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Mom is TRASH


Son Chaeyoung

roshi, sheera and lupa rly the best content creators for me rn keep it up y’all 🤙🏼 enjoy the vacay

solo prince

Uploading this when I just finished watching episode 9 lol

Bree (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-28 18:44:10 Episodes like this make it clear for me that this wasn't written for disabled people. It's like the Pengsoo episode, a spectacle disguised as social commentary. When the episode started I was excited, I thought "omg they are gonna touch the subject that disabled and autistic doesn't mean assexual?" but... that was not happened. The whole episode is designed to make you pity the disabled character, you get misleaded thinking they actually love each other just so it get's proven he did it before and it's leaching of off her money. The psychiatrist character is only there to give exposition to the audience, to deliver information, it's their only purpose in the plot. The problem is: you shouldn't be giving exposition on a subject you don't have experience in, I find it highly problematic how the writer keeps trying to make social commentary's on a community they aren't part of. Again, they can only show what they see in the surface, not what really happens. I don't like the psychiatrist character because is only there to tell us how disabled people are easy targets, even when Attorney Choi questions her, the message doesn't change, the character doubles down saying is sad how disabled people want love and only get left with abuse. It's not like I don't know people see me like that, but it's different when someone NOT disabled throws it at my face. It's obvious they didn't write it thinking of disabled people. We get a nice scene of Attorney Woo saying you can fall in love with bad people, both characters talk and agree that Shin Hye-yeong is old enough to make her own decisions, and while watching for the first time I just KNEW they would disregard this interaction somehow, and I was right. In the next scene, the opposition makes it a point that Shin Hye-yeong doesn't know the difference between consensual intercourse and sexual assault. Even if the mother forced her to lie in her first statement, we see she got so anxious with the sexual advances that she hurt herself. Before the guy left the court so she could make her statement, he is gawking at her, the camera focuses on Shin Hye-yeong and how she averts her look towards him, another hint he was abusive. She can't talk and asks for her mother, making it obvious to the audience she can't live without her. When we analyze the mother, we realize she is also abusive in a way, by how she talks to her daughter and to Attorney Woo, she even hits her daughter in the episode, basically making a point the character will keep seeking abusive relationships since is all she knows, and confuse them with love. At the end of the episode, even if you believed in their relationship at first, even if Shin Hye-yeong cries when he is arrested, we don't believe it anymore, the character is now just a victim too attached to her abuser, because she is disabled and can't tell the difference, just like the psychiatrist suggested. But guess what? Disabled people can have consensual sex believe me or not, I would know. It bother me episodes like this because again, is just what the writer THINKS is true, which means we won't ever have any gray areas since they don't know they are there, since they are not disabled. I liked when they kissed because it shows Attorney Woo doesn't hate physical contact all the time, nor does she hates it from her man, it was the episode I wanted and only got 2 minutes of it.
2023-07-28 16:39:07 Episodes like this make it clear for me that this wasn't written for disabled people. It's like the Pengsoo episode, a spectacle disguised as social commentary. When the episode started I was excited, I thought "omg they are gonna touch the subject that disabled and autistic doesn't mean assexual?" but... that's not what happened. The whole episode is designed to make you pity the disabled character, you get misleaded thinking they actually love each other just so it get's proven he did it before and it's leaching of off her money. The psychiatrist character is only there to give exposition to the audience, to deliver information, it's their only purpose in the plot. The problem is: you shouldn't be giving exposition on a subject you don't have experience in, I find it highly problematic how the writer keeps trying to make social commentary's on a community they aren't part of. Again, they can only show what they see in the surface, not what really happens. I don't like the psychiatrist character because is only there to tell us how disabled people are easy targets, even when Attorney Choi questions her, the message doesn't change, the character doubles down saying is sad how disabled people want love and only get left with abuse. It's not like I don't know people see me like that, but it's different when someone NOT disabled throws it at my face. It's obvious they didn't write it thinking of disabled people. We get a nice scene of Attorney Woo saying you can fall in love with bad people, both characters talk and agree that Shin Hye-yeong is old enough to make her own decisions, and while watching for the first time I just KNEW they would disregard this interaction somehow, and I was right. In the next scene, the opposition makes it a point that Shin Hye-yeong doesn't know the difference between consensual intercourse and sexual assault. Even if the mother forced her to lie in her first statement, we see she got so anxious with the sexual advances that she hurt herself. Before the guy left the court so she could make her statement, he was gawking at her, the camera focuses on Shin Hye-yeong and how she averts her look towards him, another hint he was abusive. She can't talk and asks for her mother, making it obvious to the audience she can't live without her. When we analyze the mother, we realize she is also abusive in a way, by how she talks to her daughter and to Attorney Woo, she even hits her daughter in the episode, basically making a point the character will keep seeking abusive relationships since is all she knows, and confuse them with love. But that's not something exclusive to disabled people, anyone can experience that. At the end of the episode, even if you believed in their relationship at first, even if Shin Hye-yeong cries when he is arrested, we don't believe it anymore, the character is now just a victim too attached to her abuser, because she is disabled and can't tell the difference, just like the psychiatrist suggested. But guess what? Disabled -and autistic- people can have consensual sex believe me or not, I would know. It bothers me episodes like this because again, is just what the writer THINKS is true, which means we won't ever have any gray areas since they don't know they are there, since they are not disabled. When the writer makes this type of episodes, we get the functional disabled (Attorney Woo) that is different from the 'norm' and can do the things she likes but spews some self-ableism now and then; and we get the pitiful disabled that can't live on their own, can't make their own decisions and can't communicate properly. How come we only get two types? The functional and the pitiful? She could have met Shin Hye-yeong in any other context, yet the decision to make it a court case and Woo's job was still chosen, again. Disability is not that black and white, there's infinite types of people in the world. It ends up looking like the writers own idealized view on disabled people, she can't trust disabled people to tell our own stories so she tells it for us. I liked when they kissed because Jun-ho respects her time and it shows Attorney Woo doesn't hate physical contact all the time, nor does she hates it from her man, it was the episode I wanted and only got 2 minutes of it.

Episodes like this make it clear for me that this wasn't written for disabled people. It's like the Pengsoo episode, a spectacle disguised as social commentary. When the episode started I was excited, I thought "omg they are gonna touch the subject that disabled and autistic doesn't mean assexual?" but... that's not what happened. The whole episode is designed to make you pity the disabled character, you get misleaded thinking they actually love each other just so it get's proven he did it before and it's leaching of off her money. The psychiatrist character is only there to give exposition to the audience, to deliver information, it's their only purpose in the plot. The problem is: you shouldn't be giving exposition on a subject you don't have experience in, I find it highly problematic how the writer keeps trying to make social commentary's on a community they aren't part of. Again, they can only show what they see in the surface, not what really happens. I don't like the psychiatrist character because is only there to tell us how disabled people are easy targets, even when Attorney Choi questions her, the message doesn't change, the character doubles down saying is sad how disabled people want love and only get left with abuse. It's not like I don't know people see me like that, but it's different when someone NOT disabled throws it at my face. It's obvious they didn't write it thinking of disabled people. We get a nice scene of Attorney Woo saying you can fall in love with bad people, both characters talk and agree that Shin Hye-yeong is old enough to make her own decisions, and while watching for the first time I just KNEW they would disregard this interaction somehow, and I was right. In the next scene, the opposition makes it a point that Shin Hye-yeong doesn't know the difference between consensual intercourse and sexual assault. Even if the mother forced her to lie in her first statement, we see she got so anxious with the sexual advances that she hurt herself. Before the guy left the court so she could make her statement, he was gawking at her, the camera focuses on Shin Hye-yeong and how she averts her look towards him, another hint he was abusive. She can't talk and asks for her mother, making it obvious to the audience she can't live without her. When we analyze the mother, we realize she is also abusive in a way, by how she talks to her daughter and to Attorney Woo, she even hits her daughter in the episode, basically making a point the character will keep seeking abusive relationships since is all she knows, and confuse them with love. But that's not something exclusive to disabled people, anyone can experience that. At the end of the episode, even if you believed in their relationship at first, even if Shin Hye-yeong cries when he is arrested, we don't believe it anymore, the character is now just a victim too attached to her abuser, because she is disabled and can't tell the difference, just like the psychiatrist suggested. But guess what? Disabled -and autistic- people can have consensual sex believe me or not, I would know. It bothers me episodes like this because again, is just what the writer THINKS is true, which means we won't ever have any gray areas since they don't know they are there, since they are not disabled. When the writer makes this type of episodes, we get the functional disabled (Attorney Woo) that is different from the 'norm' and can do the things she likes but spews some self-ableism now and then; and we get the pitiful disabled that can't live on their own, can't make their own decisions and can't communicate properly. How come we only get two types? The functional and the pitiful? She could have met Shin Hye-yeong in any other context, yet the decision to make it a court case and Woo's job was still chosen, again. Disability is not that black and white, there's infinite types of people in the world. It ends up looking like the writers own idealized view on disabled people, she can't trust disabled people to tell our own stories so she tells it for us. I liked when they kissed because Jun-ho respects her time and it shows Attorney Woo doesn't hate physical contact all the time, nor does she hates it from her man, it was the episode I wanted and only got 2 minutes of it.


The girl for the this episode was the girl in all of us are dead who was a half zombie/human.


You wrote this long ass comment from the perspective that the writer thinks like the fictional psychiatrist. But realize that even psychiatrists can have prejudice/bias too, and I saw it as the writer depicting even psychiatrists to have this level of misunderstanding towards autism. Not only that, but the psychiatrist is right to have suspicion since the defendant has a history of going after the disabled girls, & the disabled do have a right to consent, but it's factual that the disabled are more likely to be taken advantage of. The writer intended for us to observe this balance; therefore, it was "grey", not black and white like you claim. That crying scene was never explicitly stated to make the viewer feel like they don't believe Shin Hye-yeong anymore, that's just your visceral reaction. The fact that there even is a crying scene from her indicates a grey area.

Son Chaeyoung

this is the first time i do this and it’s so worth it i love their content especially the gaming channel w their recent uploads of horror games?? love to see that as a horror fan


One of the friends in gray that sat at the end near the girl was on Jun-ho side when he was talking about wanting to date young-woo. No one listened to him though because all the other friends was trying to get the other guy to shut up. I guess he is gonna need a new friend group. As for J-Kwon he is going to end up without a job an no one is going to want to hire him at a top firm. Everybody is literally going about their business and doing their job and he is being nosy and trying to get back at young-woo for no reason. He setting his own self up. At this point I don't care if they turn his character arc around, he doesn't deserve it.


Please react to D.P or Taxi Driver after this


My favorite part about the show is that it doesn’t drag stuff out. Her finding out who her mom is, immediate confrontation after, the relationship etc. so glad you guys are watching!


@himiko That's you opinion and it's valid, but I don't see it like that. Despite what the prejudice the psychiatrist might have, that doesn't change their role in the script, they are here for exposition only. The defendant having history is another hint to make the audience mistrust him, and make it more obvious she doesn't know he's an abuser. Later on, we see Attorney Woo talking to her, and even tho she says she knows he's a bad person, wants to be with him either way and that it wasn't abuse, the next court scene makes that conversation meaningless by showing she hurt herself after and can't communicate her thoughts on abuse. Even if is a fact that disabled people are more likely to be taken advantage of as you say, it's harmful to keep saying to a non-disabled audience that disabled people can't protect themselves, can't differentiate assault, can't communicate abuse most of the time. And that's coming from a disabled person's point of view. I don't see the balance here, the message is completely negative. The crying scene serves a purpose, despite seeing her cry, much of the audience won't change their perspective the defendant really did take advantage of her (also seen other reactors saying he abused her), that perspective won't change, which makes her crying more pitiful and less like a showing of her love for him, because as it was shown before to the audience, she can't tell the difference between consent and assault. They don't love each other, thinking they do after all this is so weird.


as a disabled person, I don't understand comments like this because it seems divorced from reality. The world is unfair to people with disabilities & does not understand us properly, especially in places like Korea where awareness & legal protections are very behind the times — yet when that's depicted realistically it's a problem? The show handles these issues with a lot more nuance and realism than western shows. I think the writers trust the audience to be able to comprehend the themes here, whereas you don't. Which is fair. But if you want all the answers spelled out then it's better to watch an educational program than a kdrama. Just my two cents as an autistic. Roshi & Sheera understood everything that was happening in this episode (& the Pengoo episode) perfectly fine, yet you say people will misinterpret things. Idk the logic just doesn't track for me.

Karel (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-08 00:42:23 its interesting because you say the episodes are "not written for disabled people" bc they show that disabled people cannot decide for themselves. i cannot help but compare it to a celebrity in korea who has an autistic child who said that this tv show does not show enough that a lot of people abuse/badly treat autistic people. i guess we can conclude that this just shows that autism and disabilities are a spectrum and this show cannot show all of it.
2023-12-08 00:42:23 its interesting because you say the episodes are "not written for disabled people" bc they show that disabled people cannot decide for themselves. i cannot help but compare it to a celebrity in korea who has an autistic child who said that this tv show does not show enough that a lot of people abuse/badly treat autistic people. i guess we can conclude that this just shows that autism and disabilities are a spectrum and this show cannot show all of it.
2023-12-08 00:42:23 its interesting because you say the episodes are "not written for disabled people" bc they show that disabled people cannot decide for themselves. i cannot help but compare it to a celebrity in korea who has an autistic child who said that this tv show does not show enough that a lot of people abuse/badly treat autistic people. i guess we can conclude that this just shows that autism and disabilities are a spectrum and this show cannot show all of it.
2023-07-28 18:18:47 its interesting because you say the episodes are "not written for disabled people" bc they show that disabled people cannot decide for themselves. i cannot help but compare it to a celebrity in korea who has an autistic child who said that this tv show does not show enough that a lot of people abuse/badly treat autistic people. i guess we can conclude that this just shows that autism and disabilities are a spectrum and this show cannot show all of it.

its interesting because you say the episodes are "not written for disabled people" bc they show that disabled people cannot decide for themselves. i cannot help but compare it to a celebrity in korea who has an autistic child who said that this tv show does not show enough that a lot of people abuse/badly treat autistic people. i guess we can conclude that this just shows that autism and disabilities are a spectrum and this show cannot show all of it.

Karel (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-28 20:37:17 lol right? im glad they didnt push that love line though. hairy needs to be with a foodie woman, who will appreciate his cooking as well as his food puns lmao
2023-07-28 20:37:17 lol right? im glad they didnt push that love line though. hairy needs to be with a foodie woman, who will appreciate his cooking as well as his food puns lmao
2023-07-28 20:37:17 lol right? im glad they didnt push that love line though. hairy needs to be with a foodie woman, who will appreciate his cooking as well as his food puns lmao
2023-07-28 18:21:54 lol right? im glad they didnt push that love line though. hairy needs to be with a foodie woman, who will appreciate his cooking as well as his food puns lmao

lol right? im glad they didnt push that love line though. hairy needs to be with a foodie woman, who will appreciate his cooking as well as his food puns lmao


@opal What I mean, it's too negative, people already think too negatively of disabled people, most non-disabled people already think disability is worse than dying, it's no different from gay people saying we don't want only sob stories about us, I think the way it's shown is more of a spectacle than a commentary (spectacles it's what dramas are supposed to do and I know that), I don't like to be told I'm an easy target, which was my inicial statement. If you think or not it's a problem, that's entirely fair. No one has to agree with everything I say, and I don't expect them to. "yet when that's depicted realistically it's a problem?" disability is not only pain and suffering, and the problem here like I mentioned before, is that this take is coming from someone that's not disabled.


@Karel Well, I guess we can conclude that.

Kunj Shah

I was so mad they did my man dirty like that! Completely changed his personality from being a really chill guy to whatever the hell that was

Hasnain Khan



I honestly think you missed the point of the episode. It was more a comentary on how society views and treats individuals with intellectual disabilities. Not a commentary on disabled people themselves. This is further emphasized by the mom character, the court crowd, the divided jury, and the physciatrist. You say the show is only so negative when it comes to this episode and the pengsoo one, but you forget this entire show revolves around a main character who is disabled. The episode literally contrasted the relationship between the defendant and the plantiff to that of Attorney woo and Joon-ho. Both showcased love, but both were viewed negatively by society (Joon-ho's friends). The negativity came from societal views, not from the two involved in the relationship. They literally threw in a scene of the mother kirking on Attorney woo. There are Ups and downs. It isn't sunshine and rainbows having a intellectual disability. If the show depicted that it was, then people like you would be at your keyboards complaining that the show is painting a fantasy and fails to depict the realistic/harsh realities of being disabled. I think the show strikes the perfect balance.

Irieezy. (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-28 21:11:08 Mom was definitely trash for that lol like you got some fuckin nerve telling us what to do and where to go when you ain't been present in her life this whole time. Miss me with that bullshittttttt 🎶
2023-07-28 21:11:08 Mom was definitely trash for that lol like you got some fuckin nerve telling us what to do and where to go when you ain't been present in her life this whole time. Miss me with that bullshittttttt 🎶
2023-07-28 21:11:08 Mom was definitely trash for that lol like you got some fuckin nerve telling us what to do and where to go when you ain't been present in her life this whole time. Miss me with that bullshittttttt 🎶
2023-07-28 19:09:56 Mom was definitely trash for that lol like you got some fuckin nerve telling us what to do and where to go when you ain't been present in her life this whole time. Miss me with that bullshittttttt 🎶

Mom was definitely trash for that lol like you got some fuckin nerve telling us what to do and where to go when you ain't been present in her life this whole time. Miss me with that bullshittttttt 🎶


@Malcolm I like your words about societal commentary. I don't forget the show is revolved around a disabled person, my point here is how things could be done more sutil and not a court case. I don't think the other episodes are bad. I'm talking about what I don't like and you don't have to agree. Assuming I'm a "keyboard warrior" for making 3 comments on this show feels like you're just projecting whatever you're feeling on me, I think you're just angry I don't agree with you lol.

Janiya X2

Nah cause she mad me so mad how she got the nerve to come to his work place and tell him what to do with their daughter which she didn’t even know was her daughter until now.

Alexis Sullivan

Two things can be true, disabled people deserve to love and be loved and there are also some disabled people who are too disabled to be able to adequately discern love from non love, malicious intent from pure intent, consensual sex from sexual assault, etc. There was nothing about the daughter that convinced me she had the necessary intellect for a sexual relationship with anyone. If a non disabled 13yr old can't consent to sex why would a 27yr old with the mind of a 13yr old be able to consent to sex? I do believe that he did coerce her into sex, she said no and he started crying talking about "that's not true love", manipulating her emotions to get her to have sex. That is coercion. I know the mom put her up to making the statement but the daughter never said that what she said in the statement wasn't true, she never said the statement was a lie, she just said her mom made her tell. I believe what she described in the statement did in fact happen and she did in fact feel the way she described after, but because she loves him she just wasn't going to say anything until her mom made her. The fact that she scratched the skin off her hands after the sex clearly shows that she felt negatively about the encounter and gives credence to the idea that she said no and he coerced her. Keep in mind, she never said he didn't do it, she never said the sex consensual, and she even admitted that he is a bad dude. She just said she loved him and didn't want him to go to jail for it. Even the fact that she messaged him after the sex doesnt prove it wasnt assault. This is incredibly common when someone is raped or assaulted by someone they already had a pre-existing relationship with. They know the person wronged them but they don't want them to be punished because they don't want to lose the relationship. This is no different from wives who don't want their husbands to go to jail when they hit them. The daughters mom was trifling but I do believe that she was quasi-raped and the mom was right to want him locked up for it. I do believe that she did not have the mental capacity for a sexual relationship and nothing she said or did convinced me otherwise

Bria A.

You say “self-ableism” seemingly with the perspective that all disabled people are (or at least should be) content with their lot in life, when people who have embraced their disability in a way that works for them are amazing, but I wouldn’t dare to say truly representative of the majority. It’s very common for a disabled person to be self-critical when faced with tasks they not only struggle to do, but also have to deal with how society places expectations and judgement on top of that. Young-woo doesn’t meet the case client outside of a legal setting because this is a courtroom drama, not necessarily a slice of life, and it’s natural that things don’t really unfold in a bubble too far beyond that. Should shows like this have a wealth of consultants and preferably direct cast representation itself? Of course, but this hyperanalyzing seems…intent on assuming this show was made in bad faith. Disabled people aren’t a monolith and I actually enjoyed the themes of agency in this episode — even more that they explored those themes around a character who *is* more dependent and often doesn’t get that sort of grace extended to them at all, either fictionally or irl. (Also, Korean ableism is even worse than in the US, for example, so the level of nuance and advocacy in this show FOR disabled people is a statement in and of itself.)

Alexis Sullivan

As far as Young-woo's mom, she's trash. I do believe her feelings of remorse last episode were genuine, to say otherwise would imply that she was putting on a show in that moment with Woo and I don't think that. She had tears on her eyes and everything, it definitely was genuine but I do think that after she had time to think she buried those feelings of remorse and she talked herself into thinking that they were setting her up and trying to get at her because she's a self absorbed asshole who thinks everything is about her

Elle E.

court case was so hard to watch 😢😢😢😢 but THAT ENDING was ❤️❤️❤️❤️ but then Young Woo mom ruined the mood, 😑😑🤨 like what are you saying ma'am!


To be fair to the mom's assumption of the dad plotting with the Hanbada CEO, the dad did know full well that the CEO was likely going to use Young Woo against her at some point when she was given the job, and he accepted that. So, it's not like it's ungrounded.


walking in twenty six years late to say "here's what's best for our daughter" goddamn lady


i don't know if someone already mentioned this, but just want to point this out. While the girl did say that her mom forced her to say that the guy raped her, when they were reading out loud the testimony that the guy was saying stuff like "If we don't have sex, it's not real love," Woo gave a look at the guy. And the guy did NOT deny it. This whole time, the guy was always defensive about everything that was said about him. I believe that he believes he is in the right. And this is a tough case. But i think it's important to remember that the guy never denied the stuff about him crying and manipulating the girl into sleeping with him


dam how crazy would it have been if young woo's dad just sliced her up like that sushi chef from bloodhounds lmaoooo. too much?

Mary L.

no man has ever been more attractive than when jun-ho threw hands with his "friend" for disrespecting young-woo.

Bria A.

I understand some points you’re making and I don’t know if you’re also disabled or not but no one who is not the legal guardian of someone (and sometimes not even then) should be projecting their personal moral opinions on someone else’s life and what they should or shouldn’t be “allowed” to do, even if it makes you uncomfortable (I’m talking about a basic life goal here, not an obvious crime, etc.). That’s just as infantilizing as the mom was. With job (and I assume social) training, she was able to establish an entire routine and live what was a pretty functional life unnoticed before her mother got involved. Like, I understand the good intentions here because she was actually taken advantage of but her mother’s control issues and smothering her independence are equally to blame. All the things you said about certain people lacking the ability to distinguish harmful behaviors isn’t untrue…but that doesn’t deprive them of the right to voluntarily seek it out anyway. Saying it does leans weirdly into eugenics and it doesn’t sit right with me.

Alexis Sullivan

For me what it boils down to is she has the mind of a 13yr old. Let's start by asking, why aren't children allowed to have sex (obviously plenty of kids do have sex but its understand that theyre not supposed to). The phrase "a child cant consent to sex" is a phrase that exists for a reason. Because it has been determined by years and years and years of study that children do not have the mental maturity to understand the implications and consequences of sex. The lack of mental maturity is the entire basis for why children are prohibited from having sex. For someone to be diagnosed as having the mind of a child, they have to be seen by a child psychologist who asks a series of questions and tests and scenarios and based on those results they determine where that patients mental capacity falls on well established child development guidelines. Some psychologist tested her and found that her level of understanding, maturity, and perception was comparable to the level of understanding, maturity, and perception that is seen in the average 13yr old child. That is how she received that diagnosis. She is a child in an adults body. That said, even a non disabled 13yr old can follow an entire routine and make some decisions for themselves and do things for themselves. At 13 I was walking to and from school by myself everyday, my mom was teaching me how to cook at 13, I was cooking breakfast for the family on the weekends, I was doing my own laundry, ironing my own clothes, I was babysitting as a part time job. Can it be said that because I was able to do all those "mature" things at 13 it means that I also had the mental capacity and maturity to understand the implications of a sexual relationship? No. No 13yr old does. Disabled people deserve love and even sex and even to have children, so long as they understand that decision and all that comes with it. She just so happens to be one such disabled person that doesn't have what's needed to make that decision and truly understand all that it means. No matter how mature they may be for their age, no matter how well they may handle themselves, no matter articulate they may be, there is not a single 13yr old on this planet that has the mental capacity and maturity to understand or consent to a sexual relationship and because she was determined to have the same level of understanding, maturity, and perception of a 13yr old, that means that she also does not have the mental maturity to truly consent to sex and understand all of its implications and consequences.

Alexis Sullivan

That's a good point, cuz the CEO actually does plan to use Woo so it is fair for her to be worried about that but to be fair he originally did not know the CEO was plotting.

Alexis Sullivan

Thank you, neither the daughter nor the guy ever said that the coercion didn't happen. He just didn't see it as wrong (a lot of men don't see coercion as rape) and the daughter just didn't want him to go to jail. But he definitely did that shit.

Alexis Sullivan

Also, I do agree that the mother was definitely overbearing which likely made her easier prey

rickie woodson

that saying about the wall (deoksugung) is true. so true its in the song "hot times" by s.m. the ballad! some romantic baby making music right there!

rickie woodson

foul but well researched. boston has some of the best doctors/centers for autism if not THE best in the states. my mom got offered to send my brother there when he was in middle school. the parallels

rickie woodson

great ep. very thought provoking. and i like how they showed that our main cast arent invincible lawyers like in the u.s. law shows. they dont always win. even though technically they did cause they got a not guilty verdict there was a downside in the sentencing.

Gloccr (edited)

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2023-07-29 09:20:52 tbh this is the dad's fault. He knew she didn't want a kid and begged her to have woo. then HE offered to disappear. The mom knew she wanted to focus on her career at that time. Having kids at such a young age can be a career killer. He was super selfish for doing that. Selfish to the mom, AND MOSTLY selfish to his own child. I find it more commendable that she was willing to get an abortion instead of neglecting her child, knowing she didn't have the capabilities at the time. This is just my opinion on someone with a deadbeat father. My parents were married and he left when it was too late for an abortion, and my grandparents forced them to marry as well. The situation in the show could have been prevented.
2023-07-29 09:20:52 tbh this is the dad's fault. He knew she didn't want a kid and begged her to have woo. then HE offered to disappear. The mom knew she wanted to focus on her career at that time. Having kids at such a young age can be a career killer. He was super selfish for doing that. Selfish to the mom, AND MOSTLY selfish to his own child. I find it more commendable that she was willing to get an abortion instead of neglecting her child, knowing she didn't have the capabilities at the time. This is just my opinion on someone with a deadbeat father. My parents were married and he left when it was too late for an abortion, and my grandparents forced them to marry as well. The situation in the show could have been prevented.
2023-07-29 09:20:52 tbh this is the dad's fault. He knew she didn't want a kid and begged him to have her. then HE offered to disappear. she knew she wanted to focus on her career at that time. Having kids at such a young age can be a career killer. He was super selfish for doing that. I find it more commendable that she was willing to get an abortion instead of neglecting her child, knowing she didn't have the capabilities at the time. This is just my opinion on someone with a deadbeat father. My parents were married and he left when it was too late for an abortion, and my grandparents forced them to marry as well. The situation in the show could have been prevented.
2023-07-29 09:20:52 tbh this is the dad's fault. He knew she didn't want a kid and begged her to have woo. then HE offered to disappear. The mom knew she wanted to focus on her career at that time. Having kids at such a young age can be a career killer. He was super selfish for doing that. Selfish to the mom, AND MOSTLY selfish to his own child. I find it more commendable that she was willing to get an abortion instead of neglecting her child, knowing she didn't have the capabilities at the time. This is just my opinion on someone with a deadbeat father. My parents were married and he left when it was too late for an abortion, and my grandparents forced them to marry as well. The situation in the show could have been prevented.
2023-07-29 06:26:20 tbh this is the dad's fault. He knew she didn't want a kid and begged her to have woo. then HE offered to disappear. The mom knew she wanted to focus on her career at that time. Having kids at such a young age can be a career killer. He was super selfish for doing that. Selfish to the mom, AND MOSTLY selfish to his own child. I find it more commendable that she was willing to get an abortion instead of neglecting her child, knowing she didn't have the capabilities at the time. This is just my opinion on someone with a deadbeat father. My parents were married and he left when it was too late for an abortion, and my grandparents forced them to marry as well. The situation in the show could have been prevented.

tbh this is the dad's fault. He knew she didn't want a kid and begged her to have woo. then HE offered to disappear. The mom knew she wanted to focus on her career at that time. Having kids at such a young age can be a career killer. He was super selfish for doing that. Selfish to the mom, AND MOSTLY selfish to his own child. I find it more commendable that she was willing to get an abortion instead of neglecting her child, knowing she didn't have the capabilities at the time. This is just my opinion on someone with a deadbeat father. My parents were married and he left when it was too late for an abortion, and my grandparents forced them to marry as well. The situation in the show could have been prevented.

Gloccr (edited)

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2023-12-08 00:42:23 no, the mom's assumption was VALID. You don't send your child to a company that wants to end the other pant, and then act confused when the parent confronts you.
2023-12-08 00:42:23 no, the mom's assumption was VALID. You don't send your child to a company that wants to end the other pant, and then act confused when the parent confronts you.
2023-12-08 00:42:23 no, the mom's assumption was VALID. You don't send your child to a company that wants to end the other pant, and then act confused when the parent confronts you.
2023-07-29 06:31:32 no, the mom's assumption was VALID. You don't send your child to a company that wants to end the other pant, and then act confused when the parent confronts you.

no, the mom's assumption was VALID. You don't send your child to a company that wants to end the other pant, and then act confused when the parent confronts you.

stupeyca (edited)

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2023-12-08 00:42:23 Yeah, he basically realize that after CEO's visiting him.
2023-07-29 07:41:33 Yeah, he basically realize that after CEO's visiting him.

Yeah, he basically realize that after CEO's visiting him.

Chinese Cartoons

lol like my boy never watched Law & Order or something? They lose all the fucking time in US law shows

William Subleski

To bad, technically abortion is illegal in S Korea, especially if 1 parent wants the child, though abortions happen all the time there, so it's kinda weird ... edit guess it was decriminalized in 2021, but woulda still been illegal in 96

Alexis Sullivan

He didn't "send" Woo there. Woo applied for a job at all the law firms in Korea and Hanbada is the only one that accepted her. He had no idea who the CEO was until she came to visit him that night at the restaurant and she had already hired Woo by that point

Candice Blair

At that time, she was pregnant it was illegal to get an abortion in South Korea. Was he supposed to leave the country? Was he supposed to tell Woo she can't be a lawyer when it's the very thing she's good at and had an interest in from being young? The father didn't know who was in charge when Woo first got hired. Was he supposed to make her quit?

Janiya X2

I don’t feel like it’s the dads fault at an all it more of the mother fault. Why? One because If you wanted to focus’s on your career so badly why clevren be in a relationship and then you get pregnant. What did she think was gonna happen and I get they were both young and tae su-mi wasn’t ready but the dad said he would take woo and disappear, this man didn’t purposely try to find or look for woo mother, it was the hanbada ceo who planned this, the dad just thought since they were friends that she gave woo the Job. He wasn’t expecting it to be about woo mother and taking her down. Also I don’t why tae-sumo thought that this secret was going to stay down the drain forever especially since she WAS the ceo of tae San and is trying to be minister

Quincy Jones

Definitely talking out of their ass. Anyone who actually watched said shows would have never said that.

Quincy Jones

Stop with the projection! The dad's fault? Sounds more like your personal issues is clouding your views on the show. Any intelligent and sensible person would not blame the father and your lack of knowledge on the laws in Korea showed a lack of research and knowledge.


This is interesting bc in a way I agree but think of it on the flip side...if their roles reversed, her poor, him rich and she wanted to keep the baby and he said no get an abortion would you have the same opinion? Probably not you'd more than likely be calling him a deadbeat and he would be!

Gloccr (edited)

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2023-12-08 00:42:23 @Candice what are you talking about. she literally said she's going to get rid of it. she has the funds to go to whatever country she wants. stop trolling LOL. Also, when the hell did I say anything about him leaving the country or telling his child what to do? I said none of it would have happened if he hadn't coerced a woman into giving birth when she had the funds to get an abortion outside the country.
2023-12-08 00:42:23 @Candice what are you talking about. she literally said she's going to get rid of it. she has the funds to go to whatever country she wants. stop trolling LOL. Also, when the hell did I say anything about him leaving the country or telling his child what to do? I said none of it would have happened if he hadn't coerced a woman into giving birth when she had the funds to get an abortion outside the country.
2023-12-08 00:42:23 @Candice what are you talking about. she literally said she's going to get rid of it. she has the funds to go to whatever country she wants. stop trolling LOL. Also, when the hell did I say anything about him leaving the country or telling his child what to do? I said none of it would have happened if he hadn't coerced a woman into giving birth when she had the funds to get an abortion outside the country.
2023-07-29 21:37:28 @Candice what are you talking about. she literally said she's going to get rid of it. she has the funds to go to whatever country she wants. stop trolling LOL. Also, when the hell did I say anything about him leaving the country or telling his child what to do? I said none of it would have happened if he hadn't coerced a woman into giving birth when she had the funds to get an abortion outside the country.

@Candice what are you talking about. she literally said she's going to get rid of it. she has the funds to go to whatever country she wants. stop trolling LOL. Also, when the hell did I say anything about him leaving the country or telling his child what to do? I said none of it would have happened if he hadn't coerced a woman into giving birth when she had the funds to get an abortion outside the country.

Gloccr (edited)

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2023-12-08 00:42:23 @Quincy cope and seethe and cry. If a woman doesn't want a child you dont beg them to put their body at risk. Every pregnancy comes with a risk of death. I dont feel bad. You're just as selfish as the dad. I would never bring someone into the world knowing they would be abandoned and grow up struggling with abandonment issues for the rest of their life. yall always think your feelings are more important than children's. The laws have nothing to do with anything. She has the funds to go anywhere in the world, and she said she was going to get rid of it. STOP THE EXCUSES.
2023-12-08 00:42:23 @Quincy cope and seethe and cry. If a woman doesn't want a child you dont beg them to put their body at risk. Every pregnancy comes with a risk of death. I dont feel bad. You're just as selfish as the dad. I would never bring someone into the world knowing they would be abandoned and grow up struggling with abandonment issues for the rest of their life. yall always think your feelings are more important than children's. The laws have nothing to do with anything. She has the funds to go anywhere in the world, and she said she was going to get rid of it. STOP THE EXCUSES.
2023-12-08 00:42:23 @Quincy cope and seethe and cry. If a woman doesn't want a child you dont beg them to put their body at risk. Every pregnancy comes with a risk of death. I dont feel bad. You're just as selfish as the dad. I would never bring someone into the world knowing they would be abandoned and grow up struggling with abandonment issues for the rest of their life. yall always think your feelings are more important than children's. The laws have nothing to do with anything. She has the funds to go anywhere in the world, and she said she was going to get rid of it. STOP THE EXCUSES.
2023-07-29 21:40:43 @Quincy cope and seethe and cry. If a woman doesn't want a child you dont beg them to put their body at risk. Every pregnancy comes with a risk of death. I dont feel bad. You're just as selfish as the dad. I would never bring someone into the world knowing they would be abandoned and grow up struggling with abandonment issues for the rest of their life. yall always think your feelings are more important than children's. The laws have nothing to do with anything. She has the funds to go anywhere in the world, and she said she was going to get rid of it. STOP THE EXCUSES.

@Quincy cope and seethe and cry. If a woman doesn't want a child you dont beg them to put their body at risk. Every pregnancy comes with a risk of death. I dont feel bad. You're just as selfish as the dad. I would never bring someone into the world knowing they would be abandoned and grow up struggling with abandonment issues for the rest of their life. yall always think your feelings are more important than children's. The laws have nothing to do with anything. She has the funds to go anywhere in the world, and she said she was going to get rid of it. STOP THE EXCUSES.

Gloccr (edited)

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2023-12-08 00:42:23 @Blur No and Yes, because 1. only men can get women pregnant. 2. there's a chance of death every time you give birth. 3. Abortion laws. So I place a bit more responsibility on men. If he didn't want kids he shouldn't have impregnated her but also she would be just as selfish as the dad here, Knowingly bringing someone into the world to suffer abandonment issues on purpose. I think she would be a weirdo and gross for that. I don't think he should have to pay child support if they had an agreement like the one in the show, though. If the man just decided to leave during pregnancy he should pay.
2023-12-08 00:42:23 @Blur No and Yes, because 1. only men can get women pregnant. 2. there's a chance of death every time you give birth. 3. Abortion laws. So I place a bit more responsibility on men. If he didn't want kids he shouldn't have impregnated her but also she would be just as selfish as the dad here, Knowingly bringing someone into the world to suffer abandonment issues on purpose. I think she would be a weirdo and gross for that. I don't think he should have to pay child support if they had an agreement like the one in the show, though. If the man just decided to leave during pregnancy he should pay.
2023-12-08 00:42:23 @Blur No and Yes, because 1. only men can get women pregnant. 2. there's a chance of death every time you give birth. 3. Abortion laws. So I place a bit more responsibility on men. If he didn't want kids he shouldn't have impregnated her but also she would be just as selfish as the dad here, Knowingly bringing someone into the world to suffer abandonment issues on purpose. I think she would be a weirdo and gross for that. I don't think he should have to pay child support if they had an agreement like the one in the show, though. If the man just decided to leave during pregnancy he should pay.
2023-07-29 21:46:07 @Blur No and Yes, because 1. only men can get women pregnant. 2. there's a chance of death every time you give birth. 3. Abortion laws. So I place a bit more responsibility on men. If he didn't want kids he shouldn't have impregnated her but also she would be just as selfish as the dad here, Knowingly bringing someone into the world to suffer abandonment issues on purpose. I think she would be a weirdo and gross for that. I don't think he should have to pay child support if they had an agreement like the one in the show, though. If the man just decided to leave during pregnancy he should pay.

@Blur No and Yes, because 1. only men can get women pregnant. 2. there's a chance of death every time you give birth. 3. Abortion laws. So I place a bit more responsibility on men. If he didn't want kids he shouldn't have impregnated her but also she would be just as selfish as the dad here, Knowingly bringing someone into the world to suffer abandonment issues on purpose. I think she would be a weirdo and gross for that. I don't think he should have to pay child support if they had an agreement like the one in the show, though. If the man just decided to leave during pregnancy he should pay.

Gloccr (edited)

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2023-12-08 00:42:23 @Janiya being in a relationship is not equal to having a child. Do you breastfeed your partner, and raise them for 18+ years? Do you think pregnancy is some convenient walk in the park where you just pop babies out? There's a chance of death during every pregnancy. I'm in the psychology field and what he did is known as reproductive coercion. I don't think its the dads fault for any of the stuff that has happened in the show except the pregnancy thing. Everything else might be the result of a few poor choices but he didn't purposely cause anything like he did with begging a woman to keep a baby then promising to disappear.
2023-12-08 00:42:23 @Janiya being in a relationship is not equal to having a child. Do you breastfeed your partner, and raise them for 18+ years? Do you think pregnancy is some convenient walk in the park where you just pop babies out? There's a chance of death during every pregnancy. I'm in the psychology field and what he did is known as reproductive coercion. I don't think its the dads fault for any of the stuff that has happened in the show except the pregnancy thing. Everything else might be the result of a few poor choices but he didn't purposely cause anything like he did with begging a woman to keep a baby then promising to disappear.
2023-12-08 00:42:23 @Janiya being in a relationship is not equal to having a child. Do you breastfeed your partner, and raise them for 18+ years? Do you think pregnancy is some convenient walk in the park where you just pop babies out? There's a chance of death during every pregnancy. I'm in the psychology field and what he did is known as reproductive coercion. I don't think its the dads fault for any of the stuff that has happened in the show except the pregnancy thing. Everything else might be the result of a few poor choices but he didn't purposely cause anything like he did with begging a woman to keep a baby then promising to disappear.
2023-07-29 21:54:27 @Janiya being in a relationship is not equal to having a child. Do you breastfeed your partner, and raise them for 18+ years? Do you think pregnancy is some convenient walk in the park where you just pop babies out? There's a chance of death during every pregnancy. I'm in the psychology field and what he did is known as reproductive coercion. I don't think its the dads fault for any of the stuff that has happened in the show except the pregnancy thing. Everything else might be the result of a few poor choices but he didn't purposely cause anything like he did with begging a woman to keep a baby then promising to disappear.

@Janiya being in a relationship is not equal to having a child. Do you breastfeed your partner, and raise them for 18+ years? Do you think pregnancy is some convenient walk in the park where you just pop babies out? There's a chance of death during every pregnancy. I'm in the psychology field and what he did is known as reproductive coercion. I don't think its the dads fault for any of the stuff that has happened in the show except the pregnancy thing. Everything else might be the result of a few poor choices but he didn't purposely cause anything like he did with begging a woman to keep a baby then promising to disappear.


Your personal opinion is clearly affected by your past experience and it may be the case for you but it’s literally different than your situation. Blaming on the father just because he wanted to keep the baby alive is illogical. It’s not that she didn’t have the capabilities but she just didn’t wanted to do it and prioritize the career over the baby. Thats understandable but that doesn’t make the fathers fault for wanting to keep the baby. In comparison, he was willing to give up becoming an attorney even though he had to studied so hard to get into the best University in Korea. Nonetheless, this is not really about keeping the baby or not. She just being selfish now that she’s a candidate for minister and she doesn’t want to reveal it to the public even though he did everything to keep the promise between her.

Gloccr (edited)

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2023-12-08 00:42:23 @Nemui She literally did not have the capabilities of a mother. As you can see she didn't even have empathy. Why are y'all trying to tell people who are more concerned with business and money that it's ethical for them to have children when it's clear they lack the emotional maturity. What matters is if she has the capabilities to parent, and money isn't the only factor in that. You can tell by that scene she would have put her career over her child if she kept it. The dad shouldn't have given up becoming an attorney. He didn't have the financial capabilities of a parent because of that, which lead to her not having as much of a support system for autism. My comments aren't coming from personal experience. My comments are coming from my background in the psychology field where I watch people bring children up in dysfunctional households that are preventable and the child has to pay the price with trauma. This woman was wealthy. She had funds to leave the country and get an abortion but he begged her to keep it. That's different from someone living in poverty.
2023-12-08 00:42:23 @Nemui She literally did not have the capabilities of a mother. As you can see she didn't even have empathy. Why are y'all trying to tell people who are more concerned with business and money that it's ethical for them to have children when it's clear they lack the emotional maturity. What matters is if she has the capabilities to parent, and money isn't the only factor in that. You can tell by that scene she would have put her career over her child if she kept it. The dad shouldn't have given up becoming an attorney. He didn't have the financial capabilities of a parent because of that, which lead to her not having as much of a support system for autism. My comments aren't coming from personal experience. My comments are coming from my background in the psychology field where I watch people bring children up in dysfunctional households that are preventable and the child has to pay the price with trauma. This woman was wealthy. She had funds to leave the country and get an abortion but he begged her to keep it. That's different from someone living in poverty.
2023-12-08 00:42:23 @Nemui She literally did not have the capabilities of a mother. As you can see she didn't even have empathy. Why are y'all trying to tell people who are more concerned with business and money that it's ethical for them to have children when it's clear they lack the emotional maturity. What matters is if she has the capabilities to parent, and money isn't the only factor in that. You can tell by that scene she would have put her career over her child if she kept it. The dad shouldn't have given up becoming an attorney. He didn't have the financial capabilities of a parent because of that, which lead to her not having as much of a support system for autism. My comments aren't coming from personal experience. My comments are coming from my background in the psychology field where I watch people bring children up in dysfunctional households that are preventable and the child has to pay the price with trauma. This woman was wealthy. She had funds to leave the country and get an abortion but he begged her to keep it. That's different from someone living in poverty.
2023-07-29 22:05:32 @Nemui She literally did not have the capabilities of a mother. As you can see she didn't even have empathy. Why are y'all trying to tell people who are more concerned with business and money that it's ethical for them to have children when it's clear they lack the emotional maturity. What matters is if she has the capabilities to parent, and money isn't the only factor in that. You can tell by that scene she would have put her career over her child if she kept it. The dad shouldn't have given up becoming an attorney. He didn't have the financial capabilities of a parent because of that, which lead to her not having as much of a support system for autism. My comments aren't coming from personal experience. My comments are coming from my background in the psychology field where I watch people bring children up in dysfunctional households that are preventable and the child has to pay the price with trauma. This woman was wealthy. She had funds to leave the country and get an abortion but he begged her to keep it. That's different from someone living in poverty.

@Nemui She literally did not have the capabilities of a mother. As you can see she didn't even have empathy. Why are y'all trying to tell people who are more concerned with business and money that it's ethical for them to have children when it's clear they lack the emotional maturity. What matters is if she has the capabilities to parent, and money isn't the only factor in that. You can tell by that scene she would have put her career over her child if she kept it. The dad shouldn't have given up becoming an attorney. He didn't have the financial capabilities of a parent because of that, which lead to her not having as much of a support system for autism. My comments aren't coming from personal experience. My comments are coming from my background in the psychology field where I watch people bring children up in dysfunctional households that are preventable and the child has to pay the price with trauma. This woman was wealthy. She had funds to leave the country and get an abortion but he begged her to keep it. That's different from someone living in poverty.


I understand where you coming from but this is all what if and not really a point in discussing. Sure they weren’t ready to become parents but at the end of the day, she decided to have the baby even though he begged her like a little boy. She still could’ve had refuse it but she decided to keep it and that is her decision and not his. He may not have adequate care for Woo and didn’t have a mother in her life but Woo turned out to be excellent as an attorney. I fully understand how dysfunctional households/single-parent households are often ended up having issues and trauma for the children. Saying that it wouldn’t have been a problem if she had an abortion is just nonsensical. Furthermore, you keep refusing to admit that it’s not coming from personal experience even though the first thing you said before mentioning about that you are in the realm of psychology is that you are with a deadbeat father and about your family situation but hey I’ll take your word for it if you say so. I presume that because you are in the field of psychology, you are very passionate about the fact that she should have get an abortion and we agree to disagree.


What a wild episode. The defendant is definitely a piece of shit but I'm sure he actually did feel something for her, but her mom isn't any better. Being overcontrolling and telling her to lie and possibly even abusing her. With her around she'll never even get the chance to know what love actually is. At 13 I feel like most of us could, to some extent, understand what love is.


@Bria A. I'm glad you enjoyed, I still think it wasn't that good, and that won't change. When I say “self-ableism” is about how Attorney Woo always keeps putting herself down and making it seem like she's being self aware. Never, not even once I got the feeling Attorney Woo actually likes being autistic, and even if most don't love themselves, some actually do and wanna see positive representation. Like I said before, most non-disabled people already think disability is worse than dying, wanting to see more than just pain and suffering regarding disability shows is valid. Well I certainly don't think shows like this are made purely from the goodness of writers and producers hearts, the writer saying they aren't autistic, don't have autistic people in their life and wrote the show because she thinks the traits are charming, certainly does not help. If nobody thinks that's fetichising, we'll just have to agree to disagree. An outsider is always gonna be an outsider.


just realised thats the destroy all phones girl in that all of us are dead show 😭

Gloccr (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-08 00:42:23 @Nemui I don't need to have personal experience to view that putting children in harmful conditions is wrong. She did not have to accept his proposal which is why I mentioned what he did is coercion. My problem is not that the dad made a mistake. My problem is that the comments are coddling him like a toddler when he's as much fault for Woo being abandoned. He willingly put his child in that situation. Instead of acknowledging that the people in the comments are being delusional and making him a complete victim. Both of them could have made better choices and only one person's mistakes for the PAST (not the current events) are being excused. I think art imitates real life and some of the mindsets of the people watching this contribute to real scenarios. You can disagree and your take alligns with mine but the other replies to my comment are making me lose brain cells.
2023-12-08 00:42:23 @Nemui I don't need to have personal experience to view that putting children in harmful conditions is wrong. She did not have to accept his proposal which is why I mentioned what he did is coercion. My problem is not that the dad made a mistake. My problem is that the comments are coddling him like a toddler when he's as much fault for Woo being abandoned. He willingly put his child in that situation. Instead of acknowledging that the people in the comments are being delusional and making him a complete victim. Both of them could have made better choices and only one person's mistakes for the PAST (not the current events) are being excused. I think art imitates real life and some of the mindsets of the people watching this contribute to real scenarios. You can disagree and your take alligns with mine but the other replies to my comment are making me lose brain cells.
2023-12-08 00:42:23 @Nemui I don't need to have personal experience to view that putting children in harmful conditions is wrong. She did not have to accept his proposal which is why I mentioned what he did is coercion. My problem is not that the dad made a mistake. My problem is that the comments are coddling him like a toddler when he's as much fault for Woo being abandoned. He willingly put his child in that situation. Instead of acknowledging that the people in the comments are being delusional and making him a complete victim. Both of them could have made better choices and only one person's mistakes for the PAST (not the current events) are being excused. I think art imitates real life and some of the mindsets of the people watching this contribute to real scenarios. You can disagree and your take alligns with mine but the other replies to my comment are making me lose brain cells.
2023-07-30 06:12:40 @Nemui I don't need to have personal experience to view that putting children in harmful conditions is wrong. She did not have to accept his proposal which is why I mentioned what he did is coercion. My problem is not that the dad made a mistake. My problem is that the comments are coddling him like a toddler when he's as much fault for Woo being abandoned. He willingly put his child in that situation. Instead of acknowledging that the people in the comments are being delusional and making him a complete victim. Both of them could have made better choices and only one person's mistakes for the PAST (not the current events) are being excused. I think art imitates real life and some of the mindsets of the people watching this contribute to real scenarios. You can disagree and your take alligns with mine but the other replies to my comment are making me lose brain cells.

@Nemui I don't need to have personal experience to view that putting children in harmful conditions is wrong. She did not have to accept his proposal which is why I mentioned what he did is coercion. My problem is not that the dad made a mistake. My problem is that the comments are coddling him like a toddler when he's as much fault for Woo being abandoned. He willingly put his child in that situation. Instead of acknowledging that the people in the comments are being delusional and making him a complete victim. Both of them could have made better choices and only one person's mistakes for the PAST (not the current events) are being excused. I think art imitates real life and some of the mindsets of the people watching this contribute to real scenarios. You can disagree and your take alligns with mine but the other replies to my comment are making me lose brain cells.

ao kaze

I think Tae-Su Mi was genuinely concern about WYW autism. She just was terrible at expressing it. She might be thinking if she grew up with her, she would have taken a better care of her. She's feeling regret and took it on her ex. That is f$ucked up because Yong Woo father did the best he could raising her.


@Gloccr while I do agree with most of what you're saying. You trying to act like men have more responsibility when it comes to this sort of thing is a very asnine way to look at it. Especially when you take into account the amount of outs women have when it comes to pregnancy's vs men. "If he didn't want kids he shouldn't have impregnated her" I mean the same legit goes for her tho. Like yes he did coerced her which was a shitty thing for him to do. But she also still opened her legs for him regardless so she is just as accountable.

Gloccr (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-08 00:42:23 @Marco Yea no. There are laws placed on women's wombs but now laws regulating men's organs. Women don't get men pregnant. Women don't women pregnant. Men get women pregnant. Men can opt out of paying for child support but women can not opt out of childbirth if abortion is illegal, even though pregnancy is a life-and-death situation. No man is at a life or death risk from nutting in a woman... so no. There are more single fathers BY CHOICE than there are other single mothers. Males get a slap on the wrist. They need to take more responsibility. Period. Consent to sex is not consent to pregnancy, which is why her goal was not to be pregnant and he coerced her into doing it anyways.
2023-12-08 00:42:23 @Marco Yea no. There are laws placed on women's wombs but now laws regulating men's organs. Women don't get men pregnant. Women don't women pregnant. Men get women pregnant. Men can opt out of paying for child support but women can not opt out of childbirth if abortion is illegal, even though pregnancy is a life-and-death situation. No man is at a life or death risk from nutting in a woman... so no. There are more single fathers BY CHOICE than there are other single mothers. Males get a slap on the wrist. They need to take more responsibility. Period. Consent to sex is not consent to pregnancy, which is why her goal was not to be pregnant and he coerced her into doing it anyways.
2023-12-08 00:42:23 @Marco Yea no. There are laws placed on women's wombs but now laws regulating men's organs. Women don't get men pregnant. Women don't women pregnant. Men get women pregnant. Men can opt out of paying for child support but women can not opt out of childbirth if abortion is illegal, even though pregnancy is a life-and-death situation. No man is at a life or death risk from nutting in a woman... so no. There are more single fathers BY CHOICE than there are other single mothers. Males get a slap on the wrist. They need to take more responsibility. Period. Consent to sex is not consent to pregnancy, which is why her goal was not to be pregnant and he coerced her into doing it anyways.
2023-07-31 06:38:21 @Marco Yea no. There are laws placed on women's wombs but now laws regulating men's organs. Women don't get men pregnant. Women don't women pregnant. Men get women pregnant. Men can opt out of paying for child support but women can not opt out of childbirth if abortion is illegal, even though pregnancy is a life-and-death situation. No man is at a life or death risk from nutting in a woman... so no. There are more single fathers BY CHOICE than there are other single mothers. Males get a slap on the wrist. They need to take more responsibility. Period. Consent to sex is not consent to pregnancy, which is why her goal was not to be pregnant and he coerced her into doing it anyways.

@Marco Yea no. There are laws placed on women's wombs but now laws regulating men's organs. Women don't get men pregnant. Women don't women pregnant. Men get women pregnant. Men can opt out of paying for child support but women can not opt out of childbirth if abortion is illegal, even though pregnancy is a life-and-death situation. No man is at a life or death risk from nutting in a woman... so no. There are more single fathers BY CHOICE than there are other single mothers. Males get a slap on the wrist. They need to take more responsibility. Period. Consent to sex is not consent to pregnancy, which is why her goal was not to be pregnant and he coerced her into doing it anyways.


@Gloccr Depends on the state mainly. Not every state has abortion laws, so this isn't exactly universal. You can try to act like women have no say in the matter when it comes to getting pregnant. But that just isn't the case. It takes two people to make a baby. Also when it comes to child support. This again varies from state to state. As most places it really is not an option for the man to opt out of child support. Also women can easily opt out of child birth by simply not getting pregnant. Its that easy. (Unless in extreme cases) And plenty of women have the options to do so. How is it often a choice for men to be single fathers? When the woman has all the options when it comes to child birth? You saying men get a slap on the wrist and need to take more responsibility is such a delusional take. Do you not see how most courts treat men vs women when it comes to child care matters? Like the fact that you're removing all accountability from the woman already proves you wrong. Also nobody said consent to sex is consent to pregnancy. But pregnancy remains apart of the equation on when it comes to sex whether you want it to or not. Whinch is why its weird to me that you keep acting like the woman is totally unaccountable in that regard.


Ok my thoughts about this lady were correct, actual trash and awful person who truly forgot and never thought a single moment about the child they gave birth to. She just sees Young Woo as a obstacle for her now and i bet she will even say later she regrets giving birth to her, knowing how disgusting and selfish she acts.

Nicky A

Crazy I spotted two people from “All of us are dead” in this episode.


@Gloccr Your comment struck a chord with me because I believe your well-intentioned perspective may be somewhat misguided. That's why I'm responding to a month-old post. It seems that you genuinely believe your approach is in the best interest of the child. However, in reality, your perspective could be just as harmful and dangerous to children. The fact is, many parents may not be fully prepared for the challenges of raising children, and they will make mistakes, possibly putting their kids at a disadvantage or even causing trauma in extreme cases. But not all of these situations end in tragedy. Children can overcome many obstacles, and you can't shield them from all the hardships of the world. Therefore, I don't believe it's the right mindset to preemptively end a child's future because the parents may not have all the required resources or care in place. The child cannot argue this fact because they would never have been born, but many children are grateful that their parents took a chance and brought them into this world, even if it wasn't under ideal circumstances. Woo herself seemed to share this sentiment when explaining the scenario of the Mama whale protecting her calf until death, even when knowing it might be futile. So it seems like you may not be fully considering Woo's feelings in this matter. The notion of having the absolute best conditions to raise a child or not having one at all doesn't always align with the realities of life. Life often doesn't provide the perfect setting, but parents make it work. That's the spirit we should celebrate—not one where someone is careless about parenthood to the point of aborting. The reason being that if the child is born, those parents might be far more destructive and create more abandonment issues than parents who are willing to fight for their child, enduring the ups and downs. Children face the loss of parents or deal with deadbeat parents frequently, so avoiding abandonment issues is something that can't always be achieved. Therefore, I don't think it's fair to blame parents who are making the best of their situation over an unrealistic goal of creating a world where abandonment never happens.

Lxrd Vegeta

Am I crazy for thinking young who's mom is right?


wow that ending was frustrating