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Bit of a weird timeskip cut but great ep overall


zILovePelmeni _

Ep was rushed but I believe in the Series Compositor (same as 86)

Damarcus Miller

If your an anime only then this episode was fine 8/10 but if you read the LN I understand.. most people were trashing it talking about the animation was also a downgrade but in my opinion it looks great to me… season just STARTED only 2 episodes in and people are so harsh for no reason..

supakame (edited)

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2023-07-18 00:52:07 First time I heard Rudeus with the nickname "Quagmire": Giggity!! Looks up definition: "a soft boggy area of land that gives way underfoot." ...oh...
2023-07-17 22:51:17 First time I heard Rudeus with the nickname "Quagmire": Giggity!! Looks up definition: "a soft boggy area of land that gives way underfoot." oh... like what he did against Paul when they were sparing.

First time I heard Rudeus with the nickname "Quagmire": Giggity!! Looks up definition: "a soft boggy area of land that gives way underfoot." oh... like what he did against Paul when they were sparing.

zILovePelmeni _

yes and i honestly dont even care about the animation for cour 01 because there will be no big action.

Ginger Dwarf

Genuine insult to even suggest throwing The Relic in the fire.

Hasnain Khan



you wont see adventures that rudeus aint on


and what did he use to stpp the bears from movig lst episode too


I think this is honestly just a case of the reality of adaptations from books/ln to even TV shows. But also idk if that content will be fully cut, for example one of the most cut parts was sara's pov. Which i could see them covering at other times or in an OVA like we got with eris and the goblins.

JT (edited)

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2023-07-18 01:09:42 I read the light novel chapters for this episode and they skipped a lot of stuff
2023-07-17 23:06:46 I read the light novel chapters for this episode and they skipped a lot of stuff

I read the light novel chapters for this episode and they skipped a lot of stuff


She got Rudy’s jacket it’s a wrap she either dying or becoming apart of his harem


sheera : might as well cop a feel. sexual harassment sheera on the scene lmaoo

Jacob The weird (edited)

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2023-07-18 01:32:22 Bro I’m not even a LN reader but I could tell they cut hella shit bcuz that time skip was really sudden.
2023-07-17 23:14:05 Bro I’m not even a LN reader but I could tell they cut hella shit bcuz that time skip was really sudden.

Bro I’m not even a LN reader but I could tell they cut hella shit bcuz that time skip was really sudden.


I was laughing my ass off when I saw Quagmire. I thought the subbers are trippin' lmao


The skid mark is that 0.01% drop chance better not wash it 💀


I know I should be thankful for another season of this amazing series but as a light novel reader it kind of disappoints me. It feels a little rushed and they don’t really give time to make you understand or make you feel how the other characters are feeling. Like rudeus for example. Right now throughout this whole arc he’s supposed to feel extremely sad and deeply hurt and not wanting to live anymore. And right now the anime just doesn’t really seem to show it or express it. I just hope they are able to turn it around and make it feel less rushed because I really do love this series.

rune kongstad larsen

i feld sorry for mimir to lol, they just be like who?


So for anyone wandering why guagmire as he nick name is not only because rudeus is one of the nastiest water and earth mage around but also the fact that most of he’s strategies includes the spell he perfected the most since he was a kid the guagmire spell. We’ll see in the future how much of a problem he is with that spell though.

Donald Doe

I think it's important to note that Rudeus isn't lusting after the panties at this point, or really anything. It's weird, but the panties are the only keepsake he has of Roxy, since he gave the necklace to Ruijerd.


People laughing and confuses that his name is Quagmire when he uses the Quagmire spell all the time


I mean I felt the depression/suicidal aspect in the last episode, it’s an adaptation so they can’t just say every single intricate thought that he had in the novel, from an anime only I think they’re doing a good job

Omar Bautista

Quagmire means something diffrent if you look it up. Dosent have the same appeals as us westerners


everybody mourning mimir me: who tf is mimir? lmaoo which one was he again?


I get that and it probably does make it feel better as an anime only but I hope they are able to let rudeus’s true feelings out and how the other characters feel. Which I’m sure they will at some point. I guess I’m just being very picky about how they adapted the first two episodes from light novel 7.


Rudeus's holy relic panties are washed not by consent mind you LIllia the maid washed them before returning them to rudy. IT was unfortunate but he accepted it well enough the roxy church is beyond just lust after roxy has helped him go outside.


" Right now throughout this whole arc he’s supposed to feel extremely sad and deeply hurt and not wanting to live anymore. And right now the anime just doesn’t really seem to show it or express it." As a anime only I completely disagree. That's 100% the vibe i'm getting from Rudy right now.


A lot, I read it a while ago but i remember a lot of stuff happening before he just rescued her


This group gives me vibes that they're all going to get slaughtered in one random episode, he got really close to them in only 2 episodes so that's the only way I can see this going...

arr f

Nah they didn't cut anything really... They had the interaction with soldat.. then the next chapter was just Sarah's random thoughts defending Rudeus for Soldat being a dick, but also being confused and saying she's supposed to still hate him. Sarah was slowly warming up to him a tiny bit doe. Then next episode was literally the group coming into the guild telling Rudeus everyone got clapped.


I think its just I’m expecting too much. I feel like if I were an anime only I’d probably feel it more because now that I read the novels and just reading how rudy actually feels makes it more understandable for me. Because in the novel it’s obviously more written as to what the characters feel and what other people feel. And in the anime its more about reading their expressions and trying to catch on to them from the way they talk or say. But I will say that the novel is more expressive about his negative feelings.


+also, right at the end, it looks like Sara's mouth was saying "Arigatou."

arr f

What's confusing about the skip part is the fact that the Bar is also the Guild Hall. It's where everyone comes in early to get their assignments/quests and where everyone comes to chill after the fact to drink. Since it's winter and usually snowy, we can't tell the difference between night and day too well either. So it understandably makes everyone confused as fuck


I can't be the only one who caught Lupa mentioning Lopang Dailies aint no way

Dezmond Broadway

I think in the fight with the Drake it was pretty obvious without being shoved in your face. He was so ready to give up again. If they weren’t still there to fight with him. Even his interactions with the guy who called him out shows it in a way.


damn Roshi crew aint believing in the holy relic. they will be converted sooner or later

joshua torres

next episode starts the beginning of my favorite ark


Yeah it's basically become his main move at this point. In the novels there's a paragraph or so describing why (efficient, doesn't blast up the area like fire magic, he can selectively avoid allies pretty easily, good for support, slows enemies so he can blast them with another move or an ally can get them, etc.)


Altho I strongly miss the immense amounts of inner monologue the novels give, I think some context clues of Rudy's mannerisms and actions show that bro is depressed. It's hard to include all the inner monologue. Novels can have all that and it works. If the anime had all that it'd be too much. They're adapting it to fit the medium, and I think they're doing well


Yeah he was the least talked about in the novels as well. I think he was the healer..?

JT (edited)

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2024-01-21 17:37:18 A bit of Sara's backstory and the reason why she gives Rudeus a hard time (him being a Greyrat and not liking people who come from noble families) More scenes of Rudeus helping around the town to become stronger physically and following Ruijerd's principles of helping children. Rudeus noticing he's growing when his Cloak is getting too small for him. Sara defending rudeus after Sol lays into him for having a fake personality. It shows how Sara got captured by the tree and it took Rudeus a lot longer to rescue Sara while fighting the tree than it did in the anime episode and Sara asking Rudeus if she can carry Mimirs head back. I'm sure I missed other details but this is what I remember.
2023-07-18 00:01:50 A bit of Sara's backstory and the reason why she gives Rudeus a hard time (him being a Greyrat and not liking people who come from noble families) More scenes of Rudeus helping around the town to become stronger physically and following Ruijerd's principles of helping children. Rudeus noticing he's growing when his Cloak is getting too small for him. Sara defending rudeus after Sol lays into him for having a fake personality. It shows how Sara got captured by the tree and it took Rudeus a lot longer to rescue Sara while fighting the tree than it did in the anime episode and Sara asking Rudeus if she can carry Mimirs head back. I'm sure I missed other details but this is what I remember.

A bit of Sara's backstory and the reason why she gives Rudeus a hard time (him being a Greyrat and not liking people who come from noble families) More scenes of Rudeus helping around the town to become stronger physically and following Ruijerd's principles of helping children. Rudeus noticing he's growing when his Cloak is getting too small for him. Sara defending rudeus after Sol lays into him for having a fake personality. It shows how Sara got captured by the tree and it took Rudeus a lot longer to rescue Sara while fighting the tree than it did in the anime episode and Sara asking Rudeus if she can carry Mimirs head back. I'm sure I missed other details but this is what I remember.


I'm 100% gonna be watching all of this series, but I am a little bit sad at the drop in animation quality at parts. Sometimes characters just look a little off. It's to be expected that they can't get s1 quality out so quickly after s1 coming out, so I'm glad it's still well adapted and well animated still. Action scenes still look fire, even if this season isn't one with a lot of it. Given what this season will be covering, I get why the content of ln 7 wouldn't be as focused on

Taylor Moon

All stuff that seemingly is fine to skip through as in rhe long run doesn’t matter as much so long as they get the point across of how rudeus gets his depression fixed which they’re showing well imo

FreshxEli Tv

I knew it Rudy 1,000 percent is nerfing himself by far He Barely remembered getting future foresight mans gonna be a problem when he gets over this inner emotional damage

arr f

spoilers btw... Nah the pacing is just right..I predicted this arc as 4-5 episodes MAX.. and by the looks of it.. since they sped things up like the treant fight.. this will surely end next episode..maybe we get post credit Elinalise... Then episode 5 will be with Soldat and Rudy elsewhere/him soloing dragon..probably titled Quagmire the adventurer.. and they will meet Elinalise and they will leave together for episode end to school .. next episode probably Titled Entrance Exam.

Justin Yong

I think there were some time skips this episode but dude was drunk and came back sober. Probably not the best way to do a time skip but I guess I got it

Justin Yong

Yeah I get what you're saying. I think once a series gets serialized like this they move the budget for faster production and emphasis on the big moments. We've had some killer shots and as we get into the real action I'm sure it'll be gorgeous but it's the good and bad of producing off popularity

Drew Ferguson

Quagmire means quicksand or marsh in thus context, referring to how rudeus turns the ground into quicksand\mud to immobilize the monsters they fight

matthew bremmer (edited)

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2023-07-18 02:35:53 I really don't get why people think that was wierd directing. I hear the arguments, I just don't agree.
2023-07-18 00:35:44 I really don't get why people think that was wierd directing. I hear the arguments, I just don't agree. To me it wasn't sudden given the circumstance, and it was obvious that there was a timeskip, again, to me.

I really don't get why people think that was wierd directing. I hear the arguments, I just don't agree. To me it wasn't sudden given the circumstance, and it was obvious that there was a timeskip, again, to me.


bro if you only knew... those light novels were snappin once rudeus was an adult

Drew Ferguson

I find it interesting how he uses earth so much considering his highest level was in water magic


I think it has something to do with the versatility of the element thanks to all the fusion magic he does like the rock shell he used on orsted (fire & earth) or the guagmire , he even can make infinite pocket sand lol

Evan Hough

Man I have no idea why they censored this season, I mean, the first season wasn't?

Godrick (edited)

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2023-07-18 02:46:29 So the translated nickname "Quagmire" means both 'awkward' and 'a soft boggy area that gives underfoot' which is one of Rudeus's signature spells. He was given the nickname based on those 2 traits- hes weird and he uses earth and mud magic a lot (for now) its an unusally close translations of the Japanese character. personally i think its thematically appropriate
2023-07-18 00:46:22 So the translated nickname "Quagmire" means both 'awkward' and 'a soft boggy area that gives underfoot' which is one of Rudeus's signature spells. He was given the nickname based on those 2 traits- hes weird and he uses earth and mud magic a lot (for now) its an unusally close translations of the Japanese character. (personally i think the connotation Family Guy gave the word is personality appropriate too)

So the translated nickname "Quagmire" means both 'awkward' and 'a soft boggy area that gives underfoot' which is one of Rudeus's signature spells. He was given the nickname based on those 2 traits- hes weird and he uses earth and mud magic a lot (for now) its an unusally close translations of the Japanese character. (personally i think the connotation Family Guy gave the word is personality appropriate too)


unironically the truest part of this ep is how he gets swole after getting dumped


“When you washes it, it loses value sir” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Jake Thompson

It's anime. You don't have to tell what you can show. His attitude, his attachment to the panties as a safety blanket, his general malaise about everything is pretty apparent. You don't need an inner monologue when you can show him faking it every interaction.

Oh Alone

Counter Arrow is B class party including all B class members, but try to accept every A class quest. Well, I don't care how good your teamwork are. You are B! At least invite Rudy when go for A-rank quest


this show is so shameless lmao


It definitely feels like theyre trying to somewhat speed through this arc with little skips like that.


I think the reason they weren't asking about Mimir when Rudy got back is they knew he was dead. The way they talked is likely that they saw the killing blow that took him down. The only reason they weren't as sold on Sara being dead is they didn't see what happened to her, just that she disappeared.

Kwaku Afari

I don't think the timeskip was that significant. From their conversations it seems like days or weeks. Maybe a month at the most.

Taylor Moon

They didn’t show someone’s decapitated head in s1 or else they woulda censored it there too

Vincent S Deluca

They did plenty of small time skips before this one was just a few months after last Ep and he’s just been doing odd jobs around town. Also she didn’t miss him, she was gonna grab his hand but stopped herself at the end, pretty standard trope

Devin B

I can somewhat understand Sol for punching that guy cause he really thought they were trying to poach him for his quest. At least he was level headed enough to not spazz on them when they were fighting the snow drakes.

Justin Yong

Yeah, I understood it. Really no issue with it tbh. Could have just been a few hours in my mind if they had another hunt scheduled.

Oscar Barcelo

I really appreciate that the show continuously shows you that characters can die, gives a sense of danger to keep them on their toes

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

(Anime only) I can’t wait till Rudy grows up just a lil more. I’m assuming he’s still 13 almost 14 but the way he’s training his body gets me excited (pause). I want to see him utilize more of his sword/close combat skills in fights but ik he hasn’t been training it like he used too. Just a thought but this show is goated S tier for sure


You are weirded out by the time jump but you just got done seeing the guy who was drunk be perfectly sober and have a conversation with rudeus again. You just assume he immediately somehow sobered up? Its not fucking rocket science

Tyler Cauthen

Is Rudy stronger than he was at the end of s1?


when did he ever even say the word quagmire in this anime at all up until this episode, lol? the confusion is justified when within 2 episodes he has that nickname with no explanation or really even a recent fight to explain it

Thomas Yang

This episode had some pacing problems, that's why it felt like things were moving too fast. The beginning of the episode takes place a few months after last episode and the second half where Rudy goes to save Sara also happens a few months after the cave job.

Beast Boy

Nigga I'm drunk for a solid hour or two and perfectly fine after lmaoooo

Beast Boy

Yeah? You just punch people when they so happen to grab the same drink as you?


According to the light novel, yes. At this point in the story, Rudy is absurdly powerful and doesn't quite understand that he's that OP yet...

Devin B

@Beast Boy obviously not and that's why I said I somewhat understand him cause it really depends on the situation. In this instance he thought they were trying to basically take his money and in their profession they risk their lives to make some money


for being the show which has its own personal studio to make it this anime sure has lot of issues


I think Sol hate Rudy for being so powerful but constantly doing little jobs. like Rudy is rank A for sure and he's out here clearing snow for change.

Cameron Robinson

They got close IMO with thinking of it as a security item (ex. binky) but I honestly don’t believe the meaning of it is sexual anymore, but more something that harkens back a good point in his life with his favorite person


Rudeus can do spells without incantations so there’s no reason for him to say it. Quagmire is the spell he used last episode that makes the Earth turn into mud and sinks the enemies in it. I believe the spell was introduced in the anime was when he used against paul before he knocked him out to work for Eris


Correct, they started picking up other projects and key staff left. Such as the Director and animators.

Harrison Crandall

yeah like fr, its super necessary tho i'm glad they included it tho i read the books and little stuff like this really expand the plot and if you pay attention there is a lot of information being shared! people have thoughts and say thing and stuff exists and things happen in the books and in the anime. in the book its easy to notice stuff because everything is literally spelt out for you but here you really have to look for it!


Nah I’d punch someone if they are trying to do something that would stop me from getting the money I need to live though? Aka doing the quest… which is why when he found out that they weren’t doing his quest and there was miscommunication he apologised?


LN readers when another medium adaption doesn't include some of the most pointless shit known to mankind😰😰😰😰


WDYM "that's random"? Kishirika Kishirisu is literally titled the Great Demon Emperor, why would it be weird that her statues would be at Demon outposts or w/e you call shit like this? She's literally their fucking central leader & all that (at least at the time of the first war between Humans & Demons at any rate, since they specify that this place is from that time specifically). That statue is prolly what she used to look like, since she did mention to Rudy that she already has a fiancee this incarnation, so she prolly just respawned or some shit given her loli mode & the statue are clear discrepancies


You as messed up drunk as he was and you cleaned up and perfectly normal and sober an hour or two after huh. You must have great alcoholic genes. Most people from what I know and have experienced myself tend to pass out for a while.

DJ Muldrow

A lot of the B roll and good transitioning has been lost this season


You're tipsy then, not drunk lmao. Or you've drunk yourself into oblivion and you're just a functioning alcoholic


I don't see what people are complaining about in terms of pacing / transitioning's


That was weird about the censoring because I watched it on Crunchyroll and it was not censored at all.


so in the community sarah is known as blond mommy

Random Guy

I agree quagmire is a bad nickname, especially since we associate it with that pervert from family guy. But the word simply means really soft ground where your feet sinks when you step on it. I think they took the name from his signature attack where he makes the ground soft and makes monster sink on it like in last ep. I feel like quicksand or swamp would have sounded better as a title.


Very few things are stronger than Rudy but his own mind definitely #1. the amount of time his own brain ruins him is crazy


Quagmire is translated from doro-numa; doro=mud, numa=swamp. The Japanese term doronuma describes his magic well and is also used as his nickname, but the English translation may not be a good one.

Harrison Crandall

yoo, lupa ain't wrong about the pantie thing at the end but that's supposed to be a secret! don't go tellin everybody about it! it's our dirty lil secret


Crazy that the manga left all this out, glad the animes adapting th LN n not the manga

Matrim Hall

This whole arc jumps around a lot, just think of these episodes as kinda just the "important bits" while days or maybe a week may have gone by.


quality this season is shit

Saucy Jonathan

That’s weird I watched it on crunchy and it was not censored


Yeah, when I watched it on the day it released it was fine. Now it's censored though, I don't know why they would do that, It's not even that bad.

Xan Acktor

Kinda glad. The light novel was a little over the top on details for every little thing this arc. Glad its skipping some stuff that's not necessary at all.


rudy looks down at people cause he now can see everyone's future all the time. he has a spidey sense that is always on and so he can see what people will do what will happen and he can allow to happen of get in the way like how he stopped her from falling.


Rudy needs to hurry up and get over this shit he's too old to be acting like this over some nyash


Well these first 2 anyways if you look, especially first scene of hum running it’s like blurry, like changing quality from 240 to 1080 plus I just read somewhere that the studio was only supposed to animate mukoshu but they started doing other projects


Oh wow I thought he was bald. As soon as they said he was dead, my mind blanked on what he looked like. I kept trying to picture him and getting Saitama from OPM

JT (edited)

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2024-01-21 17:37:18 @Ross After watching episode 2, I actually read the chapters of the light novel. So, Ross, please refrain from making assumptions, as you often tend to do in life. 😰😰😰
2023-07-19 09:59:27 @Ross After watching episode 2, I actually read the chapters of the light novel. So, Ross, please refrain from making assumptions, as you often tend to do in life. 😰😰😰

@Ross After watching episode 2, I actually read the chapters of the light novel. So, Ross, please refrain from making assumptions, as you often tend to do in life. 😰😰😰


dawg counter arrow plays favorites like crazy 😭 worse part about it is, Mimir was their HEALER 😭😭

Alex Chen

I think he dodged her hand with his demon eye. That’s why she was kinda shocked that she missed his arm.


this wasnt in the original web novel either


Rudy seems super strong, however his mind seems like it gets the better of him

Arkan Matlub

I don't get why you guys are mad over the censor, It wasn't even that important anyways and the screen barely covered the eyes. Even 9anime which is supposedly uncensored has that censored

3LD3RDR4G0N (edited)

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2023-07-20 05:59:45 What was shown on screen I think was the uncensored version. They mentioned how the screen was completely black so I think that's what they saw.
2023-07-20 03:50:31 What was shown on screen I think was the uncensored version. They mentioned how the screen was completely black so I think that's what they saw.

What was shown on screen I think was the uncensored version. They mentioned how the screen was completely black so I think that's what they saw.

Challis H

To be fair, getting older only matters if you face adversity and learn how to get through shit. In his previous 30 years he did literally nothing, Worst thing he probably faced after all the wild bullying was his family kicking him out. So I think mentally he's nowhere near his actual age. Or at least his mental fortitude is nowhere near it.


Fair but it’s hope they notice and give it a better quality because it’s that type of anime that needs it


I guess but it's been 13/14 years of new experiences in a new body, in a new environment. That should hold weight on him mentally at this point rather than the old experience taking precedence imo.


Deadass can't help but get Kirito vibes from this specific party, traumatized by other Isekais too


Honestly so true, winter is a harsh environment for parties let alone a Solo player. That representing his absolute power and confidence is very similar to Kirito.


remember sometimes what we see isnt what theyre seeing, they sometimes overlay other versions.


really said probably got skid marks and everything lmao

Oh, That's Wild

I am pretty sure they explained that he can only see seconds into the future, nothing that would warrant him looking down on others supposedly


same here when the party was getting ready for the first quest i was getting random treasure room vibes

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free (edited)

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2023-07-24 02:24:15 WHY THIS NIGGA SO JACKED 😂😂😂😂😂
2023-07-23 23:14:39 WHY THIS NIGGA SO JACKED 😂😂😂😂😂


Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free (edited)

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2023-07-24 02:24:14 I truly hate how someone's stolen panties continues to be a plot device. You can humanise a character without making them an outright degen
2023-07-23 23:23:43 I truly hate how someone's stolen panties continues to be a plot device. You can humanise a character without making them an outright degen

I truly hate how someone's stolen panties continues to be a plot device. You can humanise a character without making them an outright degen

William Morris

he looks down on people because he knows he's much stronger than everyone in there. he's the only person in the world that can cast magic without incantations he also mastered water magic which probably less than 0.0001% of the population in that world has done. people act arrogant and snobby and rudeus lived in a castle training with a master swordswoman homie doesn't truly associate with the common folk in the guilds doing mediocre work. that dude thought he was a hot shot but gislaine wouldn't have let those lizards leave the area they were fighting in and this dude had to chase them all the way through the tunnels. overall what I'm trying to say is rudeus is better than these kids on the playground but he's humble and doesn't want to put them down by proving his strength so he does look down on them but doesn't really show it all that much he's only there to spread his name and look for his mom. PS like the other guy said he can only see like 5 seconds into the future he can't see that far.

Sultan Ogunniyi

its not even a plot device it just something he has the panties dont move the plot forward


Or you can just not be a stuck-up prude lmao. You sound so damn... what's the word..... bitchy? Who fucking cares? It's just anime lol. Out here acting like you've never seen any perversion whatsoever or any anime whatsoever. You been living under a rock or something?


Nitpicking like crazy lmao. "The first scene blah blah blah"..... who fucking cares. XD And shit? Definitely not shit, why you exaggerating? You could just as easily say that it's not as good. LOL. Jeez, people are just not mentally there these days.

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free (edited)

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2024-01-21 17:37:18 Imagine calling someone a stuck up prude for not liking the fact that the main character depends on stolen underwear for his emotional support 🥴😬. By regular human standards that shit is weird. Out here defending degen behaviours because 'it's just anime'. If you can name me literally any other anime where the main character behaves in the same way then nigga you might need to get out more.
2023-07-25 11:47:13 Imagine calling someone a stuck up prude for not liking the fact that the main character depends on stolen underwear for his emotional support 🥴😬. By regular human standards that shit is weird. Out here defending degen behaviours because 'it's just anime'. If you can name me literally any other anime where the main character behaves in the same way then nigga you might need to get out more.

Imagine calling someone a stuck up prude for not liking the fact that the main character depends on stolen underwear for his emotional support 🥴😬. By regular human standards that shit is weird. Out here defending degen behaviours because 'it's just anime'. If you can name me literally any other anime where the main character behaves in the same way then nigga you might need to get out more.


Time passes in anime, it's not that unusual at all lmfao. That really wasn't a weird time skip. It's literally just a next day thing, you're just terrible at perceiving time in anime. Nobody else thought that was weird. There was a pretty clear transition that to imply it was a different day, can't really miss it. You expect the anime to show you every single little job? This season would drag on in that case, not tryna have that lol.


Look who’s nitpicking and exaggerating now I mean seriously mate you might want to re-read you fucking comment before you post it first , you probably should breathed and calmed down before writing that


It's a connection between who he was and who he's becoming. There are more than enough self-righteous paladin stories out there. The panties are supposed to be weird, they're supposed to be uncomfortable, AND they're showing that such things don't actually matter in the grand scheme because they don't prevent someone from being a good person. Bizarre as it sounds, the panty worship is actually very important.


Well shoot I mean if you've got an opinion then the facts are obligated to piss off. By law I think.

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-21 17:37:18 This is just normative loading. I didn't say he can't be a good person, I said it's disgusting and deplorable behaviour and it is an unnecessary trait to be used as a vehicle for character development. I understand YOU might find extreme, antisocial, and criminal behaviour relatable but that doesn't change what it is; and isn't excusable because MUH CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT You're weird for defending someone worshipping stolen panties, and there is literally no justification for it unless you're too disturbed to realise that 100% of people are not going to be given the chance to be transported to a magical world to fix their issues. I don't need you to explain it to me, its gross and I don't like it. End of. Even his maid realised this nigga was disturbed as a 'child,' meaning he couldn't even hide being a creep in baby form
2023-07-25 15:15:51 This is just normative loading. I didn't say he can't be a good person, I said it's disgusting and deplorable behaviour and it is an unnecessary trait to be used as a vehicle for character development. I understand YOU might find extreme, antisocial, and criminal behaviour relatable but that doesn't change what it is; and isn't excusable because MUH CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT You're weird for defending someone worshipping stolen panties, and there is literally no justification for it unless you're too disturbed to realise that 100% of people are not going to be given the chance to be transported to a magical world to fix their issues. I don't need you to explain it to me, its gross and I don't like it. End of. Even his maid realised this nigga was disturbed as a 'child,' meaning he couldn't even hide being a creep in baby form

This is just normative loading. I didn't say he can't be a good person, I said it's disgusting and deplorable behaviour and it is an unnecessary trait to be used as a vehicle for character development. I understand YOU might find extreme, antisocial, and criminal behaviour relatable but that doesn't change what it is; and isn't excusable because MUH CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT You're weird for defending someone worshipping stolen panties, and there is literally no justification for it unless you're too disturbed to realise that 100% of people are not going to be given the chance to be transported to a magical world to fix their issues. I don't need you to explain it to me, its gross and I don't like it. End of. Even his maid realised this nigga was disturbed as a 'child,' meaning he couldn't even hide being a creep in baby form

King DDD

I've been reading some of your comments on this show and I gotta ask... why do you suck up to this and the protagonist so much? its not healthy and weird


I know this is late for the context of what you see as a weird time-skip, but they even changed locations I believe. The scene with them at dinner was at a tavern or at least a separate room from the scene with them explaining Mimir and Sara which was at the guild with Rudy waiting for other solo or partied adventurers to offer his services. Plus, you even noticed that "Sol" wasn't drunk anymore, so it couldn't have been close enough for it to not have passed at the very least some time


He has to be looking in that direction to see the future and he was walking away. She missed because she's still hesitant.


Goodness I hope you never have to experience something actually extreme, you come off a little fragile. All I can say is you should probably drop this series, it doesn't get any cleaner and your childish purity is only going to be challenged further.


That Lupa explaining the Rudeus fire box situation and the aftermath in Optimus Prime's voice is the funniest thing ever lol Lupa is too much


She just missed grabbing him because she's a hothead and was hesitant to show appreciation. But then she thanked him anyway.


yeah and it does feel like kirito how he's hiding his powers and true abilities like cmon this man shut off the blizzard like it was nothing

damein brown

You all are my favorite reactors! This is a different show, but I think reacting to a show named Fringe would be cool. The late Great Lance Reddick plays in the show.