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everytime someone appears to be HIM bad things happen


Devin B

Most of these Asaemon are really on some Fresh and Fit time


Bro wtf this big ass nigga running around the island killing everybody they should not of let that nigga out his cell 😭


The real question is, who in the HELL was able to capture that big ass nigga in the first place


Now that I think about it you right who tf caught this nigga lmao

Art of Trolling

It is fucked up but im pretty sure in that time period thats all those dudes knew. Women stay home and have kids, while the men go and fight.

Fernando Perez

The thing is, not every dude in the show acts like that. Gabimaru and the glasses dude never said anything about women. Even the one Asaemon who we saw dead on the ship only talked about her individual weakness, not her weakness as a woman. So Im not sure I buy the “that’s just what everyone believed back then” argument.

Devin B

I'm really under the impression he's there by choice cause if he can get the elixir then he would be an unkillable monster that lives forever


Zoomers when they find out People 1000 years ago didnt think the way they do now. O.O

Desert Penguin

Yea why the hell that big guy get allowed in for this pardon program wtf

Jalen Holmes

If I'm not wrong, Sanka said the villagers died because he brought the samurai there. She said that she can help lead them down the mountain but the samurai lied and said let us rest in your village first. Then the samurai killed the villagers

Uly A O

I can't wait once Sagiri gets a grip on her determination. She has always been one of my favorite characters in the manga/show. She turns up. Her mental strength stat raises once that happens.

Erica Collins

Another real question is why TF wasn't the person who caught him assigned to guard him??? 😭

m m

But that is legit how people used to think...


how you let a nigga that big sneak up behind u like you aint hear him or see his big ass shadow creeping up


Ya'll gatta remember this is like the Edo period, dude that got his house cut down was probably royalty of something high up the ladder

Oh, That's Wild

Red-haired Asaemon, Genji, her father, and basically all of society was saying the same thing lol. I guess that doesn't say anything about most people believing it. Only reason glasses dude hasn't said anything is because he has had like, 2 minutes of screentime and Gabimaru isn't normal.


I don't understand why that bro tried killing her like that like what bro


crazy how this mf just casually snatched his ribs lmfaooo

Fernando Perez

@NecDW4 I mean, I don’t think anyone’s criticizing the show or the characters’ writing. It obviously makes sense that there’s people with that mindset in that time period. Doesn’t mean you can’t comment on it being fucked up.


@Fernandez not everyone thinks the same but it was a norm. MAJORITY thought that but not every single one. Most likely the older ones too. Theres always exceptions to the rule but it was like that. Its like how the saying "Women and children first" came to be when it comes to who to save first. The children first for their innocence and they are the future, and then the women who can give birth to them. Men were considered a latter priority. That was how chivalry worked. Ofc it does portray the idea of sexism or strict adherence to gender roles which are taboo nowadays. But its not considered sexist if women are given a priority for rescuing because...well it benefits them. Its only sexist if its a bad thing. The unfortunate truth of it all is that the so-called gender equality that many preach can never be a thing. Men and women each play a different role in our society regardless of what many WANT to believe. How many women do you see applying for hard labor such as construction? Sewer? Soldiers? All these jobs are typically reserved for men who are more physically able to do so and their lives are on the line. Im not saying that all a women needs to do is cook and do housework dont get me wrong. If anything, a housewife is unproductive for both sides. Housewives tend to have no motivation due to staying at home all the time and end up being bored or having a midlife crisis (applies to house-husbands too). But there are always roles one gender can do better than the other. IMO a women are better at nurturing children due to their motherly and caring nature. Not to say a father cant do the same thing but usually a single mother > single father. Having both parents is obviously the best option, im just speaking hypotheticals. And this isnt absolute as individuals differ but im just generalizing. For the best financial scenario, whoever earns more should be the breadwinner lol but overall a mother is better at taking care of children. The only thing I can think of that is truly "unequal" is the concept of unequal wages of how women may be paid less than a man in a similar job. Although there are arguments that say most women dont have the ambition to argue/compete for a higher salary, idk how reliable that is so I cant say much about that. So in the end, the takeaway is that gender roles will always exist and isnt "wrong" but forcing someone to be in that role is incorrect. If a women wishes to be a soldier then thats her choice. Do I personally think its the best choice? No, but thats not my decision to make. Sagiri clearly has the skills to be the best but lacks experience and the mindset. In all honesty, it has nothing to do with being a woman and more to do to the fact shes rly young (and no Gabimaru is an exception since hes been fighting all his life against actual opponents).

Erica Collins

Alright ima need Sagiri to show us that she's a problem by getting justice for Eizen next ep because right now everyone is kinda speaking facts that this job isn't for her. (not that she should be in the kitchen or bear children but just do anything other than be an asaemon) She even said herself that she's weak and inexperienced but she took Genji's sword in the blink of an eye AND Gabimaru felt that she could actually execute him back at the prison so I think her biggest issue is fear


The misogynists in this series are the epitome of Talk Shit Get Hit and I'm here for it.


Genji was acting so stupid lol. Suggesting she should leave wouldn't even be a problem (she was clearly flustered) but if she wanna stay then you shouldn't even say nah. That is HER criminal. Then bro went full misogynist for no reason lol and started arguing and yeah he did seem serious lol


someone gotta link me roshis shirt


Bear nigga: gimme them ribs boy

Mervyn Larrier

So just to clarify, she was capping about having a sister and all that shit. She just doesn't wanna die lol

Xaiver Craig

Day 2: Humbly Requesting a Trio movie reaction for Scott Pilgrim vs. The World


He did get clapped but I'm pretty sure he also protected her and pushed her out the way lol


he wasnt aiming for her, its clearer in the manga, basically just trying to show her whose boss,


I laughed so hard when dudes ribs got slapped off

Tsunami Wave

That's the SECOND time an Asaemon told Sagiri to go "live as a woman" and got clapped by Rokurouta!


Genji gettin a whole lot of hate (admittedly he deserves it for the misogynistic comments) but some of what he was sayin was facts. She hasn't done much other than pass out since they arrived. Plus despite all he said, his literal last move was to push her out of the way of certain death. He's a douche but not a bad guy imo


Am I to believe that the Giant snuck up on them just as quickly as she stole the guys weapon, if not faster? Damn that's crazy...


McDonalds has announced the new Genji McRib lmao


Man this episode was slow but episode 3 was too fast. We learned about the Nurugai the Sanka's backstory and then Rokurota shows up.

Zachary Shepard

In the manga, it’s confirmed that Sagiri is one of the series strongest fighters. However when she feels insecure ( mostly around her family) she’s too much in her own head to perform properly. In single combat or fueled by conviction she is a total beast, as proven by her sword snatching from that guy.( that scene is hilarious btw.)


So this big ass nigga is super stong, SUPER FAST, and stealthy???? WTF who's pardoning this man????


I love how sheera is complaning about the details on the monster lol

Joey Zero

Maybe it's just me, but I always try to understand people's mentality, by first understanding the time period. A women's duty at that time was to take of care of the family and home, especially those in high houses. 99.9999% of women were like this, so it's unconventional when one decides to not live by those standards. They are being misogynistic, but it's not without reason. As far as her being a samurai. It's not much different than today. Many people do not want women in active combat because they are not as physically strong as men, making it dangerous. Would you rather fight next to a 200 lbs man or a 130 lbs women? One of them is able to carry you to safety much easier than the other.


yo roshi where did you get that t-shirt shit is fire

William Morris

I mean yeah he wanted her to go home and live, but the only problem is he wanted her to go home and live because she was a woman. Good heart shit mindset

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

Nah yo this Big Show ass mf just teleports behind Gengi (idk that samurai dude name fr I think it’s Gengi) UNDETECTED? Shawty is literally staring straight at bro and ain’t see his Bigfoot ahh? what are we doing here??!!😭😭😭😭😭😭


in real life sure but in this world everyone is superhuman. she is here for a reason and the shogun chose her its not his place to question the shoguns choice

Leandro Da Silva

How u gon let this Mf sneak up on you 😭


Dude is dead, he's missing everything between his ribs and his waist. His liver, stomach and intestines are gone so he'll bleed out in seconds. Giant is somehow silent and not giving off a killing vibe for everyone else to detect?

Sy'mon Almeida

Japan Culture is very Misogynistic, more than any country, I think this show is some type of critique of that.


This is why y'all got to understand that the whole "Product of my environment" thing holds true. He was straight up just stating how the world works, he never even really insulted her, he was just saying that Men and Women have different roles in their society. Hell from what we've seen from her so far, he's right. They've been there for 1 day and homegirl had to be rescued at least 5 times. Take away her plot armor and she would already be dead.


Though he is being misogynistic, its easy to say that when your living in modern times, in his environment and time period the job of taking care of the house and watching the children was the task of the women of the house (For better or worse), is what he saying rude? yes, but can you understand why he the way he is? Also yes


Didn't they say that the asaemon that succeeded in bringing back the elixir would be next head of the clan? Probably why bro was trying mad hard to dissuade her (besides the misogyny).

Oh Alone

That giant must be feminist


Rokurota be like: "Misogyny detected. Initiating Elimination Mode"


No that's just a rumor, it's never 100% confirmed by the higher up older ppl in the Clan (i.e the current Clan administration + Head). I suppose it's not without a logical basis however, given how big of a boon this would be for the Shogun, ergo more Honor to the Yamada Clan as a collective if it succeeds, and surviving this shit would prove your combat skills + leadership skills


Also he's not wrong. Sagiri better start fuck shit up or fuck off w/ her freezing ass


Roshi! What drink were you drinking??? 😂

Emman Reed

I really enjoyed this reaction!

承恩 劉

How did nobody see that dude?

Hasnain Khan


Jayden Holder

Can someone give me an idea of wat practical strength is by looking it up, Google being dumb, I hate it when it gives me different answers


So I think since Nurugai didn't know about this whole Emishi thing (which seems to be a term the shogunate used to refer to those who intentionally hid themselves to avoid being under the shogunate rule), he unknowingly led them back to the village, leading to them all being killed. Seems like he's putting that weight all on himself

Reckless Company

I need the backstory of how they caught this big nigga and kept him in jail like how he sneak up on them lol

Randle Dandle

It means a capable strength but not necessarily a consistent or confident strength. strength that can unbalanced by self doubt or downright bad luck.


The literal no reaction to the Sanka being massacred and the role played by her in it was crazy. Then I realized y'all didn't even register any of it lmfao 12:30


roshi just discovering why tentacles are often used in hentai lmao


Nurugai didn’t set them up on purpose. She was trying to give them a place to rest because they were tired, not knowing they were looking to execute her village.

Earphone Jack

Roshi’s reaction at the end of the episode was hilarious. 🤣

Kevin Brown

Anyone notice the instant character development with Genji? He pushed Sagiri away from that all mighty bitch slap and saved her immediately after trying to end her. He went from "I'm gonna have to put this woman in her place," one second, to "this bitch gotta die" the next, onto saving her from a damn good reason as to why the kitchen ain't so bad and proving himself right. Growth lmao.


that big dude is being twitter in that world rn, cancelling out all these sexist characters lol


Bro came out of nowhere and karate chopped a chuck of meat out of that guy


Bruh I saw that chunk of meat and I felt pain in my side. That shit happened way to fast.


bro wanted ribs for dinner

Ace The FireDragon

do they not realize this is literally how women were treated in those times? Them folk literally didnt give af.


I like that blond samurai. I always enjoy characters who are part of the "evil" side but chose to do the right thing at their own risk! It always bugged me how the bad guys always find homogenously evil people.


the anime said "your gonna be a misogynist? ok, perish then