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that was unexpected


Taelor Green

Ran here as soon as it popped up on my phone! Let's go!!!!!


My favorite episode!!


After Attorney Woo, you should check out a recent kdrama called Duty After School. Essentially, it is like All of Us Are Dead except with aliens and shit! I recently finished it myself and must say I thoroughly enjoyed it!


surprised y'all didn't recognize the guy who wanted to sue as the creepy teacher from the glory


Omg the plaintiff in the lawsuit is the pedophile teacher from the Glory! I didn't recognize him at first without that busted ass wig lmaoooo

Drake Chuckle

The finger heart thing is big tbh, I guess it's a korean thing and shows up in a lot of more romance focused kdramas?


I'm surprised this is the first kdrama that actually introduced them to the finger heart lol did the previous dramas not have it actually clapped me cuz I didn't notice

cami ً

minho is so fucking annoying oh my goddddddd. anyways it was nice to see the husband get what he deserved lol he was the creepy teacher from the glory


Not just in romance kdramas it’s nearly everywhere. For few years now its been a trend amongst the kpop idols and celebrities so a lot of people tends to do it.

cami ً

just a heads up for next episode! name hierchy is VERY important to older generations in korea, especially to those whose families still abid by that! It will make the next episode easier to understand if you keep this in mind :)

Dark Shogun

I don't think that guy was going to try and hit them. I think he was going to try to block them in so his wife wouldn't have anywhere to go. That's just my opinion of course. I HATE cheaters. In a way he got what was coming to him even if was extreme.


The second bro got into that car I immediately said he finna get into a accident not even 5 seconds later and tbh I would of looked bro dead in his face and said you got proof that’s my daughter prove it no oh ok get tf out then 🤣😭


Truck-kun strikes again. Jae Jun got hit by that same truck


Please react to Taxi Drive or D.P. next

raeven b.

I was wondering if that was him! He's gotta get some better roles for his image, man lol POS teacher and POS gambling husband just ain't it! lol

Mary L.

It’s always “I love you” and never “I’ll be your hug chair.” Jun-ho continues to raise the bar ❤️😌


That’s why his face pissed me off so bad, I couldn’t tell why 💀


Uncanny Counter new season dropped, would be a fire trio one after this show or Golden Kamuy

Elle E.

Sheera @31:42 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂 girl what 💀

ao kaze

the kind of trash you'll find in suspicious isekai


Yall should react to "Mouse"

Damarcus Miller

Lupa has COVID you guys.. so don’t get in your little weird moods if it’s not a trio reaction uploaded today. Get well soon Lupa 🙌🏾 COVID is literally no joke, I had it 3 times 🤢


Does Attorney Woo got any kpop cameos??


artist cameos or just references? In ep13 there are some references but no cameos as far as I know

Argo TheSlicer

oh shit no way, tell me you lying bro hope hes okay I had it and it really isnt a joke

Damarcus Miller

@Shockzz my immune system is terrible 😭 it’s been a year since I had it but last year was the worst.. had it three times within a 5 month span & lost like 25-30 pounds(couldn’t eat or taste anything).. now I’m taking these special vitamins my awesome doctor prescribed! Haven’t been sick since I been taking them everyday. I also don’t believe in taking vaccines either, so there’s that lmao

Damarcus Miller

@Argo yeah he posted it on instagram yesterday morning & said on IG earlier he’s going to the ER.. hope it’s a mild case & nothing serious 🙏🏾


Damn Dreamcon got everybody fucked up. Hope everyone get well soon and if you went get tested asap

Gucci Pucci

Average anti-vaxxer experience pray tuberculosis doesn’t come back or ur cooked for good lil bro

Damarcus Miller

🤣 it’s my own choice so? It’s not like I was saying people who took the vaccine was gone die or some.. I just said i don’t believe in it


So you’re choosing not to believe in science, that’s fine lol.

Yolo Samurai

This man tried to keep the money for himself and got taken out by Truck-kun....if that not Gods Plan, I don't know what is.


In episode 4, there was a karaoke song Young-Woo's friend was singing to by a group called T-ara (I forgot the title, but it was one of their early releases from 2009-2010-ish). Not a cameo, but a reference to the group...


@ 10:30 the comment about the mandarin ducks: in korean traditional wedding, wooden mandarin ducks are used as a wedding ceremony prop to symbolize successful/fruitful marriage + fertility + togetheness bc i think they thought these ducks mate for life. idk how true that is in biology, but the attorney is basically saying the couple was being extra coupley.


31:44 lmao bro wild


wasnt there a guy who would go on tinder dates and then dine and dash on his dates? is that the same guy as this "tinder swindler " lol


Most autistic people who are sensory seeking like to be squeezed they find it comforting

rickie woodson

yall dont know about the korean heart? that "signal" in the court room was a heart. it can be used for love or i love you. you see singers make that sign all the time when the lyric is "i love you" or they do it at the end of performance to say i love you to the fans

rickie woodson

not at all. the swindler never met the women. just used pictures of hot white guys aka catfish, gave them a sob story of how he needs money and they sent it to him. he prayed upon desperate women with low self-esteem. and remember common sense isnt common. i've had guys on the first convo or first text after i gave them my number ask for money. instant block and delete on my end but sadly these women need a white dream so badly they like "nope cant risk it" lol i could NEVER. i got books to read and songs to sing, that'll keep me busy til my asian prince comes. how shallow do you have to be to go "well he's hot and well put together so ill fall for anything he says" lol

rickie woodson

im a romantic so everything he said would have worked on me. but no need to dine and dash. im an attorney! i got the money. as for me in real life, same thing! just say you aint got it cause i got you boo. just keep the shakespearan orlando thing going and ill handle the rest


there's this saying "money doesn't change a person but it enhances who that person really is inside" the fact is that when a person doesn't have much money they don't have a choice but to act a certain way.