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how did this guy know his name lmfao



He can remember an island he saw once when he was 1, I don’t think it’s that much of a stretch to say he remembered his own name at that point


I feel like they built his first appearance a lot more in the manga before he just showed up


Well we see his momma with him too on a tiny raft, but she prolly died in a storm

Hasnain Khan


cyrus gudino

I’m a psychology major and so I study memory quite a bit. One thing to never underestimate is the memory of a baby/child. Trust me they remember a LOT. Especially if it’s traumatic, and I’m guessing if this guy Soyuz was with someone originally and maybe they got split up at sea. Maybe this person called out to him by his name. And so that memory would have stuck with him, because trauma acts as an “auto-save” but yeah the chances of him surviving by himself at sea as a baby is like Lupa said “luck of the gods”


Next episode is about to break your brains I can't wait

Uddin Molla

I believe Soyuz was named from the picture of the back of the turtle shell which makes sense

Jacob The weird

Y’all know Soyuz is based on an actual spacecraft? It was built by the Russians in the 60’s. I think the name means “union” in Russian


idc how he remembered. im tryna figure out that gash on his head. who hurt you sir


I read the manga Not gonna spoil some traumatic stuff did happen to him.


People be claiming to remember stuff from birth. I guess it's a thing, baby genius out here.


Not gonna lie... I wasn't a huge fan of this episode. While I've mostly enjoyed S3, the pacing has felt wonky at times. This episode was no exception, but it also had a noticeable dip in animation quality. I'm hoping this means the director decided to save the anime's budget for something epic later on. Oh, and this new character's story doesn't feel very believable to me. I would assume the author did this intentionally, so I'm guessing we'll learn more about him later. However, as far as character introductions go, I wasn't overly impressed by, or drawn to, this new guy. I know Dr. Stone has a lot of background characters, so I'm also wondering if we've previously seen him in the crowd.

Devin B

The fact that you guys noticed the cake in those few frames was crazy. When I first watched it I didn't even notice it.


The adoptive mom probably knew about the spaceship because of the hundred tales. She saw the ship drawing and probably named Soyuz after it.


I’m guessing that he was older than he appeared and he remembered his own name. That or someone wrote his name on the boat.


The symbol on the back of Soyuz’s shield boat is a rocket blasting off. That’s cool.


Looking at Soyuz’s flashback, I’m gonna take a guess here. He was with his mom, they were sailing and something happened, perhaps they started sinking. So the mom took the shield on her back and put Soyuz in it. And he happened to wash up at Ishigami village. She could have been part of a group trying to make it to Japan.


I've read the manga and iirc, he has been seen before. I think the author did a group shot/document with all the Ishigami villagers in the early chapters and he was there with no name listed as well. So he was planned early on. Also yes, hopefully they're saving budget for this latter half of the season which should be extremely good. Edit: Yep, looking at the reddit discussions in 2019, he was introduced in a big group shot in chapter 17. This ep was chapter 101 for context lol.


you lot sent ready for the next episode

Dude Man McGee

Intro killed me wasn't expecting that lmao

Oax Al

Teenager one punches a grown ass male lion. Okay I get it. Anime baby Noah. Nah bro to crazy. 🤣 For real though how. 🤔

Joe Michael

One piece ships have chefs all ships in anime must have chefs


If you ask anyone what’s their earliest memory that they have in their life, 99% of the time, it’s a very happy memory or very tragic/painful memory. Most people can recall a memory from when they were 5 or 6, but people who experience trauma very early (aka victims of 9/11), many of them can vividly remember what happened when they were only 1 or 2. (I’m currently working on my master’s psychology, and learned this studying memory)

Vincent S Deluca

A kid even 2-3 or so could def remember a huge event like going on a big pilgrimage like his mom and him did, and probs remember his name. Also the people on the Island and Ishigami village are the same people that just split into 2 groups at some point, their language and Writing would still be essentially the same though (If they did leave a note for example)


Nah this is facts. I don't remember too much from when I was 3 or 4 but I have a few distinct ones. One of which was my toy story themed 4th birthday with pizza and the other I remember falling a busting my nose on concrete lol and crying my eyes out at like 3. I'm no psychologist but that pretty much matches what you just said so pretty cool that's just like a thing for everyone.

Emiliano Ruiz Chong

Brace yourselves, the mystery and epicness will begin soon. I can't wait. The hype is high.


A few episodes ago we saw magma put up a sign with a picture of his face so the village uses pictures to read/write so his name came from the image on the shield of the spaceship which all the village knows about it from the tales and the hundred tales is something the village hears from the priestess so they can survive in the stone world


Soyuz didnt float all the way from the island to the village alone 😂 it shows him being carried by someone and his, what im assuming is his, mother in the flashback. They probably tried sailing off the island, something happened which caused them to try and save baby Soyuz by putting him on something to let him float


God Senku gave me flashbacks with the solubility extraction.

Sunshine Hall

Yeah i remember a moment from when I was literally 1 or so of my falling off a spiral staircase banister. I thought i was 3-4 but my mom said i was 1 or about to turn 1 when that happened


“Did you just wake me up without my consent?!”😂😂😂😂