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they getting washed


Quinton Campbell

I already knew how Roshi was gonna recap the previous episode 😂

Theo Vorster

For those who are interested in reading along with the manga, this episode adapted the remainder of chapter 89 and all of chapters 90 and 91. The besides the standard shortening and trimming of dialogue, the most significant changes the anime made in adapting the manga was cutting some striking moments of dialogue from Einar and Arnheid’s passing into the afterlife scenes. Einar’s cut dialogue was largely him forsaking and cursing Ketil (calling him a “son of bitch” that he and Thorfinn don’t belong to anymore) and expressing regret over the old master Sverkel having to share in the Ketil family’s punishment from King Canute. Arnheid’s dying scenes were changed from the manga in a more additive sense. In the original manga Arnheid and her deceased family are traveling in a wagon through a generic peaceful countryside environment, which the anime has changed to a dark and gloomy forest, most likely symbolizing the living/real world that Arnheid is soon to depart from. Along with this change in environment, the anime also added some additional lines to Arnheid, where she comments on how lives still try to survive in the dark gloomy forest (i.e. the real/living world). The anime also added the visuals of Arnheid gazing at a stag and wolf still living in the forest as she says those aforementioned lines, the animals almost certainly being meant to represent Einar and Thorfinn, who must and are still trying to survive in the real world. While it was a shame that some of Einar’s more visceral lines from the manga got cut, I really did love the anime’s additions to Arnheid’s passing over to the after-life scenes.


Nah de this defending ketil last episode are some crazy mfs that need to be locked up

Mary L.

me: *crying about how heartwrenching arnheid's dream sequence was* also me: shamelessly thirsting over ponytail!snake

lakewood145 .

Serious question. What ever happened to Thorfin’s mother and sister? Why is it as they never existed? Thorfin doesn’t remember them.

Jaime Adam

I’m a manga reader and I can say for a fact they are killing this adaptation🔥

Tyrese Marshall

Me personally said that its crazy that people were acting as if Ketil was pretending to be a good guy this whole time, cos he's obviously acting out of character. But anyone saying Arnheid deserved it is just mentally unstable

Devin B

I mean he hasn't seen them since he was 4-5 so it's understandable that he doesn't remember them like that, especially with what he's been through


Most people can only remember as far back to 4-5 years old and Thorfinn left when he was 6. So pretty much Thorfinn only has about 1-2 years of memory of his mother and sister out of his 19 year old life.

Devin B

Ketil doesn't deserve to get his farm taken because of what he did to Arnheid but he definitely deserves it for trying to fight a losing battle just out of emotions. He's a piece of shit for what he did to Arnheid but that doesn't mean it's justified for his farm to get taken over while there are people there that depends on it. His stupidity for trying to fight a battle he knows for a fact he can't win and him just throwing the lives of the people on the farm away for nothing shows he doesn't deserve to have the farm.

danial javady

It's not about "pretending". It's easy to virtue signal when you're rich and living without struggle. But when things turn south and get hard for once? His true incompetence shows.

Gas Bandit

Thegn = "Thane" rhymes with rain. A Thane (thegn) is a warrior who is granted land for his service to the king - basically the norse equivalent of a landed Knight.

Magical Drinking

Pretty sure the deer and the wolf in the woods were meant to be Thorfinn and Einar.

Jose Iglesias

“Spartans! What is your profession!? Xarous! Xarous! Xarous!, see, I’ve brought more soldiers than you”


I'm honestly shocked that Ketil had so many defenders last week. I know that these stories are fictional, but sometimes the way we react to fictional stimulus can really give insight into who we are on the inside.


Love that y'all had to roast the people defending Ketil at the start, those kids need to be put on a list


No, he deserves it because he has slaves. And for what he did to Arnheid. The people that depend on the farm depend on slave labor. Your reasoning is weird, it's unforgivable to risk his farm but to beat a woman to near-death is whatever? Him challenging Canute is the bigger issue??


First Time I hear her say nigga😭🤣

Theo Vorster

Yep it was a nice anime original touch. There was even an episode last season titled “lone wolf” (and the second OP of the first season I think had wolf imagery used with Thorfinn). Yukimura on twitter even noted that the wolf was on the small side (referencing Thorfinn’s short stature).


It's funny the way people hate Ketil is the same way I hated Askeladd but so many people gave me shit for thinking Askeladd was ass even though he led his men into killing countless innocents and let his men rape so many women. I get that people have a bias because Askeladd was a cool character and like a father to Thorfinn but people just seem to stop caring about morality all of a sudden when it involves a character they really like.

Devin B

@DreOnMars yes him challenging Canute and risking the lives of the people on the farm on a lost battle is the bigger issue. I'm saying for what he did to Arnheid he alone deserves be punished but not at the expense of others that depends on his land. If he's willing to have his people die for no reason then there's no point in him keeping the land.


you’ll get an answer for that at the end of the season.

Lotus Gramarye

Olmar is truly Ketil's son, and is the first hint that Ketil is an incompetent son-of-a-bitch. It's easy to forget that Ketil basically did nothing special wrt his farm aside from plying for Harald's favor; who, from what we've seen, was likely a giving and magnanimous king. Ketil didn't build the farm, that was his dad. He's a born-into-wealth incompetent fucker finally getting a taste of reality for once in his life, and it's pretty great to see.


I find it hard to believe that there are multiple thorgils on the king's side. thorgil seems like he is on snake's level at least. Maybe even Close to being on thorkell/ thorfinn tier.


"was slavery a choice??" Yeah Kanye? XD

Eric Banks

I wonder if that deer and wolf at the end were supposed to represent einar and thorfinn

Eric Banks

Askeladd is absolutely a piece of shit but he was still a compelling character with his own motivations, ketil is nice guy turned piece of shit which is way less compelling


Yeah people was dickriding for ketil bum ass like crazy i swear the comments i seen some people say even in youtube comment section they talking about some look at the other side as if slavery isn't a one sided thing one is the owner, that decides what happens. I was like what other side its just wrong dafuq. Or this argument nonsene of a good life as if that means anything in comparison to well litterally just being free. Being free is the best life. A good person would have set her free, not use her as a comfort sex pillow.


Thorfin somewhat did mentioned them a couple episodes back, but only briefly and nothing much. Forgot which episode, sorry.

Theo Vorster (edited)

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2023-05-17 01:19:07 Also Askeladd never denying that he himself was a piece of shit makes a big difference in audience reception, while Ketil instead goes on about how he doesn’t deserve what’s happening to him while committing atrocities of his own. And Askeladd not being a coward who used another’s reputation for his own benefit is another key factor in the differing receptions.
2023-05-16 23:18:36 Also Askeladd never denied that he himself was a piece of shit makes a big difference in audience reception, while Ketil instead goes on about how he doesn’t deserve what’s happening to him while committing atrocities of his own. And Askeladd not being a coward who used another’s reputation for his own benefit is another key factor in the differing receptions.

Also Askeladd never denied that he himself was a piece of shit makes a big difference in audience reception, while Ketil instead goes on about how he doesn’t deserve what’s happening to him while committing atrocities of his own. And Askeladd not being a coward who used another’s reputation for his own benefit is another key factor in the differing receptions.


I see what you mean, but there are definitely other factors that affect how those characters are perceived. For example, Askeladd was very decisive, sure of himself, fairly self-aware and very aware of how the world worked; qualities that he shares with Snake and Thorgil. Ketil is unconfident and lacks self-awareness. He hates violence, but abandons his principles when his pride is damaged or at stake, like when he needed to save face by beating the boy or when he learned Arnheid had tried to escape. He'd also deluded himself into believing that Arnheid could've been happy just because he himself treated his slaves with relative kindness, even though she was essentially a sex slave who'd been torn from her family. Askeladd had something like an honor relative to his time period that could be seen as respectable. Ketil wants to do good, but is fairly easily swayed because he lacks fortitude and awareness of himself and his environment, which makes him similar to Olmar who is also fairly unlikeable, though he still has room to learn.


Thank uuu for clowning those niggas in the intro bruh omg, ppl are insane .out here defending a rapist for beating his victim like ???😭


@Theo Vorster To be fair Ketil doesn't deserve to have his farm annexed like that. I get what he did to Arnheid was inexcusable and he definitely deserves to be punished for that but his whole life just got flipped upside down through no fault of his own and him losing his whole life's work on a whim is too much.


People in the comments about to say: “Yeah, that’s what that bitch gets for leaving her master”👨🏼‍🦳


There was a short called "Vinland saga: Same old story" which has been titled season 2 episode 18.5 that shows us the speech that Ketil gave his men, which is why they are all gassed up in the start of the ep just incase you guys hadn't seen it yet. Dont know why they didn't put it in the show but yea, only around a minute 30 if any of you guys wanna check it out

Christian Redding

I don't get why studios are forced to cut stuff like that to fit the "standard' episode time, it's not even that long of a clip

Theo Vorster

Because episode length affects the airtime available for commercials, time is money and all that.


hearing sheera say nigga is hilarious

Theo Vorster

My point wasn’t whether if Ketil deserved all the bad shit happening to him. The point is that Ketil vocally despairs over it while literally simultaneously doling out atrocities of his own, that majorly affects how people receive his character compared to someone like Askeladd. And that doesn’t even get into the fact that Ketil’s life’s work significantly benefited from slave labor and putting others into debt to him.


They didn't have enough time to fit it in the last ep, they wanted to put it in the end credits


My heart sank when they showed Pater on the battlefield. He was a good man!

K Jack

Thorgil read Kingdom

EZ (edited)

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2023-05-17 01:47:55 Lupas reaction to those dumbasses getting lit up by arrows on the shore was hilarious 😂😂
2023-05-16 23:43:06 Episode 20 might be a contender for the best episode of the season !

Episode 20 might be a contender for the best episode of the season !


Im glad we got to see it regardless but lots of people dont know it exists. If i wasnt told about it i may have not seen it


Man, her seeing the wolf and stag as Einar and Thorfin trying to survive in that bleak world and then wanting to stay hit me hard.


Askeladd KNEW he AND other vikings are pieces of shit. Meanwhile Ketil is delusional to think he's doing something good... Impregnating an enslave woman that you own cannot be defended. Two different characteristics and their awareness in this scenario.


those are the kids raised by former slave owners their parents needs to get checked

Trey Reed

Nah i barely read comments and never type them but after hearing them comments i had to cuz idk who in they right mind thought that that man was in the right for beating her.


I wasn't tryna defend Ketil, I was just tryna say that in my head, Arheid could've avoided getting herself into trouble. Because to me, if I'm a slave, I'm not gonna do some shit that I know will get me into trouble or have me get killed.

szeth (edited)

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2023-05-17 03:16:55 This may sound like backtracking but idgaf I gotta clear my name. I was one of the people that was talking about Sheera's point at the beginning of the video and the reason for having that opinion was because I thought the girl at the beginning of the season trying to have Olmar's kid was Arnheid for some reason, I literally used that as my reason on ep 17 comments. A commentor pointed out I was wrong so I went and saw it wasn't her. Because of that I thought that before Arnhied was pregnant she was trying to get pregnant from someone of high status on the farm as a way to have a better life and therefore saw the situation with Ketil as her trying to make the best of her situation as a slave. Without that reasoning of why she slept with him all that is left is the power dynamic of slave to master and ofc that is bad. Idk if anyone else was saying anything about it, this is just about me. Also I never said ketil was right in what he did, and said he was trash for beating her on other comments. I only said that we didn't have any evidence of grape because the only show of her opinion on the topic I thought was that other random girl with Olmar. Idc if people don't believe me and idc if people still think the take is wild even if that other girl was Arnheid, that is my opinion.
2023-05-17 01:12:29 This may sound like backtracking but idgaf I gotta clear my name. I was one of the people that was talking about Sheera's point at the beginning of the video and the reason for having that opinion was because I thought the girl at the beginning of the season trying to have Olmar's kid was Arnheid for some reason, I literally used that as my reason on ep 17 comments. A commentor pointed out I was wrong so I went and saw it wasn't her. Because I thought that girl was Arnheid, I thought that before Arnhied was pregnant she was trying to get pregnant from someone of high status on the farm as a way to have a better life and therefore saw the situation with Ketil as her trying to make the best of her situation as a slave. Without that reasoning of why she slept with him all that is left is the power dynamic of slave to master and ofc that is bad. Idk if anyone else was saying anything about it, this is just about me. Also I never said ketil was right in what he did, and said he was trash for beating her on other comments. I only said that we didn't have any evidence of grape because the only show of her opinion on the topic I thought was that other random girl with Olmar. Idc if people believe me and idc if people still think the take is wild even if that other girl was Arnheid, that is my opinion. TLDR: So no one is confused(ogking31). I was thinking at least the sex was consensual because of a mixup of characters but I realize it was not and now I think that Ketil isn't only a pos slave owner that beats his slaves but also grapes them. To. be. clear. Tbh this probably wont do anything but whatever

This may sound like backtracking but idgaf I gotta clear my name. I was one of the people that was talking about Sheera's point at the beginning of the video and the reason for having that opinion was because I thought the girl at the beginning of the season trying to have Olmar's kid was Arnheid for some reason, I literally used that as my reason on ep 17 comments. A commentor pointed out I was wrong so I went and saw it wasn't her. Because I thought that girl was Arnheid, I thought that before Arnhied was pregnant she was trying to get pregnant from someone of high status on the farm as a way to have a better life and therefore saw the situation with Ketil as her trying to make the best of her situation as a slave. Without that reasoning of why she slept with him all that is left is the power dynamic of slave to master and ofc that is bad. Idk if anyone else was saying anything about it, this is just about me. Also I never said ketil was right in what he did, and said he was trash for beating her on other comments. I only said that we didn't have any evidence of grape because the only show of her opinion on the topic I thought was that other random girl with Olmar. Idc if people believe me and idc if people still think the take is wild even if that other girl was Arnheid, that is my opinion. TLDR: So no one is confused(ogking31). I was thinking at least the sex was consensual because of a mixup of characters but I realize it was not and now I think that Ketil isn't only a pos slave owner that beats his slaves but also grapes them. To. be. clear. Tbh this probably wont do anything but whatever


I can see how you would confuse Arheid with the girl Olmar was smashin'. All I was that I getting at in the last video was that I didn't (and still don't) feel bad for Arnheid because, to me, she had to have known something bad was gonna happen when she tried to escape with Gardar. And yeah, I know, she had hope but still and that was her husband, but still wouldn't have to think to yourself "What if I get caught?". However that doesn't mean I condone a damn thing Ketil did to her. I lost all respect for him when he beat Arnheid. I honestly didn't think he was gonna do it.

Delinda Arts

i never paused a reaction to go check the comments before, but i was appalled at what I read lmao wtf


I ththinArnheid's full passing will come next episode, specially since Thorfinn's lines are too important to skip.

Patrone07 (edited)

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2023-05-17 03:50:07 It’s crazy how most people weren’t even defending Ketil we just understand how Karma works in those situations yes having slave is wrong so as a slave if u go against order and end up partly getting people killed you can’t expect Good karma to come from it it’s really not hard to understand back in slavery days when my ancestors would escape other people left behind would get punished in there place if you give evil a excuse to be evil it won’t disappoint In Arneid case she went against orders and set her husband free after he already bite a guys neck just for trying to tell her , her time is up then she freed him he killed more people and they failed to escape yup nothing bad is going to happen from that are yal that fucking stupid like come on really I guess yal don’t know the world we come from
2023-05-17 01:38:46

szeth (edited)

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2023-05-17 03:50:11 I think you can still feel bad for someone who did something that led to something horrible. It's like if there is an alley somewhere in the world where you are known to be robbed and then your friend goes down that alley and comes back, sure your friend walked into it but also the robbery itself is 100% the fault of the robber and I would still feel bad that my friend got robbed. Especially if the reason that my friend went into the alley was because her spouse she hasn't seen in years was there or something lol
2023-05-17 01:39:40 @HybridEclpse I think you can still feel bad for someone who did something that led to something horrible. It's like if there is an alley somewhere in the world where you are known to be robbed and then your friend goes down that alley and comes back, sure your friend walked into it but also the robbery itself is 100% the fault of the robber and I would still feel bad that my friend got robbed. Especially if the reason that my friend went into the alley was because her spouse she hasn't seen in years was there or something lol, like I would see that as a very reasonable risk to take.

@HybridEclpse I think you can still feel bad for someone who did something that led to something horrible. It's like if there is an alley somewhere in the world where you are known to be robbed and then your friend goes down that alley and comes back, sure your friend walked into it but also the robbery itself is 100% the fault of the robber and I would still feel bad that my friend got robbed. Especially if the reason that my friend went into the alley was because her spouse she hasn't seen in years was there or something lol, like I would see that as a very reasonable risk to take.


Like sure you could argue she should see a punishment coming for her actions? I guess, but I think in her position the risk was worth it so idk how relevant that really is. She took a risk to have a better life and it didn't pay off and imo that sucks for her


@ogking31 That logic doesn't hold and you know it. Just because you know you're piece of shit doesn't put you above criticism . I agree Ketil actions can't be defended but Askeladd has done way worse than him and for me his actions outweigh how compelling he can be. At the end of the day Askeladd gets a pass for his atrocities because he's a more likable character and I get it, he is cool and well written but don't act like Ketil from a moral standpoint is worse than Askeladd cause that simply isn't true.

Osiris Cage (edited)

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2023-05-17 03:50:07 17:35 - I DIED when Lupa started making The Courage noises lmao. "What do I do!? What do I do?!"
2023-05-17 01:49:44 17:32 - I DIED when Lupa started making The Courage noises lmao. "What do I do!? What do I do?!"

17:32 - I DIED when Lupa started making The Courage noises lmao. "What do I do!? What do I do?!"

Theo Vorster

I think you’re missing the point. No one is saying that Askeladd has committed less atrocities than Ketil, or that he can’t be condemned for them. The point is that because Askeladd is aware of his immorality and doesn’t try to deny it, as a character the reception to that is going to be better received than the hypocrisy and cowardice of someone like Ketil. Basically when there are two piles of sentient shit, even if one pile is bigger than other, the pile of shit that doesn’t try to deny that it is a pile of shit is going to bother less people than one that does try to deny it.

Levi Blair

I haven't read the grand majority of the comments from the last video but the examples you guys gave of what people were saying and the handful I went back and read after hearing this are shockingly fucked up. Defending Ketil's actions as well as placing blame on slaves trying to free themselves is so gross I can't even put it into words.

Destiny Hernandez (edited)

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2023-05-17 04:09:57 You do realize the only reason she finally agree to “escape” with Gardar was because she knew he was at his limit&dying. She wanted to just give him a peaceful death where he thought he was finally being free with her. She had no intention on actually escaping. Yea she thought about it but tbh in the end she was never going to leave.
2023-05-17 02:02:40 You do realize the only reason she finally agree to “escape” with Gardar was because she knew he was at his limit&dying. She wanted to just give him a peaceful death where he thought he was finally being free with her. She had no intention on actually escaping. Yea she thought about it but tbh in the end she was never going to leave.

You do realize the only reason she finally agree to “escape” with Gardar was because she knew he was at his limit&dying. She wanted to just give him a peaceful death where he thought he was finally being free with her. She had no intention on actually escaping. Yea she thought about it but tbh in the end she was never going to leave.


@Destiny Hernandez Well which time are we talking about because if it is the last time as he died I would agree with you. If we are talking about any of the earlier times before snake stabbed him I completely disagree.


I already know this my guy. You don't have to explain to me why people like Askeladd over Ketil, and give me some psyche analysis on their self awareness, that's obvious. All I was saying in my first post is that I think it's funny that people are willing to give a pass on a character that's also enabled rape, murder and slavery on a whole other level just because they like the character. That's literally it, there isn't anything to discuss. You aren't wrong for hating Ketil more than Askeladd but don't get in your feelings because I dislike Askeladd more than Ketil.


The amount of US slavery scenarios I had to concoct just to try and get people to understand is wild. I shouldn’t have to in order to get ppl to understand why Ketil is wrong and why Arnheid didn’t do anything wrong.


People can defend Pedophilia, racism AND slavery THAT doesn't mean you'd be correct. The fact you couldn't tell Arnheid was enslave by force, and is bought, and literally was "favorite". Proves to you how fucked up your brain is. She'd rather be with Gardar AND live with Ketil's child than literally just be with him. This speaks volume of your argument and how bad it is


Yeah, like this is how I think of it like this (and yes, I know this isn't a fair comparison but it's all I could think of. Crucify me if you want.) When I was a kid I would always do shit that would get me into trouble and I knew it was, if I got caught my mom was gonna beat my ass, if I didn't get caught then I'd have a good time. But I still did it know the consequences if I got caught. That's how I saw Arheid's situation. Yes, she took that risk and what happened? She got beaten for it. Not saying she deserved it because let's be real, it's not that serious. And if Ketil was such a nice dude, he coulda talked to her. But I don't feel bad, because nobody felt bad for me when I got into trouble, knowing I could get my ass whooped. Idk maybe it's a poor comparison but it's all i could think of.


I think this season shows a good lesson about the coming 'storm' like Arnheid and the old master talk about earlier in the season. Ketil spent his life building up a massive farm/land ownership so he would never have to worry about someone trying to take something away from him again (His lover who died on her wedding day). He also can live a peaceful life without conflict. Something he badly can't handle at all. Gardar and the villagers found a nearby iron deposit and fear that fighting will break out between all the surrounding villages. Leading the men to leave to claim it before others, and leaving their homes defenseless. Caunte fears that he will be unable to maintain two different lands and will be in a forever civil war with England. So he decides to take land by trickery to back up his supplies. But they mostly all end in pain and suffering. Ketil while trying to be a passive person in a Viking culture. Still fell victim to a bigger landowner who is trying to take his farm from him. Making him break down and believe he truly is Iron Fist Ketil. Gardar got enslaved and lost everything. Along with his wife who ended up in the worst position due to his return later on. Caunte is ending up like his father and making more pain and suffering in the name of ending it. While he did bring 'peace' to his lands at the moment.

szeth (edited)

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2023-05-17 04:39:23 @ogking31 Ah yes... you, the person who doesn't know how to have a civil conversation and try to understand other people's pov and just rants at them. I am aware of everything you said lmao and my ONLY point I made last video is while she is stuck inn a horrible place and is literally a slave, she wasn't graped because of my misguided assumption that it was consensual because she was the same woman that slept with Olmar. Everything else about slavery and her getting beat etc. I literally agreed that it is all bad. Please try to actually read and understand people before hitting send cuz honestly ur annoying for no reason and we are both human beings. I am not one of the people who ever said she deserved to get beat and you can go easily dunk on them but I am not one of them no matter how bad you want me to be just because we disagreed on the quality of one episode lol. I have been a patreon member only for a couple of months and only started chatting even more recently but you seem like you are here often. We better have a crazy freindship arc or this is gonna get tiring real fast.
2023-05-17 02:32:08 @ogking31 Ah yes... you, the person who doesn't know how to have a civil conversation and try to understand other people's pov and just rants at them. I am aware of everything you said lmao and my ONLY point I made last video is while she is stuck in a horrible place and is literally a slave, she wasn't graped because of my misguided assumption that it was consensual because she was the same woman that slept with Olmar. Everything else about slavery and her getting beat etc. I literally agreed that it is all bad. Please try to actually read and understand people before hitting send cuz honestly you're being annoying for no reason and we are both human beings. I am not one of the people who ever said she deserved to get beat and you can go easily dunk on them but I am not one of them no matter how bad you want me to be just because we disagreed on the quality of one episode lol. I have been a patreon member only for a couple of months and only started chatting even more recently but you seem like you are here often. We better have a crazy friendship arc or stop commenting each other's posts because this is gonna get tiring real fast.

@ogking31 Ah yes... you, the person who doesn't know how to have a civil conversation and try to understand other people's pov and just rants at them. I am aware of everything you said lmao and my ONLY point I made last video is while she is stuck in a horrible place and is literally a slave, she wasn't graped because of my misguided assumption that it was consensual because she was the same woman that slept with Olmar. Everything else about slavery and her getting beat etc. I literally agreed that it is all bad. Please try to actually read and understand people before hitting send cuz honestly you're being annoying for no reason and we are both human beings. I am not one of the people who ever said she deserved to get beat and you can go easily dunk on them but I am not one of them no matter how bad you want me to be just because we disagreed on the quality of one episode lol. I have been a patreon member only for a couple of months and only started chatting even more recently but you seem like you are here often. We better have a crazy friendship arc or stop commenting each other's posts because this is gonna get tiring real fast.

szeth (edited)

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2023-05-17 04:39:23 @ogking31 like your first comment is irrelevant to the whole thread. Idk where pedophilia came in, racism is irrelevant as this has like all white people pretty much, and the slavery part isn't what I ever misguidedly contended. I am aware she is a slave and know what that means... if your comment actually has any relevancy to my comment instead of just a fat straw man to discredit me, I ask you, did Olmar grape the woman he slept with earlier in the season? If you think yes then I guess we can agree to disagree but if the answer is no, because I thought Arnheid and Ketil was the same situation, then idk what the point of your comment was because we literally agree.
2023-05-17 02:36:11 @ogking31 like your first comment is irrelevant to the whole thread. Idk where pedophilia came in, racism is irrelevant as this has like all white people pretty much, and the slavery part isn't what I ever misguidedly contended. I am aware she is a slave and know what that means... if your comment actually has any relevancy to my comment instead of just a fat straw man to discredit me, I ask you. Did Olmar grape the woman he slept with earlier in the season? If you think yes then I guess we can agree to disagree but if the answer is no, because I thought Arnheid and Ketil was the same situation, then idk what the point of your comment was because we literally agree. Are you confusing me with others that said she deserved it? Because that literally was not ever me.

@ogking31 like your first comment is irrelevant to the whole thread. Idk where pedophilia came in, racism is irrelevant as this has like all white people pretty much, and the slavery part isn't what I ever misguidedly contended. I am aware she is a slave and know what that means... if your comment actually has any relevancy to my comment instead of just a fat straw man to discredit me, I ask you. Did Olmar grape the woman he slept with earlier in the season? If you think yes then I guess we can agree to disagree but if the answer is no, because I thought Arnheid and Ketil was the same situation, then idk what the point of your comment was because we literally agree. Are you confusing me with others that said she deserved it? Because that literally was not ever me.

Levi Blair

Jesus Christ your reasoning is fucked up. From your position if I said I was going to kill your family unless you gave me a million dollars you'd be the bad guy by not doing it. Just because its "the way it was" doesn't mean they are wrong for not giving in to the their situation as slaves because the slave owner will do something if they don't its still 100% percent on the slave owner for not only forcing them into that position but also for being willing to do that at all. From everything your saying your the idiot or at least fucked up one here.

szeth (edited)

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2023-05-17 04:41:43 @HybridEclpse I mean sure the baseline comparison is there I guess but I think the severity is way off. If you got beat to where the child inside you died and it is looking like you died because you didn't just go off to have some fun but because you tried to escape being a slave, a basic human right, that changes things a ton in two different ways.
2023-05-17 02:39:54 @HybridEclpse I mean sure the baseline comparison is there I guess but I think the severity is way off. If you got beat to where the child inside you died and it is looking like you died because, you didn't just go off to have some fun but because you tried to escape being a slave, a basic human right, that changes things a ton in two different ways.

@HybridEclpse I mean sure the baseline comparison is there I guess but I think the severity is way off. If you got beat to where the child inside you died and it is looking like you died because, you didn't just go off to have some fun but because you tried to escape being a slave, a basic human right, that changes things a ton in two different ways.

Theo Vorster

I don’t have an issue whether you dislike Askeladd more than Ketil. My (and others) points was more that it’s not especially funny/odd/ironic/etc. that people like Askeladd more than Ketil because the aforementioned differences make a significant difference (with hypocrisy and cowardice being some of the most significant ones).


@HybridEclpse Also a key difference in your comparison is she got beat for trying to not be a slave and that is a purely moral thing no matter if it is a good idea in the moment, whereas if you got beat for doing what you considered as fun by someone who morally correctly has authority over you, that is a big distinction. Also one is a good thing while the other, at least I hope, is because you are doing something you would consider fun in the moment but your parents recognize it won't be in the long term and so step in. Idk how much these points matter in your comparison but they are differences I see.


Yeah that was my bad for making a comparison like that. I'm not tryna hate on Arnheid or anything and I understand why and how people feel totally bad for her and I'm not defending Ketil I lost complete respect for him. The point I was just tryna get at is to me personally, It would be common sense that if I were in Arnheid's position I wouldn't have even tried to help Gardar, I'd have stayed in the house with Einar, the old man and Thorfinn a few eps ago. Because in my head if I got caught, I'd think that the punishment would be a beating or worse. But ya know, somebody might get offended and come at me. And that's fine too. They're entitled to their opinion.

szeth (edited)

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2023-05-17 05:10:59 @HybridEclpse Yeah for sure. I think that people who argue she deserved it are just clowns and it is hard for me to agree to disagree, but your opinion is that it isn't worth it and so it's just a difference in weighing risks and that would be different for everyone so I understand. The only thing I'd say is that make sure you are understanding that, in her situation, it is for the chance to go live with your spouse you haven't seen and years AND possibly leave the life of a slave. If you still hold the opinion that the risk isn't worth it then that is you I guess. I would think it is worth it but we can agree to disagree.
2023-05-17 03:07:19 @HybridEclpse Yeah for sure. I think that people who argue she deserved it are just clowns and it is hard for me to agree to disagree, but your opinion is just it isn't worth it and so it's a difference in weighing risks and that would be different for everyone so I understand. The only thing I'd say is that make sure you are understanding that, in her situation, it is for the chance to go live with your spouse you haven't seen and years and possibly leave the life of a slave. If you still hold the opinion that the risk isn't worth it then that is you I guess. I would think it is worth it but we can agree to disagree.

@HybridEclpse Yeah for sure. I think that people who argue she deserved it are just clowns and it is hard for me to agree to disagree, but your opinion is just it isn't worth it and so it's a difference in weighing risks and that would be different for everyone so I understand. The only thing I'd say is that make sure you are understanding that, in her situation, it is for the chance to go live with your spouse you haven't seen and years and possibly leave the life of a slave. If you still hold the opinion that the risk isn't worth it then that is you I guess. I would think it is worth it but we can agree to disagree.


There are people defending Griffith from Berserk. So its not all surprising.


roshi talking about people in the dark with glasses on like he didnt have glasses before and lupa wears glasses lol. lets be honest tho as a slave your life is pretty much not yours anymore.what happened to her was so horrible . i wish her husband would have lived and they could have run off together tbh


Lol, I thought that was just a meme, but now that you mention it, I'm sure there are people serious about it.


This situation has nothing to do with karma. A slave doing anything they can to gain freedom isn't a "good" or "bad" deed, it's simply survival. Saying they deserve whatever happens to them because they should have known the consequences is just a brain-dead thing to say completely missing the point.

Hans Wurst

Except Ketil did not beat Arnheid for freeing Gardar. He knew jack shit about the what exactly happened. He beat her because she was "unfaithful" to him and tried to escape. So 1 for trying to be free and 2 for no reason at all as the child is certainly his.


Fr like Askeladd had that whole village murdered in S1 he was pretty much irredeemable after that for me.

Shin splits

They have to fit Japanese tv air time. So somethings just have to be cut out

Braxton Brown

LMAO, 50 seconds in and Lupa already roasting you niggas for trying to justify woman beating and slavery lmao this gonna be good.


I dont think ketil believes he is the iron fist at all. he's just using it to rally the men


Half of Ketil's army with the farmtools instead of proper weapons... maybe a dozen with real helmets, about as many dudes with cooking pots strapped to their heads as makeshift helmets instead, and even at least two dudes with wooden washbuckets on their head. Ketil acting as the commander but not even smart enough to at least TRY to set up a shieldwall with the few shields he does have at his disposal. Yeah, number advantage does absolutely nothing in that situation.

Lamaree Jackson

Guys I don’t think you understood, Ike just wanted Anna Mae to eat the cake 🤡🤡


You guys are completely retarded casting false accusations when did I say she deserved it ? tell me I’ll wait you clearly in your feelings and not thinking straight at all there’s all ways a cause and effect to everything you do if the lord is evil and you do things to piss him off while under captivity your gonna pay for it it’s that simple does it make it right that’s totally separate conversation get your heads out your ass it doesn’t matter why ketil did it he is evil if Arneid wasn’t in the situation nothing would have happened to her period does that make her wrong for trying no I deleted my above comment because I realized the word karma was throwing u guys off and it probably wasn’t the best word to use in that situation


I swear have of yal niggas are brain dead when it comes to topics like this casting false accusations Nobody initially deserves to become a slave no Arneid is not a bad person or dumb for trying to escape her situation yes they are being held against there will but in those circumstances if the Lord watching over you is evil and for whatever reason you do things to piss him off 9/10 your gonna pay for it does it make it right who Tf is saying ketil in the right ? If you give Evil a chance to be Evil, Evil won’t disappoint period Yes Arneid could of done something’s differently to prevent this outcome does that mean it was dumb of her to not want to escape with her husband or be in shock when she sees him No but the chain of effects lead to that fucked up outcome period that’s it and that’s all stop spewing bullshit tryna accuse me of defending ketil or slavery I repeat I’m not saying she deserved it but the facts are facts


nigga you need to relax or get help cuz you sound crazy as hell


Get off my dick if you can’t contribute to this conversation why comment


Bro get the fuck outta here with that bullshit if you clearly can’t see this isn’t just about anime but life in general incase you don’t know slavery also exist in the real world even today as we speak that’s why it’s a touchy subject


Na I’m still on its her fault that she about tho loose that kid, and herself because she literally said I’m not going to try rescue him because I’m going to do better than what I did last time and lost my first son this type I’ll stay on this farm raise this kid safely here and then she did a whole 180 and out herself in a situation were now the kid is about to die and her , but I do agree the reason for her beating was shit and over the top bur at the same time after you trying to leave and my guy mental state wtf did everyone on the farm think was going to happen einar and thorfin are to blame too

Joey Zero

All I'm gonna say is she was a massive reason why 5 of Snake's men were killed. If she was a man, she'd have been beaten, and skinned alive. Now I know that's not why Ketil beat her, but she deserved a harsh punishment regardless of the reason. If it were modern times, she'd be in prison for life for aiding in the deaths of 5 people. She was basically the get away car after mass murder.

Castaway Figi

if u pull up with the avengers and dont see HULK, because hes noticable wont u thing somethings up. like no way canutes not looking at the field and like where is this nigga thorgill.

Joey Zero

Just the fact that he gives his slaves opportunities to buy their freedom shows he's a much better man than other slave owners. He treats both Einar and Thorfinn with respect which is damn near unheard of for a slave owner. He fucked up with Arnheid, badly, but dude's about to lose everything he's ever known and probably killed over something that wasn't even his fault. Hate him for beating Arnheid. I get it, but he definitely doesn't deserve everything that's coming to him.

GoddessHex (edited)

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2023-05-17 20:54:36 “I’m going to do better that what I did last time and lost my fist son” what? Like she had control over that when they raided her whole village with no protection? Lmaooo yes blame her you fucking idiot lmaoooo stupid ass paragraph Too
2023-05-17 18:52:39 “I’m going to do better than what I did last time and lost my first son” what? Like she had control over that when they raided her whole village with no protection? Lmaooo yes blame her you fucking idiot lmaoooo stupid ass paragraph Too

“I’m going to do better than what I did last time and lost my first son” what? Like she had control over that when they raided her whole village with no protection? Lmaooo yes blame her you fucking idiot lmaoooo stupid ass paragraph Too

Devin B

I think most people that are hating on Ketil just hate the fact he beat on a pregnant woman and thought Arnheid would get off with a slap on her wrist. He definitely did something horrible but she was an accessory to Gardar's actions. The main problem with Ketil is his reason for beating her which was just him taking his emotions out on her. Even Snake said her actions were warranted for her to get beat, doesn't mean she deserves it but it was expected for what she did.

Joey Zero

I get you bro. It has nothing to do with defending Ketil. He was wrong for what he did. Anyone defending him is an idiot. But people act like punishing slaves is unheard of. All of them knew exactly what would happen if they were caught. That doesn't mean they shouldn't try to escape, but actions have consequences. If anyone in this comment section is surprised about what happened, they are naive. I'm more surprised Ketil didn't skin Thorfinn and Einar alive for helping her escape.


The only gripe I have with the Arnheid situation was that she sat there in silence being questioned about escaping, when in reality the only thing that snake and his men could prove is that she was pretending to leave with her former lover to give him a more peaceful death, he was bleeding at the whole time. She had a solid defensive argument, in addition she was pregnant with his child. There is no conceivable way that could have been Gardar's child.

Joey Zero

How are y’all gonna clown on people even remotely understanding, not defending, just understanding Ketil’s actions, but then say you have respect for Snake who LITERALLY SAID Ketil was justified. He even said it’s within his right to kill her. Just a weird situation.


while also ignoring everything canute did and wanting him to burn down the farm and its villagers lmao like cmon yall what he did was sick but theres nuance to how it went down

Joey Zero

Not to mention everything Askeladd and Thorfinn did throughout season 1. Honestly what Ketil did was tame compared to murdering and raping whole villages of people. But we love those guys because they’re cool.

Big Daddy Dre

Bruh i was thinking the same thing like y’all was chilling with this nigga for years so y’all gotta know how he comin so why ain’t nobody searching for bro😂

Big Daddy Dre

Can’t forget the killing of kids but at this point we as fans of YBR know that if they like certain characters than their actions are justified for example TLOU2 Joel killed mad niggas but the second Abby spent the block to get revenge for her dad she’s automatically in the wrong and Joel’s just this angel i wish they did something like once a week or month where us fans can actually debate with them live


It really shows how close a relationship Snake has with his men with how they call him "aniki" which is Japanese for older brother (even tho it's translated as "boss"). Explains a lot more clearly why they weren't bout to leave him behind to fight, but rather fight a losing battle alongside him evne though they were scared

Devin B

@Joey Zero Ketil didn't care about Thorfinn and Einar cause he's stuck on the fact that Arnheid wanted to leave in the first place. Just her intent on leaving was what triggered him to do what he did cause on top of losing the farm that he put his life into he's losing the one person he confided to, it was more personal for him then it was business.

Bradley Canning

I can't lie i think u lot were reading the dumb reasonings behind the ketil situation. There are some dumb people saying crazy shit but alot of people sum'd up the situation pretty well. What he did was shitty, but the setting this is based off it makes sense why it happened.

Bradley Canning

At the same time idc really, not like u lot were clowning me. I know what i was saying was correct and made sense.


I'm glad yall spoke to the BS in these comments. There is no defense for what Ketil did, no matter time period or whatever else. Those kind of behaviors have always been wrong and always known to be extremely harmful, no matter what excuses men in every era of history used to pardon their own violence for the sake of ego. It happened then like it happens today. And its always been wrong. And its always been spoken against. Stop making excuses for this foolishness. So glad Roshi and them said something


my guy no matter the time period? king execute people for looking at them weird. are you delusional


And that did not make it correct. And people during those time periods spoke out against that behavior too. Keep up.


It depends on a few things imho. While he was sane, he did use the name as a deterrent to ward off any invaders. The man wanted to keep his peace in any means possible. Though with his break down I believe he is fully into the set of "I AM THE IRON FIST!" He not thinking straight and is going headfirst into the Viking Culture he tries so hard to stay out of. But thats just my opinion.


There were some worst comments than yours actually applauding Ketil for beating her which is what Roshi and I was making fun of in my other comment. To your point though: 1. I don’t think Ketil is a terrible person, he just did a terrible thing. I’ll treat him as a piece of shit when there’s an establish pattern of him repeating said offense. 2. As for him owning a slave, it’s obviously not a good thing however it’s a MUCH MUCH better alternative than what was likely to happen. They were already in a fucked up scenario, and it was either he buys them or someone like Arneid’s husband master does. You could argue “Well he should’ve just freed them after he bought them” but how will he have enough money to get even more? Idk I don’t think it’s right to pretend he didn’t allow them to earn their freedom and treated his retainers and slaves equally

Colonel (edited)

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2023-05-18 04:50:23 Dang bro, ppl backing that wasteman frr? Idc what time period it's in. Slavery aint right, beating up women ain't right, lieing ain't right. Get y'all morals in check
2023-05-18 02:49:16 Dang bro, ppl backing that wasteman frr? Idc what time period it's in. Slavery aint right, men beating up women (a bound woman at that) ain't right, lieing ain't right. Get y'all morals in check

Dang bro, ppl backing that wasteman frr? Idc what time period it's in. Slavery aint right, men beating up women (a bound woman at that) ain't right, lieing ain't right. Get y'all morals in check


bro what? He's clearly saying that it obviously happened a lot in the past, that doesn't make murder, abuse, sexism, etc. morally correct, it just means it was "socially acceptable" at the time (although, also like KG said, there were still people who understood it was morally wrong and stood against it). These acts are still immensely harmful regardless of setting so defending it is psychotic, it doesn't mean it can't be in the show to represent the truth of the world at the time, it just means as a viewer you should be able to acknowledge that it's fucked up and those people are bad people lmao.


Didn’t say she had control over the first but the second time she did, she was bought as as a slave she knew the position she was in did she think even if she succeeded she wasn’t going to be hunted down snake would have went after her regardless the fuck you talking about dumb ass


Thank you man. That’s all I’m trying to say.

Spring time

What about the people she caused the deaths of by freeing her husband? is she absolved of her crimes because she was a slave?


guys understanding why Ketil beat Arnied is not the same as endorsing it. And the arument of 5 men died because of her and that's why hes justified in beating her falls apart when he only learned about his mens death AFTER the fact

Spring time

If i were ketil i would have sentenced her to death after finding out she was pregnant, the reality is she caused the deaths of more of his men after freeing him, just like in real life if i go out and drive my homie around and he does a driveby and im facilitating the enviroment for him to commit a crime im also going to be charged with murder, she caused the deaths of people who didn't deserve to die and the only reason you are all acting like she should be absolved of her crimes is because you've gained rapport for this character. All she had to do was let them take her husband and chill the fuck out until ketil got back.


Yeah but Ketil didn't care about the lost of 5 guests, Snake was the one in his feelings about that. ketil was mad because she tried to escape which she has every right to


They are all slavers, they deserve death regardless. Grandstanding for literally Norwegian Confederates.

TimmSchmimm (edited)

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2023-05-18 11:54:04 Wait I thougth Kanute wanted to have ketil fight back so he can rightfully kill him and then take his shit instead of going there and just "stealing" it (protecting his public image as a king so he isn't just taking his farm like that). He gives him the chance to just give it to him and keep his life afterwards bruh yeah ok ketil is a bit more unreasonable now, he just angry he won't be rich anymore I thought mans is 100% doomed to die AND get his shit stolen on top but kanute actually pretty nice with that ok maybe I take back what I said about ketil a little bit last episode. He's still in a shit situation that brings out the worst out of a person but he also doesn't have as much reason now to completely lose it and discard his morals like that ok then, mb I'm anime only, tried not to read the manga ever since season 2 was announced.
2023-05-18 09:44:50 Wait I thougth Kanute wanted to have ketil fight back so he can rightfully kill him and then take his shit instead of going there and just "stealing" it (protecting his public image as a king so he isn't just taking his farm like that). He gives him the chance to just give it to him and keep his life afterwards bruh yeah ok ketil is a bit more unreasonable now, he just angry he won't be rich anymore I thought mans is 100% doomed to die AND get his shit stolen on top but kanute actually pretty nice with that ok maybe I take back what I said about ketil a little bit last episode. He's still in a shit situation that brings out the worst out of a person but he also doesn't have as much reason now to completely lose it and discard his morals like that ok then, mb I'm anime only, tried not to read the manga ever since season 2 was announced. Also now with this episode it was also established ketil is now a villain-ish character, when he lost it he went from "good guy" to the edge and toppled between recovering and falling back into the "good guy" area, apologizing with smth like a "arnheid im so sorry I never meant to do this to you and I know you will ever forgive me for what I did, I need to make amends and stand up for myself, please everyone safe yourselves this is my problem now dont die for me" type speach or falling over into the "crazy evil guy" area with the things happening this episode which was already strongly hinted at when he beat arnheid nearly to death. They gave the viewer hope when he listened to snake and stopped clubbing her so he might "recover" but then when they took us to the scene to where he picked up the sword full of rage yeah that was kinda yeah gg bro is gone. Still most of my comment in the last episode still stand yall need to be a more rational and emotionally detached when judging people, yes ketil is a loser piece of shit etc. no arnheid never deserved any of this and the fate of becoming a slave is one of the saddest and most horrendous things in the world showing the pure evil in humanity and arnheid depicts this cruel fate and I dont think I need to talk about it since her cruel life is one of the main focuses of this season. But ketil also shows something he isn't just a mindless evil dude, he is a a weak person, he doesnt have the courage to do anything when it his high pressure, he gives in to anything, his own desires, his rage and other peoples judgement, sure in a world where everything is happy go lucky (most of his life) the true personality (a generaly kind person) doesn't change a lot but in a cruel world it can easily be twisted and turned upside down that's kinda what a weak persons definition is, they are not sturdy they are heavily influenced by other things but you judge this character for exactly that, something he was "born" with, sure everyone can change and he clearly doesn show any effort to do that so saying he is a loser because of that is fine, its reasonable and good to do so. My point at core was that hating on ketil this hard saying he is a evil character, he is the absolute worst and doesn't deserve any empathy is just hating someone for something he can't change. Its like hating on someone because of their sexuality, disablity etc. its the same "source" of hate. Hate him for not showing any effort to change which is something everyone can do but don't be like super judging because he is weak it's a negative trait because it lead to negative things in 90% of the time yes but it's still smth some people are born with. Anyone who fully hates ketil and never tried to understand any of this before reading my comment now was hating him for beeing weak and all those who were like "yes okay I get it but still he is a loser" are the ones that subconsciouly understood the problem with hating him 100%. I was a bit over the top with the ketil defense in last episode but it was to prove a point, if you break the situtation down and deconstruct the story telling/characterizatrion and see the arguments for and against ketil you should automatically come to the conclusion that its not right to go full hate mode on him. Literally EVERYONE deserves a second chance in this entire world though I would say with my personal bias pedophiles and intentional/planned murderers are the exception because the damage they cause and the inner conflict and thought that went into finally committing these crimes is inexcusable imo but its a complex topic anyways. (sry if I chose weird wording or had spelling mistakes I'm not a native english speaker)' edit: Now ketils son (forgor the name) is also a coward just like ketil but especially the end of this episode heavily hints at his fight with "beeing a coward" he will most likely change as a person and maybe even become a goated character the way the show focused on him throughout the season. He will go the opposite way of his father creating a wonderfull parallel between those two. The weak man who couldn't beat his demons and the one who did.

Wait I thougth Kanute wanted to have ketil fight back so he can rightfully kill him and then take his shit instead of going there and just "stealing" it (protecting his public image as a king so he isn't just taking his farm like that). He gives him the chance to just give it to him and keep his life afterwards bruh yeah ok ketil is a bit more unreasonable now, he just angry he won't be rich anymore I thought mans is 100% doomed to die AND get his shit stolen on top but kanute actually pretty nice with that ok maybe I take back what I said about ketil a little bit last episode. He's still in a shit situation that brings out the worst out of a person but he also doesn't have as much reason now to completely lose it and discard his morals like that ok then, mb I'm anime only, tried not to read the manga ever since season 2 was announced. Also now with this episode it was also established ketil is now a villain-ish character, when he lost it he went from "good guy" to the edge and toppled between recovering and falling back into the "good guy" area, apologizing with smth like a "arnheid im so sorry I never meant to do this to you and I know you will ever forgive me for what I did, I need to make amends and stand up for myself, please everyone safe yourselves this is my problem now dont die for me" type speach or falling over into the "crazy evil guy" area with the things happening this episode which was already strongly hinted at when he beat arnheid nearly to death. They gave the viewer hope when he listened to snake and stopped clubbing her so he might "recover" but then when they took us to the scene to where he picked up the sword full of rage yeah that was kinda yeah gg bro is gone. Still most of my comment in the last episode still stand yall need to be a more rational and emotionally detached when judging people, yes ketil is a loser piece of shit etc. no arnheid never deserved any of this and the fate of becoming a slave is one of the saddest and most horrendous things in the world showing the pure evil in humanity and arnheid depicts this cruel fate and I dont think I need to talk about it since her cruel life is one of the main focuses of this season. But ketil also shows something he isn't just a mindless evil dude, he is a a weak person, he doesnt have the courage to do anything when it his high pressure, he gives in to anything, his own desires, his rage and other peoples judgement, sure in a world where everything is happy go lucky (most of his life) the true personality (a generaly kind person) doesn't change a lot but in a cruel world it can easily be twisted and turned upside down that's kinda what a weak persons definition is, they are not sturdy they are heavily influenced by other things but you judge this character for exactly that, something he was "born" with, sure everyone can change and he clearly doesn show any effort to do that so saying he is a loser because of that is fine, its reasonable and good to do so. My point at core was that hating on ketil this hard saying he is a evil character, he is the absolute worst and doesn't deserve any empathy is just hating someone for something he can't change. Its like hating on someone because of their sexuality, disablity etc. its the same "source" of hate. Hate him for not showing any effort to change which is something everyone can do but don't be like super judging because he is weak it's a negative trait because it lead to negative things in 90% of the time yes but it's still smth some people are born with. Anyone who fully hates ketil and never tried to understand any of this before reading my comment now was hating him for beeing weak and all those who were like "yes okay I get it but still he is a loser" are the ones that subconsciouly understood the problem with hating him 100%. I was a bit over the top with the ketil defense in last episode but it was to prove a point, if you break the situtation down and deconstruct the story telling/characterizatrion and see the arguments for and against ketil you should automatically come to the conclusion that its not right to go full hate mode on him. Literally EVERYONE deserves a second chance in this entire world though I would say with my personal bias pedophiles and intentional/planned murderers are the exception because the damage they cause and the inner conflict and thought that went into finally committing these crimes is inexcusable imo but its a complex topic anyways. (sry if I chose weird wording or had spelling mistakes I'm not a native english speaker)' edit: Now ketils son (forgor the name) is also a coward just like ketil but especially the end of this episode heavily hints at his fight with "beeing a coward" he will most likely change as a person and maybe even become a goated character the way the show focused on him throughout the season. He will go the opposite way of his father creating a wonderfull parallel between those two. The weak man who couldn't beat his demons and the one who did.


exactly....you cant defend a slaveowner....they are trash to begin with

Thulani Mason

I don't think she expected to get fucked up like that. Remember the guy guarding her was like "Look at you. You know you're going to just get a slap on the wrist."


You’re asking me if I should sympathize with the slave owner and those employed to keep other humans enslaved because they died while Arnheid and Gardar were *checks notes* trying to be free like all human beings are intended to be? No. Fuck them. There isn’t some devil’s advocate here. It’s not an eye for an eye if Arnheid’s side is “My husband was enslaved and I freed him and others died trying to enslave us again.” Again. You’re defending slavery and the tools used to defend it. You should feel ashamed of yourself.

William Tippen

Weird how fickle they are they move the goal post constantly


I understand what your tryna say but couldn’t ketil just free them then have them then offer them work on his farm until they get back on there feet it’s a win, win for both parties involved but he didn’t he chose to make ‘em work tell hard for it while fucking one of them when he clearly has a wife also said that slave can’t be free she belongs to him as his fuck buddy and comfort let’s face ketil was a bad guy trying to maybe be gud at times he literally stole someone else whole identity

Thulani Mason

Rather than provide a defense, I'd like to simply point out a large difference between Ketil and characters like Askeladd, (old) Thorfinn, and Snake. When we are shown people like Thorfinn or Askeladd in the heat of battle we are shown actual warriors. They are ruthless and apathetic, even if they may express hatred or rabid passion during a kill. Thus, you get the feeling from them that there is little fear in them and that they are aware of their strength. Even Askeladd understood that he who lives by the sword dies by it. If you look at Snake, it's actually very surprising that all he does is stab Gardar. He doesn't cut him up into pieces or any other form of torcher. He's just like "this one's for the homies" and does what he feels he needs to do. You get this "honor amongst thieves" vibe from them, even though in the end what they do is horrible. With Ketil, we don't get that. We go from actual mercenaries to a guy who faked being one. And even if it wasn't confirmed until this episode, it was pretty obvious Ketil wasn't that type of guy. So then you see this fake unleash his rage on a defenseless enslaved woman, not because she killed his father or men, or because he's a delusional maniac with a grand but lofty goal. But because she left. And even then she was just the cherry on top of a shit sundae. To be sure, if what happened with Canute didn't happen, I doubt he would've reacted as he did. Even the guard trying to assault her assumed Ketil would be easy on her without knowing all that had happened to Ketil. It honestly came off as pathetic. You see him the entire time as this nice guy who even experienced losing a woman he loved and then he switches (not for no reason mind you.) Whereas we see the others as they are. They aren't hiding anything or behind anything. When I see ruthless and violent characters, I expect them to carry that same energy in any dire context. We had that we Thorfinn, Askeladd, Snake, but not Ketil. So once again, it just comes off as sad and pathetic.

Jermaine Johnstone

Everyone who watches this show knows Askeladd is a piece of shit. But they're allowed to find Askeladd more likeable than Ketil. The big issue was people arguing that Arneid deserved what happened to her.


Yeah but those guards aren't as strong as Thorgil because no way. Thorgil is shown in only one fight and I can say he is definitely the strongest of the guards.

Isaac Cobbinah

lol okay at some point, you guys and some of the people in these comments need to use some level of critical thinking. Like no shit what happened to her was horrible and wrong, no one is endorsing it. But what is the point of watching a show like this and not watching it from the perspective of the time period. The same people crying about this, are the same hypocritical people who were probably supporting thorfinn and askaladd during season 1, killing, raping and selling people off as slaves

Noel Boucher

I certain the buck is symbolic of gardar and the wolf is thorfinn


You can understand why a slaver does what he does while also understanding that his actions where MORALLY wrong


“If it were modern times” my ass, there would be no situation like this in modern times having a slave out in the open & tryna be free, all the slave owners would be locked up for that nonsense if u really tryna go there

Joey Zero

I’m referring to aiding in mass murder dummy. Obviously there’s no 1-1 comparison. Do you remember the story about that girl who was locked up in her basement by her parents for her entire childhood? It’d basically be if she broke out and killed 5 people.

Joey Zero

Idk why that’s so hard for people to grasp. Understanding and justifying/defending are two very different things. The people that say Ketil was right are morons, but the people that are shocked it happened are just as naive.


All i hear is “if i was a rapist i would send the slave i was raping to death after she got pregnant with my baby” u sound like a whole bitch with this sentence. It was said that the 5 men that died were all scumbags that did trash events “she cause the deaths of people that didn't deserve to die” that argument falls flat now so u can zip up all 5 of their pants. If someone takes ur partner u should let them.. u sound like a cuck anyway with this logic.

Spring time

You talk too aggressive on the internet to be this frail, the argument doesn't fall flat you're attempting to use modern logic and rulesets for literal vikings not a single character out of the three slaves have any redeeming factors In real thorfinn would have been put to death with Arneid, she was an accessory to a crime regardless of if she was in the moral right or not, she got his men killed and in that time frame there's no jails or prisons. You unironically using the word cuck means it might be a little difficult for you to wrap your little Timmy brain around that fact. Just because someone is a scumbag doesn't mean they deserved to die again by your logic that would be literally everyone in this show besides einar and Leif because they're all murderers and rapist / theifs

Step Joe

Why sentence her to death when you could beat her to the death with a stick? Which is what he was right about to do. Also, is you fucking your homie and getting him pregnant?😂😂

Spring time

Sentence her to death because it's the usual punishment you'd receive in this time period, the method of killing her doesn't really matter. I know reading comprehension is hard for you but homie = her husband she is the sole reason he was allowed to continue killing people she is now an accessory to his crimes, the same way I said I'm the original comment that if you're the accessory to a crime i.e murder you're going to be charged with the same shit there's no jails or prisons here, death sentences and hard punishments like beatings are the norm. Therefore she deserved what she got even if it's immoral. The beauty of free will is she had an option to do everything another way and she chose what she chose and got the 'NORMAL' consequences for her actions, this isn't about thinking a pregnant slave woman being beaten to death is a good thing, ultimately it's about what they thought was a just punishment, you niggas in this comment section basically give off: " oh you killed a bunch of people? Oh that's cool we'll just put you in the corner and make you think about what you did bad " like she's some type of child or something because you've built rapport with this character. Again nobody in this series is a good person morally that's the point... It was you niggas that was fucking with ketil from the start saying he's cool and actually a good guy, nah he's a fuckin slave owner, even if he was buying slaves to prevent them from harsher slave masters he still also had the free will to free them and chose not to to recoup his investment.


Man I need to go back and watch season one, I missed all those scenes of Thorfinn and Askaladd raping and beating pregnant woman to near death. But ya you're right it's a perfect 1:1 comparison........ 🙄🙄🙄

Isaac Cobbinah

They actually did worse, by actually selling people off as slaves to make money and of course killed most of them. Men, women and children. So I'd probably won't say it's 1:1 comparison......🙄🙄🙄🤐

Team Skull Grunt B

Bro said "if i were ketil i would have-" i cannot believe this is happening rn bro what is wrong with people LMAO

Spring time

No valid arguments just contradictory statements followed by a lot of "LMAO" you're really what's wrong with people

Team Skull Grunt B

The only reason you think that is because you weren't a slave. Can it be argued that some slaves thought that? Yes, because their souls were SHATTERED. In this time period we can educate ourselves and understand what they went through, but we will NEVER know firsthand how that felt. It's ignorant to act like you do. Also she wasn't even trying to escape, that conflict was the entire central point of the previous episodes. PLEASE pay attention.

Gloccr (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-19 19:57:09 you sound stupid. it wasnt acceptable then, and its not now
2023-05-19 17:56:39 you sound stupid. it wasnt acceptable then, and its not now

you sound stupid. it wasnt acceptable then, and its not now


@Team Skull Grunt B I cannot lie i'm flabbergasted reading this original post what was this mf cooking

Deric J

It’s kind of funny how everyone arguing in the comment section is arguing the over arching message of the series. Kinda of interesting to see how people’s minds work… and some of you need help


Ketil literally beat her cause she tried to leave. Not because she's a slave. Not because she was an accessory to the death of 5 people. Not because she broke the rules. He beat her cause she was the only person he trusted and the only person he confided in, but the moment an opportunity struck, she tried to escape. Ketil was already in a bad place mentally after what Canute did and is doing so finding out that the only person he trusted tried to leave made him snap. You niggas in the comments bringing up her involvement with the death of Snakes men are only trying to justify Ketil beating her and it's weird. Had she not try to escape, but was still involved with Snake's men, we all know she would've gotten a slap on the wrist cause she's Ketil's favorite. Ketil does not give a single fuck about Snake's men.

Drake Rage

Roshi gang need to understand Askeladd is a 1000 times worse of a human being than Ketil, so its just clown shoes when they fangirl over "Daddy Askeladd" then trash Ketil based on 1 action during mental distress. It is hypocrisy to trash Ketil while liking Askeladd, because even if Askeladd was a "cool" character or something, he did what Ketil did, just a million times more. Killing babies, killing and raping pregnant women, children, killing men, killing entire villages every year. Before anyone says Askeladd never did any of those things... yeah we never saw Askeladd raping anyone but he ordered HIS men to pillage, which comes with a dose of r*pe... and him being the leader of his little viking group, the acts that happen during pillaging is his responsibility... and even if we ignore that, he still had HIS men kill babies with a grin on his face.. like come on y'all keep the same energy, lol.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-05 20:46:12 Bruh its mad funny to me at how many butthurt babies be fighting over stupid shit in these comments for midland farmsaga lol
2023-06-05 18:41:38


I'ma be honest, I didn't think about that. And I just thought about something else, a lot of people were also cool with Ketil in the beginning. But when he decided to break and beat Arnheid, now people wanna put on their reality glasses and realize that this man is a slave owner (Including myself) lol.

Brian Estepa

all you did with this comment is expose that you got the attention span and critical thinking skills of a 3 year old, go watch dbz

Brian Estepa

HybridEclpse At least you are self aware. You actually seem to get the point of the show. Also, Ketil is not a good person, but he is not an "evil" one. He is a broken person who has done some terrible things. Not as bad as some on this show, and not (even nearly) as good as some on this show. The characters are the main course of this anime, and they exist to showcase one thing: humans are flawed. People seem to forget we are just ANIMALS that developed intellect. We created morality. I do not disagree with anyone who says Ketils actions are trash, and he deserves consequences because his actions are not that of a good person. But the same people are saying he's "evil irredeemable garbage" but will then root for Thorfinn or Askeladd. Thorfinn has killed tons of people, has taken part in the pillaging of innocent farm folk. The story is meant to showcase Thorfinns growth and to cast a light on the flaws of humanity. It's easy to cast judgment from the 21st century but the fact is humans are a product of their environment. Even today. and we still have huge flaws today. But they're a lot harder to see in a modern society and so everyone thinks they are perfect and some shining beacon of morality. I genuinely can't read these comments anymore without getting a headache.

Brian Estepa

You a thorfinn fan though right? Killing and enabling raids on innocent towns is right? Clowns in the comments dont even see their own hypocrisy. Literally getting clowned by the show they're watching.

Brian Estepa

You're trash. Swear its either creeps like you or people on the other side of the extreme that don't understand the human condition at all.


I’m not sure if you can read, but I never stated I was a Thorfinn fan, nor that killing is right, nor that I condone any immoral activity within the show whatsoever. Stop making assumptions and take your time when you read. Maybe you’ll understand better.


@Brian Estepa another butthurt ass bitch that is mad that someone doesn't dick ride midland saga. Go choke on some cock loser. And yeah dbz is way better then this farming garbage. Stay mad bitch.


@Brian Estepa imagine thinking that you need some high iq to enjoy a fucking cartoon lol bruh, just goes to show how stupid and lame you niggas are ong


@Brian Estepa nobody is reading all that you dumbass weeb fuck lmao


Agreed. He quote literally felt like he owned her entire being due to her being ketil's favorite so it's also partly due to her being a slave I think. Or at least that's how it got to this point


Because we simply know more about their characters. Like context is important and I find it incredibly hard to genuinely compare thorfinn and ketil situations. Thorfinn is a completely different case. Bro was 4 years old when everything started. And we have gotten to see thorium take full responsibility and attempt to atone. Maybe ketil can get to that point but who knows. Askeladd was also fully aware he was a terrible person. Also ketil did this to a character we have legit connected with which will automatically make it hit harder. I completely understand your perspective but people hating ketil more isn't far fetched in the slightest


I too enjoy watching a guy scream for 3 episodes while he charges the same attack he used since the prequel.


@Cody Yet its still more entertaining then midland saga. Stay salty bitch lol


@Brian Estepa your bum ass legit responded like a day later. And that's what you could come up with lol? You are a straight up embarrassment. I know your parents are wishing that the abortion had gone through.

Brian Estepa

Now I'm responding two days later, you know why? Because not only do I have a life (which you clearly lack), but on top of that this website doesn't even give you notifications for comments or responses; which means that the fact you are instantly responding to me shows you spend all day refreshing comments because you're miserable and need attention from strangers you start arguments with. Which goes back to my first point, you have no life. I genuinely hope you find some kind of purpose. Not gonna enable your sad self destructive behavior anymore though. Good luck

Brian Estepa

"Slavery aint right!!!!" like bruh you're just stating the obvious I'm fkn dead LMFAOOOO


@Brian Estepa yeah not going to read all that bullshit bitch lol. you're a pathetic hypocrite, Talks about how they have a life but likes to type whole ass paragraphs to dudes that don't give a shit. Keep proving that you're a butthurt weeb that is pissed somebody doesn't dick ride the overrated ass anime you love. Also nobody instantly responded to you. You aren't worth that much effort bum lol.


Cant wait to see those stalker butthurt weak bitches in the discord get mad at my comments again lol


The thing with Ketil is that even though he beat her to death because she tried to leave him, it still doesn't make him as trash as the jomsvikings and probably Canute, they have done way worse things to a lot more people than Ketil. I'm still with Ketil's farm in this war because of Thorgill and Snake. I still like Canute and Askeladd even though they are worse human beings than Ketil.

William Morris

this dude actually spent money on roshi's patreon to talk shit for one month now he can't even reply because his broke ass can't afford it anymore


@William Morris Yet your punk bitch ass is this mad about that guys opinion. So what if he doesn't like Vinland saga. its not all that anyways. Unlike you they probably don't bother trying to necro some old post. You all some pathetic bums smh


Damn bro, i hope you watch this show again once you've aged a bit and realize how fucking peak it is. Good luck on your journey of growth! And i mean that, i'm not trying to be passive aggressive.


@MCPEPP I mean is it really that deep bro? I like vinland saga, but I also don't really thinks its all that either. I feel like everyone needs to go through some growth and just accept that people wont like the same things. The dude was definitely an asshole in how went about saying he didn't like the show tho.