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Ahh the biggest struggle with this show, tryna figure out if I should believe Cid or is it bullshit lmao looked like he was about to break the sword, dont know if that means he couldnt pull it forreal and was applying too much pressure and it was just gonna break???



He wasn't supposed to actually be able to pull it.. As the Aurora read it and confirmed the message that it it could only be drawn by those with the right blood. But Cid could've brute forced it anyways if he wanted lmaooo.. (Also he pushed the sword down instead of up) 😂😂 but figuring out Cid is 90% of the battle.. Once you understand how he thinks the show becomes a lot clearer and jokes will land more.

Devin B

The one thing to keep in mind about this show is to never take Cid seriously, aside from fighting, everything else you can somewhat take seriously but if it involves Cid just know there's going to be some fuckery involved.


Rest in peace everyone has now been blueballed till Monday


The episode I've been waiting for perverted shots for no reason put the camera over her shoulder plz

Gabby Boakye-yiadom

Pretty much both. Cid in his opinion thinks he can't but he's completely underestimating how broken he is compared to the world itself because of how nonchalant or apathetic he is to most things outside his interest or roleplay.


If I remember correctly, I’m pretty sure Cid was actually pushing the sword into the ground 💀😭 to play up the scenario of him not being the chosen one and the one capable of pulling out the sword


Never listen to Cid

The Endless

I have verifiable sources confirming Sheera got a side role voicing that corrupted elf @5:50

Alexander Szabo

Cid said he was "familiar with all the standard formulas". So he knows the clichés. And the cliche of a chosen one to pull the sword fits.


Wait but ain't Cid related to one of the 3 Heroes? Claire was meant to originally become a blob, but Cid did the thing he did w/ the Shadow Garden hoes, so she never did turn into a blob, hence why in E2 the Cult was like "yo WTF, why ain't she a blob??" and kidnapped her etc


Delta really the shit and Roshi right I can’t unhear it all I hear is sheera voice now anytime I play it back now that he said that lmao


Technically, Cid should be able to move the sword since he has the blood of the heroes in him. Bro just pushed it into the ground to play along with his bs lol


Everything Cid does is just straight fuckery. Everything else you should take seriously but when it comes to Cid he’s not taking any of it seriously and so should u


yeah if you pay really close attention to when he tries to "pull" out the sword, you can see him pressing down rather than pulling. Also, the sword goes into the ground and the ground cracks. Him saying he knows he cant pull it out is all BS that goes along with how a normal story would progress, so he refuses to actually pull it out xD Cid is so dumb but so, so great.

JsnSkg (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-06 00:47:29 Just assume, "bullshit until proven legit" with this show lmao.
2023-05-06 00:47:29 Just assume, "bullshit until proven legit" with this show lmao.
2023-05-06 00:47:29 Just assume, "bullshit until proven legit" with this show lmao.
2023-05-06 00:47:29 Just assume, "bullshit until proven legit" with this show lmao.
2023-05-05 22:42:27 Just assume, "bullshit until proven legit" with this show lmao.

Just assume, "bullshit until proven legit" with this show lmao.


Can we get one more episode please


if its cids inner thoughts its all complete bullshit. if its shadow garden saying it its completely true

cornett0 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-06 00:47:27 one ]
2023-05-05 22:47:10 #one more

#one more


Delta is such a badass


Also remember even cid wasnt able to use his magic when he entered the sanctuary


lmao no way lupa drinking prime


no cid just figured out how to cure their demon possession he's not related to the heroes in any way


next episode hype


Bojack Horseman next pls 🙏🏽

JsnSkg (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-06 01:02:54 Delta is the goat, ngl. A literal beast.
2023-05-06 01:02:54 Delta is the goat, ngl. A literal beast.
2023-05-06 01:02:54 Delta is the goat, ngl. A literal beast.
2023-05-06 01:02:54 Delta is the goat, ngl. A literal beast.
2023-05-05 23:01:27 Delta is the goat, ngl. A literal beast.

Delta is the goat, ngl. A literal beast.




He tested the way it was already shown to not work (external expression of magic), but 'we' know he also uses it internally in a way nobody else seems to be aware of at all (on his feet to speed around, and on his circulation to stay alive with his heart stopped).

Darion Wilson (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-06 01:35:25 Naw you forgetting SHeera and Lupa bruh lmao
2023-05-06 01:35:25 Naw you forgetting SHeera and Lupa bruh lmao
2023-05-06 01:35:25 Naw you forgetting SHeera and Lupa bruh lmao
2023-05-06 01:35:25 Naw you forgetting SHeera and Lupa bruh lmao
2023-05-06 01:35:25 Naw you forgetting SHeera and Lupa bruh lmao
2023-05-06 01:35:25 Naw you forgetting SHeera and Lupa bruh lmao
2023-05-05 23:11:10 Naw you forgetting SHeera and Lupa bruh lmao

Naw you forgetting SHeera and Lupa bruh lmao

JsnSkg (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-26 00:30:21 Ofc there is a reason. It's called ENTERTAINMENT. Lmao. Pussy-ass prudes should not be watching shonen anime. XD
2023-11-26 00:30:21 Ofc there is a reason. It's called ENTERTAINMENT. Lmao. Pussy-ass prudes should not be watching shonen anime. XD
2023-11-26 00:30:21 Ofc there is a reason. It's called ENTERTAINMENT. Lmao. Pussy-ass prudes should not be watching shonen anime. XD
2023-11-26 00:30:21 Ofc there is a reason. It's called ENTERTAINMENT. Lmao. Pussy-ass prudes should not be watching shonen anime. XD
2023-05-05 23:14:08 Ofc there is a reason. It's called ENTERTAINMENT. Lmao. Pussy-ass prudes should not be watching shonen anime. XD

Ofc there is a reason. It's called ENTERTAINMENT. Lmao. Pussy-ass prudes should not be watching shonen anime. XD


now thats a spoiler which is why i didnt explain it that way cause in the anime they still havent explained fully how he did atomic last time, at least for these 3 cuase we know they need to have something like that explained completely lol


My guy they're not even adults the fact that you're saying this is entertainment is wild. You have to be under the age of 18. Also the comment wasn't even suppose to be taken seriously.


just let all of them enjoy it however they want, we pay for their reaction not for them to react how we want


i get your not being too serious but you gotta realize how rude this comes across

Randle Dandle

fucking love "Gotcha" and the audio effects they use for it.

cami ً

errr this is kind of a rude thing to say. just let them enjoy the show however they want man if they miss something they miss something it's not that serious


I wouldn't say it was quite a spoiler because the girls mentioned the magic loss was similar to when the school was captured. He was able to sew himself up and use his magic very thinly for it to not be fully absorbed.

Kevin Baker

Demon Possession (悪魔憑き, Akumatsuki?) is a strange disease and magic curse cast by the demon king, Diablos, that affects people born with the demon Diablos' blood in their veins due to being the descendants of the Three Heroes that defeated him. He also has the same blood as his sister obv.


yeah i dont think cid bsing bc he has no reason to hide since Aurora knows he strong already


i love the audio mixing in this


I don’t think anything is wrong with what your asking some people just have kiss ass on standby part of a reactor job is to listen to there audience and try to appease them they do this as a job it’s not just 3 people having fun while people pay to see


like i said a spoiler for these 3 cuase they need a full complete explanation


Ok before y’all blow this out the water. I love Roshi, Sheera, and Lupa’s reactions and i don’t have a problem with how they shows they’re genuine laughs and comments in their own way is good enough for me. I’m not taking any of the critiques seriously it’s all just good fun, if you think my comment was rude earlier then that i was not my intention. I’m just here having fun with no bad vibes 🙏🏽

Sauce Sorcerer

Sheera you asked wouldn't the other girls know about Epsilon using the slime for her breasts, in the manga she has been doing that since they were younger. She gradually increased the slime as they got older so it'd look natural, and she always applied the slime to herself first thing in the morning before anyone saw her. She's a master class catfish

Hasnain Khan



Gotta remember he was waiting on the “protagonist” to show up and do it


That’s exactly what this is, we don’t pay them to react to us but the anime

Donovan Doyle (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-26 00:30:21 It's stated in the light novel that the curse only affects women it should have been stated in alphas explanation of sanctuary last episode unless it was skipped, kinda also why they hid the fact olivier is a woman
2023-11-26 00:30:21 It's stated in the light novel that the curse only affects women it should have been stated in alphas explanation of sanctuary last episode unless it was skipped, kinda also why they hid the fact olivier is a woman
2023-11-26 00:30:21 It's stated in the light novel that the curse only affects women it should have been stated in alphas explanation of sanctuary last episode unless it was skipped, kinda also why they hid the fact olivier is a woman
2023-11-26 00:30:21 It's stated in the light novel that the curse only affects women it should have been stated in alphas explanation of sanctuary last episode unless it was skipped, kinda also why they hid the fact olivier is a woman
2023-05-06 00:07:55 It's stated in the light novel that the curse only affects women it should have been stated in alphas explanation of sanctuary last episode unless it was skipped, kinda also why they hid the fact olivier is a woman

It's stated in the light novel that the curse only affects women it should have been stated in alphas explanation of sanctuary last episode unless it was skipped, kinda also why they hid the fact olivier is a woman

FreshxEli Tv

Lol NEXT EPISODE YOULL SEE WHY THEY GOT TF OUT OF THERE 😂😂😂😂 THAT will answer your questions haha

Jayden Holder

My guess is that Cid and shadow garden aren't villains nor heroes they just found their objectives and whatever happens after just happens

Drake Rage

They said last episode that only girls can "survive" the curse even though they still turn into blobs, but I guess the boys just straight up die from the curse so they don't experiment with them anymore.

Drake Rage

I don't think Cid was messing around this episode, he really couldn't pull the sword since the error messages came up and the witch confirmed that he couldn't after reading the messages. Also I think he was storing up energy since he said "wait a little bit if you want to escape" to the witch after he the failed attempt of pulling out the sword, and then they showed his hands glowing, that was probably another indication that he was saving/charging his magic. So he was trying to do his best to survive against Hero Olivier till he finished charging up, so no theatrics there.

Izaiah Sanchez


Devin B

If you look at the sword pulling scene he was actually pushing the sword down instead of pulling it out cause he was just waiting for the "chosen one" to pull it out. But yeah he actually was trying against Olivier.

Square Block

you guys are correct about his eye, he did in fact had it closed to gather magic, nice catch!

Drake Rage

The sword went inside but I interpreted it as a "lock mechanism" accompanied with error messages since he wasn't the "chosen one"? but yeah it could go either way unless it was specified in the novel? Also if he was really waiting for the chosen one then he wouldn't have put that much effort into it to the point of making cracks all over the sword, if he was just "acting" then there should have been no damage on the sword since he would be pretending to pull out the sword. Thinking about it, Cid has extremely good control over his abilities, both physical and magical right? There is no way he was pretending to pull it out and ended up almost breaking the sword, there should have been no damage on the sword if he was pretending.


you don't have to guess lol. The show states this multiple times

Drake Rage

I don't think he would damage the sword that much by just pretending to pull it out, he has showed many times how he uses very precise control of strength and magic in his fights, so all those cracks on the sword would not happen if he was just pretending while waiting for the "protagonist." I think he really tried to pull it out, and that is why the sword got so damaged and the machine locked the sword and made error messages since the sword was going to break and stuff, like "quit pulling on the sword you are not the chosen one, you are going to break it!" lol.


It's not a matter of think, he could pull it out but he chose to push it into the ground instead, he's just an idiot, don't overthink it

Drake Rage

It is a machine, if he shoved the sword into the ground then the machine will break, how does that make sense? Why would he shove it into the ground if he is leaving it for the protagonist to pull out? Unless the novel/author has clarified this, it only makes sense if the sword went inside as an extra security measure with its locking mechanism since he wasn't the chosen one, so the machine still works, for the "protagonist" to come and pull it out if that ever happens, but if he shoved the sword into the machine, then the machine would have broke. He simply tried to pull it out but it didn't let him, that is why the sword got damaged, lmao.

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

Yeah Cid been charging his magic in his eye since he realized he couldn’t freely use it in that space

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

So can someone confirm for me : all the shadow garden members were tested on like the kids in the memories ? When we first found Alpha she was a literal blob of meat

John Endaya (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-06 08:55:23 Cid suddenly saw a thousand futures and one of them was BLUELOCK. He thought it was pretty cool so he's like, "Fuck it, imma cop that."
2023-05-06 08:55:23 Cid suddenly saw a thousand futures and one of them was BLUELOCK. He thought it was pretty cool so he's like, "Fuck it, imma cop that."
2023-05-06 08:55:23 Cid suddenly saw a thousand futures and one of them was BLUELOCK. He thought it was pretty cool so he's like, "Fuck it, imma cop that."
2023-05-06 08:55:23 Cid suddenly saw a thousand futures and one of them was BLUELOCK. He thought it was pretty cool so he's like, "Fuck it, imma cop that."
2023-05-06 08:55:23 Cid suddenly saw a thousand futures and one of them was BLUELOCK. He thought it was pretty cool so he's like, "Fuck it, imma cop that."
2023-05-06 08:55:23 Cid suddenly saw a thousand futures and one of them was BLUELOCK. He thought it was pretty cool so he's like, "Fuck it, imma cop that."
2023-05-06 04:29:27 Cid suddenly saw a thousand futures and one of them was BLUELOCK. He thought it was pretty cool so he's like, "Fuck it, imma cop that."

Cid suddenly saw a thousand futures and one of them was BLUELOCK. He thought it was pretty cool so he's like, "Fuck it, imma cop that."


they were all possessed yes... were they all tested? no. Being possessed is something passed down to some and only affects females. Cid only saved the original 7. Other members were saved by different people of the 7

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

Okay. So when you say “tested” you mean like with the scientists in the memories? Also how they getting possessed in the first place if they weren’t tested on? Just by fate or sumn?

Jazzy Jinx

Nah. They're descendants of the original test subjects. At some point in their lives they become "possessed" and then turn into those blobs. Like the "disease" or whatever it is flares up at some point and then blob-ifies them. It can happen randomly.

Random Guy

To me it looked like he was pushing down rather than pulling thats why the ground broke. I think he doesn't pull it because he isn't the main character and only main characters can pull the broken sword.

Random Guy

@drake rage Just think of it as a computer. It's like pushing too hard on a USB port. When its busted, you will get an alert of your usb port not working or something. and the reason why the sword was cracking was because he was pushing down not pulling up. Since his sister got possessed, its safe to assume that he also has the blood of the heroes in him. And as you saw when the enemy arrived, he was waiting for the main character to pull out the sword.

Alex Campbell

When cid is talking about a conversation it means using their fighting skills to talk and that since she is just a puppet with no soul she can’t have the conversation


Lupa locs getting long asf lol great reaction


Ahhh they haven't realised it yet! Wonder what they'll think.


It's funny that you say that because they recently raised that to 16




Ah so that's why Isagi's aura looks like an irradiated fart. It's just Cid's nuclear powers


Delta can't be matched. She toooo damn sexy. Best waifu of the show


When cid was making up the shit about how only the chosen one can draw up the sword he was making a reference to the sword of escalibur story in the real world. It was just another one of his bullshit statements that coincidently matched up with the sword really only being able to be drawn by its descendent.


Delta a baddie. First time I saw her in the first episode I immediately knew he was my pick


no. thats not what happened. he was pushing the sword down. he could have pulled it out at any time but since hes a chunnibyo he wanted to follow the trope of only the chosen one call pull out the sword. thats why he said the protagonist would be showing up any moment based on the standard formula.


i already commented earlier but i really dont want you to get the wrong picture. it was all complete theatrics. cid can literally do ANYTHING he wants in that world. ANYTHING

Drake Rage

Yeah he does kinda seem like he pushed it down but I don't understand why he would pull or push it if he was just pretending.


@drake applying logic to Cid's actions will only lead you into a world of pain

Drake Rage

You are absolutely right, I have some huge issues with the finale of this season, just waiting till we get to the last episode to say how I feel about Cid, lol.


You have descendents and you have the cult actively taking and testing new girls as well. It's a mix of both. Because the Nelson at least knew about Alpha. Also the guys daughter from episode 2 was definitely tested on.


He is though. Demon possession only affects descendants of the heroes. It almost happened to Claire, hence the relation. The anime, imo, doesn't do a good job at showing this earlier in the story, but its pretty much spelled out for you if you read the novels.

Eric Keatts

Yea, thats the 'formula' he could read, not the magic formula Aurora was reading and referring too lol


The sword was actually going deeper in when he was trying to draw it. Though he probably could have broken the sword but that would be counterintuitive to opening the door.

Smurf 9892

he genuinely cant draw the sword only Oliver and the elves can. the sword was pushing itself further down. And when he said Formula he meant the story of Excalibur that only the true hero can draw the sword. Just by looking at the sword you can tell its an Excalibur reference

Random Guy

i tried to slow it down and it really looks like he is pushing down than pulling up.


actually this is wrong. cid could have easily pulled out the sword whenever he wanted to. he was actually pushing the sword down into the pedastol while fake trying to pull it out. the reason he didnt pull it out is because thats only something a main character in the story does and hes not a main character. everything for cid is about the show and how cool things are. it wouldnt be very cool if someone other than the main character of the story arc pulled the sword