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the journey really begins


Hasnain Khan



I said the same thing Roshi soon as I seen she had the money I was like damn she robbed the bitch cuz she still got the cat lmao


So chomosuke actually is a god. Wow


By the way, Arnes appeared early on, she bought a product from Megumin’s dad. It was supposed to lead her to the thing she was searching for. It’s the bracelet, which because Megumin’s dad sells messed up things, also seems to attract worthless men.


Megumin casting explosion without passing out is probably impossible for one simple reason: As soon as she has enough mana from leveling up to cast explosion without passing out, she immediately pumps more points into explosion magic making it more powerful and also more expensive to cast. Ensuring that she never has enough mana to cast it without collapsing.

Connor Grynol

The robed woman is named Wolbach, and while she can cast explosion magic and not collapse, she can only cast it once a day. You may not remember this, but the shop owner, Wiz, can also cast explosion magic and not collapse. Nobody can cast explosion twice a day without assistance of some kind.

Connor Grynol

Pretty much. Makes me wonder if explosion has a cap or if it can just keep scaling.

Champion Bescos

Roshi! I know this isn't Konosuba related, apologies, but after Evil Dead Rise I went back and watched your GOAT'd Dune reaction just now. Any chance the three of you will react to the trailer for Part Two that dropped this week? To this day you three had THE BEST reaction to Part One that I have seen.


Itaewon ?


Hopefully it comes out soon. I can't wait to see their reactions.


lol Right, I keep refreshing. I hope it comes up soon. They haven't posted anything saying it's not coming


that and sweet home might be uploading rn so itll take awhile


As a wrestling fan, seeing Megumin getting 'potatoed' is funnier than it should be.

Mr. K

For Sweet Home, they swapped it out with Evil Dead so they uploading Sweet Home tomorrrow


I though it was because her tits weren't developed.


I mean, we already know Megumin will come back to the village in the movie. This is not news or some grand prediction.


Would be hilarious if she isn't, and Arnes is just somehow mistaken. Lmao. But I guess you'd figure she would have an actual sense for what vessel her Mistress is residing in.


Where is itaewon

darnay mayberry

i wonder if megumin has some sort of secret control over this world where she can just make up a random story about a female demon with horns and then she actually shows up lol

Hayaku Eon

And somehow, only Kazuma can make that happen. By learning Drain Touch, a usually impossible skill to learn because it needs to be taught by a Lich, he can transfer mana from one person to another. Kazuma is trash, yes. But without him, the team is dysfunctional. The anime really skipped the Dust Arc where Kazuma and Dust swapped teams. Darkness, Megumin and Aqua made Dust go mad. Meanwhile, Kazuma made Dusts's team kill a super strong monster.


goes to show kazuma only looks like trash cause of his personality if he was sane like yun yun he would be badass


Lmfao I see what you did there. Referencing the same dumb theory they made about Eminence, right? Obviously not being serious, because I mean, there's just no way anybody would be serious with this. XD


No magic item is cool if they ain't Cursed Items, simple as. It's NOT a flaw FYI, this is 100% a feature to make it appeal to Crimson Demon aesthetics


Actually Wolbach CAN cast it after a few hours of recharge time. In fact she still has enough mojo to use Teleport after Explosion too to get out of battlefield for said recharge of some hours. But yeah only high-ranking Demons or Goddesses would be realistically capable of using Explosion that heavily. It's practically useless to normies, just as Wolbach pointed out to Megumin in E1


Kids blow up everyday ~ roshi 2023

varus ez

Itaewon when? :/

Daniel Borrego

well so is aqua so.....actually, now that i think about it, wasnt there a statue of a cat girl in the movie? everyone assumed it was just like otaku cat girl statue stuff, but what if it was actually a depiction of chomosuke in her actual human form?


What are you talking about. Aqua isn’t a god, she’s just a deluded Arch Priest. It’s sad really.

Connor Grynol

Unfortunately the anime seems intent on making Kazuma seem completely incompetent. We missed out on several of Kazuma's cool moments. I am also sad that they skipped tranquility girl.


Bro, when Yunyun was yelling at Megumin and the damn cat was being tortured by Megumins sister, LMAO "Does this hurt? How about when I do this?"


She's gonna be able to cast explosion magic without falling over eventually. Even after season 2 she's still young and relatively low level. Even Wiz, a high-level top-tier mage, is still only capable of casting 1 explosion with her MP pool. She has enough MP to still cast some other spells after it, but nothing major. It is the most powerful spell in all of magic though, they've made that much clear. And since Megumin is on a quest to perfect that magic... she will probably be able to obtain an upgrade to push it to heights that no one has managed to do it before. There's probably some top-tier upgrade that requires like 99 skill points that no one is willing to invest into or something or an upgrade that might not appear until you've invested enough into it.