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well that got dark



Enter- the best character in the series, Akane


Whats interesting is that this arc/episode is based on a real life event. Look up Hana Kimura Terrace House to see the similarities.

Kadeem Reeves

That was some timing. The notification for this came up the minute the ED started to play on my laptop lol


Ngl not the biggest fan of akane's character so far, she feels a bit to "fake" with how she is acting for me.


This episode has shut up all the niggas who were saying it all goes downhill after episode 1 real quick 😂


I'll keep on saying it, this studio is doing Oshi no Ko absolute justice. The distorted creepy music transitioning to the eye watering ost for Akane had me speechless. Plus the transition to Akane in complete despair in the rain on top of the bridge... It doesn't get any better than this, which is not even true at all. The fact that the story keeps getting better is nothing less than phenomenal


Oshi did absolutely an amazing job on this episode and this show in general. The anime did such an amazing job portraying her mindset that even as a manga reader it felt like a new experience and was really hard to get through because of how real they make it feel. The events are based on what happened to Hana Kimura if you are interested you should read about it.

GraffitiTurtle (edited)

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2023-05-18 00:38:08 It’s not that surprising, have you seen the pilot? Lol
2023-05-17 22:19:17 Ofc it got dark, have you seen the pilot? Lol

Ofc it got dark, have you seen the pilot? Lol

Hasnain Khan


John Strickland

They are killing this adaptation


Akane best girl

Grant Beaudette

You know it's rough when HiDive has to put a hotline number at the end of the episode.


I like how the second we seen her getting cooked in the comments we knew how this was finna go she was gonna try off her self let’s go aqua to rescue he a real one😭

BZD (edited)

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2023-05-18 00:38:05 I’m glad Aqua saved her.
2023-05-17 22:37:36 I’m glad Aqua saved her. Finally, he didn’t fail to protect someone.

I’m glad Aqua saved her. Finally, he didn’t fail to protect someone.


did you not watch the episode because wtf kinda takeaway is this 😂 you sound like one of those online comments in the show as if you don’t have the full context. Honestly really confused how you could come to this conclusion

Devin B

I'm just gonna state the obvious, people can be fucking evil for no reason. All the comments were so negative that they didn't even think of the possibility that it was an accident. Not only that but it was bad enough that they were attacking her character but then they talked shit about her mom and her agency.


Unfortunately this episode is gonna go right over the head of the kind of people who do that shit.


This is why you don’t cancel people. Don’t fucking do it. Just don’t!!

Deshawn Smith

this episode perfectly shows the sick reality of the internet


As far as anime goes, I dont think Ive ever been more relieved to see someone's life get saved. Thats including stuff like My Hero Academia, a show literally about saving people


The thing is people in japan are usually act so meek during their daily life because thats how their society is they basically raised to be pressured as adults and it makes them so pent up and they becomes worse then western when it comes to being toxic on the internet, they are way worst then the twitter we know where everyone only talk about being racist and not gender accepting and shit but japan online life is an execution site. in the past people who were bullied had a break at home but today with phones and shit this is over you get no break it follows you to bed, i really like that they added the notice at the end of the episode about the suicide hotline and being aware of people who might have these kind of suicidal tendencies and they gave the phone to the national suicide hotline and everything so props to them. depression is something you dont mess with, its really easy to corner people into depression especially kids who are evil af in a group of clout chasing mother fuckers who werent raised right.

Erica Collins

This ep actually made me cry a little because it's so heartbreaking that this happens in real life and it's disgusting that there are people who believe it's okay to tell people they should die. I'm hoping this will knock some sense into at least a few people, especially those who are young, but I really like how this show is bringing awareness to these types of topics


It only goes up from here


The events of this episode were directly based on a real incident that happened on a Japanese reality show with a young star named Hana Kimura.

cami ً (edited)

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2023-05-18 01:12:52 these past few episodes have been so silly and light (with still some commentary ofc) that I had forgotten what this show is really about :/ can't wait for the next episode!!
2023-05-17 23:11:59 these past few episodes have been so silly and light (with still some commentary ofc) that I had forgotten what this show is really about :/ the fact that this episode was likely inspired by a real life case is heartbreaking

these past few episodes have been so silly and light (with still some commentary ofc) that I had forgotten what this show is really about :/ the fact that this episode was likely inspired by a real life case is heartbreaking

It's none Of your business

Absolutely loved this episode. It’s honestly so nice seeing a show, and an anime at that, talk about the issues that come with Showbiz. Most fans and people on the internet don’t take into count how draining the entertainment industry really is. Especially when it comes to models, idols, actors, ext. The people that are in the spot light often get criticized the most, even if it’s an issue they truly couldn’t have avoided or didn’t cause.


the whole time i thought aqua would just start acting with her and making a relationship to make her popular, didnt think theyd go the suicide route but damn that was good


Man between this and Vinland… I need a mental break lol This was a great episode and I love how this show comments on and doesn’t shy away from real issues that people face especially in the entertainment space!


i like this episode. very accurately shows how people deal with actors and content creators. even musicians. i like this anime explaining the struggles that people have to go thru to entertain people

StorySmith []

Would have traded my left kidney for the power to jump into this anime to stop Akane from posting that apology tweet

Vongola Fiamme

Aqua really be showing he's an adult in a childs body the way he handles certain things. like him being a doctor he probably has some sort of knowledge on suicidal signs in people and sheera is spot on with saying he recognized it in her. this show is so meta its so good


Yeah we should all just forgive Amber heard, they probably didn’t show us the part where she groveled at Depp’s feet and apologized to his whole family on what she did

Cameron Robinson

On a lighter note, it’s weird as fuck seeing Twitter’s, YouTube’s, and TikTok‘s actual names being used in anime, next thing you know we are gonna see KFC and actual McDonald’s.

zILovePelmeni _

wait till you find out how aqua actually found her

Noel Cruz

This show is PEAK production. We eating good


Crazy thing about this episode it’s actually base off true story. A I believe was on reality tv show called “terrace house” a woman named Hana Kimura was told by producers too cause a scene and it led to her getting harassed online that she ended up taking her own life


Finally a great episode after 4 episodes of mid

Temo Alvarez (edited)

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2023-05-18 02:32:17 the author got some roller coaster emotions with this... we was making fun of bird man last ep now this W Aqua tho <3
2023-05-18 00:26:26 the author got some roller coaster emotions with this... we was making fun of bird man last ep now this W Aqua tho <3

the author got some roller coaster emotions with this... we was making fun of bird man last ep now this W Aqua tho <3

Malik Fenton

Not a fair comparison. Tho You're probably trolling posting shit like this.

Jigga Man

thank god for aqua man, i was tearing up

Vongola Fiamme

1. if you come out of that trial and all the evidence and feel there wasnt mutual ab use idk what to tell you 2. you dont have to forgive her (not your situation to give forgiveness either way) but you dont need to constantly shit on her either.

Joel Lopez

Fantastic episode. I appreciate all the effort you and the team put forward to provide an enjoyable experience.


Nah some people def deserve to be canceled she not one of em tho 😭

Alex Wu

they even included a National Suicide Prevention Hotline

Cleven Anthony

Nah amber definitely deserves it she was doing some wild shit. N in a situation where one was getting hit n the other wasn’t the hitter is scum


that situation doesn't involve you so there's no reason for you to be the person to say she deserves anything. That's for Johnny and her to sort out themselves. This episode is literally there to show that people are overly invested in some of these people's lives to an unhealthy degree. They both had issues, her clearly more, but it's over, she already got shat on so no need to keep beating a dead horse.

Huemon Nottabear

Aqua's just gonna be a background character, He is atomic


And she was just a entertainment wrestler too! Not someone who would be able to be the "evil one" either!


Well in bnh, like most shounen, 90% gets saved This show doesn't have to give such a promise, especially in ep 1. 50/50


the goosebumps at the end jesus christ man.


The event leading to the suicide attempt in this episode might have been based on an actual event that occurred in a real life of Hana Kimura(22) a former professional wrestler who killed herself after appearing in the Japanese reality TV show Terrace House After she got angry at another cast member in the show who washed her expensive wrestling costume and damaging it, she reacted furiously and ended up slapping them in that moment. The online bullying that followed this event lead her to eventually taking her own life. She had to go through constant online comments telling her to die, kill herself. some laws were made after her death to punish online bullying. I would recommend watching a documentary on youtube instead since I can't explain it very well with my memory. I was wondering why I hated reality shows so much, now I remember.


Just a little information that i found out, Akane situations is also like the Japanese wrestle(Hana Kimura) who take her own life because of cyber bullying. RIP Hana Kimura


The comments in the show is word for word people were sending to a actor named Hana Kimura. this episode was based off her I'm glad they shined light on this type of situation. I'm glad y'all mention Disney too the original actor that played peter pan killed himself cause of the pressure and other reasons they talked about but I don't know the whole story through all that. Disney shamefully used is own quote that he used to pretty sum up what he went through as a child actor in Disney. in a movie named chip n dale they used his same quote and portrayed the character as a villain.

Kevon, The Lord of Slimes

Roshi in the first 6 minutes and 30 seconds "Why she even on the show" damn pfft


Hopefully SOME people in these comment sections actually take away something from this episode :)


Funny you said this because until Johnny git the opportunity to present evidence in court it was he who was the evil one.


If the first episode you liked is about getting bullied on the internet, you must really be able to relate to it. 😅

Random Guy

Think 20% is low? apparently nijisanji only gives 2% of the merch sales to the talent.


the episode description on HiDive is ""Remember what you said in righteous outrage online? There were consequences. You never saw them, but that didn’t make them any less real, nor hold you any less accountable." straight up calling them out. It hits even harder when the events of this episode were likely based on the true story of Kimura Hana who unfortunately did not have someone to save her.

LelaniG (edited)

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2023-05-18 05:34:39 I love the friendship between Roshi &amp; Lupa 99% of the time they're on the same wavelength
2023-05-18 03:20:45 I love the friendship between Roshi & Lupa 99% of the time they're on the same wavelength

I love the friendship between Roshi & Lupa 99% of the time they're on the same wavelength

Huemon Nottabear (edited)

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2023-05-18 05:34:36 Full honest: I have a daughter(like 6 at the time) who was crying about some shit online. She was making things and posting them, then the internet happened. I told her not to worry about it, she's crying about some anon while they've moved on to hating the next thing. I told her to keep creating things...while also shadow-banning anyone in her circle. She still makes amv's and animations, but I curate any comments she receives.
2023-05-18 03:29:44 Full honest: I have a daughter(like 6 at the time) who was crying about some shit online. She was making things and posting them, then the internet happened. I told her not to worry about it, she's crying about some anon while they've moved on to hating the next thing. I told her to keep creating things...while also shadow-banning anyone in her circle. She still makes amv's and animations, but I curate any comments she receives. (she's 13 now)

Full honest: I have a daughter(like 6 at the time) who was crying about some shit online. She was making things and posting them, then the internet happened. I told her not to worry about it, she's crying about some anon while they've moved on to hating the next thing. I told her to keep creating things...while also shadow-banning anyone in her circle. She still makes amv's and animations, but I curate any comments she receives. (she's 13 now)

John Endaya

Man my hands were SWEATING when I saw the ep for the first time.

Kisuke01 (edited)

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2023-05-18 05:47:07 Sheera you literally reminded about that stuff Jennette McCurdy talked about in her book "I'm Glad my Mom Died" all the stress of being an actor in general
2023-05-18 03:45:10 Sheera you literally reminded about that stuff Jennette McCurdy talked about in her book "I'm Glad my Mom Died" all the stress of being a child actor

Sheera you literally reminded about that stuff Jennette McCurdy talked about in her book "I'm Glad my Mom Died" all the stress of being a child actor


It’s so real to talk about these issues it sucks that kids can go through this and parents wouldn’t even know


I thought it was pretty weird that Yumi didn’t address the Elephant in the room about this…I get that it wouldn’t change a thing but at least it would give closure…also the fact that she hasn’t even tried to reach out to Akane? That’s a bit sus to me tbh…I feel like she may be egging this on, I feel like she’s fake…like they say everybody’s not who they seem behind the scenes 😒

Shin splits

Akane mentioned contractually they aren’t allowed to mention anything that didn’t air in the most current episode. They have a gc so they probably talked about it privately. Plus there r more episodes to be released so they were probably planning on resolving it then

Henrique I. Pereira

It's worse than that, If I recall correctly, the staff/director wanted her to slap the guy in the face but she couldn't do it and just aggressively took his hat of his head. Nonethless it was more than enough to spark cyberbulling on her social media. Here's an image with a lot of text about the before, during and aftermath of Kimura's case in case anyone's interested. https://i.imgur.com/RSf6mMj.png


Seriously, I am literally crippled from this show. Akasaka aka man, I thought love is war is his peak work.... and then this ? and he made this on the same time he's finishing up love is war ? If there's an akasaka aka cult, I'd be there in the front rows

Tsunami Wave

I have a similar feeling, but for different reasons. Yuki was the one who did Akane's nails and put that diamond on her, and she knows that their making up wouldn't be on camera, so nobody would expect her to be lying there. Of course it could also be a misdirect to get viewers to do to Yuki exactly what the show did to Akane and start making up theories about the character.

miss millie.

damn this episode flew by


This episode is based on true events from about 2 years ago with a not-so-happy ending. You can search for Hana Kimura from the show "Terrace House" to learn more.

GraffitiTurtle (edited)

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2023-05-18 09:26:50 The diamond thing is just an example of a butterfly effect, why would Yuki be able to predict that Akane would randomly jump out and wave her hand close to her face lol. Yuki would have had no reason to act nice without the cameras on either since everyone there was immediately on her side. She’s not shown any animosity towards Akane whatsoever, this is just a job to her, she’s just better than Akane is and recognizes her struggling. Instead of guilting her she comforts her. And they literally only showed 2 messages in the group chat, not even Aqua was shown. So this Yuki hate is just y’all making assumptions when there’s really no reason to dislike her when you actually thing about it.
2023-05-18 07:13:19 The diamond thing is just an example of a butterfly effect, why would Yuki be able to predict that Akane would randomly jump out and wave her hand close to her face lol. Yuki would have had no selfish reason to act nice either since everyone there was immediately on her side. She’s not shown any animosity towards Akane whatsoever, this is just a job to her, she’s just better than Akane is and recognizes her struggling. Instead of guilting her she comforts her. And they literally only showed 2 messages in the group chat, not even Aqua was shown. So this Yuki hate is just y’all making assumptions when there’s really no reason to dislike her when you actually thing about it.

The diamond thing is just an example of a butterfly effect, why would Yuki be able to predict that Akane would randomly jump out and wave her hand close to her face lol. Yuki would have had no selfish reason to act nice either since everyone there was immediately on her side. She’s not shown any animosity towards Akane whatsoever, this is just a job to her, she’s just better than Akane is and recognizes her struggling. Instead of guilting her she comforts her. And they literally only showed 2 messages in the group chat, not even Aqua was shown. So this Yuki hate is just y’all making assumptions when there’s really no reason to dislike her when you actually thing about it.


The Akane incident is highly similar to a real-life incident from a reality show called Terrace House. Not sure if Akasaka Aka made a clear link to what happened there but y'all can look it up

Zachary Jackson

I genuinely don't know why anyone bothers with Nijisanji. I literally don't know a single talent from their agency because they basically just take in talent by the dozens which removes the whole ass point of the agency. At that point do some streaming yourself, save up for a model and rigging (unless you can do that shit yourself) and just stay independent. At least agencies like Hololive have an immediate upstart for your career because they limit their talent intake and choose quality for quantity.

Giulia Moraschetti

I still remember I was watching Terrace House when I heard the news, then suddenly Netflix removed the other episodes and I never finished it. I'm still so sad for what happened to her and even if we don't know what exactly happened behind scenes, I'm sure she was a super kind girl and she didn't deserve that

Random Guy

You know what's sad? This actually happened to a celebrity called Kimura Hana, she also joined a reality show called Terrace House, got cyber bullied and killed herself. Except in her case nobody was around to stop her.


The author talked about this extensively at the end of the chapter in the manga, yeah... that's really really sad...

George-Calin Petruța

What I loved the most about this episode is the fact that Aqua's eye when he saved her was star brigth, bringing such an amazing contrast to the darkness around them :)


I had to get off Reddit cause they bully people for everything, I was so close to giving up on my art passion

Team Skull Grunt B

This episode was mainly just focused on akane and what she was going through, we'll see what yuki and everyone else does next week


The comment about her mom isn't Twitter. It's 2chan (jp ver of 4chan) or something. Which is more anonymous and more trash.


Japanese social media can be incredibly toxic (and 1 in 3 people have Twitter). Do something wrong, and your private photos will be plastered over the internet (hence the middle school graduation photo of Akane), people will be literally telling you to die, it's really bad. it can put you in serious danger. This episode is actually pretty realistic, unfortunately.


Akane is the one who almost killed herself


You're better off anyway, redditors are some of the cringiest people on the internet


All things being considered, her company probably didn't want her to speak about it cuz they didn't want her involved


dont take criticism from people you wouldnt take advice from. redditors are lonely, bitter, (unwashed) people who live thru the internet

William kimura

Damn that shit had me trippin when I read it, sad story I'm surprised I've never heard it

Storm King

Is his defense I think it was more of a "you aint built for reality tv"


it would have been so easy to have the other cast members be assholes, but they're all shown as like actual human beings instead of just evil for the sake of plot

Jonathan Reyes

Hana suicidal incident? Bro i cried, she was my favorite, i currently follow a few of other cast, and recently Viola posted a few videos of ig never seen, it opened an old wound but happy to see Hana all over again and smiling. And in Japan actually had more episodes and even showed the commentators revealing Hanas death, cyber-bully is a big thing and you dont have to be famous, a person who likes social media so much cannot avert the eyes of comments when it is your life they are talking about. People need to shake it off and stop caring about the negativity in the internet.

Jonathan Reyes

Glad i dont have twitter 😅


It's not based on that incident, but it's heavily similar, this chapter was out just a couple month after Hana's incident, so the plot for Akane was planned out way before Hana's death.


Have seen so many reactors completely break down watching this ep. Shits way too real...


in peoples mind internet is wonderland where you can say whatever and not have consequences....they dont care about the person on other side of the screen.

Vincent S Deluca

Lol i love Roshi starting the Ep saying "Why is this chick even still here" and then getting the table turned on him

Maxis Holst

Holy shit my feelings!

Evan Jenkins

I love how it transitions into that gorgeous golden look. When I first watched it, the shot instantly made me bristle and say, "oh so now they're going to glorify suicide? I thought this show was better than this." and then they snap back to the real view of her looking absolutely depressed and hopeless and they were like: Here's the reality of the situation.

Evan Jenkins

Not only that, he has been withdrawn and depressed since his mother died, and when she started to withdraw he recognized she should probably have some extra eyes on her. I love how we mostly only get Aqua's take on himself (where he's kind of bad at everything), but in reality he's basically Batman.

Evan Jenkins

Not going to flame you (it would be kind of ironic considering the episode) but the reason something like this hits so hard is because of pacing. You don't want to eat ice cream at every meal, ya know? To be fair, I don't think a lot of people watching this show understood that it's about showbiz and not really about a murder mystery or whatever. I think it's fair for some people to be disappointed.

Evan Jenkins

And they want the viewer to think that, too. She's totally unsuited for that kind of job and it can come off as annoying until you know her whole story.

Evan Jenkins

I used to post short stories on a subreddit and people would criticize them (and me, somehow) harshly. As an experiment I posted one of my stories and told everyone that I was sharing a story I received as a pre-order for a Sanderson book. Now, I'm DEFINITELY no Sanderson. Hell, I'm not even a Dean Koontz, but I got nothing but praise on my story when I deceived them. The lesson wasn't that I'm a secretly amazing writer, but rather that the internet is largely full of shit.

J Man

I'm a real life journalist, who reported on this real life situation (this was scarily a accurate adaptation on an event in Stardom Pro Wrestling). This episode broke me. But even more, because the ending was the opposite. Screw dumbass assholes. I hated that this was a true story (and what people didn't know was what medical condition she had)


Bruce crashing out on twitter 😭