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Sorry for the super late uploads, today was a day lol


Hasnain Khan



Harley quinn back yahhhhhhhhhh

Drake Rage

Roshi sounding like the Pastor from "They Cloned Tyrone" when he saying "This was really good, I think it got a lot of unnecessary hate, idk what people are expecting from Marvel, i dont think this was bad." Yeah the whole show was filled with plot craters, not just plot holes, but yeah this was just fine, yeah...


Imagine if this is how we get mutants. All those people so close to radiation

Joshua Burns

Fury and his wife out here rocking the same cut😂

rickie woodson

DAMN! whats up with lupa's arms? they looking NICE. he training for american ninja warrior? wonder what gym he's at.............


dam i really wanted rhodes to call in the war machine suit but at that point he didnt need it. unless they took it from him and the skrulls hid it but im sure pepper has tracking on all suits or something. either way it was a good show.ending was kinda flat tbh because gravik was such a good villian and he got his ass whooped kinda easy like dam


The people were underground so they were probably kept away from the radiation.

Cane Tejada

hey guys, Those phase-shifting powers came from ghost, the villain in the second ant man movie, hope this helps


Rather enjoyed this but I've been enjoying all the shows (movies have been more of a miss for me and I haven't watched the last 2 released). Dialogue was probably my favorite part of the show, mostly the stuff with Gravik, Sonya and Nick/Varra scenes.


In the comics, secret wars has nothing to do with secret invasion, it's a whole different storyline. But I don't know how they'll do it for the movies, they might use it to continue the Skrull story


I rather enjoyed this show. I think I only had a few issues, which were only with this episode. I didn't really enjoy the fight; it was so short. Gravik didn't really feel like a threat because they gave each other equal back and forth, Gi'ah had no damage on her, and then he just died really quickly. So it was a little unsatisfying. And they didn't really need to give the DNA to him in the first place. They were both already super skrulls, but they wanted a big flashy fight and the super DNA was the only way they had to give the fight some threat. If he had attained the DNA in a different way, other than just being handed it, I would feel differently. And I think they cut too much on Gravik's monologue. I think if they had had it as a few shots just focused on his face and expressions, I thinm it would have been a bit more impactful than constantly cutting to awkward angles and looking and the back of his head. Close up side and front angles would have been best. Other than that though, I enjoyed the rest of the show. The back and forth dialogue between Nick and everyone else was always good. Gravik's actor really went ham on that final performance. And Sonia is without a doubt my favourite character in the show lol. She was so polite and jolly and while taking no shit and kicking ass.

DatBoi Lol

I'm glad I waited to watch this with yall because it just didn't do it for me. I thought Samuel L Jackson would pull me back into the MCU but even he couldn't help a motherfucker out. I hope the new daredevil will reignite my MCU interest.


I think people dislike the show because they overly deconstructed Nick Fury as a character and mad him kind of an incompetent individual which is in stark contrast to how they depicted him in the Infinity Saga

Corey Leach

Man now i'm thinking of all the different groups we done seen so far that the Skrulls could have infiltrated like New Asgard, Wakanda, the Avenger's family and friends, etc. Show was pretty good and I feel like they really upped the violence. Also i jus thought about how the blip took skrulls away which would jus add to them being unsettled, confused, and angry.

Father Feugo

A lot of folks seem to note that Fury isn't as cool as he seemed in prior movies but, I kind of figured that was the point though, this wasn't tended to be your prime nick fury, they made a statement about the reason he was missing an eye patch the entire show was to represent his open vulnerability. But overall, I personally enjoyed the show, sure the finale isn't 10/10 but I can't pretend this isn't a new steppingstone in the right direction for marvel in terms of overall tone and structure; maybe not story obviously. I also might be able to understand why the show seems to end on such a strange note, given the show was supposed to be tailored to fit the spy espionage theme, the finale ends in a super brawl; however, I speculate the show was cut at that point in order to tell separate stories in other projects. We'll most likely continue the story for Rhodey in armor wars, and his dilemma of being gone for as long as he was, and possibly the inclusion of the US Government using his suits given he wasn't really there to deny access in Skrull Rhodes place. And the ending that hints the Kree Peace summit looks like it follows later in The Marvels given the Kree seems to be a major plot p[oint in that movie as well. Overall, I'll give the show a solid 7/10


I think some people have genuine complaints while alot are just racist (people outside of patreon) who hate seeing a primarily black leads in a series or film so they’ll come up with a whole bunch of reason why they think the show is shit without saying I’m just racist ex. The Little Mermaid


Has Roshi ever said he didnt like something lol

Elita Easter

I just feel like Marvel needs to do 9-10 episode series like Loki and Wandavision in order to avoid the finales being so lack luster. I liked this series but there were times where things felt rushed and I feel like the storyline didn’t get as fleshed out as it could’ve Honestly, I think this would’ve been better as a film rather than a mini series

Abraham Lever

The finale was definitely disappointing and felt very rushed. Show needed another 1-2 episodes

Austin Friley

Y’all gonna watch the atom eve special?


Wait are they joking about the radiation thing or do they really not know?

Michael Pamon

Secret Invasion and Secret Wars have nothing to do with each other, guys. The events of this show will more than likely be referenced/followed up in The Marvels, Cap 4, and Armor Wars.

Jordan Postle

This series was an inconsistent mess

Victor Grubbs

Marvel just likes to use Secret in the titles of a lot of their big crossover events lol


Seeing Don Cheadle Getting headshot on DIsney is wild lol

Daniel Robb

I dont understand the hate for this series. Sure Marvel couldve done longer episodes, wouldve liked that, but what we got isnt some "incoherent mess" it all flows and ends with moving the MCU forward, giving us new characters and events...

Steven H.

nah this show sucked

Sy'mon Almeida

secret wars has nothing to do with secret invasion. its a whole different story


That green eggs and ham comment was out of pocket lmao