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all my homies hate J-Kwon



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Hasnain Khan



You and Sheera should watch "See you in my 19th Life"


I can't believe this is the first I'm hearing of "See you in my 19th Life" being made into a kdrama. I love that webtoon!


Y’all playing were snowfall at?

Zaria Parker

It’s only Nepotism if the person isn’t competent at their job. (My opinion)

Devin reid

If you could read a schedule it’s Tuesday Thursday and Friday this week use your eyes

blabber90 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-20 01:58:41 Just a fact to share , in the beginning of the episode, the villagers that were called ‘Kim Jang Hoon ’ and ‘ Son Heung Min’ weren’t their actual names but nicknames named after famous real life Korean figures. Kim Jang Hoon is a Korean singer known for donating tons of his fortunes and Son Heung Min is a famous soccer player who’s playing for one of the Premier League teams in the UK.
2023-07-19 23:56:54 Just a fact to share , in the beginning of the episode, the villagers that were called ‘Kim Jang Hoon ’ and ‘ Son Heung Min’ weren’t their actual names but nicknames named after famous real life Korean figures. Like Kim Jang Hoon is a Korean singer known for donating tons of his fortunes and Son Heung Min is a famous soccer player who’s playing for one of the Premier League teams in the UK. And the rectangular gesture thing the soccer player villager did with his fingers is a trademark move of the actual soccer player as well. So whenever the head of the village introduced a villager to the attorneys they were just referred by a nickname of famous real life Korean figures instead of their names.

Just a fact to share , in the beginning of the episode, the villagers that were called ‘Kim Jang Hoon ’ and ‘ Son Heung Min’ weren’t their actual names but nicknames named after famous real life Korean figures. Like Kim Jang Hoon is a Korean singer known for donating tons of his fortunes and Son Heung Min is a famous soccer player who’s playing for one of the Premier League teams in the UK. And the rectangular gesture thing the soccer player villager did with his fingers is a trademark move of the actual soccer player as well. So whenever the head of the village introduced a villager to the attorneys they were just referred by a nickname of famous real life Korean figures instead of their names.


Eh I get what you mean but to me, it’s still considered nepotism whether the person is or isn’t competent.


Bro I fucking hate this nigga bro 😭


I gotta stick up for Kwon, I would be pretty pissed as well if I worked hard for years to get into one of the top law firms in my country only for some random attorney to show up six months after everyone else joined, avoiding all the normal procedures and hardships I had to face and they are just like. "Hey, this is your new co-worker, don't mind her coming from out of nowhere. See ya!" We as the audience cannot help but hate him because we know that Woo didn't know about the connection and we cherish her so much and he was already a jarring character for a while, but I can see why he was mad about the use of connections. He was shady asf posting about it on the site though, bring it up privately with the Attorney Jang and tell him your feelings about it, or the CEO. Don't go spreading that shit around the entire company and the internet.

John Cedar (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-20 02:33:16 He's been actively doing things that are against the best interest of clients and the other members of the law-firm, potentially hurting the outcome for everyone he works with, just because he wants to win the competition to get his contract renewed. It's petty and short sighted and indicative of someone who doesn't understand of value the responsibility and power that lawyers have in society. He has a right to be mad, but he doesn't have a right to sabotage shit.
2023-07-20 00:32:59 He's been actively doing things that are against the best interest of clients and the other members of the law firm, potentially hurting the outcome for everyone he works with, just because he wants to win the competition to get his contract renewed. It's petty and short sighted and indicative of someone who doesn't understand or care about the responsibility and power that lawyers have in society. He has a right to be mad, but he doesn't have a right to sabotage shit.

He's been actively doing things that are against the best interest of clients and the other members of the law firm, potentially hurting the outcome for everyone he works with, just because he wants to win the competition to get his contract renewed. It's petty and short sighted and indicative of someone who doesn't understand or care about the responsibility and power that lawyers have in society. He has a right to be mad, but he doesn't have a right to sabotage shit.

John Cedar

The thing about nepotism is that someone who is strictly competent can receive opportunities that might not even be offered to the top 1% of people in that field that don't have those connections. They can rise to the top of things solely on mediocrity whereas anyone normal on the same level of base competency will be stuck at a lower job title and pay.

Stanley Labissiere

Hot take: I have no problem with nepotism, because fuck yall, I'm getting my family paid. If they suck they suck and they'll crash. But if I can open doors to certain people I'm doing it.

cami ً

not only is minho using the renewal of their contracts as an excuse to be an asshole to youngwoo petty, but actually stupid as well because hanbada can renew more than one contract if they want to. if they don't renew his contract, that's on him for sabotaging himself after showing pretty much everyone that he isn't a team player and only cares about himself


Incredibly dumb take. You can take care of your family without turning them into a failure by proxy lmao


They've never said in the show that there is only one space available at the firm or anything like that for him to make it that much of an issue. And...that's life too, Woo didn't do anything with malicious or ambitious intentions but she is a better lawyer in many ways than him but he also has things he is good at too. He could choose to do better and make sure he shines in his own way instead of trying to sabotage her which also hurts his own cases and firm. He could have chosen to work with her and be an unbeatable team. There is nothing wrong with wanting a permanent position, competition, or wanting to stand out but how someone does it and the choices they make say much more about his character than his skills. Also, as a lawyer, reputation is just as important in many ways as talent.

John Cedar

Nepo babies don't crash though, they get chance after chance after chance and no consequences. Look at the girl who played Katara in The Last Airbender live action movie, she's an absolute garbage actress of the highest degree, she shouldn't have ever been cast as anything other than an extra in a teen drama. But because her daddy is a billionaire, she gets bad role after bad role, just because she probably said she "wanted to be an actress" instead of it being something she is actually suited for. When your parents just make shit happen for you, you have no incentive to be good at anything. Nepotism only kind of makes sense if your parents are training you to join the same industry they were successful in and you're actually good at your job.


BTW guys, Secret Invasion is almost over, are you guys doing another poll?


Secret Invasion will be replaced by the new season of The Witcher.


Snowfall reactions come out on Tuesday 7/18, Thursday 7/20, and Friday 7/21 this week. Did you miss yesterday's reaction?

Elle E.

now i got to go watch next episode ASAP, the dad hurt my girl & her coworker trying to hurt her even more. can she get a break...


If he hates nepotism so much why doesn't he have a problem with Attorney Choi being the daughter of the Chief Judge? It's very little about nepotism and capitalism and more about ableism. Attorney Kwon doesn't believe he should have the share the same space with a disabled woman no matter how qualified she is. (Pretty sure they touch on the topic of ableism and eugenics with the case in episode 3 or whatever) Mind you Hanbada and Taesan both first illegally discriminated against her in the initial employment process so it's really not the same thing as being the daughter of a judge. Not to mention her employment is on the basis of being used as a political pawn. Kwon is an ableist asshole who's looking for reasons to discredit her place in the firm. He knows he can't take it up to the CEO because her position was also through nepotism and she's in a position of power (literally). He would have a valid point about nepotism if it wasn't shrouded by hating his disabled co-worker lol. Nepotism is fucked up and we should all have a fair chance at employment but you can only see how he's valid in his critique of nepotism but not how nepotism was the only way a disabled person could be employed that's crazy to me.


J-won is being super petty and I don't agree with him, but nepotism is a pretty bad thing. It's like if you were a CEO and you had the choice between two people to hire and it was between someone who is really good at the job vs someone who is just average. Then you choose the average person because they were your best friend in high school is pretty unfair to the other person who is more qualified. I don't agree with J-won in this case though because Young Woo is more than qualified to be an attorney so her connections to the CEO doesn't really matter.

Dark Shogun

My opinion on nepotism is that it's only a bad thing if the person that gets the job isn't qualified for it. Young-woo was FULLY qualified and was being pretty much black balled because of her autism. Kwon is very petty. He's upset that he has to work so hard for his contract to be re-upped, but so does Young-woo. It's not like there is one contract and the three of them have to fight for it. He would prefer she not have a job due to her autism then to get a job because her dad and the CEO know each other. He needs to grow up.

Sung Woong

Please Roshi, god of Yams, hear my prayers: after secret invasion, the trio should consider watching Kingdom (Korean period piece about Zombies) Its amazing and would be a great reaction! Need Lupa though cause he is going to be scared a lot lol


Roshi said @1:03:19 "yeaahh..so u now activating "player" mode?" hahaha..its true..he be smirkin like "oh its on like donkey kong" and shit XD XD XD

rickie woodson

j-kwon lol makes me think of jo kwon of 2am


I think she resigned to be a public figure. Minister of Justice or something

Daniel NT

Kwon is a pretty good and interesting character really.

Daniel NT

That guy who does the great rants but always forgets things is great lol

Daniel NT

Joon-Ho is like those ppl that obsess with streamers and ship 2 streamers who aren't into each other. He's suffering from fan fiction lol


I hope he doesn't get away with leaking that stuff online


no roshi not all my homies errrrrbody hate j-kwon lol


this reminds me of itaewon class when the chef was exposed for being trans. i wonder if the same will happen to him and they gonna find out its him

Bob Bob

How long were you in the working world before you could live with the Youtube and Patreon income. I'm on the Kwoon side of the nepotism issue. Kwoon is competing to keep the job and learns that Woo has contacts at the executive level. For Kwoon, it feels like no matter how many battles he wins, in the end Woo wins the war. Something similar happened to my acquaintance. The worst of the rookie group later ended up in the development department. Dad was the head of the department.


i agree to some extent. considering that suyeon is the daughter of a judge while kwon is a commoner (this will be explained further later in the show), it's understandable why suyeon is more nonchalant regarding the nepotism. however, if i can see that the person benifitting from nepotism is soooo much better than me, i don't think i'll care about the nepotism as much lmao


to answer your first point, it's because suyeon was hired the same way as him, which was right after they graduated. youngwoo was hired 6 months after that, when the hiring process was already over.


He just being petty and salty to woo. Like if you’re an attorney why can’t he even consider the context behind it lol. She’s proving herself that she’s worthy and he wouldn’t even care if she didn’t had connections in the first place because she’s that good. Moreover, she didn’t even get the opportunity despite the accomplishments she had in the school just because she has autism so I say it’s very fair.

cami ً

but the thing is, youngwoo ONLY got her spot at hanbada due to connections because she was discriminated against. they will touch on that in the next ep, but if all these firms hadn't discriminated against her for having autism, she would have easily gotten hired at either hanbada or taesan as she was the top of her class, graduated with honours AND got an almost perfect score on the bar. minho knows all of this already but he decides to ignore it because it's more convenient for him to be petty about youngwoo's dad knowing the ceo than to admit to himself that youngwoo is much better than him

Malik Coleman

Anyone know when they are doing spiderman?


they have to wait for the digital release until then we not getting a reaction should be within the next month


Don't give attention to that inbred bum that called you that, he's just one of those.


Ouch I shop in Shein sometimes lol

Candice Blair

With Woo, I think her situation is entirely different. She was being discriminated against, and no one would give her a chance,

John Cedar

sorry you couldn't comprehend it, but i think it's pretty easy to understand why giving a unique advantage to your children and not allowing them to naturally succeed and fail as the other 99.9% of us do is a bad thing, for both your children and everyone else. "spoiled rotten" is a phrase for a reason.


if someone's qualified for the position i don't see how nepotism is bad. young woo proves herself everyday. kwons just not cut out for the position


I don't even consider this neptosim because she literally couldnt get in anywhere due to her autism. this is just correcting discrimination. Most nepo babies don't have the qualifications though. Their mediocre at best and for the average person being Mid doesn't give them success which is pretty unfair


🤔 With Woo it’s a different story but let’s say in the case where there are more than one person who are equally qualified for a position yet this one person gets it just because of their connections shows how unfair it can be to others.

Bria A.

Just a heads up that this episode isn’t tagged!

Luqman Muhammad

So. That’s life. No one said life is fair. Not saying I like it but that’s reality. There are other firms.


^ That saying doesn't make sense when we're talking about a civilization that's able to enact laws and constitutional rights which its sole purpose is to make things fair.


dude she literally got a perfect score on the exam and was frankly better than everyone else like what.


just saying how busy are you to not keep up with news for reaction that you want


Dude is so afraid of competition. Regardless of if it was nepo or not, young-woo has clearly proven herself just as a capable as everyone else despite her autism but he's so bothered by the fact that people her and could favorite her that he can't see anything else but that.


@Luqman I know it’s life and know that life isn’t about fairness very well, ain’t young and naive bruh. Stuff like this or worse happens all the time, whether it’s behind doors or on plain sight. I’m just pointing out the unfairness and how messed up it can be, that’s all. So no need to tell me how life works man.


This would be a case if she was incompetent at her job, but the true fact is that in truly fair world he can't compete with her on any level due to how good she is at her job. This is the case of nepotism vs discrimination, and the former is the lesser evil that was necessary due to the latter.

Jamaal Ellison

I think Choi su-yeon is being very selfish and wants Joon-ho'lee to figure out his feelings for Woo for her own sanity not Woo's. I think Joon-ho,lee and Woo deserve to figure out how they feel for one another one their own time not anyone else's. Joon-ho, lee hasn't spared one thought about Cho su-yeon and she's shown multiple times she has an inferiority complex towards young Woo.


I completely agree. I had to pause and rant because that man was doing nothing but being himself, which is being nice to literally everyone, but because several women are attracted to him she makes it seem like he's supposed to stand up and point to the one that he wants so the others know it's not them. Him going about his feelings for someone that is not her in a "roundabout" way is his business and completely normal when trying to figure out how to tell someone how you feel about them. When she realized it wasn't her she should have sucked it up and moved on.


Honestly in this case, the fact she benefited from her dad's connections wouldn't be the same as the average person benefiting from connections. This job was her ONLY option, without any connections she would have been unemployed as she had already been rejected from the majority of law firms, in this case it was fair for a person such as Woo who doesn't have the same equal or equitable opportunities as everyone else.