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mans ended up doing all the work lol



1 more to go 😭🔥


*comments with hand gestures*

Devin B

Roshi was pretty much right with how Hikigaya was thinking when Orimoto was talking to Iroha and didn't talk about the past cause before she would've just told his business about him asking her out.


oh man.. next week its going down!


You guys should take a look at how Iroha acts around our MC especially when she "rejects" him.

Devin B

This episode did give you a better understanding of how Hikigaya feels about himself because he actually broke down if what he's doing is the right thing to do or if there's more to just finding a solution but even before this there were some signs of Hikigaya not fully accepting the things he was doing. Some of the biggest indicators was him clenching his fist when he's about to do something and when he called himself a liar after the whole Ebina and Tobe confession situation.

Devin B

Especially when she asks certain questions like she did this episode when she asked him if he was into younger girls

George-Calin Petruța

I first watched this when I was 16-17 and as a non-native English speaker I thought I was dumb or something because I legit understood NOTHING from their discussions...

Devin B

As a native English speaker I can tell you I barely understood most of their conversations when I first watched it


“What about meeeeee” 🎶

Devante Vickers

He's been saying stuff in that nature before, I think yall were just misinterpreting other moments. But I guess its better if its more direct so you can come to the conclusion. I guess its more recognizable for some people. People like that tend to have underlying issues, its rare when they dont. But someone who really want to be left alone would never be helping in the first place. People tend to always look at depress people and say they are fine, or just leave them alone, but not picking up signs. Most people who say they want to be left alone are lying, or at least have a few people they can be around. But to have no body and say that person is fine because they say they are is most likely a cry for help.

Pan Cakes

DAMN, bro i was too distracted to pay attention to the episode since i just noticed that roshi and shera got their drip on point today. especially roshi's CLEAN cut

danial javady

I laughed harder than I should have when Sheera said "yes, that's the point" at around 10:38

Drake Rage

I think Roshi is right when he said Hikki was surprised the girl didn't bring up how he was a "loser" in the past, the fact that she said "it is all in the past now" means she doesn't see him as a loser anymore, even though she still did before Hayato called them out on it. I think Hikki realized that things do change from the "it is all in the past now" comment.


I guess Yukinon is kinda down because she lost confidence when Hikki solved the problem again. She says she thought her way was best, when in reality Hikki solved most problems. Also, I kinda feel Yui is the one making things awkward between them


me in this anime: why you keep doing that with your hands? stop doing weird shit with your hands! -flips table- im going to OFC like god dam lmao

Devin B

It's not about her being down because Hikigaya solved the problem but rather the fact that Hikigaya didn't give her the chance to solve the problem. She had her own method of solving the problem but Hikigaya didn't consult with her or Yui before doing his plan.


Slime movie when??


But was that not the agreement, that each would do their thing separately to see what works best

Sami Mottaghian

Fun fact, when Yukino says "If this is all it takes to tear us apart, then maybe we weren't all that close to begin with" at the end of the episode, Its the same thing Hachiman said to Hayatos group earlier on in the season.


That final scene is so important that it's shown in the end of the opening. Probably one of the most important scenes in the whole series. Very much looking forward to the next episode.

blue snivy

the annoyed expressions are too funny

Devin B

That was the agreement but there were two things that bothered Yukino about what Hikigaya did recently. The first thing is what I said previously about how she wanted the chance to use her method but Hikigaya didn't even tell her he was going to use his method, she at least told him her plan before she went through with it. The second thing is how he did it cause she probably knows that Hikigaya used a quick fix method to solve the problem, in this case making fake accounts that supported Iroha to be president, but it doesn't help the issue of finding someone capable be the student council president cause as you can see she needs help knowing what to do. At least with Yukino's method a capable person would've been in that position which is herself but Hikigaya took that choice from her.


I get the first point. I agree with your second point too somewhat, since Yukinon has stated that she dislikes Hachimans way of thinking since it does not invite growth. However in this case would she not be more angry than defeated in this case? Like Roshi and Sheera said that she shows a defeated smile. I remember in season one that Yukinon said that the volunteers club is not a wish granting club, but to help the client solve their problem on their own. But like you said Hachiman does it in a way that is easy and painless for their client, but does not help them grow to overcome their problem. Yukinon's method this time did not "invite growth" either to Iroha. I think she imitated Hachiman this time, intentionally or not, because the request was kinda ridiculous. But to run for president herself was not reasonable. She was planning to take that burden upon herself, similar to what happened with the culture festival, only worse. Yui herself wanted to run against her to stop it. Same with Hachiman. You see how Hachiman takes humiliation and animosity to solve problems because he is used to receiving it, similar how Yukinon takes on the burdens and responsibility j these cases. I'm probably reading too much into the resigned/defeated smile, but this is how I made sense of it 😂

Devin B

But then you have to think of the possibility of Yukino willingly wanting to be the president for herself. I agree that her running for president wasn't going to help Iroha but remember Iroha didn't want to be student council president in the first place so Yukino wanted to solve the issue of having someone competent become the student council president. There is a possibility of her taking on too much burden if she got the role but towards the end of season 1 we saw her starting to rely on others after she got sick. She could've had the chance to actually do good as president and possibly rely on the other council members to help her, or even have Hikigaya and Yui join the council because the former student council president said that would be ideal if Yukino became president the other two could join and help her out but she won't know now since the option was taken from her. To me that defeated smile was her accepting that fact that she can't change how Hikigaya do things so at this point it doesn't help arguing with him about anything.


Roshi lookin sharp AF

Jacob Artis

A good anime to check out at some point would be a lull in the sea


But I'm pretty sure Yukinon did not want to run for president. She looked for candidates initially, even wanting to ask Hayato at the café. There her sister kinda egged her on, telling her she was still relying on others to solve her problems. The next day she announce she will run for president, basically doing what her sister was pushing her to. Yui wanted to run against her because it was a bad idea, but also because it would basically end the volunteers club. Yui and Yukinon running against each other would have changed the dynamic of their friendship. Fearing the change, Hachiman wanted to stop her running in a way everything could stay the same, similar to Hayato's group. That's why Hachiman was staring at them to look for inspiration how they went on as if everything went back to normal. However for them it isn't that easy since both of them jeapordized the friendship. Hachiman mostly since his plan worked and kept the friendship as it was on the surface. Yukinon would have by becoming president and disbanding the club. The difference here is Yukinon did not fear change in that sense and was confident that their friendship would be maintained, and as the former president said, could have transitioned/grown into the student council scenario she spoke of. Hachiman was scared of their friendship changing/disappearing whithout the club. Yukinon also said this episode Hachiman's line to Hayato, " If that's all it takes to break the friendship, maybe we weren't that good of friends to begin with" She was angry at Hachiman for not changin his ways before multiple times, but after this incident she saw that their friendship will not change or grow unless Hachiman let's it, since he "sabotaged" it this time. The defeated smile to me is more a resignation to that their friendship will never grow outside the club. Huh in a way that kinda sounds like what you said


This is where they piece together everything guys👍

Jose silva

nice reaction

Devin B

You've pretty much hit it on the nail. Hikigaya is afraid of change while Yukino is open to change and is willing to bet on their friendship. This just goes back to how they do things cause Hikigaya chooses methods to keep the status quo while Yukino chooses methods that revolves around growth. At first Yukino didn't want to be student council president but I think that was mostly because her sister was student council president before which was why she was looking for other candidates and she didn't want to follow her footsteps but when she had that interaction with her sister at the cafe I think that made her want to take action regardless of how she felt. She won't know if her choice would've helped her grow or not but she thought she can maintain a friendship outside of the club. So I think both of our interpretations of her smile were in that she resigned herself to realizing that she can't change Hikigaya and that their friendship can exist even without the club.


I just think people generally don't know how to interpret signs, such as looking away when saying they are fine or other body gestures, so they go unaddressed until something drastic happens or the person realizes it themselves and ask for help directly. Most of the time when I hear "people should mind their own business!", I feel they will be the ones to not notice but to be fair they do have a point, just feel it's more gray then that


Damn we really went back and forth for a while 😂

Xaiver Craig

Day 1 Requesting a Scott Pilgrim vs. the World movie Trio reaction

Julian Gaison

Requesting reaction to Mieruko Chan. Amazing anime that’s not too popular

Marty Drummond

Please can u guys try to start watching the show called from,u guys are in for a wild ride if u decide to watch it


can you react to monster?

Sean Espiritu

everything is making sense now, so what happens onward will be even better for you guys

danial javady

ill be honest i loved monster but i think it would be a horrible series to react to. It's very slow. People won't be engaged and it won't pull in viewers likely. The pace is too slow for these reacction style videos.


they should at least put it in the poll patrons might want it

Iago Leonelli

we surely want it. much better than anything going on in the polls right now

Cameron Robinson

I would say that these guys from the other school are worse than people in the group projects who do nothing cause they don’t actively stop you from doing the project. Lazy group members dont question every idea suggestion or decision other team members make, don’t add nothing into conversations, but just critique other’s ideas or act like they are helping, but then push work off to others with a “I’ma gonna let you handle this”. This group dynamic is awful.


I feel so bad for my guy Totsuka, bro always gets violated with these visuals