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that end discussion was unhinged


Theo Vorster

For those who are interested in reading along with the manga, this episode adapted all of chapters 84 and 85. An interesting thing to note, Arnheid’s conversation with Thorfinn and Einar about Gardar (when she was ruminating on why she chose to free Gardar) has been changed somewhat compared to the manga. Instead of talking about how Gardar’s demeanor had changed and how the both of them have suffered so much under slavery, this was what Arnheid said in the manga instead (after Einar asked about why she didn’t go with her original plan to do nothing for the sake of her unborn child): “EVEN I…DON'T KNOW WHY I DID IT. WHY DID I SLIP OUT LAST NIGHT TO SEE GARDAR...? PERHAPS…I WAS STILL DREAMING… THAT THERE MIGHT...BE SOME MIRACULOUS CHANCE… THAT GARDAR AND I...AND KETIL'S CHILD WITHIN ME...MIGHT BE ABLE TO START OVER AGAIN... IT WAS A VERY SELFISH DREAM… I'M SUCH...A HORRID WOMAN… ONLY EVER THINKING OF MYSELF… GARDAR WAS ONLY THINKING OF US, THE ENTIRE TIME... …AND HE EVEN APOLOGIZED... GARDAR'S ESCAPE FROM SLAVERY... …AND THE PEOPLE HE KILLED... …WERE ALL FOR THE SAKE OF ME AND HJALTI! AND WHAT DID I DO...? I BLAMED IT ALL ON GARDAR… …AND TRIED…TO ABANDON HIM…” Then the conversation aligns again with the anime, with Thorfinn asking about Gardar’s wounds. I personally feel that Arnheid’s dialogue in the manga was more engaging and interesting, but maybe the people in charge of the anime were worried that Arnheid’s original manga dialogue made her came across as too self-depricating or something like that? I dunno, but I am curious what other people think about the change in her lines. Also Sverkel’s conversation with Snake was expanded on by a couple of lines compared to the manga. Specifically Sverkel noting that Snake’s sword is of a foreign make and the implication that Snake didn’t originate from North and/or Western Europe. Many manga fans have speculated that Snake may have come South-Eastern Europe, specifically the Byzantine Empire (also known as the Eastern Roman Empire), during the reign of Basil II. And seems the anime has added a couple of lines supporting that notion.

Ron H

peak storytelling, do y’all hear me!


First there was egg theory, now theres BED Theory

Magical Drinking

Watching the free spirited all action good time that is Demon Slayer and then switching to Vinland Saga is a trip lol


By the way, the reason Snake stopped chasing Einar is because they knew Gardar was injured badly and Snake knew that an badly injured man couldn’t have been running that fast, so he knew it wasn’t actually Gardar. Just letting you know cause it shows how smart Snake is and you guys missed it.

danial javady

as far as the not smelling the blood goes... An old dying man who needs constant care + the era of rarely bathing + being in a farm... quite a bit of scent masking going on already 😂


Arnheid’s VA is honestly incredible, been saying that for 3 episodes in a row now lol


PeakLand Saga, Next episode is about to go NUTTY

Matthew Osteen

Damn yall just sitting there on your phones for the intro😂. I sat there looking at your foreheads for a solid minute. I don't know why I found that so funny lol


bed made out of woods not fucking iron XD


that's a really nice lines i wished they didn't cut it out


literally, watched the new episodes back to back and was thrown off


Goated after discussion 😂


Yo i'm interested in this egg theory what show and episode do they talk about it lol

Levi Blair

Unrelated but you got some good taste with that Jane Doe avatar.


Remember running speed is not exactly combat speed or agility. That is why Thorfinn couldn't catch up to Einar. A bear is not more agile than a housecat even though it runs faster.

Parampreet Singh

Ah so this is the what happens when the opening plays

Erica Collins

I actually think Thorfinn is going to have trouble fighting Snake because at the beginning of this season Snake reminded him of Askeladd which makes me think that he's a problem plus Thorfinn hasn't fought in a LONG time so I can only assume he's a bit rusty

Knuckle's hair

There’s like a hole under the bed, they can’t see him without lifting it. I doubt this old ass bed is really heavy all she can do is move it a little to the side and just put him in that small hole and that’s it.

Devin B

At least one of those theories were right, the egg theory fell flat even though they kept emphasizing it in the movie


My theory is since she said the old master helped her when she's trying to hid Gardar, I think what happened was that she put the old master on the ground next to Gardar and asked him to push Gardar under the bed while she's hulking out lifting the bed. A single bed with a thin mattress couldn't have been that heavy. Or she could have lift the bed 90 degree and lean it on the wall then slide Gardar under where the bed would be.

Theo Vorster

While they likely didn’t bath as regularly as contemporary people now, IIRC the Norse bathed more regularly than other European cultures and were even noted for their hygiene practices (Vinland Saga even showed that in season 1, where the Anglo-Saxon English ambushed the Danes during one of their regular bathing times). But yes all those other smells could likely mask Gardar’s scent sufficiently.

Theo Vorster

Also Arnheid could probably have used a chair or table to help prop up stuff while lifting.

Devin B

If you look at how small the master is and how he's able to fill out the bed he's on you can see it's not a big bed at all, probably a twin size bed so I can definitely see Arnheid lifting it. Plus if you look closely at the scene after Thorfinn lifts the bed he probably put the bed to the side before checking on Gardar so more than likely Arnheid moved the bed to the side, dragged or rolled Gardar into the spot the bed was at and put the bed on top of him.

Theo Vorster

Might not have even had a proper mattress (as what a modern person would conceive of) back then, and just had bundled and layered sheets/blankets instead.


i like that they left in all of the intro

Ginger Dwarf

After seeing the description I was like "I wonder what morals they are argueing about in this episode?" And all the comments are about arnheid lifting a damn matress

UltrA_ Ojisan

lmao the logistics aint logisting


As far as the bed go, maybe gardar was still conscious when they got there

Joel Braaten

The end of this video 😭🤣


Yeah and the bes frame also doesn't look that thick. So it couldn't have been that heavy.

Knuckle's hair

In the manga when Snake returned to the house he figured out he was under the bed but he didn’t sense him because he was unconscious

Darion Dixon

If you realize Thorfinn is haunted by Askelad and Canute haunted by King Sweyn. Both dads


Y'all doubt the strength of a Norse women


btw snake mentioned that he was suspicious and turned around because he was fast, far too fast for a gravely injured man

Alexis Sullivan

Omg that after discussion was absolutely hilarious, I honestly literally laughed so hard I cried. I ain't laughed that hard in a minute thank you for that lmao

Drake Chuckle

Someone give me the details on this 'egg theory' that Roshi brought up at the end.


Overrated ah show istg, Asta would have sliced that old rapist slave owner with Snake in second if he knew what happened to that poor women


20:54 lmfao Roshi getting jump scared by the cart. Just because neither Sheera nor Lupa noticed, doesn't mean we won't!

The GoDKing 27

Pure ridiculous hilariousness 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Lol I'm pretty sure all she would have to do is take the old man out of the bed, lift the bed and let it lay on it's side, put Gardar under the bed, and lower the bed to look like normal. It's a wood bed made for 1 person so it prob doesn't weigh that much


Bro ive been waiting the whoooole season to see how they do this fight.. I wasn't expecting them to get to the battle for the farm but i think they might be able to squeeze it all in with the episodes we got let

Justin Neason

Nah, this the only anime where I got chills from bro posting up with a battles stance while the theme is in full swing LMFAO

Derek Warren

Sheera had a theory that the egg in TTB was the cause of the zombies lmao


not the return of egg theory lmao. Go figure the smallest thing sets off the next great debate


lmaoo lupa getting folded by the bed theory im over here thinking it was about something else but i mean i dont think she can lift that bed. yall forget thornfinn is jacked and he has been cutting trees for years and pulling trees out from they roots for years? no disrespect to her but she has been put as a house wife and booty call all these years. my man thornfinn had to lift that bed up with 2 hands soo lol

Jigga Man

Thorkell out here throwing 30 ft logs like an olympic tractor and ya'll arguing about this?


I was here for the fight scene ! Iwas cheated!


Spoiler. . . . . It's most likely going to end with thorfinn about to leave to Iceland

Cleven Anthony

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 outro reminding me why y’all the best cause I just can’t lmfao


Seeing Lupa that heated over a damn mattress had me weak bro good lord lol

Mr. Glasses

Nah, bro. That conversation at the end was hilarious.


i think they arguing because she’s pregnant which i think is something valid to consider, but idc lmao

Reckless Company

Roshi out here thinking pregnant people can bench press wood oak beds thats some crazy shit lol

Onyekachi Nkenke

Don’t remind me of that fucking egg theory😭😭 that shit was driving me bonkers

Samuel XK

Maybe arnheid is the real problem, next episode she defeats snake, what about that.


Here I was excited to see them get hyped about Thorfinn getting back into his iconic knife stance, but our trio argued about bed theories for 5 minutes 😂 Great reaction to the Episode y’all


Random Sheera bench pressing while pregnant might have been the most ??? in that last five minutes.


You know, she could’ve used all her strength to just lift the bed and set it ASIDE and then dragged his heavy ass in the space.

Jayden Holder

Arnheid said the old master helped her hide him btw, idk how don't ask me, but great reaction.


can someone give remind me what the egg theory was about and in which show?


It is always so funny when sheera and lupa are against roshi lol they are always on the same wavelength


Peakland Saga


thats good stopping point.. Spoiler - but i personally hated that reunion.. his sister just forgot she had a brother? tf?


I think it's a reference to their train to busan video where Sheera thought the virus came from a chicken egg.


She's not even showing bro, it's not like she's 7months in

Fabio Belrause

It was from Train to Busan. If I remember correctly, they thought the egg was the cause of the zombies


I mean if you recall from season 1 she barely cared when Thor's died so of course after all these years she would forget about Thorfinn, these are different times where people died all the time. I wasn't really expecting a reaction from her at all

Devin B

@Fabio Belrause yeah basically these two ladies on the train had boiled eggs and they kept emphasizing it so Roshi and them thought they were going to turn into zombies because of the eggs but nothing happened


i know she’s not, also that doesn’t matter bro. she still has a fetus in there bro. also i’m not the one arguing about it i was just explaining to him lmao

Shin splits

Everything probably smelled like shut back then. Also the place being a farm it’s possible that masked the smell of the blood

Christian Acosta

Boy get up outta here with Mickey Mouse clover. Asta wouldn’t have done shit cause that kiddie naruto ripoff don’t off kill nobody.

Twin Hallow

I dont think the bead would be THAT heavy would it haha? It is like a twin sized wood bed.

Carter San

These niggas argued for 5 mins about a damn bed 😂😂😂😂

beni-chan (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-26 09:57:05 idk man that's SOLID wood... it's not produced in any way just straight up cut from a nearby tree. and it's not like Arnheid is going to the gym everyday
2023-04-26 09:57:05 idk man that's SOLID wood... it's not produced in any way just straight up cut from a nearby tree. and it's not like Arnheid is going to the gym everyday
2023-04-26 07:23:43 idk man that's SOLID wood... it's not produced in any way just straight up cut from a nearby tree. and it's not like Arnheid is going to the gym everyday

idk man that's SOLID wood... it's not produced in any way just straight up cut from a nearby tree. and it's not like Arnheid is going to the gym everyday

Stephen D

Everyone's gangsta until Thorfiin pulls out his invisible knives.


Correct. Norse bathed on Saturday (in fact the Nordic word for Saturday is specifically named after bathing (it's evolved from "laugr", which is ancient Germa in origin, literally meaning "bathing", i.e "bathing day" is literally the name of the day in Nordic languages root wise), which make sense as bathing is akin to a ritual I'd argue)


No, she cared a lot. She was just staying busy to hide/bury the pain


It's probably quite heavy, but Arnheid wouldn't have to lift it that high to just shove him in there, and the old man could've easily pushed in a chair or something while she lifted it for a couple of seconds, so she could use both hands for each task.

Arc (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-26 12:00:32 Humans back then were stronger than now (due to constantly using their muscles for various tasks). So a woman putting a bed in vertical position is not that impressive. Also there wasn't a compartment under the bed, but the bed was some levels lower than the floor.
2023-04-26 09:49:15 Humans back then were stronger than now (due to constantly using their muscles for various tasks). So a woman putting a bed in vertical position is not that impressive. Note: putting in stationary vertical position, not holding it using one hand. Also there wasn't a compartment under the bed, but the bed was some levels lower than the floor.

Humans back then were stronger than now (due to constantly using their muscles for various tasks). So a woman putting a bed in vertical position is not that impressive. Note: putting in stationary vertical position, not holding it using one hand. Also there wasn't a compartment under the bed, but the bed was some levels lower than the floor.

Lamaree Jackson

Sheera saying “y’all don’t look like y’all wishing dishes” gave me the most disgusting Sunday cleaning PTSD. All I could hear was Heard It All Before playing.


Omg 5 mins of bed arguing content 💀


nah old bedridden men will mask any smell on the world, doesn't even matter if its this era or on a farm

Art of Trolling

They making it seem like Snake ain't him. This is going to be a good fight.


I feel like there's enough room to slide him under the bed from the foot of it 🤔

Intravenous Burger meat

Appreciate y’all letting that opening play, goes way too hard

Delinda Arts

this was hilarious but nothing topping the Bill from Warrior end discussion lmao

FlorYA19 Arauz

So basically she put the whole bed on top of him and then pushed it to where it was by the window


Damn Lupa and Sheera got clapped by the end discussion😂


For real. There seems to be a lot of good fighters this season but Snake might even be the best.

beni-chan (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-26 21:22:09 that end discussion made me cackle yall!!! havent laughed that much since TLOU ep 2!!!
2023-04-26 19:20:56 that end discussion made me cackle yall!!! havent laughed that much since TLOU ep 2!!!

that end discussion made me cackle yall!!! havent laughed that much since TLOU ep 2!!!


Lmao during the intro Lupa on his phone, Roshi on his phone, Sheera also on Roshi’s phone 💀


in all honesty she might've pushed him under the bed


snake's danger instincts not kicking in until thorfinn squared up fully gave me chills, ngl. went from "he's harmless" to "he's coming for my neck" in like a second


only thing hilarious to me is how Einar is "outrunning" 3 full speed galloping horses even if he has a bit of space between them they would have caught up a long time ago, especially on flat land

Delinda Arts

I forgot the ep specifically but in the vid description is reads how crazy the end discussion is


The damn 2 brain cell ass discussion at the end had me crying lmaoo


bro all the i.q points left lol


Well depends on the head start, how fast he is, how close to the forest he was. Remember in anime distance can be very very deceiving


But didn't snake not also to want them to actually approach him because they didn't know if it was actually gardar or not? So they might've slightly been hanging back.

Darren Banks

Bruh. It's basically a twin sized bed 🤣

Ramone Moore

Broo y’all are stupidd 🤣🤣 I’m cryin


It was so good, it carried over into the next reaction lol


I watched and caught up to this whole reaction series just to get full context of this end discussion. Did I have to do it? No but here we are...🤣🤣


It pops up from time to time, but I think the first/main one is ep 4

Mary L.

fr. her screams when her son was taken from her gave me chills.


so ... no one else is thinking he was injured but still helped lift the bed, and laid down why still holding the bed up? I mean he is a beast, I think he can lift a bed even while being stabbed


he wouldn't stink unless he was infected or decomposing


Yall made my head hurt. They didn't notice that the bed was not in 4 legs , but instead held up by wood panels. There's no "looking under" the bed. Convo was funny af tho


That "then throw away your sword" was point blank one of the best lines we've gotten in this entire series. Was looking forward to the reaction to that aha


"What was he gonna get outta letting her see gardir?" The dude literally says hes a sucker for women and cant say no to them, and likely despite being a warrior feels kinda bad for her situation.


Snake figured it out and literally tells you why lol. Has nothing to do with Arnheid, Einar was MOVING and Snake comments hes movign way too fast for a severely injured man


Shot at 6:40 dope how she in the shadows and they in the light


Nvm Thorfinn back