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these children need to TALK lol



The biggest plot hole in anime is Hiratsuka-sensei being single, my god 😮‍💨

Akta mannen

The genuine scene always gets me man. Fucking beautiful


yo, just wanted to add my own personal take on what he means by genuine and what he means when he says "I want to understand, not understood." I definitely agree with ya'lls interpretation of it but I also believe it goes deeper than that. I think Hiki has always been an isolated person and has always wondered what it would be like to have that connection that others has. So when he says "I want to understand" I believe hes speaking to the fact that he wants to know what it feels like to a genuine connection with someone and a true relationship where they can be totally honest with each other.

Devin B (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-05 03:52:19 Imo you have to see things from both perspectives cause just as Hikigaya can't read the minds of others, others can't read his mind as well. All three of them do things without expressing their true feelings to one another and when they try to do things there is going to be misunderstandings along the way. To me being genuine is being able to fully express yourself to others without trying to hide anything but most human beings can't do that because we tend to hide a thing or two from others to protect their feelings and our own. It's a difficult task to be 100% straight up with someone.
2023-05-05 01:50:58 You have to see things from both perspectives cause just as Hikigaya can't read the minds of others, others can't read his mind as well. All three of them do things without expressing their true feelings/intent to one another and when they try to do things there is going to be misunderstandings along the way. To me being genuine is being able to fully express yourself to others without trying to hide anything but most human beings can't do that because we tend to hide a thing or two from others to protect their feelings and our own. It's a difficult task to be 100% straight up with someone.

You have to see things from both perspectives cause just as Hikigaya can't read the minds of others, others can't read his mind as well. All three of them do things without expressing their true feelings/intent to one another and when they try to do things there is going to be misunderstandings along the way. To me being genuine is being able to fully express yourself to others without trying to hide anything but most human beings can't do that because we tend to hide a thing or two from others to protect their feelings and our own. It's a difficult task to be 100% straight up with someone.

Reuben Filimaua (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-05 04:04:48 Here it comes. The essays, and here is mine. A LONG ONE. Buckle up boyss and girls 😂😂 Hachiman's desire for something genuine runs deep, as its a core thing to his character. From the beginning of the show his cynical, jaded and loner mentality always was a defense mechanism he built up from years of isolation, rejection and hurt. It was a form of protecting himself from further hurt, to the point that its become just the norms in his behavior to keep others at a distance and to view others with the preconceived assumption that people don't care about him and any sign of them showing ANY type of affection/attention is a facade that holds some ulterior motive. That's been the central conflict of Hachiman's character this entire show. Overcoming his clear self deception of people not caring about him, that he has no worth in people's eyes, that he is fine with being alone and despised... which in this episode is made straight up clear isn't true. He does care about people, he does want to help, he does cherish the relationship he has with Yukino and Yui. But changing will open himself up to get hurt again. So changing his methods, and changing how he deals with relationships is gonna be a difficult journey. Declaring his desire for something genuine at the end of the episode was such good shit. Its the first step to acknowledging that he DOES want a connection with people. For now, its just this relationship he has with Yukino and Yui. Also he's acknowledging that his reason for getting something genuine is selfish. He doesn't care about being understood by others, but he does care about understanding them. Cos as we've been told time and time again, his past traumas with people (especially female crushes) were caused due to misunderstandings such as mistaking their kindness as romantic interest. Its why he closed himself off from people. So what he wants is to understand Yukino and Yui. To have a genuine relationship without facades, half truths, white lies, vague words and actions. But in order to understand others will take time and effort from all parties. Its gonna take some good communication, self awareness of your actions, your feelings and thoughts. Communicating in a way that will be completely and truly understood by someone else all the time isn't easy at all. Practically impossible. Human psychology is complicated and often we make things unnecessarily complicated due to our own biases and conflicting emotions. So its gonna take a lot of time. That is the direction the story will be taking regarding Hachiman and his relationship with these girls from now on. Will they change? Is it possible they will fall back into old habits? There will always be strains and conflicts in relationships. Its all about how they deal with them moving forward.
2023-05-05 02:03:00 Here it comes. The essays, and here is mine. A LONG ONE. Buckle up boyss and girls 😂😂 Hachiman's desire for something genuine runs deep, as its a core thing to his character. From the beginning of the show his cynical, jaded and loner mentality always was a defense mechanism he built up from years of isolation, rejection and hurt. It was a form of protecting himself from further hurt, to the point that its become just the norms in his behavior to keep others at a distance and to view others with the preconceived assumption that people don't care about him and any sign of them showing ANY type of affection/attention is a facade that holds some ulterior motive. That's been the central conflict of Hachiman's character this entire show. Overcoming his clear self deception of people not caring about him, that he has no worth in people's eyes, that he is fine with being alone and despised... which in this episode is made straight up clear isn't true. He does care about people, he does want to help, he does cherish the relationship he has with Yukino and Yui. But changing will open himself up to get hurt again. So changing his methods, and changing how he deals with relationships is gonna be a difficult journey. Declaring his desire for something genuine at the end of the episode was such good shit. Its the first step to acknowledging that he DOES want a connection with people. For now, its just this relationship he has with Yukino and Yui. Also he's acknowledging that his reason for getting something genuine is selfish. He doesn't care about being understood by others, but he does care about understanding them. Cos as we've been told time and time again, his past traumas with people (especially female crushes) were caused due to misunderstandings such as mistaking their kindness as romantic interest. Its why he closed himself off from people. So what he wants is to understand Yukino and Yui. To have a genuine relationship without facades, half truths, white lies, vague words and actions. But in order to understand others will take time and effort from all parties. Its gonna take some good communication, self awareness of your actions, your feelings and thoughts. Communicating in a way that will be completely and truly understood by someone else all the time isn't easy at all. Practically impossible. Human psychology is complicated and often we make things unnecessarily complicated due to our own biases and conflicting emotions. So its gonna take a lot of time. That is the direction the story will be taking regarding Hachiman and his relationship with these girls from now on. Will they change? Is it possible they will fall back into old habits? Can they have something genuine? There will always be strains and conflicts in relationships. Its all about how they deal with them moving forward.

Here it comes. The essays, and here is mine. A LONG ONE. Buckle up boyss and girls 😂😂 Hachiman's desire for something genuine runs deep, as its a core thing to his character. From the beginning of the show his cynical, jaded and loner mentality always was a defense mechanism he built up from years of isolation, rejection and hurt. It was a form of protecting himself from further hurt, to the point that its become just the norms in his behavior to keep others at a distance and to view others with the preconceived assumption that people don't care about him and any sign of them showing ANY type of affection/attention is a facade that holds some ulterior motive. That's been the central conflict of Hachiman's character this entire show. Overcoming his clear self deception of people not caring about him, that he has no worth in people's eyes, that he is fine with being alone and despised... which in this episode is made straight up clear isn't true. He does care about people, he does want to help, he does cherish the relationship he has with Yukino and Yui. But changing will open himself up to get hurt again. So changing his methods, and changing how he deals with relationships is gonna be a difficult journey. Declaring his desire for something genuine at the end of the episode was such good shit. Its the first step to acknowledging that he DOES want a connection with people. For now, its just this relationship he has with Yukino and Yui. Also he's acknowledging that his reason for getting something genuine is selfish. He doesn't care about being understood by others, but he does care about understanding them. Cos as we've been told time and time again, his past traumas with people (especially female crushes) were caused due to misunderstandings such as mistaking their kindness as romantic interest. Its why he closed himself off from people. So what he wants is to understand Yukino and Yui. To have a genuine relationship without facades, half truths, white lies, vague words and actions. But in order to understand others will take time and effort from all parties. Its gonna take some good communication, self awareness of your actions, your feelings and thoughts. Communicating in a way that will be completely and truly understood by someone else all the time isn't easy at all. Practically impossible. Human psychology is complicated and often we make things unnecessarily complicated due to our own biases and conflicting emotions. So its gonna take a lot of time. That is the direction the story will be taking regarding Hachiman and his relationship with these girls from now on. Will they change? Is it possible they will fall back into old habits? Can they have something genuine? There will always be strains and conflicts in relationships. Its all about how they deal with them moving forward.


literally the main problem is that they’re not being real with each other. it’s like one of those group projects you have in school where one person is the one who reaches out to talk (yui) and then u have the two who just don’t wanna talk (hikki and yuki). i respect hikki’s patience with yuki because honestly i woulda just forgot about her atp. but yea at the same time he also continues to grow out of his shell and learn more about others so i guess he’s also in the wrong too. i can already smell someone typing an essay saying that i’m wrong lmao.

blue snivy

emotional intelligence is a hard thing man

Devin reid

Throw all these high schoolers in the trash fam

Devin reid

Komi communicates better than these kids bro I’m sick lol I can’t stop watching the meltdowns

Tuny kun

I still to this day have never been able to watch the genuine scene from start to end without pausing, turning it off, or skipping. shits too raw and uncomfortable for me.


The essays for this episode gonna be crazy 😭


Cause she's the best woman of the series.

Jose silva

He basically always tries to read in between the lies he can't actually believe what others are saying he always believes there is an ulterior motive to what their telling him. Thats why he says he wnats something genuine not lie or a facade, Great reaction guys


I get that completely but thats why I like this show lol

Cameron Robinson

My kind of reading is that Hikki never wanted to be a loner and never enjoyed it. He was just alone in middle school and couldn’t make any connections, and eventually convinced himself that this is who he was as kind of a shield so that he wouldn’t be hurt anymore by being alone. Being around Yui and Yuki and their job has “forced” to break his loner life by interacting with people and that has made him realize that he does like to be around people. He wants to understand them and he wants to build a genuine relationship with someone and at the moment it is Yuki and Yui.

Devin B

I feel the same way cause it's somewhat awkward but because we got to know these characters it's hard not to their development

Devin B

Now that he knows what he wants out of life the next step he has to get to is understanding how to be genuine with others cause like you said he never made any genuine connections with anyone so for him to want one is going to be a hard task for him, especially cause Yukino and Yui are somewhat in the same boat when it comes to understanding what being genuine is.


Teacher is best girl

olle spengler

this shows really good, but something that brings it down, is that i just cant take it fully seriously, like they are making it seem so hard to be friends, like jesus, its like the dudes brainstorming nonsense, but about friendship


Hikki wasn't brainstorming about his friendship. He's brainstorming about his current situation and way of doing things. He's asking himself if he really doesn't care about sacrificing himself for everything every time.