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I feel so bad for Yui



“It’s not trust, but something far more sinister” Haruna is talking about reliance or codependency


There was this one scene where yuki's sister told everyone that yuki gave chocolate to hayama when they were kids. In the next scene where it shows hiki, you can see that his eyebrow twitches slightly. Subtle jealousy?

Jay Rez

Nice job w the deductions Roshi, the only part I would add would be that they’ve been alluding to yukino not being able to stand on her own two feet, when challenged by her mom she had nothing to say. I remember yukino being more confident in S1 with what she said so her mom was guilt tripping asking if it was her own fault for letting her daughter have the responsibility to make her own choices bc all she’s been doing is depending on others.


That was more just the fact that hes surprised how blatantly Harlan is trying to start shit in s room full of people

Kitty Newb (edited)

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2023-05-20 01:36:10 are we getting a 2nd ep today?>
2023-05-19 23:33:46 are we getting a 2nd ep today?>

are we getting a 2nd ep today?>

danial javady

I don't think Hayato ever liked Yukino. I think he liked Haruno, the older sister. You can tell he pays a lot more attention to Haruno. When the girl with the perm was first introduced, Hayato was waffling about some weird shit about how Haruno is indifferent to those she doesn't care about. Bro sounded clearly emotionally invested when he was talking too. And then if you fast forward a few episodes, Haruno says something along the lines of Hikki is really entertaining, where as Hayato is really boring because he's "perfect" where as Hikki isn't. Thus further cementing, that the observation Hayato made of her.

Deshawn Smith (edited)

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2023-05-20 02:42:18 i get what youre saying, but it's not haruno
2023-05-20 00:40:49 i get what youre saying, but it's not haruno

i get what youre saying, but it's not haruno


Yo roshi, where's that other oregairu episode at

Cameron Robinson

I believe Haruno is such a shit stirrer because she has nothing else going on. Her life is probably already planned out by mom and all her friends are her parents’ friends’ kids or ones that are deemed safe by her mom so no real friends. So she fucks around in her sister’s life because she’s bitter that Yuki probably has more freedom, being away from the family, and also she doesn’t believe Yuki is that strong of a person so she fucks to make Yuki react and change. At the moment she hates the dynamic between Yuki, Yui, and Hikki and is trying break it or force it to change. As to why? I think she thinks Hikki and Yui stifle Yuki. Hikki and Yui are protective over Yuki when it comes to serious issues. For example Hikki always shouldering the most wait on the club’s task and Yui at the end of the episode speaking for Yuki when confronting her mom. Haruno also probably doesn’t like the love triangle between them, since right it is forcing everyone to be quiet about Yui’s very obvious feelings and Hikki and Yuki burgeoning feelings.


To be more accurate guys it's more of Haruno calling them out rather than her "stirring the pot". Great reactions guys. You're on a roll. SEASON 2 OVA on your radar please🙏🏻

Yantok Novri

Spoiler alert..... It is haruno that hayama likes, the author already confirm it in his tweet last or 2 years ago i recall


Thats a good analysis. While I do believe Haruno has always tried to help her sister grow through conflict and her antagonism, part of her was probably jealous of Yukino being able to have the choice of doing what she wanted. Haruno's life was probably already set out for her. In the end, she does spit facts about the relationship between the three but I feel like its out of her business to interfere.


i know haruno is an important character to the story, but im with roshi- does she have no friends? like damn

Devin B

If she has time to mess with highschoolers then probably not


I'm just going to put this out there. I'm not 100% sure, but when Saki said she could only make Rice Krispies, she was specifically talking about sweets and that she could only make plain sweets, nothing cute that her sister would like.


So while Kawaski is my personal best girl, she’s clearly not the choice for our dearest Hachiiman, but with every passing episode my feelings of Iroha supremacy continue to rise. I think she has 10 times more charisma than yui and yuki with far less baggage


I think it finally clicked for me what Haruno was trying to say to hiki, yuki, and yui. When she confronts then three and asks if what they are doing is truly genuine, I think what she means is that they all know that they have feelings for hiki and that hiki has feelings for both the girls to some degree. However, everyone is refusing to advance their relationship in some way out of fear that it will destroy the friendship with the 3rd person. I also think that’s why yui refused hiki’s request in the beginning of the episode and at the end. She feels like if she allows hiki to get closer to her and possibly become intimate with him, it will destroy her friendship with yuki. Haruno is pointing out that they themselves are once again trying to avoid growth and moving forward. Whether they are ready to move forward or not, I don’t know. But I do kinda get what Haruno is saying.


On the surface maybe but you definitely do not want to date someone like Iroha

Pan Cakes



Technically Yukino is the only one that comes with baggage. Yui is pretty good but only feels awkward cuz her two closest people are incapable of communication. If anything, Yui reads the room the best out of anyone. Shes best at adjusting to the situation but even these two are sometimes too far out for her. Yukino still best girl for Hikki but personally id choose Yui just cuz she knows what she wants and doesnt play games and is just overall an understanding person who is willing to compromise and adjust to situations. realistically if Yukino and Hikki dont change their way of life, it would be hard for such a relationship to last very long. Both are hardheaded and stubborn to a fault. Yes, most of their banter is playing with each other but we can see that their methods and ideologies can clash at times. Its both a good and a bad thing. Neither is very good at compromise. if yui wasnt in the club, they wouldve never gotten close


Yui deserves better.


the simple thing i got from this is that theyre not being genuine. Hikigaya said he wanted something real, and theyre going on pretending nothing changed. Yukinos sister is accusing her of always depending on him. And finally Yui doesnt want an unfair advantage over Yukino in "winning" him over. And hes feeding both of them.


knowing how to make rice krispies but nothing else is wild


14:05 tempering chocolate highkey hard roshi


it's explained in the LN. Haruno is a collage student who is extraordniarly intelligent so she doesn't have to study and her family is rich so she doesn't need a part time job either so she has an abundance of free time.


Yui doesn't play games is a pretty funny joke man. good one.


There is also the theory about the thing that sometimes still happens in high society families in japan.


Yui depression begins


obv she can make more than that but for some reason, they took it as that's the only dish she could make.


rice krispie treats are literally just rice krispies and melted chocolate stirred in a bowl. the joke is that its incredibly simple and yet its the best she can do meaning she's a bad cook


Yeah same like don’t you got something else better too do besides tryna downplay your sister every time you see her having fun


Bro scammed us of a episode 💀


That's what happens when you put on masks and play a role with your friends, you start to annoy high schoolers with life drama instead of fooling around


and hence why haruno said she liked the old yuki better, the yuki who is straight forward and doesn't beat around the bush

Aye Jaye

"She's best at adjusting to the situation" "Doesn't play games" "Understanding person who is willing to compromise" the whole point of the story is Hachiman wanting to grow as a person, and Yui does absolutely nothing but want things to stay the same. She doesn't want Hachiman to change, she wants things to stay superficially the same just because it was comfortable, and she also gets in his way romantically. She's the worst girl if we're taking Hachiman's whole story into account, she's just a straight up obstacle, which is especially a problem considering how much fixing Hachiman's personality needs.

Jacob The weird (edited)

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2024-01-08 01:49:33 Bro I’ve been wondering too 😭
2024-01-08 01:49:33 Bro I’ve been wondering too 😭
2024-01-08 01:49:33 Bro I’ve been wondering too 😭
2023-05-22 10:02:51 Bro I’ve been wondering too 😭

Bro I’ve been wondering too 😭

Jason (edited)

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2023-05-25 22:54:02 > Promises to post 3 episodes twice > Uploads 2 episodes only > Refuses to elaborate Further > Leaves
2023-05-24 07:33:16 > Promises to post 3 episodes twice > Uploads 2 episodes only > Refuses to elaborate Further > Leaves

> Promises to post 3 episodes twice > Uploads 2 episodes only > Refuses to elaborate Further > Leaves

Deshawn Smith (edited)

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2024-01-08 01:49:33 im 5 days late here but, WW did not confirm that
2023-05-24 18:45:47 im 5 days late here but, WW did not confirm that

im 5 days late here but, WW did not confirm that

by chances

Damn Haruno is annoying af

Drake Rage

The "Chalk and lettuce" thing sounded like chocolate, that was the lame joke that Tobe was making at the beginning, lol.