbed the hierarchy of the tong and got power by any means (and 70% of her plans work in her favor regardless if it fails because of circumstances) so yeah top 5 for me.

Devin B

The only thing I would say that was reckless about what Mai Ling did was that she indiscriminately tried to killed all of them without knowing all of their intentions. Most of them wanted her out of power and might have tried to get rid of her but Kong Pak and maybe a couple of them just wanted Li Yong to keep her in check someway somehow. Kong Pak respected Li Yong enough to let him handle things but all Mai Ling cared about was that they talked to Li Yong behind her back. She could've taken other steps before reaching the conclusion of just killing all of them and obviously she should've talked to Li Yong about it.


True but they were soft if they weren’t they would have already set her up to die with all the things she has already done

Drake Rage

I have seen Mai Ling as the Cersei Lannister of this show for a while now, but Roshi over here saying "I respect that." Like what? lmao. She is fucking terrible. Even the previous leader, Long Zii cared for her even when he was aware she was up to some fuck shit, and even let her kill him in the end, then her brother came all the way from China to help her and she told him to leave or die and even gave the nod for Li Yong to kill him in that fight in season 1. Now Li Yong who has been 150% with her even with the continuous fuckshit she has been up to throughout.. and he has been supportive but she pushed him THIS FAR...? Roshi you really respect that shit? come on man, Jesus.


Mai ling has taken over Pennys sister as the most hated character in the show


Let them all kill each other so Zing can finally unite the tongs in the milky finale once he comes back.

Alexis Sullivan

Idk how yall can say you respect what Mai Ling did when the Elders didn't even want to kill her. All they asked was for Li Yong to keep her in check, that was it. They asked him to be the voice of reason and control her reckless behavior. And lets not act like they were worried for no reason, they had every reason to be worried. Their worry was based entirely on her repeated reckless behavior and her outright refusal to listen to their advice. She kept doing reckless shit after reckless shit and has gotten the tong jammed up multiple times because of it. They were right not trust her. What's more upsetting to me is that Li Yong is being willfully ignorant and pretending he doesn't know what kind of person she is. This is not the first time she's gone behind his back. It's like the 5th time. She does some shit behind his back, he gets mad and is like "we're supposed to be partners", then she says "oh yea my bad, I had forgot. I'm sorry I didn't tell you cuz XYZ, I won't do it again tho" and then she does it again, over and over and over again. They've had this exact conversation like 6 times which is why him acting confused when she does some shit is getting irritating cuz at this point he's just lying to himself. You keep falling for the exact same lie over and over, at some point hes just an idiot. He doesn't wanna believe that she is exactly the monster that everyone keeps telling him she is despite repeatedly seeing it with his own eyes and hes choosing to pretend he doesnt know who she is and it's gonna get him killed cuz let's not pretend like she won't kill him. While he's sitting over here hemming and hawing and whining about "she's not like that, you're wrong about her" as much as she loves him she will absolutely kill him if she feels like he's not falling in line and standing in her way. Her ambition has no limits, she'll kill that mfer before she let's anyone control her ambition. She was willing to kill her own brother who crossed the ocean to save her so idk why Li Yong would think his ass can't get it too

Alexis Sullivan

Glad yall caught the Banshee Easter egg. Banshee also stars Hoon Lee aka Chao playing yet another awesome ass character. Honestly his Banshee character is even more badass than Chao. Yall should definitely react to it.

Lamaree Jackson

Patreon just been cooking my phone battery lately. Like literally. Don’t know why

Kywan Mallette

I like how they mentioned banshee, but sad that they didn’t mention that chao was in banshee as well


Love Young Jun's writing, usually the brash hot-headed son of the old boss are often displayed as incompetent or blinded by rage. Though YJ is brash, prideful and inexperiences, he recognises that, taking time to consider his options and doesn't underestimate his enemies. Loyal to his father, the hop wei and his comrades, his character had been consistently growing and you do feel for the predicament he's constantly find himself in.

Corey Leach

All these relationships. I feel like a plot twist is coming and one of the women get pregnant lol. It might be Ah Sahm girl that gets pregnant, and they have a reason for her to stay. Or it might be Mai Ling and she use the pregnancy to keep her close with Li Yong.


An I have to disagree with Roshi on this one Mai long is out of it unlike young J who’s learning and realising it’s about the Tong now himself Mai keep making excuses and old boy is enabling it , she just destroyed the whole infrastructure tongs because they questioned her choices and they warned him about her he didn’t listen, and this what I said first season when she volunteered to be old dudes wife she wanted to go she thought her self better than leaving on farm struggling she may not have realised it wasn’t all lavish at the start but adapted as she grew and she blamed her brother which I get but she wanted to leave she saw the opportunity and took it, now their whole gang is open for the taking because of what she did , she don’t learn


Here's to hoping that Banshee is a show that you guys watch in future :)

Mike A

Mai Ling handled business. The Elders were plotting behind her back, Kong Pak mentions that they were willing to fight for the tong. She got them before they could get her. And Li Young isn't completely innocent here either. He took that meeting with the Elders and he hid its true purpose from Mai Ling. Maybe if he had trusted her enough to tell her what was up, they could have schemed up something together. And it's not her fault Kong Pak is dead, that dude could have just walked away. He got rocked and decided he'd rather die trying to kill her than to just leave.


Why would Li Young trust her fully, when she has lied to him throughout the whole show. Are you forgetting she killed the former long zi leader? Also, Kong Pak wanted to give her a chance because he truly cares for Chinatown and the Long Zi. Unlike Mai Ling who pretends to but only wants to be the top dog. Don't forget her ego got her arrested and if it weren't for Li Young, she would be rotting in jail. She also didn't tell the elders anything, so what choice did she give them? She demands respect and loyalty but didn't show any to them. So how are you faulting Li Young for meeting with the elders behind her back, when she has been doing that to him and the tong throughout the whole show?


I can’t believe Lupa and Roshi thought Li Yong had the elders killed. Li Yong would never do anything like that! He might be in a tong but he’s literally the most honorable character in the series. It would totally go against his character to do something like that.




I'm Irish today too followed directly by nigg@ got me weak


Oh my god y’all needa do a reaction to banshee p l e a s e 🙏🏾

juan vargas

Second the banshee reaction. It's the same showrunner from Warrior and the actions although not as good, is just as Bad Ass


mai ling is fucked up. she is too power hungry. like i get it that they wanted you out but you should have went to your husband and talked to him about it first. now he had to kill his friends and mentors because of something you caused. L mai ling moment


Nah what Mai Ling did was foul the elders just wanted her out of power not killed. While she straight up killed them all and behind Li yongs back again again


Oh nahhhhhh nigga wilding ik them niggas feel crazy I would of just walked in and shot bro and left I got shit to do 😭

Sheraya san

Y’all too hard on Mai long and it’s irritating cause if she was a man y’all would have 0 issue and y’all know it

rickie woodson

guess me and sheera are the only ones paying attention to the show. to quote harley quinn "she's a crazy bitch". it was obviously her, no toss up at all. she is conieving and li yong is straight forward. he would never do some wicked shit like that. mai ling has mad king energy. she has gone full targaryen! bish gotta go!

rickie woodson

more importantly, before they got married li yong made mai ling promise "no more secrets. we tell each other everything" so he sees that she lies to everyone not just to people who are not him.

Jaelyn Mcgee

it's so weird hearing sheera swear, but this episode is definently cause for it. and yeah I thought it was father jun too, with that night cap on