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sorry for the mishap!



Happens to the best of us 🙏

Devin B (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-28 05:50:37 Iroha did try to turn the request at first but the teacher basically made her and the student council take part in the event so you can't blame her too much. Plus Hikigaya pretty much gaslit her into assuming the role of student council president so he feels responsible for helping her without bringing the others into it.
2023-04-28 03:34:06 Iroha did try to turn down the request at first but the teacher basically made her and the student council take part in the event so you can't blame her too much. Plus Hikigaya pretty much gaslit her into assuming the role of student council president so he feels responsible for helping her without bringing the others into it.

Iroha did try to turn down the request at first but the teacher basically made her and the student council take part in the event so you can't blame her too much. Plus Hikigaya pretty much gaslit her into assuming the role of student council president so he feels responsible for helping her without bringing the others into it.

Tuny kun

I forgot about the hand motions. Slapping some air tiddies at 20:10 lmao.

Devin B

Also it seems like most of the students from the other school didn't know what they were talking about but at least the student council president over there has some idea of what he's doing cause he actually did make some good points about talking about the limitations of certain ideas before shutting them down. It's just that his word choice and hand motions makes it seem like he's talking gibberish.


that’s most likely the reason why he even got voted president lmao


yea bro she’s so annoying. she literally laughs at everything hikki says. i wouldn’t be surprised if hikki clocked her by the end of the season or series

Devin B

@Sergio lol I can guarantee you everyone that voted for him thought he knew what he was doing just based on his mannerisms


that conference room i would literally kamikaze and not have any regrets in the afterlife


Ong orimoto needs to stfu, like what’s the fucking joke??


Lil Hikki Vert incoming


This episode definitely threw "Hands"

Jose silva

that guy is so irritating lol just creating more work for everyone


Girl needs a throat punch

Pan Cakes

Iroha best girl x2

Jacob The weird

I remember that hand dude. He was making me mad the way he moves them. Like bro stop I know some people talk with their hands but not you dawg please stop ✋

These Plums

Her fellow council members were short with her not just because they wanted her to push back but always because she doesn't seem like she knows what she's doing. Hence the line by Iroha after "They don't seem to think very highly of me."

These Plums

Also why she said things like "just say 'I'll do my best' or just nod your head"

These Plums

Nice breakdown at the end. Spot on imo.


it's mostly teacher's fault she like this time volunteered them to do shit they didn't want to do. and since she is using the school's name it like legally binding, which is shitty cause she wants to look out for them and make them grow but she is forcing them into situation that as teens makes them choose either get the job done or keep you friends. also remember the hig school hachiman goes to is for smart people or rather the bar to get in is higher than the one orimoto goes to so all that extra words out of their council is mostly empty big words to sound smart but nothing of value was said. pretty much hachiman is a master bullshitter and during the meeting he knowns how they worked so used they own logic to get shit done


A prime example of cultural differences from the way Sheera thinks and the characters in the anime act has never before been so clear. Iroha is a first year pushed into the role of student council president. She has no experience and has to respect the senior student council president from another school. It's not as simple as saying no, especially since it can be seen as confrontational and she's the type of character that wants to be liked by everyone.


Are student councils really that important over there? Like jesus they be doing so much in anime lol.


Hachiman would've forever stayed a cringey edgelord if the teacher hadn't forced him to join the volunteer club. In the end, it's just a club, they have no legal need to help people, they just do it out of principle. The reason for the club breaking down right now isn't even because of the Christmas event, but rather because Yuki wanted to be the student council but Hachiman didn't catch on and indirectly stopped her in fear of change.


but its not the teacher's fault? its a club in the end, failure and success is part of the job. she never forced him or any of them to choose the methods they used. shes here to give them a push and watch over them. the volunteer club allowed Hachiman to have interactions with others. not just his club members but the clients as well. Same for Yukino. Theyre both just so awkward at communication that it backfires on them most of the time.


so like when is hikki gonna start his fuck you arc?......and put these people in their place? like god dam these people are annoying. like first conversation i would have been like go away i dont wanna talk to you


I forgot just how annoying Orimoto is.


Is it just me or u guys forgot season 1 OVA, the one with marriage proposal?


Those meetings reming me of college. Business school be like that


You guys should also pay attention to each time Iroha rejects 8man because it's very telling on how she currently sees him

Devin B

Lol I can't lie that's how I be feeling when it comes to most of these situations but Hikigaya does genuinely want to help/interact with others so even if they're annoying asf he's still willing to deal with them


Oh I was trying to place emphasis on the seniority part, not so much the student council president role. But they do take it a lot more seriously. Reputation and standing out in a good way or not standing out at all are important. Which is probably why Hachiman's actions are seen even more problematic to the characters than Sheera and Roshi

Drake Rage

I think Hikki wanted to help her by himself because it was his solution to make her the Student Council President while Yuki's solution was to run for President herself so Iroha wouldn't have to become one. So Hikki's solution led to Iroha coming back with more problems for them to solve, so he doesn't want to burden the Club with the problems created by his own solution to make Iroha the Student Council President. Especially since he noticed Yuki has been feeling off because they didn't follow her plan to become President instead, and Yuki had said "I thought you would understand" or something like that.



RavinFox .

I can't deal with these hands lol


Those hand motions were hilarious. As soon as Hikki started spouting BS, of course he had to go into motion too lol


Isshiki is the most entertaining character to me.

Drake Chuckle

The freaking hand motions sent me man, shit is too funny.


14:10 this is how most business meetings feel lmao


Aang was lookin in the wrong place all the Air benders in the student council