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sorry about the intro music error on the last one!



Thorfinn meant (and youll see this is in the later arcs) is "no matter how bad it turns out i could sleep his whole army. I choose peace... and sometimes peace means knockin somebody tf out" - Thorfinn, basically


Damm they fixed that how kind thanks!


2:40 bro really emoted on him

Magical Drinking

We had to break the upload schedule for this masterpiece of an episode folks.

Theo Vorster

For those who are interested in reading along with the manga, this episode basically adapted all of chapters 92 and 93. Though besides the standard shortening and trimming of dialogue, this episode also changed the parts equivalent to the end of chapter 93. In the manga the end of chapter 93 has Thorfinn and Einar pledging to each other over Arnheid’s grave that they will create a land of peace in Vinland (and calling each other “brother” in the process), I am hoping this hasn’t been cut completely and instead will be simply moved around to a different point in the narrative for the anime. And Thorfinn does decide to go try to talk to Canute in the manga too, but it doesn’t happen in the manga until the end of chapter 94/beginning of chapter 95, and it occurs at the docks near Leif’s ship instead of at Arnheid’s grave. Also Leif doesn’t have an opportunity to protest Thorfinn’s decision in the manga, as in there Thorfinn just makes an excuse of having “forgotten something” before leaving Leif at the docks with the boat. Some other bits of trivia, like Thors all the way back at the beginning of season 1, Thorfinn using chest compressions to try to resuscitate Arnheid was a (deliberate, Yukimura is almost assuredly aware of this) anachronism. The first reliably documented use of chest compressions for resuscitation apparently didn’t occur until the 19th century. Makes one appreciate the advancements in medicine and biology. Also another interesting factoid, like Leif Ericson said, there has been “war” in Iceland in the sense there have been battles and skirmishes that resulted in casualties (the largest documented case apparently being a little less than 130), but in terms of a full-scale war or invasion, Iceland has never participated or been subject to one (in history that can be reliably documented and confirmed). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_involving_Iceland Also the King Harald that Thorfinn’s ancestors (or more accurately the people of Iceland in general Leif was talking about) likely fled from, was most likely Harald Fairhair, the first King of Norway.

Devin B

I really feel bad for everyone on the farm cause they have to deal with Ketil's nonsense. It was too obvious that it was a losing battle for them but they had no choice but to stick it out for as long as they did because of Ketil.


Lol. Thorfinn said 100 aint enough

Randy Petitmaitre

Imagine if thorgill had taken Snake with him instead of his brother Canute would have been dead

Joel Braaten

"Sadness Monday" is accurate lol. Next week is going to be amazing.


100 is not enough to contain my raging peace - thorfinn


Painland Saga


Bruh, that's what you take away from this show?


Who's ready for the "immortal" chapter

Bob Bob

Unpopular Opinion. Im one of the few people that wasn't really invested in Arnheid tragic story. I found her pretty boring from the main story wise. I had a deeper connection when Canute had to face and accept Ragnars death or the failed revenge when Askeladd died.

Quinton Campbell

@Ohais This show? No. This character? Yes 😁 & if that's a problem, it's a weird problem to have. Yall want everybody to feel the same way as you. Keep that sheep energy away from me.

Quinton Campbell

Before other sheep hop on here with their feelings, my initial comment had a joking tone. Sorry in advance for making fun of yalls favorite character 🙄


Great reaction guys like always… I know this is going to sound crazy but thank you for showing gardar some empathy because this would have crushed your heart… like you mentioned before. Great reaction keep on taking care of yourself and your family.

Bob Bob

Little comparison on Episode 1 and 20. Einar still trying to survive in this world after losing everything. After his mother said live (if you keep on living, someday, somewhere you will find happiness again.) . Arnheid gave up on living after losing the last bit hope of a happy life with her second child.


19:08 Roshi maybe thorfinn knew that iron fist wasn’t shit so he couldn’t call him by him name??? like calling him a bum!!!!🤣😂🤣


love how they titled the episode "pain" its like they knew how bad the episode would be


bro this episode was so fcuking good man


dam wtf is up with these sad episodes fuuuuuuck. -turns on so sick by neyo-

Jaden Coleman

That's exactly how I interpreted it, his father had that same energy to him lol. They both chose peace, but they always knew what time it was when push came to shove lmfao

Jaden Coleman

This is probably the most restraint I've ever had to have when it comes to not reading the manga. I can't wait to see how this situation with Thorfinn and Canute will play out.

Theo Vorster

While Thors (and Thorfinn) are incredible fighters, they wouldn’t be able to survive a fight with 100 soldiers (particularly high quality ones) facing them all at once, Vinland Saga doesn’t push suspension of disbelief that far in the show.

danial javady

Snake was glad Ketil was alive because dying would have been the easy way out. He needs to deal with the consequences of his actions, and, Einar's rage, is a perfect example of one of them. Also I hope Thorfinn throw hands. I hope we get to see a peaceful resolution.


"you dont know that" -Lupa after watching the whole s1 and half of s2 of Thorfinn attempting to get his revenge only to remain empty af inside and becoming better. if its anyone, Thorfinn understands the rage more than anyone, the wish for revenge


i wasnt invested in Arnheid or Gardar as characters but i loved the conflict because it helped Thorfinn grow more as a person. Basically it was great as a plot element but yeah im also more invested in where Canute and Thorfinn reunion gonna go

Calamiti (Bleu)

Thorfinn is becoming so much like thors it's not even funny, I think is story is literally about reaching to where his father was and expanding on that mindset. And if that's the case, I'm here for it


he was making a joke but more towards "yeah lemme just punch him once and we can see" kind of feel to it. at least thats how i read it. because he also wanted Einar to punch Ketil. It wasnt sarcasm


idk if you guys caught it but the voice speaking about god looking down on them was Canute's. Thorfinn was remembering what he heard him say.


I'm pretty sure Thorfinn meant he'll just fuck them up a bit. He doesn't have to kill them. Just like how Thors was on the boat punching out Askeladd's men.

Connor Powers

God I love this series That scene where thorfinn is talking about Vinland when arnheid dies is def a callback to episode one of the series where thors does the same with half-dans slave it’s showing thorfinn is becoming the great man/warrior his dad was S Tier writing for an S tier protagonist

Aaron Gauntt

Even if he didn't kill him, Einar definitely deserved to ring his Ketil-bell a few times

Mary L.

I knew it was going to happen but god it still hurt. RIP Arnheid. You deserved the world. I want Ketil's head on a pike!!!


Damn man, i ain't ever seen a series make Roshi cry more than once (though i don't watch everything they watch tbf). And Sheera was really going through for the entire ep. Just sadness all around. In other words - Pain.

Leaky Peach

I mean, I get the point and I agree with Thorfinn, but you can't tell me that you wouldn't also want to at least punch Ketil for doing that to Arnheid.


Big shoutout to Ketil! Dude’s in a 400 man battle and his only kill has been the defenseless pregnant sex slave Big W’s all around, truly a champion of masculinity that some of ya’ll in the comments were parading


Fuck man, this episode alone and just the direction style this whole season took convinced me that its higher than the first season.

Jerry Ramos

Hey Roshi, big fan. Was wondering if you’ll ever do a duo reaction with Lupa? I think it would add variety to the channel and would be fun to see

Devin B

What would they watch that they can't watch as a trio cause with the Roshi and Sheera reactions they watch mostly slice of life anime


arnheid deserved so much better man…


Maybe I wasn't as invested in arnheid or what but I didn't feel all that sad during her death. I was more sad with heavenly D and hell's paradise. Maybe it's because I saw it coming or because it made since why'd she wanted to die since there nothing left for her. Idk the feeling is just weird. (Also I couldn't see her staying alive for just einar considering she didn't have the same feelings for him as he does for her)


But it kinda does.. Thors said he could solo askelads whole gang, and Thorkell is straight up super human

Big Daddy Dre

Askelads gang wasn’t trained soldiers tho 🤷🏾‍♂️

Big Daddy Dre

Yea her death ain’t really hit like i thought it would 🤷🏾‍♂️


bro thorfinn dont give a f about his mom and sister😭. Like bro go see your family!


Try not to view Arnheid's death as a plot point for the pov of the MCs or audience. She is the victim of war; a person with a history that was violated through no fault of their own. This series is about confronting the worst impulses of humanity with unfathomable depths of love.

Oh Alone

Not leg day, Not arm day. It's Sad day

Kevin Xiong

Einar killing Ketil would've been a bad idea, even without the whole "revenge killing, cycle of violence" stuff. Think about what Thorgil would do to Einar if he found out he killed his daddy lol


Man I did not expect to be this attached to arnheid

Jigga Man

Thorfinn said his 100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva can peacefully sleep Canute's army with love.

Jigga Man

Well long long ago in a distant past, it was just Lupa and Roshi, Sheera joined in around end of DBS Super


I think Thorfinn meant that he could get away from 100 men as in fled, not kill because even Snake couldn't have killed Canute's army alone. So if anything went south with Canute, he would make it out alive.


My man Thorfinn really said, "I can take on all 100 of Canute's men barehanded if I need to".

Jayden Holder

I never really cared about Arnheid or Gardar, but that's just me tho


"The Bodhisattva path is one of power and strength A strength from within to go the length"

Shin splits

Not even that snake 100% wouldn’t let it happen. He’s willing to fight the king for dumbass Ketil. He would 100% take out Einar

Shin splits

As strong as thorfinn is there’s no way he can fuck up 100 competent dudes. I think he more meant that he can escape if need be

Shin splits

But the thing his we have no idea if the main force would of lasted half as long without snake being there

Shin splits

Besides askeladd and bjorn the rest of his group didn’t really show anything. They were better fighters then the average person but compared to 70 jomsvikings and 30 of canutes personal guards. I dont even think Thors can solo that.

Shin splits

I think he’s more so that he’s confident that he can escape. But no way he’s making out alive it he actually tries to to fight them

Shin splits

This might be aoty. At least a contender

Theo Vorster

While not as good as Jomsvikings or Royal Guard thegns Askeladd’s mercenary group were still decent warriors. But anyways, Thorkell is a boastful dude and is liable to speak in hyperbole. As good as Thors was, if 100 skilled men attacked all at once (and Thors didn’t have the advantage of being confined to a small stage to bottleneck his opponents) Thors would not be able to defeat them all.


yeah we see an even better thorfinn in the BSW arc


bro do you think he wants to face his family after all he had done? obviously now he is because hes changed


alot of slow people here in the comments just dont get it....


@Danny yeah, alot of the comments here are too slow to get they were representations of something that was common in those times.

FreshxEli Tv

Lol 😂 bro I’m thinking about it more and more Thorfinn hasn’t realized his fist is his weapons yet I can’t wait to see him beat people ass with rated r for everyone hands


I love all the symbolism and call backs this season that shows all the development Thorfinn has gone through. Like in the previous episode when Arnheid was riding in the death wagon and saw the deer and wolf walking alongside her, and they represented Thorfinn as the wolf and Einar as the deer looking out for her during her stay in the farm I thought was cool And now in this episode, when Arnheid says she has nothing left to live for, and the camera turns to Thorfinn I felt was a callback to his state during the first few Eps this season and how he said not a single good thing happened in his life so there was no point in living… Idk just thought it was cool all the symbolism and callbacks there are this season… Also shoutout to my boi Snake for being my fav this arc!


I know right?! It got to the point I was worried they were gonna skip Thorfinn telling Arnheid about Vinland as she dies… Which admittedly was the scene I was looking forward to this season cause of how impactful those words will be


Thorfinn is a good amount better than snake and has more experience taking on multiple people at once. The main reason why Snake technically won the fight with thorfinn was because Thorfinn wasn't serious enough and snake had his signature weapon. Even with his most skilled weapon snake only managed to scratch him and was almost about to give in. That being said I don't think Thorfinn could take on 100 of those soldiers. Each one of them is right about Thorgil's level which is probably a little over half of snakes ability. Thorfinn could definitely take on a good 10-20 at once if he had his daggers. Thorfinn is technically the most skilled fighter in the series by quite a bit.


The handshake was shown in the final trailer for this season so most probably it has been switched around

Theo Vorster

It’s probably going to be rearranged for another scene, I can’t imagine Einar and Thorfinn’s pledge to each other being cut entirely.


Yeah it was shown in the final trailer so they won't skip it


Season 1 thorfin or more beautiful character growth. Im so torn lol

Oscar Barcelo

It was obvious to the audience but not to the workers/slaves. By the time they found out their pride didn’t let them back down

Devin B

I'm not saying that it was obvious to the workers/slaves that it was a losing battle but Ketil knew what Canute was capable of and Snake even tried to warn him a couple of times not to fight but he chose to have his people fight regardless.


Arnheid was such a well written character and the performance of her VA made her even better. The entire story with Gardar and everything, just such well placed themes that correlate so well with the ideas Thorfinn has been dealing with himself the past few years in the story. This is one of my favorite seasons/arcs of any animanga i've ever seen. Amazing


arnheid was kinda mid ngl i didnt care a single bit about her death she reaped what she sowed cant feel bad about that


@tacoloco live example of brain damage

Amy Johnson

seeing as he’s sworn an oath against violence and killing, i wouldn’t expect to see him clap anyone with anything but words and resolve


@tacoloco The funny thing about your brain damaged take is that even in universe of the series Ketils outburst against Arnheid was clearly seen as excessive or Snake wouldn't have any basis or reason to stop Ketil. Especially as it was Snake who was the guy that actually wanted revenge on Gardar and got/took it. So no, she didn't reap what she sow....


"reaped what she sowed" by trying to run away after being forced into slavery and having her family split apart, village pillaged and her son murdered... right... if you're going to bait at least make it somewhat believable 💀


i wasnt all to invloved in that part i actually skiped over entire gardar part....only good thing that happned was snake vs thorfinn

Sterling Mack (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-20 18:22:48 Damn Painland Saga gets me again
2024-03-20 18:22:48 Damn Painland Saga gets me again
2023-05-23 13:48:32 Damn Painland Saga gets me again

Damn Painland Saga gets me again


Need Mashle & Konosuba asap. I'm in dire of a comedic relief from all these pain 😢


I would say it's silly to be powerscaling Vinland Saga but everything you said is spot on IMO


Y’all should check out death parade if you haven’t watched it already. Think you’d enjoy it


roshi i need a solo reaction to One piece pleasee


I like the story telling in this episode. I didn’t think it was sad in comparison to someone other anime. However, definitely was impactful seeing Thorfinn not letting Einar kill Ketil. He is still the only one trying to talk it out and solve things with his words.

Vincent S Deluca

100 men, elite as they are, aint enough to take out Thorfinn lol


yeah i was confused too they made a whole pledge if i am not mistaken

DsWorldd •

Wulf was on some "MR PRESIDENT!!!🤾‍♂️" timing this episode. Goated guard lmao

DsWorldd •

Yeah I can't lie especially with the manga not nearly fleshing it out as much as the anime. I felt like an anime only cuz I read VS back in lockdown and had next to no recollection of how those twos character arc ended, just that I knew they didn't appear in the next few arcs. Still great writing doe


That parallels between Thorfinn and his dad both trying cpr on a dying slave and telling them about Vinland in their final moments (which im pretty sure is America btw) When Thorfinn said he was going to go meet Canute, immediately thought of his dad saying "A real warrior fights without a sword". The story-telling is just so good cuz I can just tell he's about to find that middle ground of how to be a pacifist and a warrior at the same time.


I kinda feel like Leif was convinced partly because of how Thorfinn looked. He honestly reminded me of Thors. It wasn't an expression of fury. Just conviction to do the right thing. No weapon needed.

pp clapper

it is america, there's an text called the "vinland saga" written by the vikings describing their voyages


This is hands down for me the best quality anime out rn, with the writing, characterization, and score I mean like nothing else to say but this gettin my vote for AOTY Idc whether other anime have more attention or widespread recognition, this show right here holds incredible value to me as a person with struggles as well and seeing not only Thorfinn but pretty much every character in this show written with so much nuisance and profoundness has me wondering how Makoto Yukimura does it sometimes. The man has created something special and he should be proud of his work because as a fan this show will damn well stick with me for decades.

Tim Moore

episode was weak. I just personally don't care about Einar, and his love for someone that couldn't love him back.


Arnheid’s voice actress is legitimately one of the best I’ve ever heard. She could nail every type of emotion and she made you feel it too. And I honestly haven’t heard a character dying sound so believable before. Maybe Ai from Oshi no Ko, but something about this one hit different. Sucks we won’t get to hear Arnheid again or see the character again, but that’s just the way it goes sometimes. Gotta make do with what we’re given.


Thorfinn meant he could get away, knock a few out and run. Even he not strong enough to deal with 20 never mind 100 Jomsvikings at once

Puige Hanovo

They only skipped one or two lines of Thorfinn asking his dad for advice in his head. Other than that, they're simply moving the handshake scene.


Personally, i didnt see Snake as having loyalty, more so 'Nah you are NOT off that easy after causing unnecessary death for ego' He needs to atone


No thorfinn meant that Canute didn’t want to slaughter me too and his ppl if he only brought 100 men , if he did he could’ve easily brought more ….


hopefully another episode or 2 and farmland saga will be a thing of the past lol

Hans Wurst

If that is all this episode was about for you then I feel sorry for you.


You do realize they’re just gonna make a new “farmland” of their own right. Like that’s the point of the story. To find paradise on Earth. Without violence. Everyone is searching for it, some people can’t get it, but that’s what the story’s been about from the beginning. It’s “Vinland Saga”, not “Fight a Bunch of Wars Because We Can’t Get Along Saga”. If you still can’t accept that after 20 literal episodes then you are a lost cause lmao. Go watch some other anime because I can tell you right now, you’re not gonna care about what happens if you still don’t care about things now.


if you are looking for action anime this aint it bro. look somewhere else....here on out there will be less and less fights


bruh you think action is coming after this? this is a drama/adventure anime with action here and there. If you're expecting all out action after this you're just going to be disappointed

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-25 22:54:19 No this isn't true there will be much more action and violence, but Thorfinn will never again be the instigator/ aggressor. If you're looking for a bloodthirsty maniac then I suggest you view the 15 million other anime out there with that description
2023-05-24 19:23:53 No this isn't true there will be much more action and violence, but Thorfinn will never again be the instigator/ aggressor. If you're looking for a bloodthirsty maniac then I suggest you view the 15 million other anime out there with that description

No this isn't true there will be much more action and violence, but Thorfinn will never again be the instigator/ aggressor. If you're looking for a bloodthirsty maniac then I suggest you view the 15 million other anime out there with that description

William Tippen

Saddest episode of anime you’ve ever seen in your life? That’s a galaxy sized reach I’ve seen these niggas cry on 100 different things for this to be the saddest. 😂


lmao i loved the thorgill scene where he looks like hes going berserk and about to pop off and kill like half of them before he gets killed but nahh he straight ran HAHAHA that just made him my favorite character of this season!!! but man mappa really showed 10sec of the fat bro swinging his axe in good ass animation i hope more of that is coming but for more important scenes


I'm still going to watch after 20 episodes because I know the show is good overall and will get better, doesn't mean I'm not going to pretend like almost 20 episodes on the same quite literal couple acres of land where some of the "vital" characters that half the season was focused on.....just died.....and we could of skipped most of that entire story and conveyed the same point in way less than 20 episodes fortunately, she finally died and will hopefully stay out of the story, so now thorfinn is going to meet with canute and finally after we got 20 episodes of essentially getting no where........farmland saga will hopefully be a thing of the past after 1 or 2 more Find that paradise, do it without fighting for all i care, but hopefully they'll just get off this farm and the story will get somewhere while they're doing it. IMO this season just sucks so far i'll just have to agree to disagree with yall.....season 1 was a masterpiece, so much so I'm sure it'll get better so im sticking around either way


I don't understand how they cried so much in this episode. Not even that sad. and "one of the saddest episodes of anime" lmao. I'm even quite sensitive and I may cry at sad and emotional things easily but I didn't even feel sad in this episode.


Well if counted the 100 other episodes also, then this one is in the list😂


There's a lot of people in the comments being different from crybabies.


@john what a weird take you actually skipped over a small story arc just for a 3-minute fight that's crazy


people react different than others thats just how human emotion works


this show is way too good.


trying to look different? Roshi said “that was the saddest episode I watched in my life”, it's just about him, you don't need to take it personally.


I just think they are simping for this show way too much or something.


thornfinn was basically saying 100 soldier arent a threat to his life. that's gangsta


it probably took thorgil every fiber in his being to retreat

Drake Rage

Damn this sucks, I hate when bad things happen to good people, and this show is filled with that, since the very beginning, good people suffering and dying, or living and becoming twisted (Like Canute and Thorfinn when they were with Askeladd), with no hope in sight. 23:43 Roshi: What did he mean by that? Roshi he probably meant that Daddy Askeladd sent him to die on literal suicide missions all the time, so he was confident he could survive, even when facing 100 of the strongest warriors around, since he was used to Daddy Askeladd sending him on even deadlier missions.

Todd Howard

I'd probably just drop it then because despite there being more upcoming action there is also a lot story and development of characters. This season was a 100% neccessary btw.


oh no askeladd was his dad!! thorfinn looked up to him!! lmao the revisionist history is crazy in the mind of roshi on this one im ngl


finally arnheids arc is over, was getting boring

Jake Young

I mean its not one or the other, he was both a father figure and his most hated person, he loved and hated him.. that's why their relationship is complex

John Guerrero

Thanks for the reaction guys. The comments have been so toxic and cringe though lol. People really subscribe to complain. You can like a well written character and not condone their actions. You can dislike a character, does not mean you agree with another. Everyone is gonna react differently to a story. They aren't wrong for thinking a certain way. I watch you guys because I like seeing perspective from someone else in shows I love because it makes me think about it. It just confuses me how much effort people put in to just try to be edgy. Or force an opinion on someone else.


Thorfinn think he guts fighting 100 niggas