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Man got hit into a flashback


Nicole Guerrero

LETS GOOO, was waiting for this upload




Bro when saw his dog omg I was so fuckin weak bro


bro they turned up the comedy for the early part of this season. Funny as hell

Nicole Guerrero

i can see why toji has a lot of simps, manz is beefy 👀


Holy fuck that gospel scene was funny asf, Gojo really obliged when homegirl told him to take his glasses off😭 plus the grown woman tryna groom Gojo💀


i'm from eastern europe and getting video this early is blessing arigato gozaimasu 😌 (23:49 pm btw is what we call early here😁)

Mob K.O.

Next episode


i read the manga (up until a certain point) but one thing that still confuses me is how riko knew everything about her being the star plasma vessel and merging with tengen?


Geto beating tf out of that old man with the church music going had me dying 💀


Toji is too goat'd. Getting him and gojo is living in the best timeline.


This animation is too CLEAN oh mah lawd, how will Mappa maintain this level for the entire season

Lofi Simulator

lovin this new animation style


btw at this time Gojo still hasn't mastered his technique so his infinity was not on by default like in the present so when riko slapped him she did in fact slap Gojo and not his infinity also I highly recommend looking up "Achilles and the tortoise paradox" on youtube there are several videos explaining it and like Gojo said this is what his infinity technique is based off which is really cool. Gojo's "six eyes" is the reason why Gojo has to where a blindfold or glasses since having his eyes uncovered exhausts him (also its important to note that the glasses Gojo where's are 100% pitch black so a normal person can't see through them which is the purpose) the way Gojo "sees" is through the cursed energy that he can perceive through the blindfold/glasses his eyes also allows him to "see" his opponents cursed technique (like he did with bag man) there is more to the six eyes but that will be revealed later on in the series.


2 more episodes till shit get wicked 😭

Hasnain Khan


Austin Friley

FYI he can’t use his limitless full time right now


Anyone know if Gojo was trolling or if he actually couldn’t use the reversal technique


if you read the manga, do they go more in depth on his "six eyes" ability later? cause i was like i know bro only has 2 lol. and that makes alot of sense why he covers his eyes. even miguel in jjk0 said something about his eyes being the source of his power or something

John Strickland

I’m guessing gojo doesn’t have full control of his powers yet?

zILovePelmeni _

he couldnt, hes just a student here he cant even control his six eyes thats why he has the special sungalsses on that surpress the output of his eyes


At this point if the story, remember that gojo’s infinity is not automatically on at all times. He has to manually activate it


Every ghetto origin story nigga: He like my dad fr fr

Devin B

I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't trolling cause he is still just a student so he probably doesn't have full mastery over his powers yet

Son Gokhan

gojo ability explained simply: Blue makes minus infintie in real life, but there is no such thing as minus inifinte so when he activates his ability he makes minus infinty space in one area which creates a hole in the universe. So basically he takes the space in an area makes it really really small so just like osmosis all the space surrounding that area pulls in and makes a very strong pull force

Devin B

Are people really simping over Toji...... cause I can see why

Zion Williams

He actually cant use it. He dosnt know how to use reversed cursed energy, which is needed for red.


She's literally born into the role, she's always known this was her destiny. Could be a family line thing, the merger only happens once every 500 years.


damn if this is the simplified version...im fucked cuz i still didnt understand none of that. ima just pretend he basically cant be touched

Jazmyne Mattucci

never in my life i seen a nigga get his ass pieced up so bad he started seeing flashbacks of his younger days.

Julius Emmanuel

Lmao I remember seeing the dog scene in the manga, and waited years for it to be animated, and they did not disappoint 😂😂

Lofii Lee

Gojo not the MC because literally the author Gege hates him 😅

danial javady

@Danny you're allowed to not understand things right away lol, things take time

Devin B

Geto really gave that old man the holy beat down, at least he saw his dog before he got pieced up like that

Eduardo Garcia

These niggas bout to learn that toji is him lol

Devin B

@Nicole Guerrero lol I just saw your comment and yeah him being built like that is probably the main reason


I'm copying from a comment made from s1 that explained Gojo's abilities on a fundamental level that really helped me grasp it. But basically if you were to visualise it it is as if everything that goes near him turns into an asymptote (those graphs in math that go into infinity but never touch a certain line like an axis). Anyway, here is that guy's explanation: "On the outset, a lot of people think Gojo’s ability is basically fancy telekinesis. It’s not. Gojo is doing the exact opposite of that. He's not manipulating a physical object in space, he's manipulating the space around a physical object. For example, if someone shot a bullet at Gojo and he used his ability to stop it, he's doing absolutely nothing to the bullet itself. The bullet is still maintaining its same speed, mass, direction, and everything else. What he’s doing is manipulating and creating space around the bullet infinitely so that the bullet never actually reaches him, which give the outside appearance of the bullet “slowing down”. Another way to visualize this is on a calculator. Try dividing 1 by any other number and see if you can reach 0. No matter how many times you hit the "=" sign, you will never be able to reach a true 0. That true 0 would be an attack hitting Gojo, and the infinite number of fractions between 1 and 0 is the space his ability is creating. He can both "add" and "subtract" space at will, which explains his other techniques shown here. His ability to teleport for instance would be him taking away an infinite amount of space between him and his destination, the exact opposite of how his shielding ability works, which is creating an infinite amount of space between an attack and himself." This is from episode 7 of the anime (gojo's eye reveal) and the guy claimed he wasn't a manga reader so he doesn't go in depth as to what exactly blue, red, and purple mean but I think this explanation does a perfect job of explaining the basics.


Imo the MC is almost never the coolest character in the show, we know too much about them too quick. Takes away from the mystery of a character.


Next episode ending with the cliffhanger. 2 weeks for the full thing.


The six eyes are briefly introduced in the manga, but we got all the detailed information from the data book, author comments and stuff. So it is best to get familiar for more context and to avoid confusion. (The best part is that the six eyes information we have now is still incomplete, lol)

nami (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-13 23:32:49 TOJI MY GOAT
2023-07-13 23:32:49 TOJI MY GOAT
2023-07-13 21:32:06 TOJI MY GOAT



That dog shit was just as funny as yalls reaction to gojo fucking up miguel in the movie lol


Yuji is the main character for a reason which will be shown more in Shibuya. The whole story of JJK is about getting rid of Sukuna.

Fernando Perez

Wait a minute ain’t Gojo like 15-16 in this? Someone needs to call the cops on that teacher lmao


It's sad how Hell's Paradise didn't get the same treatment as it lack a lot of quality.


waaaay easier explanation is that gojo's ability without adding anything to it is that blue attracts because its taking away space. the force field type shit he has just slows things the closer it approaches him (resulting in them practically just stopping)

Donovan Doyle

Yeah shit sucks but things happen when you got a studio like mappa with 6 series in production at almost all times :/

Fernando Perez

Yeah. HP didn’t look bad but you can tell Mappa didn’t put as much time and budget into it as CSM and JJK. I haven’t read the manga but I’ve seen some panels and I can definitely see why some fans were disappointed. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s just because the manga isn’t as popular as the other two and that it’s already finished, so it doesn’t have a lot of future growth.

sotonye ogan

if this nigga got the Dio voice then i know he a problem lol


So I don’t know if it’s commonly known but fun fact the author dislikes the fact that they created Gojo cause it’s a nightmare to imagine a fight where he doesn’t flatten the enemy instantly

Erica Collins

Toji gives me strong Ging from HxH energy. Just off doing his own thing instead of taking care of his son. He really said, "Who's that?" im weak 😭


You gotta remember why JJK and other mappa shows are high quality and why hells wasn't. JJK was mappas baby and first big step into the industry, AoT needed a big budget because of what was expected from the series, CSM also required a big budget for similar reasons. With HP, it didn't already have the cult following the other shows had so if Mappa went ham into it and it didn't do well. Them lowering s2's quality would be viewed super negatively on the company, but if they start with a lower quality, see how the show hits and then up the quality if its worth it or keep it the same if not, they will get an overall better reception from the community.

Drew Ferguson

Kinda but then he keeps adding the same characters like Yuta so i dont believe him

Joel Braaten

Even as a teen Gojo was a monster.


Plus the practicality of doing so many high budget shows back to back isn't there. The work conditions in Japan are bad enough, lmao. Allowing the artists a "break" series is probably good for the company as well, since you are still producing content with your time but not overworking the shit out of your employees.


It’s probably why he has yuuta take the backseat as well the author has a talent for creating busted abilities that’s for sure


Even Vinland Saga S2 was incredible every episode. I wish HP had a different studio and schedule. It's not Mappa's fault so I'm not blaming them but it wasn't as good as people hoped.

Novy Navarro

They used the budget for the bird show final season's garbage ending instead 🙂


Gojo wanna be accelerator so bad


Buddy was born and changed the whole landscape of his verse crazy stuff


Lots of people trying to explain Gojo's power, but all you really have to understand is blue pulls things, red pushes things and purple pulls and pushes at the same time and that just destroys whatever it touches


Crazy how people on twitter and whatnot were bashing this new artstyle it’s low key cleaner compared to season 1

Lofi Simulator

i love it, i love shift between hardlines and softlines for different situations. Shibuya gonna have me bussin


But I thought it just became known riko was the vessel otherwise wouldn’t they have tried getting her at birth? How did she come to know about being the vessel? I probably missed a lot but it made it seem like the vessel was random or something

sotonye ogan (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-14 00:30:14 They got OPM supposedly in the shop cooking. no way jigoraku ever gets the same treatment lol
2023-07-13 22:30:05 They got OPM apparently in the shop cooking too. no way jigoraku ever gets the same treatment lol

They got OPM apparently in the shop cooking too. no way jigoraku ever gets the same treatment lol


lol i saw a comment saying gojo is fighting a 3v1 rn and gege was one of the 3 people


we actually don’t have a clue if that OPM leak was true and i low key don’t think it was tbh


the age of consent was different back then lmao (not saying it’s ok)


i remember reading this arc and when the dog popped up i was like “huh??” i kept flipping back and forth until i realized it was a flashback lmaooo


mfs be typing a whole essay just to say nothing


if you’ve read past this arc then it should be common sense lmao


i believe next episode is when the real fight starts since this arc is only 5 episodes. with the last episode being the conclusion


it’s honestly way easier for them to animate like this than s1.


I mean there's a big difference between knowing what a technique does and knowing how it does it. The latter in what people are trying to explain.


i always thought purple was like a black hole, just erasing things it touches


Random, but the shot of Toji's food (takoyaki, I think?) with the chopsticks poking out of the last piece gets emphasized because doing that with chopsticks is considered poor manners/a death omen/a sign of bad luck (it's reminiscent of funeral customs, like making offerings of food to the dead and the particular protocols for gathering bone shards after a cremation)

danial javady

I didn't notice this at first but at 10:58, when he asks Toji "do you think you can beat him?", Toji pauses for a moment, like he himself was questioning whether he could beat him. But then, the camera switches up to the TV and you see #3 (name 河野 実) make a comeback and lead in to the first place. At around 11:03, you see who Toji bet on and 河野 実 is the guy he bet to land first. Then he responds to the guy on the phone with a smirk and says "Who knows?", a clear contrast from the momentary pause. He sucks at making bets, but he was right about this one. Might be a parallel between how he feels about this whole mission with Gojo in the way. I was wondering wtf all this detail was for but hats off to Mappa. It sucks that a lot of english viewers will miss this detail(unless they translate the card in english with the dub)

Fernando Perez

@danial javady nah they said he’s a second year, so like 11th grade. That would make him around 15-16. 17 at most.


Roshi says thats cheap meanwhile Gojou is literally infinity


Honestly it might be, but I try to keep things simple. So in my head "red+blue=purple, so purple must push and pull really hard"


yup because of shibuya + like basically the rest of this arc


yeah, for example he can't use reverse cursed technique yet (we see that when he was talking about Shoko) and he needs that to use red + purple


it's an understatement lol ... just keep watching this arc and you'll understand even more intimately the Toji love


no he doesn't know about toji fr ^

Heavenly Demonic Emperor

Lupa back at it again wit the jutsu intro 😂 Roshi might die some days in these reactions 😂

Gene Ryan

Bro is it just me or does paper bag guy be looking like spongebob


It’s hard to believe Toji when he says things like “grind Gojo down” considering how we know him now - but this version of Gojo does not know how to use his abilities constantly without exhausting himself. Toji is not doubting Gojo or underestimating him necessarily

Asante Upshur-Benson

Who remembers the pic of explaining Gojo’s powers with pizza😂


true but after this arc we know abt gojo than yuji in the sense we never get a fleshed out flashback of how Yuji came to be

Devin reid

If you watch season 2 episode 1 intro discussion roshi says he don’t know what’s going on

W Wang

Day one of asking for Horimiya for a duos show


This chapter was actually the one roshi made a vid about when the first volume of jjk dropped. Got me into jjk and never looked back thanks roshi


purple essentially is a pseudo black hole, its a combination of convergence and divergence that is made up of tachyon particles, anything it touches is essentially erased from existence


I just used contextual and visual clues + common sense. There was a number 3 on his card, in a place that seemed like a good place to put the name and number of who you're betting on. So I figured he was betting on three, which was confirmed simply by his reaction. But then #3 ends up losing balance and losing, which was around when he got frustrated and hung up on his associate. Honestly it doesn't take knowing Japanese to get this stuff, just using your eyes and brain will suffice. Obviously, there are some ppl out there who are incapable of making use of context and visuals that are laid out plainly before them. XD


High school in japan is 3 years, he is 16 going on 17


@Philbo yes they do go more in depth later on in the series the information I shared is from manga volume extras and that information rarely makes it into the anime.


I believe Horimiya showed up on a previous poll and was beat by Toradora. Could have also been the Oregairu poll.


Love how Gojo is so broken every villains plan revolves around not fighting him LMAO XD


Bro I remember reading that chapter and that shii had me in tears 😂😂😂


i wonder if he read any further and doesnt remember


That opening bumper theme reminded me of Danganronpa, which y'all still gotta watch lol


mappa never disappoints, can't wait for the Shibuya arc the tone is finna shift quick and the animation finna match that energy for sure


something idk if y'all noticed but when gojo explained the ability to create negative apples and pull things into a space he chooses, he's not holding rika by the shirt but actually using that technique to hold her


Honestly when Gege created Yuta they didn’t intend for Jujutsu Kaisen to become a series, JJK 0 was just a one-shot story, but it got so popular that Gege decided to continue it. I’m pretty sure they didn’t intend to make them so OP, but it was already pre established in the one shot so they had to continue with what they had.

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

it’s crazy because Gojo literally said he can’t use reverse curse techniques like Shoko. Obviously he tries it at the end of the episode but he’s failing so he’s not “him” yet. Also he’s constantly turning on and off his infinity cuz if he doesn’t it’ll fry his brain (like he said during his fight with paper bag man). Love how the show slightly hints at things but doesn’t really give stuff away


Idk if yall noticed but Daddy Fushiguro has the same VA as DIO!


Nah, y’all will learn to put some respect

by chances

this one fucking flew by damn

Kristen Keating

I was v surprised when he asked about Megumi, but I feel a lot of people forgot who that is lol


Fun fact, Gojo is 16 - that teacher gotta go. Also he failed to use Red (push), he can only do Blue (pull) currently. Purple (erase) doesn't even exist yet. It's the combination of both. We've seen all of them in S1.

Quincy Jones

Depends on the prefecture whats the legal age limit. Everyone needs to stop acting like everywhere follows American conventions. There are different legal age limits in different parts of the world.


Just because it’s legal in some places, doesn’t mean it’s right. Lmao, “American conventions” Pedo cope

danial javady

@YungZeus a pedophile is someone who is sexually attracted to prepubescent children dude. They aren't going to feel attraction towards a 6 foot athletic , (physically) developed Gojo. You can be sued for libel for calling someone a pedo. It's a psychiatric diagnosis

danial javady

Eh. I don't really like the idea of looking down on other viewers as if they're stupid. Most people's brains would filter the noise (the card) which is written completely in Japanese with overly small font that is in the foreground for like 2 seconds.

Deon Holmes

Gojo said that when he amplifies his Limitless technique that it is super exhausting. So he might get tired quicker than you think.


Ieri Shoko in the past look so much like Nobara Kugisaki. I was begining to think Ieri was her mom or something lol

nami (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-14 04:13:13 @drew he legit hates gojo. thinks he doesnt have a personality, hates writing around him, just does not like him at all. I would list some of his tweets as references but some are spoilers.
2024-01-14 04:13:13 @drew he legit hates gojo. thinks he doesnt have a personality, hates writing around him, just does not like him at all. I would list some of his tweets as references but some are spoilers.
2023-07-14 14:34:58 @drew he legit hates gojo. thinks he doesnt have a personality, hates writing around him, just does not like him at all. I would list some of his tweets as references but some are spoilers.

@drew he legit hates gojo. thinks he doesnt have a personality, hates writing around him, just does not like him at all. I would list some of his tweets as references but some are spoilers.

Drew Ferguson

I Mean he has to write around Yuta also so it doesn't make sense that you would hate something, then once that thing is gone, reintroduce it right back into the story.


Yeah but its hilarious cause if it was a grown ass male teacher, and he gave his number to a highschool girl. You know Lupa would be doing the "Im calling the police" thing. And no one in the comments would be like "Uhh, but the legal age-". In heavenly delusion, adult prostitutes offered sex to a 15 year old boy. No one bat an eye there either.

Art of Trolling

Sheera with Cheap shots Villian: "Its free game" Good guys: "Thats cheap" Lmao

danial javady

@Nononanon Yes, you're right, society would judge the man but not the woman. That's the reality of today's society.


yeahh dont begin to think that chief

Emman Reed

I think you guys might have missed Fushiguro explaining why Gojo is a problem during the bounty scene. Great reaction tho!

Joshua Hoerner

Theres a joke ab out that. Explaining the difference just makes the person sounds like a pedophile

Burning Talons

He is a really simple version Take the number 1 and divide it in half and keep dividing the new number in half. Its keeps getting small but it will NEVER reach 0. Thats how infinity works. It divides space infinitely but will never reach 0 thus never hitting gojo.

Burning Talons

But he just realized he read this arc so he might start recollecting some parts but not everything since it was a half decade ago

Burning Talons

Red is adding space, blue is dividing space and purple is subtracting space. Its really simple i dont know how people dont understand


@Danial lmao, this is literally the “argument” pedos use, “but she looks 20”. It don’t fuckin matter what they look like, foh. Someone needs to be put on the watchlist…


I'm two weeks late but yaga says her identity was *leaked* recently, prompting the groups to target her


It's funny seeing Bayer get off-screened


People always been weird about the whole age of consent in Japan thing but 1. This is anime it doesn’t actually matter and 2. In irl it refers to relationships between MINORS like a 13 and 15 year old not a minor and an adult.


WAIT is this the scene that Roshi showed Lupa in the manga that they talked about when they started? 14:18!

danial javady

@YungZeus What are you talking about? Gojo not only looks 20 here, he looks the exact same as he does in his 30s. He's literally overly beautiful. Also that's exactly what I'm saying, when you go around saying people are pedophiles the way you are, the word loses its meaning. This is not pedophilia. Gojo is hot, and does not look like a child at all. Idk why that's so hard to understand? I literally don't know what to tell you dude, just google this shit. A 16 year old shouldn't be dating a 30 year old because of the power dynamics and differences in intellectual and emotional maturity, which is why we have laws around this thing. Pedophilia is something separate. It's not that hard to understand. It's also... literally just an anime. It doesn't fcking matter.


yeah sorry bro but i gotta disagree.. it always matters.. just cuz its animated, it doesnt make the approach to minors any less weird

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

I went back and found that out that this was the scene Lupa and Roshi were talking about all the way back in the intro of the first episode reaction wow 🤣🤣🤣