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Bree (edited)

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2023-07-21 22:53:58 Regarding the mother, I was really excited when she appeared fixing the shoe in that store, I thought "oh are they going to talk about how autism is heritable?" but that's not what happened. The character fixes 1 shoe and we are supposed to think she is Attorney Woo's mother, I saw other reactors saying "oh she's OCD" but that's not how autism works. Being methodical does not mean your children will be autistic, and solely being methodical does not make one OCD. She fixes the shoe once and then never does anything again, at the end the writers didn't make the mother autistic nor OCD. Autism is HIGHLY heritable, if I have a child they will have a high chance of also being autistic, and yet in every autism show I see, the autistic characters never have parents like them, NEVER, it's always the genius savant autistic who's all alone in their world because there's no one like them, which is very unrealistic. I'm autistic, my mom is autistic, my grandma is probably autistic, my cousin is autistic, a family of autistics, but why do I never see characters like us? My answer is: no autistic person was present when it was written, it's just another window view of an outsider. This is why I always take shows like this with a grain of salt, if in the 10 seconds of the show I see the character isn't played by an autistic person, that's already a red flag. I was reading an interview the screenwriter made and in the interview she says: "I myself have not been diagnosed with autism, nor are there people with autism around me. The first reason I became interested in this was when I was putting together a thriller and wondered what it would be like if a witness was autistic. At that time, I started researching Autism Spectrum Disorder, and I was surprised to realize how charming many characteristics of autistic people are" The writer is not autistic, doesn't know anyone who is, and wrote the show because she thought autistic traits were CHARMING. Imagine saying to someone in real life you think their disability is charming, that's just so weird, if someone were to say this to me I would just reply "what the fuck??". Don't say that to people, and don't create shows around a group of people because you think they are cute. This is another "disabled people are so inspirational" but with other words. lol fucking charming, so weird. I wish screenwriters would stop writing lonely genius savant autistics since they are VERY few, and if they wanna talk about us they have to include us in the conversation too.
2023-07-21 20:52:22 Regarding the mother's character, I was really excited when she appeared fixing the shoe in that store, I thought "oh are they going to talk about how autism is heritable?" but that's not what happened. The character fixes 1 shoe and we are supposed to think she is Attorney Woo's mother, I saw other reactors saying "oh she's OCD" but that's not how autism works. Being methodical does not mean your children will be autistic, and solely being methodical does not make one OCD. She fixes the shoe once and then never does anything again, at the end the writers didn't make the mother autistic nor OCD. Autism is HIGHLY heritable, if I have a child they will have a high chance of also being autistic, and yet in every autism show I see, the autistic characters never have parents like them, NEVER, it's always the genius savant autistic who's all alone in their world because there's no one like them, which is very unrealistic. I'm autistic, my mom is autistic, my grandma is probably autistic, my cousin is autistic, a family of autistics, but why do I never see characters like us? My answer is: no autistic person was present when it was written, it's just another window view of an outsider. This is why I always take shows like this with a grain of salt, if in the 10 seconds of the show I see the character isn't played by an autistic person, that's already a red flag. I was reading an interview the screenwriter made and in the interview she says: "I myself have not been diagnosed with autism, nor are there people with autism around me. The first reason I became interested in this was when I was putting together a thriller and wondered what it would be like if a witness was autistic. At that time, I started researching Autism Spectrum Disorder, and I was surprised to realize how charming many characteristics of autistic people are" The writer is not autistic, doesn't know anyone who is, and wrote the show because she thought autistic traits were CHARMING. Imagine saying to someone in real life you think their disability is charming, that's just so weird, if someone were to say this to me I would just reply "what the fuck??". Don't say that to people, and don't create shows around a group of people because you think they are cute. This is another "disabled people are so inspirational" but with other words. lol fucking charming, so weird. I wish screenwriters would stop writing lonely genius savant autistics since they are VERY few, and if they wanna talk about us they have to include us in the conversation too. BTW I forgot to mention, I think the scene with the mother was perfect, Jin Kyung's performance was brilliant, specially liked how Attorney Woo didn't actually say she resented her, it was implied really well. From what I understood, she does resent her but being with her was nice while it lasted.

Regarding the mother's character, I was really excited when she appeared fixing the shoe in that store, I thought "oh are they going to talk about how autism is heritable?" but that's not what happened. The character fixes 1 shoe and we are supposed to think she is Attorney Woo's mother, I saw other reactors saying "oh she's OCD" but that's not how autism works. Being methodical does not mean your children will be autistic, and solely being methodical does not make one OCD. She fixes the shoe once and then never does anything again, at the end the writers didn't make the mother autistic nor OCD. Autism is HIGHLY heritable, if I have a child they will have a high chance of also being autistic, and yet in every autism show I see, the autistic characters never have parents like them, NEVER, it's always the genius savant autistic who's all alone in their world because there's no one like them, which is very unrealistic. I'm autistic, my mom is autistic, my grandma is probably autistic, my cousin is autistic, a family of autistics, but why do I never see characters like us? My answer is: no autistic person was present when it was written, it's just another window view of an outsider. This is why I always take shows like this with a grain of salt, if in the 10 seconds of the show I see the character isn't played by an autistic person, that's already a red flag. I was reading an interview the screenwriter made and in the interview she says: "I myself have not been diagnosed with autism, nor are there people with autism around me. The first reason I became interested in this was when I was putting together a thriller and wondered what it would be like if a witness was autistic. At that time, I started researching Autism Spectrum Disorder, and I was surprised to realize how charming many characteristics of autistic people are" The writer is not autistic, doesn't know anyone who is, and wrote the show because she thought autistic traits were CHARMING. Imagine saying to someone in real life you think their disability is charming, that's just so weird, if someone were to say this to me I would just reply "what the fuck??". Don't say that to people, and don't create shows around a group of people because you think they are cute. This is another "disabled people are so inspirational" but with other words. lol fucking charming, so weird. I wish screenwriters would stop writing lonely genius savant autistics since they are VERY few, and if they wanna talk about us they have to include us in the conversation too. BTW I forgot to mention, I think the scene with the mother was perfect, Jin Kyung's performance was brilliant, specially liked how Attorney Woo didn't actually say she resented her, it was implied really well. From what I understood, she does resent her but being with her was nice while it lasted.

🎀🩰 (edited)

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2023-07-21 23:11:48 U probably made a good point, but i aint reading all that to find out 🔥
2023-07-21 23:11:48 U probably made a good point, but i aint reading all that to find out 🔥
2023-07-21 20:57:39 U probably made a good point, but i aint reading all that to find out 🔥

U probably made a good point, but i aint reading all that to find out 🔥


You have a valid point but you need to understand that’s not always the case . For example my cousin on my mom’s side of the family is autistic but there is no history of anyone being autistic in the family. his mom, his dad, siblings and all cousins are healthy.


@wafaa I didn't say that was always the case, what I said is that autism is highly heritable, therefore only talking about the cases that aren't is unrealistic. (also, being autistic doesn't make me unhealthy so that was trash wording)

John Cedar

I think the main reason this happens more often than "normal" depictions of autistic people is that it's an inherently interesting narrative device: Have a fish out of water scenario of someone who seems incapable or disadvantaged on the surface, but is actually uniquely qualified and extremely capable and comes to earn the respect of everyone around them. Autism or not, this can be a really compelling story that the viewer can easily place themselves in, because most of us can relate to being mistreated at work. It's then some kind of wish-fufillment fantasy where this savant does and says the things we wish we could do to outsmart and embarrass those people in our own lives. In an action themed story, they would be unnaturally good with a gun or a sword. In a lawyer show, they are unnaturally good at memorization and the law. It's certainly not realistic, but I think it's a byproduct of a lot of typical narrative devices. That being said, you are absolutely right in that they should hire autistic actors and have more consultants on set and in the writers room from day one. It's not impossible for a non-autistic actor to play an autistic character well, but the fact that it keeps happening in almost every story is a testament to how they likely don't want to do something that would be for autistic people. As it seems now, a lot of the media surrounding these groups is made for neurotypical people, which I think is just how progress happens. Slowly, unfortunately. Other minorities that have had to struggle to be depicted fairly in film and tv have waited 75+ years and are still let down often. But I think the fact that autism is being portrayed positively in some media now is already a step ahead of where we were 20 years ago, with it being seen as a debilitating disease that ruins the lives of the "normal" family members, like those Autism Speaks ads. I know it's not very comforting to hear "it will improve slowly with time", but I think that's the best humans have ever been able to hope for, and we seem to be in the most rapidly changing and accepting time in humanity so far.


Choi Su-yeon is a W friend


@John Cedar Hmmm I see, that's a very good point, that makes a lot of sense. Yeah I understand, we can't have progress happen in a blink of an eye. I also believe is getting better, at least shows like Monk don't exist anymore. (even tho Monk is about OCD, the show is very uncomfortable to watch. I liked as a child because he looks like me, but today it just hurts)

Taelor Green

Also Tae Su-mi stepped down from being CEO so that she could run for Minister of Justice

Hasnain Khan



I can tell they've been fully into the show. Maybe it is a cultural thing? Maybe they don't have to stepp down from CEO position to be a candidate of minister in the states?

varus ez

Her mum is TRASH!!! Kwon should work for her they belong together

Solemnity (edited)

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2023-07-22 01:43:06 The only thing I can really blame the mother for is that once she was stable in her career/life, she didn't attempt to be in her daughter's life to any extent. She was young and unprepared for a child, this is something that happens everyday. Her parents were probably down her neck everyday about it and upset that the father was not well off. Even with all of those factors, she still gave into his pleading to have the child and went through a pregnancy.
2023-07-21 23:40:47 The only thing I can really blame the mother for is that once she was stable in her career/life, she didn't attempt to be in her daughter's life to any extent. She was young and unprepared for a child, this is something that happens every day. Her parents were probably down her neck everyday about it and upset that the father was not well off. Even with all of those factors, she still gave into his pleading to have the child and went through a pregnancy.

The only thing I can really blame the mother for is that once she was stable in her career/life, she didn't attempt to be in her daughter's life to any extent. She was young and unprepared for a child, this is something that happens every day. Her parents were probably down her neck everyday about it and upset that the father was not well off. Even with all of those factors, she still gave into his pleading to have the child and went through a pregnancy.


It......could have skipped a gen or too jeez....plus this is very "chicken or the egg".....autism can be passed down via genes, but it had to start randomly from someone in the first place.........

cami ً

I had mixed feelings about youngwoo's mom when I watched the show for the first time because, while completely abandoning her child was an obviously awful thing to do, I could understand why she behaved the way she did. It'll be interesting to hear what your thoughts are on her as the show progresses (especially after the last episode)!

Irieezy. (edited)

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2023-07-22 03:04:20 Not his Tom cruise disguise 😂😂😂
2023-07-22 03:04:20 Not his Tom cruise disguise 😂😂😂
2023-07-22 03:04:20 Not his Tom cruise disguise 😂😂😂
2023-07-22 03:04:20 Not his Tom cruise disguise 😂😂😂
2023-07-22 03:04:20 Not his Tom cruise disguise 😂😂😂
2023-07-22 00:48:28 Not his Tom cruise disguise 😂😂😂

Not his Tom cruise disguise 😂😂😂


@Dyastro You know that's not the only issue but go off.


I think the surname didn't alert her because it's common to have the same surname in Korean without being closely related.

arda obi

Hi. I do understand some of your points and agree with some. I am a Medical Doctor and from research made in recent years, autism is caused by both genetic and environmental factors but a pin point cause is yet to be found. Although autistic genes are heritable, The vast majority of autistic kids are born to parents without autism. When a parent is autistic or displays some autistic traits, there is a likely hood that the child would too and it is especially higher if the affected parent is the mother as compared to when it is the father. Hence, I understand the pattern with your family but that is not majority of the cases either. I do agree that the cases of autistic geniuses are rare but they do infact exist and I think the show did a good job in showing the struggles and contrast between a severe case of autism in one of the previous episodes and woo young woo's case. So although the show specifically focuses on an autistic genius, they did emphasize that she was a rare case in the previous episodes. I do understand and empathize with the fact that the writers comment was a bit inappropriate🙏

arda obi

Also, I want to emphasize that even if a gene of a disorder or condition is heritable, it does not always mean that the offsprings are going to display signs and symptoms of that disorder or condition especially if it is a recessive pattern of inheritance and only one parent has the gene👍

rickie woodson

i dont know if she can. she is a FIRST year lawyer. you dont start making real money money til later down the line like doctors. depends on what your specialty is but i know a surgeon that mapped out the money growth and he wont be making those six figures til year five. plus she lives in seoul, one of the most expensive cities in the WORLD. we talking new york prices. unless she willing to go live in the ghetto in one of those closet sized, no private bathroom, college dorm type spots: take your happy ass back home with daddy where you have NO rent, company, a NICE phat room, and home cooked meals every day. couldnt be me

rickie woodson

this show is sooooooo good! love that they are not dragging things out like most shows do. half way through the show and our two major plot points have been addressed. now we can see woo meet her brother, go on some dates with junho and maybe mend fences with her mom


@arda obi I know autistic geniuses exist, you missing the fact every show about autistics ONLY have geniuses, sometimes along with someone with more need for accommodations. We can only have a handful of geniuses and shows like this are the reason I have friends that think I'm just like Sheldon Cooper, just showing 1 type of people is bad, saying it's rare once won't change that, and you can find other autistic people on the internet saying the same thing. Saying "it's fine to only talk about the 1% because at least they are talking" is not a good argument. Even if you didn't say it with this words, it's what you come across as. I thank the words about the writers comment. I don't think they did a good job with the Pengsoo episode, the whole script was designed to make the character pitiful, that's not a good look, episode 10 is just like that but worse, if you analyze enough you will see there's a pattern in how the writer views disabled people. To me is just a spectacle disguised as social commentary. Also, considering there's just a website saying the 'vast majority of autistic kids are born to parents without autism', considering my experience and observation of the autistic community strongly suggests otherwise, and specially considering just a few years ago researchers didn't think women or black people could be autistic because they only made research trials with cisgender white boys hyperfixated in trains, biased researches linking autism with vaccinations, I'll take those with a grain of salt too.



did not expect the dad to fess up that early 😳

Drake Chuckle

I am so glad that all the major reveals seem to be out at the halfway point.


This is random but can y’all watch Succession so I have an excuse to watch it

Elle E.

such a funny episode at the beginning but so emotional at the end🥺😥😥

Daniel NT (edited)

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2023-07-23 08:50:03 The tour in the rain is so painful to watch lol. It just went so bad lol
2023-07-23 06:41:49 The tour in the rain is so painful to watch lol. It just went so bad lol. Playing the violin is like playing music at your own funeral lol

The tour in the rain is so painful to watch lol. It just went so bad lol. Playing the violin is like playing music at your own funeral lol

Fernando Delira

Y’all should react to Tsukimichi moonlight fantasy


Stop spamming it my guy its not happening


Such a touching episode. I'm glad they got to talk things out a bit. I'm also glad she's gonna stay with her dad

Brianna Jenkins

sheera and Roshi at 59:30 are hilarious 😂 perfectly captures the frustration


My only problem with the mom (idk if it shows different in later ep ofc) is that she and her chaebol ass just cut them out of her life for good, never had the thought of "how is my daughter?" or "is my daughter living her life well" crossed her mind (again from what we know at this ep may be changed) If im from such a powerful family it would be easy to keep up on information of your daughter's life, but she didnt know who tf she was


Literally what J-Kwon is doing is the same as an able-bodied person complaining that it's not fair their co-worker bounded to a wheelchair gets to be lifted up the stairs and he doesn't lmao. Of course Woo is going to need to be hired through unconventional means, she's heavily discriminated againts.