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great episode!


Nathan Elkin

This show has really let me down. The story is aggressively more upfront with its philosophy compared to other current shows but the consistency of animation is a joke compared to all other Mappa projects.

Nathan Elkin

And they killed my favorite guy this episode. He had the most to say and I liked his explanations.


well, they got them working on mad projects back to back. cut em some slack

Nathan Elkin

Not what I’m saying. I’d rather they not make the show if they are overworked


So if the elixir not real how that 1 old nigga back at bro village immortal he ain’t turn into a tree 😭


Nah L take, even mappas mid level projects are better than other studios with the same budget. Some shit just isn't gonna get the same budget as other shit, and it sucks exp when you like the show(ik cuz i like this one)but mappa not doing it doesn't mean the show would get a huge budget. I'd say you just gotta support the series but we all know western sales aren't the most important to these guys yet either.

Theo Vorster

For those interested in reading along with the original Hell’s Paradise manga, this episode 12 adapted basically the remainder of chapter 35, all of chapters 37-39, and all of chapter 40 minus its last page. This season (i.e. the next episode 13) will likely adapt up to around the end of chapter 44 (i.e. 80% of tankōbon volume 5).

Nathan Elkin

The budget argument does make sense, but this story kind of feels like the author wrote it to have it animated as respectfully as possible, and I feel like the animation actually detracts from the music and themes they’re trying to explain. This story kind of feels like Elden Ring, where it’s a massive accumulation of cultures and beliefs. I understand timing and budget and overwork, but I guess I’ve been spoiled with too many bangers.

cami ً

the animation has been the same the entire time though? it has its moments but since it's been consistent I imagine it's on purpose to give it some character or whatever but it's definitely not as bad as you're making it out to be imo LOL

Theo Vorster

With the unsustainable production and working practices MAPPA has been continuing with, one of their shows was bound to eventually feel the effects of the studio stretching its workers to their limits. Hell's Paradise was just one of the ones that drew the short end of the stick.


thiis mofo said matt murdock bro you annoying lmao.;l

cami ً

really enjoyed this episode! can't wait to see how the season finale will be animated!

Andrew W

Sheera out here being psychic. Ngl, this show almost lost me last episode, I don't mind a bit of sex (even fanservice) in a show, but this one felt like it might starting leaning *real* hard into some weird stuff that I wasn't looking to follow. This one's got me back on board -- as fanservicey as the Shinobi character obviously continues to be (and that 'throwing rope' power of hers had me dying laughing), it's not hijacking the show. Characters are interesting, stakes feel real each fight (except when its a Gabimaru one-on-one), animation is usually gorgeous, I like the "toa by any other name" thread that's tying together their superhuman abilities, and I respect the way it just goes all out on the weird visual style and character designs. Fun reaction as always!

Theo Vorster

When I saw the "toa by any other name" line in the comment, I got confused thinking "now why would someone be talking about Bionicle in the comments section of a Hell Paradise reaction video?", then I realized it was just a spelling error.

Henderson C

So all the Tensen have the same male and female voice actor. They have good range.

Hasnain Khan



I didn't like how all the characters just getting random ass buffs. They could have definitely handled it better by giving a bit more foreshadowing in the early parts of the story. I was questioning what the ninpo was since usually there's a power system applied to abilities like that.


Why does everyone feel a massive death flag at that one shot of Shinobi girl. I don't get it

Randle Dandle

I love the berserk-acolyte style monster transformations.

Drew Ferguson

To be Clear the Tensen say that there is not an elixir yet but that they are researching it.


was someone complaining you guys skip the intro again? lol


Damn she shouldve gave my husky homie some ass before he went out

Uly A O

Gotta keep in mind Gabimaru is the only who fought a Tensen and saw they had a second form from their group. Granted they should of notice it growing, but it kinda happens instantaneously or notably by how the author intended to portray them. I assume they just thought “oh when they die they become flowers”, which based on all the other creatures and humans dying not a totally wrong assumption especially after causing devastating damage.


Anime only theory: Is the Iwagakure chief a Tensen or a human who used to live on the island?

Drake Rage

I am only at the title of the episode, Umbrella and Inc.?? *Gets Resident Evil Zombies PTSD* lmao Nvm its Umbrella and Ink. Wow that turned out to be surprisingly like the Resident Evil Zombie experiments, guess the title was intentionally named that after all, lol.

danial javady

sequences where characters are talking in the foreground, being completely ignorant of something obvious going on in the background is done because it lets the studios allocate more budget to scenes that matter. So it's important to keep that in mind when watching anime because it costs a lot of money just to have the simplest actions being performed. Combine that with the fact that outside japan the market is frankly parasitic in nature(pirate as much as they can without supporting shows)... it's really hard to make a quality anime.


thats actually what i wanted to ask. they been showing intros more often lately

Kevin Kovacs

Great episode indeed and that last scene with Shion entering the fight was clean! I can't wait to see him pop off in the finale which and it's sad that it's over now.. I hope it's gets a season 2 later on because I getting more invested in the word/characters so let's pray for it.


I assume the reason it’s 13 ep is bc the manga is finished and they want to milk it…




maybe he obtained Tan more recently? So his transformation into a tree hasnt begun.


just finished the entire manga yesterday. boy oh boy. you guys are in for a treat.


Season 2 is already confirmed along with chainsaw man


lets gooooo finally they gave the big boi some fighting. yeah thats right we can fight too lol. big boys stand up. woop woop.

matthew bremmer

No season 2 was announced for either. There was a rumor of an announcement at a MAPPA expo on 5/21 but nothing was announced.


Wtf one more episode??!

The Endless

do keep in mind this is not the age of information so the only way knowledge got around was by rumors/stories(word of mouth) which equates to a big game of telephone, so people weren't getting the exact details of what goes down on the island even if one did find the real truths about Tan. They may have been sending back folks to attract interest but never put out claims of an Elixir, hence the confusion on their part.


Weird not seeing the intro cut for once 😂


My man left the entire intro in just so we could vibe to it. Respect. Such a banger of a song


They’ve done it like twice for this series… the op to this show too good to skip anyway

Jayden Holder

So basically sagirin is copying demon Slayer, got it

Corey Leach

I'm surprised i didnt see a reaction from them when the tensen straight up called him fatty lmao. I was like "damn, bro went straight for the jugular"


I agree it’s good but I don’t recall when they have left it for this show besides the first time the op plays


The op is good but it’s still weird. I only recall when they first reacted to the op it’s still uncommon…


Here comes my goat shion. Second best character in the show fr.


Snacking on "Yo Magic!"...appreciate that one at the start. Shame we never got WandaVision but great reaction!


23:33 what in the Elden Ring Boss fight. 😭😭😭


Ya'll yelling at them to run as if Sagiri and the others have fought a Tensen before.


Ayo that slow head pan roshi did when it dawned on him what sheera said had me dying lol


Why didnt she keep slicing him up😂


Ah we have come up against the Mayuri/Orochimaru Tensen


I sometimes get so annoyed by how sheera has to make it fully aware that she somehow "knows" things before they happen. Its almost as if she writes all of the series they react to when she just so happens to get things right. Just making this comment cause she had to make it fully aware that she knew tree man was alive. We get it sheera you can guess some things. Its not hard to do. Let the other two goofballs figure things out for themselves.


You mean garbage slayer. Although garbage slayer copies everything else so its funny how people immediately call it a copy of the series that copies and rehashes out the same shit done a thousand times from other shows.


Its honestly just common sense. You don't think a guy that revives multiple times in a row is fully dead without making sure a dozen times over. This show just has an annoying kink for killing off its characters and giving a stupid backstory immediately before it happens as if its somehow a good style of writing.

Rebel Gamester

demon slayer fans when they find out controlling your breathing has been a thing for ages

Jayden Holder

L.C. Name one show that came out that uses breathing techniques for swords before demon idiot

Jayden Holder

Rebel GameShark, controlling ur breathing came with sword techniques came in demon Slayer before this so.... and I'm not talking about timelines of inside the show

danial javady

In contrast, I like her reactions :) With exception to her cold reactions to cats and dogs.


??? I didn't say I did not like her reactions. I have watched them for years now. She never specifically lets up on making sure everyone knows that she knew about something before it happens or can guess what is going to happen but it actually takes place. Its literally just simply common sense. Nothing will change cause its obviously just the type of person she is. I just sometimes get annoyed by it. Let the other two figure it out instead of having to tell them that you already figured something out and forcing it to be known.


please check in on yourself because if her simply doing her job of reacting makes you this tight then you need to reevaluate your life.


how about you don't dictate other people's personalities and traits. If you're annoyed by it just dont watch. Your comment literally does absolutely nothing.

Drake Rage

Handsome Hunk definitely came in clutch, like I could feel their shock man like wow it took so much to kill the Tensen the first time, then one of the homies suddenly gets insta-killed in-front their eyes and we see huge ass flowers bloom and turn into some Lovecraftian plant-monster towering over you.. yeah that's it, we fucked, lol.


I mean... it's less that she's saying she already figured it out and more that she's defending her logic when it's called ahead of time (the tea being Tan and not an elixir, based on the tensen being plant people) and pointing out other things aren't out of left field (even other reactors just presumed Hoko was dead because of the head chop, like it's that easily forgettable that he is a whole tree/Groot).

Enitan McIntosh

I wrote sum mad long but long story short ur bugging posting that on their content that ur paying to watch. Wild to even hit post. Is anyone agreeing with you yet? I need to know lmao. They all do this sometimes fight for their lives that they got the story figured out sheera is just better cause she picks up more details and of course sometimes shes wrong they all can be isn't how the whole clapped in the comments thing goes. Its all part of the fun. if ur annoyed maybe idk skip 5 seconds....


do you get annoyed when Roshi does it too then? there are so many reactions where he's explaining something and even shooting down Sheera's theories about something convinced he's 100% right when he's dead wrong and I never see comments like this about him.


I mean she makes a lot of predictions, period. I think she gives probably the most (numerically, that is) incorrect predictions too, just as she gives tons of correct predictions. Your brain is probably just emphasizing one over the other, but if you actively think about it I think you'll realize it balances out.

Cameron 鳥

i guess they are but this comment ws saying absolutely nothing lmao


The music for his transformation was sick and very eerie I love it

William Morris

these mfs keep turning into elden ring bosses music and all


bro every time he said "funny, right?" i just immediately went "not really .. "


The master couldn't have pulled up like 60 seconds earlier? smh

Baren Nerab

Man i swear if Gabimarus chief “found” the “elixir” and it was because he mastered tao, thats crazy! “The elixir was in us the whole time”😂😅