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that ending was All of Us Are Dead level


Alfredo (edited)

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2023-05-02 23:44:16 I wonder if some of the writers worked on All of Us Are Dead. This show has that same vibe. So far I'm still giving best manga adaptation to Alice in Borderland.
2023-05-02 21:40:32 I wonder if some of these writers worked on All of Us Are Dead. This show gives off that same vibe with these dumbass characters, I'm just waiting for Gwi-nam's cameo. So far I'm still giving best Netflix adaptation to Alice in Borderland.

I wonder if some of these writers worked on All of Us Are Dead. This show gives off that same vibe with these dumbass characters, I'm just waiting for Gwi-nam's cameo. So far I'm still giving best Netflix adaptation to Alice in Borderland.

Barbara Mcfadden

Lol I’m not done watching yet but Roshi’s thinking/confused face is so funny 😭 I will say most people I’ve seen react to this show, they always have this reaction when they watch the first couple of episodes…

Terry King Jr

All aboard the Snowfall Train chooooo chooooo


sheera what made you come to the conclusion that the "priest guy" is a pedo? That was so random lol.


As far I’m aware no it’s not the same writer. The director I know did a kdrama called Goblin. Which is a iconic kdrama


Only watching this because they are reacting to it. 😂


I agree about not allowing the woman to go rescue her daughter . I kinda I understand why he didn’t let her go though. After the last time they opened the shutters and the monster with the long tongue came in . I don’t think he wanted to risk doing it again by opening it back up again


They're talking about the guy who was tortured. Pretty sure it's because they saw what they think is a picture of a priest in the apartment that the guy was duct taped and being turtored in by 'wesker' guy. They're sus of him because he was being torture then lied and said that he was just taped up by a burglar when he was saved, then also said that the dead guy they'd found was dead for more than a week which they also thought was sus because how would he know. They're wondering if the reason the wesker guy was targeting him is because he's a pedo. The dude's super sus and she's trying to figure out what his deal is. I don't think it's that random to assume the reason someone was targeted and full on tortured, then lied about how he got that way when save is maybe being targeted for being a pedo. I can see why they thought he might be a priest in the picture because it looks like he's wearing a preist collar in the blurry photo they're refrencing. Idk if you think they're talking about the really religious dude with the sword, which would make it a weird conclusion, but they're talking about the sus tortured dude wesker's been targetting.


Bro we in the apocalypse and this nigga talking about bring money nigga it’s a zombie apocalypse or some shit tf you gonna do with money bro huh plz tell me you can literally go somewhere and take what you want who tf gonna stop you the cops LMAO


I like how Lupa was in denial about the Imagine Dragons! Lol


I love Roshi and Crew but the Horror genre seriously ain't for them. I honestly don't know how Roshi does it man, after like 5 minutes sitting next to Sheera i'd be like "Dayum can you please stop screaming in my ear at the fictional characters on the TV, no matter how loud you get they ain't going to hear you" Definitely having flash backs to why I had to stop watching their All of us are Dead reactions. Don't get me wrong Sheera is great, love her reactions and she's super funny but when it comes to horror she gets into this Super Saiyan level of Know-It-All mode to the point for me personally she just becomes unbearable and unwatchable. Not trying to throw shade or say "unsubscirbed" just that I think i'm gonna have to pass on these reactions ✌🏻Peace✌🏻 💓Love💓 ✊🏻Respect✊🏻

Samuel XK

Exactly. This show is so bad, that they making fun of it will be the better experience.

Aniki Pft

I think it's definitely frustrating sometimes yeah. I love Sheera, but shows like these are incredibly hard to watch when "I would do this" or "why won't they do this?" Like I get it because we all subconsciously do it, but it can be excessive sometimes. It's like when people get mad at villains for taking so long to kill a character or a even the protag; it's for dramatic effect. As for the screaming it's whatever to me.


first time i ever heard sheera say the n world lmaoo


@Dyastro I certainly can't argue against that lol but Sheera to me just goes that extra mile and almost becomes borderline smug when a character doesn't do exactly what she's screaming at the tv for them to do. Again, it's not a huge deal, it's nothing to insult over, maybe it's just my own personal pet peeves but when it comes to Horror there's just something about Sheeras reactions that rub me the wrong way and can't really watch.

Barbara Mcfadden

Came back to say I need y’all to watch Duty After School to clown some more people…


The thing I don't get is, the two dudes holding her back at the end planned on bailing as well. Why hold her back, all three should have just dipped.

Reckless Company

Thats not Boose juice that's Im Triggered juice lol, also sheera was like bet im opening the shutter everyday is hilarious

Aniki Pft

Yeah I definitely understand you. I'm just grateful you were respectful about it. It's usually best to either tune it out or just drop the reaction like I did for All of us are dead.

cami ً (edited)

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2023-05-03 01:46:36 I felt this way when I watched the show for the first time, and I still feel the same rewatching it with you guys, but I think they were too greedy when making the show... It's almost like the directors wanted to add a bunch of action scenes to grab people's attention but ended up cutting a lot of important material from the webtoon so the show feels rushed and weirdly paced :/ I wouldn't call it a bad show but I wouldn't call it a good show either though I gotta say watching it with you guys makes it more entertaining lol
2023-05-02 23:33:00 I think they were too greedy when making the show... It's almost like the directors wanted to add a bunch of action scenes to grab people's attention but ended up cutting a lot of important material from the webtoon so the show feels rushed and weirdly paced :/ I wouldn't call it a bad show but I wouldn't call it a good show either though I gotta say watching it with you guys makes it more entertaining lol

I think they were too greedy when making the show... It's almost like the directors wanted to add a bunch of action scenes to grab people's attention but ended up cutting a lot of important material from the webtoon so the show feels rushed and weirdly paced :/ I wouldn't call it a bad show but I wouldn't call it a good show either though I gotta say watching it with you guys makes it more entertaining lol

Reckless Company

its unfortunate all of us are dead started out great but towards the last 3 episodes the writing took a dive lol

Asad Khabir (edited)

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2023-05-03 01:46:36 I love when Roshi and the gang react to a good show. But I love it even more when they react to a shit show. They somehow make it entertaining
2023-05-02 23:46:11 I love when Roshi and the gang react to a good show. But I love it even more when they react to a shit show. They somehow make it entertaining

I love when Roshi and the gang react to a good show. But I love it even more when they react to a shit show. They somehow make it entertaining


It got bad for me way before that, the show could've been really good too. They just made the character's do too much braindead shit. I get not thinking straight in a time of crisis, but when you have multiple downtimes to think and plan, and still do dumb shit, I just lose all viewer engagement.

Alex Omega

These reactions to this show are TOP TIER. Keep it up!!!


I know we’re getting it but SNOWFALL REALLY LOST TO THIS SHIT😂😂

Big Daddy Dre (edited)

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2023-05-03 02:08:55 That big ass zombie reminds me of the tanks from left 4 dead niggas use to randomly come out the cut😂
2023-05-03 00:07:11 Sheera just be talking like they didn’t just see what happened that bitch would’ve been dead along with her daughter instead of bro 🤦🏾‍♂️😐

Sheera just be talking like they didn’t just see what happened that bitch would’ve been dead along with her daughter instead of bro 🤦🏾‍♂️😐

sotonye ogan

Whole ass Abomination lol. Man I miss all of us are dead reactions you guys should be watching more ass shows like this .

Aniki Pft

As I'm watching this again I felt the exact same way about the show as before. Everything feels so wonky and misplaced, some of the writing isn't it, some of the characters make really fucking stupid decisions, and you have literally no reason to care about any of the characters besides the children. This is absolutely no hate to the show or the people that enjoy it and I hope they're enjoying the reactions, it's just sadly disappointing that it won over snowfall. I guess the one true thing I hate about Sweet Home is the fucking imagine dragons song that plays EVERY episode.


I’m not gonna lie, the lady that keeps trying to go outside I would’ve threw her ass out and shut the gate behind her because she keeps putting everybody in danger with that nonsense.

Xaiver Craig

Day 3: Respectfully requesting a trio movie reaction for Scott Pilgrim vs. The world

Big Daddy Dre

I feel ya like she mad at what happened but there was no way she was gonna make it to her daughter and come back cuz that thing killed bro the second he reached his hand out to help also this bitch was screaming 10 feet away from the monster wtf sheera think was gonna happen 🤦🏾‍♂️

Asad Khabir (edited)

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2023-05-03 03:11:39 I forgot how stupid that last scene was. Like why are you holding back the mother. She is a liability. If she dies then good. If she rescues her daughter then that's good too because at least she can stop bitching then. Also wtf did the daughter slip on!? Air!?
2023-05-03 00:59:03 I forgot how stupid that last scene was. Like why are you holding back the mother. She is a liability. If she dies then good. If she rescues her daughter then that's good too because at least she can stop bitching then. Also wtf did the daughter slip on!? Air!?

I forgot how stupid that last scene was. Like why are you holding back the mother. She is a liability. If she dies then good. If she rescues her daughter then that's good too because at least she can stop bitching then. Also wtf did the daughter slip on!? Air!?

Asad Khabir (edited)

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2023-05-03 03:11:35 Also I missed out why is Sheera saying she is going to open the shutter at the end. Why she become the opp 💀
2023-05-03 01:01:10 Also I missed out why is Sheera saying she is going to open the shutter at the end. Why she become the opp 💀

Also I missed out why is Sheera saying she is going to open the shutter at the end. Why she become the opp 💀

Asad Khabir (edited)

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2023-05-03 03:11:35 Also I hate the trip while running trope. Like how many times have you guys seen someone trip over even while running
2023-05-03 01:06:22 Also I hate the trip while running trope. Like how many times have you guys seen someone trip over even while running

Also I hate the trip while running trope. Like how many times have you guys seen someone trip over even while running

Art of Trolling

Bro. This show is a circus. Sheera went on demon time at the end. I don't think i've ever heard nigga come out her mouth.


I've seen it happen quite a lot actually. But yeah that trope is something I hate too.


They could've at least let the mom run to her daughter. If mfs hold me back while my kid gets violated, you better do like Gandalf and sleep with both eyes open, cause I'm turning that bitch into a slaughterhouse.

Erica Collins

I feel like the only excuse for tripping while running is if it's a little kid, pre teen, or an old person. As a whole teen or adult WHY are you tripping over NOTHING. You get scared and all of a sudden your feet don't work? Please 😭😭

mario lopez

i mean she was out there hungry and thirsty plus scared to hell. like knees weak, arms are heavy lol

Austin S

Sheera's just frustrated guys 😭😭 and she's tryna express that, but I feel ya ngl here I just find it hilarious cause I'm watching it light heartedly for the jokes, but sometimes she starts almost irrationally shitting on characters and I'm like damn yo let em live 😭, but yeah 🤷🏾‍♂️ once you can get beyond that I promise the rest of the reaction is enjoyable. been awhile since I watched all of us are dead but I remember enjoying the reactions, and being heated at a particular selfish ass character as well, ofc I wasnt screaming at them but to each their own


Bro yall three way better then me the first thing I thought at the end was goddamn is it a good thing nobody went out lol, if the one monster was hiding there then there could've well been more so that girl was dead anyway. Though you right they should've let momma die too


To be fair the daughter was already gonna die anyways, the monster was hiding in the concrete pipes in front of the building the military guy just got clapped as well

Drake Rage (edited)

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2023-05-03 05:06:54 I am not sure duct taping a wound is a good decision, when he takes it off it is literally going to rip off his skin and create new wounds, lmao.
2023-05-03 03:06:39 I am not sure duct taping a wound is a good decision, when he takes it off it is literally going to rip off his skin and create new wounds, lmao. Sheera: What else is he supposed to do? You put some clean cloth or cotton there and then tape it, not tape it directly on your wounds, lmao. By the way the dude's sister is the ballerina, the one in the webs was the firefighter.

I am not sure duct taping a wound is a good decision, when he takes it off it is literally going to rip off his skin and create new wounds, lmao. Sheera: What else is he supposed to do? You put some clean cloth or cotton there and then tape it, not tape it directly on your wounds, lmao. By the way the dude's sister is the ballerina, the one in the webs was the firefighter.

Kisuke01 (edited)

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2023-05-03 05:15:09 I hate that these shows are reminding me of The Boondocks I immediately thought of Obama's speech during the Fried Chicken Flu episode when the were all sitting there waiting for the government to help them
2023-05-03 03:10:26 I hate that these shows are reminding me of The Boondocks I immediately thought of Obama's speech during the Fried Chicken Flu episode when they were all sitting there waiting for the government to help them

I hate that these shows are reminding me of The Boondocks I immediately thought of Obama's speech during the Fried Chicken Flu episode when they were all sitting there waiting for the government to help them


The writing on this show is so bad lmao


Apocalypse 101 : never trust the government or military ever. 😂

Ryan Ott

Can’t tell if people who voted for this show actually thought it was good or they just wanted to see the three get frustrated with it’s stupidity 😂


Yeah it did. Thought you knew how polls work.

Shay Peart

I think am gonna call it here I tried to push through it, but this is terrible who even put this on the list.... not the mention the CGI I keep laughing brah cause what the hell is all that


At least All of Us Are Dead a few likeable characters. I don't think there's a single solid character in this one so far lmao


At the end of the day you have to realize this is a HONEST REACTION you might not watch this the same way that they do. Also Sheera is his WIFE so I’m sure he understands her feelings on these situations. I really enjoy these reactions because they are so vocal, passionate and invested into what they are watching. For you to say that the “horror genre is not for them” is weird because everyone experiences it in different ways. Some people come at it with logical thinking points and then they speak it out and some people shut their brain off and let it ride. I say this with respect if you don’t like the way they react to things just don’t watch maybe this content is not for you.

Lamaree Jackson

Correction everyone: Snowfall *AND Barry lost to this. But hey, only seven more episodes. It’s short guys. Best justification to watch a show ever. Good thing this shit ain’t made here cause I’d hate to see the quality during a writing strike. Oof… Lost flashbacks…. So many shortened seasoned….Vietnam…

The GoDKing 27

Actually I wish this was animated like an anime


Ong I actually shook it had to be trolls that requested for this shit


These guys reactions are the only thing good about this show pure comedy 🤣

Danger Tomato

Yeah but then youd think barry would be next cuz snowfall is gonna take months


The daughter was absolutely being used as bait by the blood sucking monster which is terrifying if you're the people in that building because it's an intelligent monster. So the mom has no right to sabotage them tbh because her daughter was already as good as dead, and they saved the mom's life. With that said, I personally would have let her leave and shut the gate, and if they make it they make it, if not, oh well.


I think the monster that killed the girl was hiding. whoever was going to go outside was dying anyway and they should of just let the mom out and close the gate after her


Nah that monster was using the daughter as bait. He wanted that 2 for one special


This garbage does make for some hilarious reactions.

Delinda Arts

man i gave this show about 2 minutes and i checked out lmao


Everyone who voted for it likely only read the webtoon and never watched the netflix adaptation, so they thought it would be good

Hasnain Khan


AOArlert (edited)

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2023-12-08 00:47:27 The discussion they had at the end is a perfect example of why the characters were dumb asl for forcing her to stay back. If I saw my family member close to safety and y’all held me back I’m being salty and petty asl until I die. She was nothing but a liabilty. Off chance she saves the kid then great, if she doesn’t then one less person to worry about
2023-05-03 19:04:37 The discussion they had at the end is a perfect example of why the characters were dumb asl for forcing her to stay back. If I saw my family member close to safety and y’all held me back I’m being salty and petty asl until I die. She was nothing but a liabilty. Off chance she saves the kid then great, if she doesn’t then one less person to worry about

The discussion they had at the end is a perfect example of why the characters were dumb asl for forcing her to stay back. If I saw my family member close to safety and y’all held me back I’m being salty and petty asl until I die. She was nothing but a liabilty. Off chance she saves the kid then great, if she doesn’t then one less person to worry about

MoonChild88 (edited)

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2023-05-03 22:10:58 🗑️
2023-05-03 19:37:41 🗑️


Don Keedick

Yeah.. be prepared to hear the same Imagine Dragons track multiple times an episode for the rest of the series.

Tsunami Wave

Not like they knew that beforehand, nor is it readily apparent that it's a trap. As far as she and everyone else knows they were just too late getting her.

Tsunami Wave

It should have been. That hallway scene with the big monster wasn't nearly as detailed as it was in the original manwha.

Drake Rage

The scene where the dude started praying with his katana before getting the monster to jump out the window was epic, but it woulda been at least 10x more epic in anime format for sure.


This is why choose sweet home even tho it’s trash I knew the reactions would be mad funny

Mr. K

I was waiting for this comment, she was super pissed lol


People really be forgetting that people infected turn into monsters? yeah let the mom run out and and chance her turning into god knows what to risk becoming an danger for the whole group. To be honest, it would of be safer to just kill the mother there if she was a liability, because letting her go is another huge liability aswell.

Asad Khabir (edited)

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2023-12-08 00:47:27 But people don't get infected tho..... You do realize there is no such thing as infection in this series right?
2023-05-05 14:52:54 But people don't get infected tho..... You do realize there is no such thing as infection in this series right?

But people don't get infected tho..... You do realize there is no such thing as infection in this series right?


The characters don't know this, they make multiple references to being infected or someone else being infected.

Asad Khabir (edited)

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2023-12-08 00:47:27 Mate there are like 10,000 monsters outside. I highly doubt the one thing that was going though there mind was 'Oh boy wouldn't want another one.' Also they know that if you are killed by the monster you are not reanimated as a monster. They have a body lying in the lobby. And they know that the monsters go for the kill. What reason would they have for believing that she would survive long enough to be infected
2023-05-05 15:00:45 Mate there are like 10,000 monsters outside. I highly doubt the one thing that was going though there mind was 'Oh boy wouldn't want another one.' Also they know that if you are killed by the monster you are not reanimated as a monster. They have a body lying in the lobby. And they know that the monsters go for the kill. What reason would they have for believing that she would survive long enough to be infected

Mate there are like 10,000 monsters outside. I highly doubt the one thing that was going though there mind was 'Oh boy wouldn't want another one.' Also they know that if you are killed by the monster you are not reanimated as a monster. They have a body lying in the lobby. And they know that the monsters go for the kill. What reason would they have for believing that she would survive long enough to be infected


What reason would that have to believe she would not turn into one? Assuming all the monsters they have seen have been completely different and are still in the dark on how they are made, you just going to chance it?

Asad Khabir (edited)

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2023-12-08 00:47:27 Because she would be dead and dead people dont turn into monsters
2023-05-05 15:20:51 Because she would be dead and dead people dont turn into monsters

Because she would be dead and dead people dont turn into monsters


another assumption, why would you assume all the monsters would go for the kill? when every single one you have seen has been completely different. Plus y'know spider monster didn't kill right away.

Asad Khabir (edited)

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2023-12-08 00:47:27 Because that's literally what they have shown to do. But that's not the point. If you need to dig that deep and try to rationalization a piece of writing then it's probably bad writing. The real reason that they stopped the mother from going outside is to pad the runtime and create artifical tension. This never happens in the Webtoon and is such a stupid plot point.
2023-05-05 16:05:31 Because that's literally what they have shown to do. But that's not the point. If you need to dig that deep and try to rationalization a piece of writing then it's probably bad writing. The real reason that they stopped the mother from going outside is to pad the runtime and create artifical tension. This never happens in the Webtoon and is such a stupid plot point.

Because that's literally what they have shown to do. But that's not the point. If you need to dig that deep and try to rationalization a piece of writing then it's probably bad writing. The real reason that they stopped the mother from going outside is to pad the runtime and create artifical tension. This never happens in the Webtoon and is such a stupid plot point.


Or people just know if sweet home more I've heard of snowfall but that's all I knew nothing on the poll except sweet home


Lol so I actually went ahead and read sweet home on Webtoon because of all the votes it got annnddddd it’s actually fire…but this show adaptation is not it lol shame.


there was no sooner. that thing was camping there.

stanley drury anderson jr (edited)

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2023-05-07 15:16:06 Snowfall broing Ngl
2023-05-07 13:15:57 Snowfall boring Ngl

Snowfall boring Ngl


tbh i enjoyed the show the songs are good too but got overused


Let sheera Cook😭🙏

Me Me

It’s mostly because sweet home was really popular when it came out and after squid games people rediscovered it cause it was also a kdrama, surprisingly a lot of people like this show

naomi obi

i mean in fairness the monster was hiding there, it didn't come from elsewhere. it's better to be careful


of course a nigga named Stanley would say something like this


This shit is way to "anime" for me. I find it so cringe AF with that glasses guy. He acts way to fucking anime and its just pathetically cringe.


Nah man they ruined it with the overused Imagine dragons soundtrack I love the band but come on…😂


Is it just me or are they overusing the ever holy fuck out of the Imagine Dragons Song??? It was surprising and somewhat cool the first time but dude this was the third time 😂


Ikr but don’t get me wrong i love Imagine dragons music but come on they are overusing the same damn song like crazy…im like chill 🤣
