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What did bro do wrong now? 😭



Regarding what u said at the beginning After he cussed out the girl at the end of season 1 he hurt himself, by pushing away Yui in season 1 he did too. In both of these occasions he had a full monologue trying to convince himself that he doesn’t care. No, the Ebina situation didn’t fuck him over too much but notice the only people who got annoyed at him were the girls and Hayama who are noticing a pattern with him of throwing himself under the bus for random people. This is also why Yuki was annoyed at him when he planned on embarrassing himself in front of the whole school for Iroha to lose the election Not trying to get on to you or call you stupid or anything, I know it’s a confusing series especially since they throw around a bunch of unnecessary dialogue that can feel important when it’s not and also a lot of stuff being left up to interpretation makes it annoying to figure out sometimes. If the comments keep being toxic and ruin your viewing of this show please feel free to drop the show if you stop liking it, don’t reward those kind of viewers. But if you genuinely like this show please keep going it’s one of my favourites and I know a lot of people like it too. All love ✌🏿

Devin B

Notice how Yuigahama was about to check the campaign accounts with her phone but she decided not to because she realized that Hikigaya actually tried to change his ways a little bit. Even though he didn't throw himself under the bus like usual he still went with a method that involved deception and Yukino noticed it too which is why she said to him I thought you understood. Hikigaya basically gave Iroha false hope to become student council president and made it seem like 1/3 of the student body was supporting her. Yukino just doesn't like Hikigaya deceiving others and himself.

danial javady

I think the people who are being overly critical in the comments about your reaction come from two backgrounds: 1) They enjoyed this show a lot, and take it personally when you don't react/respond in some fashion that they projected in their mind. 2) They are just teenagers. When they go back to this show in like 5-10 years with a different frame of reference they will likely be similarly judgmental. When I watched this show for the first time, I also had moments of confusion because this show is quite frankly a confusing show. It's not a masterpiece. You can make strong arguments for plot holes throughout the course of the show. So when I watch a series like this, I don't try to take it too seriously because I'm not expecting a masterpiece. You guys are my favorite reaction channel by far. You aren't afraid to show emotion and are very immersed in what you're watching. I personally appreciate the 95% of the opinions you've made with this show, and think they are logically sound. But to each their own I guess. People need to realize, that you react to so many different shows on a daily basis that it is literally not practical for you to get as personally involved with a specific series. Every person watching these reactions has thought of stupid theories when they watch a series. The difference is you have to vocalize that out for us because that's the whole point of a reaction. We don't. We can keep our stupid theories in our heads and we don't have to "look dumb." Great work thus far and keep it up man. I'd be surprised if a lot of people who watch and appreciate your reactions to this show just simply didn't comment. I personally find most reaction videos to romcoms to be quite insufferably boring but you guys make it enjoyable. Don't let it get to you and sorry for the wall of text.


Yes. You guys are on the nose about hachiman and yukino's situation. Hachiman had to use komachi as a reason to help Yui and yukino. He could not admit that he "wanted" to help them. Yui knew that he was feeling guilt because of the methods he used and yukino not being the one to solve her own problem, hindered her own growth.


W reaction , now to read the 20 page essay comments haha


I'm with Sheera why are these graduates coming back to the school get out of here. Yukino's sister is a frequent visitor.


Btw Hiki literally said at the end of the ebina episode that he was becoming a what he hates most, a liar

Ahiru. アヒル

Oregairu is one of my favorite animes and I haven't really been bothered by Roshi and Sheera's comments. On the contrary, I like to see different points of view, that's what reactions consist of. I agree with you and I am very happy that they have given the opportunity to this fabulous anime. Sorry for my english. :P


Also. I really appreciate you reacting to this series. I was very confused during my first watch of this show as well. It means a lot to me and the fans to see a wonderful series like this get recognition


lol btw we wont be dropping the show we genuinely enjoy it! Just allow us the grace to try n piece stuff together and let the story progress before telling us we're wrong in certain instances, we can find that out and it will be a point of revelation for us!


I was pretty confused about what yuki said at the end too ngl


Same, I watched it years ago and still didn’t get it

Random Guy

I think Yukinoshita really just wanted to run as president, but as he said, yukinoshita is the type to always need a reason to act.


lol hikki has been showing that he himself has been hurt by his own actions since season one.


i feel like you are not entirely reading hikki's action 100%


Actually the reason why Yukino said what she said was because she actually did want to become president. Her plan was to have Yui and Hachiman join so that nothing would change. They would still be together solving other people's problems they'd just be more official and actually have some authority. That's why Meguri the green haired chick said she had high hopes Yukino would've succeeded her and it would've been great to see Yui as the vice president and Hachiman in general affairs. Hachiman starts thinking of the hypothetical wondering what would've happened if he could reset his decision. Pretty much they would've been in a Kaguya-sama love is war setting with all them being on the student council.

Ice (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-22 01:14:59 REMEMBER ROSHI: The reason there are so many comments correcting you guys on this show isn't you're fault in particular. The show is just very discuss-able and a lot of people really like talking about what each character in the story is thinking. We're not correcting some of your theories because we wanna backseat, we just genuinely enjoy talking about the show. Much love!
2023-04-21 23:14:18 REMEMBER ROSHI: The reason there are so many comments correcting you guys on this show isn't you're fault in particular or anything. I wouldn't even call it "correcting". The show is just very discuss-able and a lot of people really like talking about what each character in the story is thinking each episode. We're not correcting some of your theories because we wanna backseat, we just genuinely enjoy talking about the show. Much love!

REMEMBER ROSHI: The reason there are so many comments correcting you guys on this show isn't you're fault in particular or anything. I wouldn't even call it "correcting". The show is just very discuss-able and a lot of people really like talking about what each character in the story is thinking each episode. We're not correcting some of your theories because we wanna backseat, we just genuinely enjoy talking about the show. Much love!

Devin B

Honestly y'all pick up stuff better than I did on my first watch but the only thing I would recommend is to look at everyone's perspective when it comes to certain situations cause at the end of the day no one is completely right or completely wrong. It's basically up to your interpretation on the matter.

Devin B

@Mad4Life after reading what you wrote I think the main issue Yukino had with Hikigaya is that he doesn't rely on her or Yui like that when it comes to solving problems. You're right that Yukino was planning on becoming president but I think that was mostly due to her sister's influence and not what she actually wwanted. She was planning on making the best out of the situation but Hikigaya messed it up by doing things on his own.


Also a lot of fans of the show read the light novel where these things are more obvious.

Greg Harrison

This season had people posting entire essays on reddit and whatnot. I'd say tune them out if its being a bother Roshi.


The fans need to relax and let y’all think for yourselves. They always do this weird thing of trying to control how reactors are supposed to react. It sucks that you guys felt the need to address their “concerns.” I hope you’re enjoying the show, regardless! It’s one of my favorites.


Niggas still arguing with y’all why?? 😭. Hachiman gets no bitches, he gets one, he gets played, he’s dtb now and it’s cool to be dtb but shit I know when a girl wants to treat me right so with my perspective watching this is yes hikigaya is dense but what y’all need to understand is that we are not calling him dumb. Like roshi said he knows but he chooses to be that way to protect his feelings but when you got a girl going as hard as yui is that’s where his density comes in because if we being real his inexperience is disguised as experienced he generalizes off such a small resume

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-22 02:53:51 For one, I agree with what Roshi is saying about him knowing she likes him but choosing not to acknowledge it, but I don’t know if dense is the right word because I hear that and think of the average harem character who acts like he grew up on a world without women. Homie is just traumatized and struggling to be vulnerable/open up
2023-04-22 00:33:48 For one, I agree with what Roshi is saying about him knowing she likes him but choosing not to acknowledge it, but I don’t know if dense is the right word because I hear that and think of the average harem character who acts like he grew up on a world without women. Homie is just traumatized and in denial and struggling to be vulnerable/open up

For one, I agree with what Roshi is saying about him knowing she likes him but choosing not to acknowledge it, but I don’t know if dense is the right word because I hear that and think of the average harem character who acts like he grew up on a world without women. Homie is just traumatized and in denial and struggling to be vulnerable/open up

Devin B

I think if Hikigaya didn't notice Yuigahama's feelings for him then it would be appropriate to call him dense but because it seems like he knows about it and chooses not to do anything about it I can't really call him that. Now if Hikigaya had feelings for her and he's choosing to ignore her feelings then that would be dense of him but at this point we don't even know who Hikigaya likes so at this point there's no reason for him to acknowledge her feelings for him.


For two, the “self-sacrificing” is one thing, but sometimes I think their disappointment is more that when they come to the club trying to avoid their problems, Hikki’s methods are often ones that actually enable their behavior. Even if he get results it’s usually by a “only the result matters not the way we got here” way vs. Yuki/Yui try to make them face the problems honestly but are more likely to struggle to find a solution. Think back to the girls at the camp who were bullying the other girl or Tobe confessing. He prevented the bullying not by solving it, but by creating a bigger problem that overshadowed it. And with Tobe I think what Yui says about it hurting to hear him say it to her was secondary, and I saw it more as Yuki/Yui/Hayama were upset that it was Tobe’s confession to make whether it caused awkwardness in the group or not, but Hikki’s instinct is always to use methods that say “I’ll get my hands dirty so you don’t have to”. It’s like no one needs him to do that, but he does it so that he can feel pride/content with his way of life and being disliked and say that it’s for a worthwhile reason. I also think that’s why Yuki calls him out in the previous episode that he’ll never change, because he uses methods that help people avoid problems and not change, and if he gets results he doesn’t feel he needs to change either.

Rue Ryuuzaki

Roshi really double down with HACHIMAN IS DENSE. He isnt dense. That's part of why Hachiman is an interesting character. He knows what's going on but he keeps on telling himself stuff that will lead to self-destruction and pushing away people that might care.


I actually like how you think about Hikki been "dense" I never taught about it in that way and I love how it makes a contradiction in his character (I think that a good written character is one that can have so many contradictions because that´s how we are as humans), and the Yukino situation I think that´s more a Yukino problem more than a Hikki doing something wrong but that´s just my way of seeing it


I feel like a fair amount of the issue that has now come up has a lot to do with what Shiromeguri had to say at the end of the episode. Her envisioning Yukino, Yui, and Hachiman working together as the student council. Yukino mentioning that their club doesn't do that much along with knowing the details of what the student council does, she probably wanted to combine the two and that was her ideal way of solving it, which Hachiman, unknowingly of course, trampled on with his updated method of getting Iroha elected. It's not anyone's particular fault, just that a lack of ability to communicate as usual is causing problems.


He plays it off though and it's really easy to miss it at face value, a lot of the ways that hikki show's his hurt is through sarcastic refrences during conversations(like how he has family guy esq cut a-ways to how he was rejected in x scenario by a girl or how she didnt respond to his text or w/e). Shit like that can simultaneously be a sign of hurt/ptsd or a coping mechanism/way of dealing with it. And i honestly think it's intentionally written this way so that when you look back all those moments the watcher though he was playing it off he was giving subtle hints of hurt.


i love the show and even i don’t fully understand it 🤣🤣


I think your guys perspective is cool, I think sometimes you guys use your adult brain to analyze scenarios which can clash with the comments POV? maybe

Jose silva

Not going to lie this show gets confusing a lot of the times anyway great reaction.

Sami Mottaghian

The way I interpreted it was that she wanted to become president and have hikki and yui work with her on the council, like what the former president was hoping would happen. I think shes disappointed because of two reasons 1. Hikki and Yui didn't realize she actually wanted to run for president 2. They think that their relationship isnt strong enough to survive without the club, while Yuki thinks it can. Now as for whether they could actually keep on being friends if the club dissolves is debatable, you could make a good argument for their relationship to just start fizzling out since Hikki and Yuki dont seem like the type of people to reach out to others. Yukis problem is that she has trouble actually telling people what she wants, if she actually came out and said that she wanted to be president this would situation could have been avoided.


It has begun. She said the thing.

Drake Rage (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-22 08:53:30 Hikki willingly being dense to girls that show signs that they like him is another example of how he is not really okay with this "I want to be alone, I am not hurting when I distance myself from everyone and I am fine with constantly sacrificing my reputation when making plans to help others at my own expense" mentality. If anything he has even accepted the pain like it is normal, just generally unhealthy habits he has developed as defense mechanisms because of all the bad experiences from his past that they show with the frequent flashbacks from time to time. That is why many people now, including the teacher keep telling him to realize there are people that care about him now, so he doesn't need to be "fine" with getting hurt/to sacrifice, etc.
2023-04-22 06:52:24 Hikki willingly being dense to girls that show signs that they like him is another example of how he is not really okay with this "I want to be alone, I am not hurting when I distance myself from everyone and I am fine with constantly sacrificing my reputation when making plans to help others at my own expense" mindset. If anything he has even accepted the pain like it is normal, just generally unhealthy habits he has developed as defense mechanisms because of all the bad experiences from his past that they show with the frequent flashbacks from time to time. That is why many people now, including the teacher keep telling him to realize there are people that care about him now, so he doesn't need to be "fine" with getting hurt/to sacrifice, etc.

Hikki willingly being dense to girls that show signs that they like him is another example of how he is not really okay with this "I want to be alone, I am not hurting when I distance myself from everyone and I am fine with constantly sacrificing my reputation when making plans to help others at my own expense" mindset. If anything he has even accepted the pain like it is normal, just generally unhealthy habits he has developed as defense mechanisms because of all the bad experiences from his past that they show with the frequent flashbacks from time to time. That is why many people now, including the teacher keep telling him to realize there are people that care about him now, so he doesn't need to be "fine" with getting hurt/to sacrifice, etc.


yea, but the comments are so stubborn. they always have something to say to “correct” roshi and sheera when they should just let them be


idk why y’all can’t let them watch the show while making their own assumptions?!? it’s like y’all want them to react the way y’all did when y’all watched the show. let them form their own opinions damn

Jacob The weird

I’m sorry but the outro cut y’all off early and it made me laugh


I wouldn't even be surprised if ya'll dropped this off of just all the toxic comments, LIKE BRO ya'll posting the same damn comment and then not even listening to their disclaimer on why they think what they think


Damn it's almost like Roshi literally said that Hikki decides to ignore the signs, I think he ALMOST said that in the intro (he said that in the intro bro).


Ngl most of the characters in this show pisses me off and made be drop it, but im watching your guys reaction to get another take on it.

Noel Cruz

I really enjoy rewatching this with ya'll. Its cool to see different perspectives from a show I really liked


hikki is dense, how cant he even see that they like him smh


Y'all got me wondering now if Yui actually did want to become president to prove their sister wrong by default but also to try and grow for herself, trying to take on something that seemed too much for her but growing into it. Been through this show a couple times but dont know if i ever considered that. The scenario the previous student council pres laid out seems like a setup for a whole other series that was almost reality.


It’s bout to be overlord all over again and I’m gonna be pissed cause I actually like hearing their speculations on the characters


I hope that from this point forward all of the viewers will let them speculate on what they think is going on in the show it’s one thing clarifying something they don’t understand and it’s another thing if your just being a toxic prick


Well I doubt they’ll drop it because that would just piss a lot more ppl off so best they can do is to just try and ignore all the toxic comments, it’s tough when ppl just want to push their opinions into you

Jurassic Jordan

Yall so damn critical like chiiilllll, they doing fine 😭😭

Darrell Jones

Now that I hear you explain. I guess it's just the word dense that throws me off. Because the standard dense protagonist is oblivious. But you are using it as a willfull ignorance. And so I will concede to you. Thanks for the dialogue


where are the toxic comments that some people talking about? Providing feedback and sharing their own perspectives are not necessarily toxic at all and people are not even trying to point out what the things Roshi said are wrong. Also, people are actually evaluating and clarifying things and not just repeating the same thing to annoy Roshi. Not because they watched the show but because there is semantics that is vague and subtle wordplay in this show that you cant simply describe it in a few words. People point out that 8man is not "dense" because they would usually refer to the word "dense" to the other anime's MC who is actually dense in a way they would actually never notice the signs and 8man is not one of them. I understand where Roshi is coming from but when you compared other typical MC, 8man is not dense at all, and thats why people are kinda obsessive with it. At the end of the day, we just want Roshi to enjoy the show to the fullest.

asdf horo

Roshi is on the right track though, let him cook

The Endless

They're not infallible either, yall be tripping over yourselves to rush and defend them when its just as bad to ignore the events of the story or themes that both the show and audience tries to help to clarify, in favor of your own theory so you can be right or cant admit that "what the events in the show has shown us so far " is a cop out excuse for "We don't know so we cant say yall are actually wrong yet but im still gonna act like im right". Sure art is meant for open and personal interpretation but not everything is and like this story. If you need any more proof in one of these he literally starts off in one of these SNAFU vids with: "Sometimes the fans gotta make speculation and their own story bc the author will write whatever" after ppl were correcting them and proceeded to watch the episode that said everything that everybody was telling. Its gonna turn into another Vinland Saga debacle bc for whatever reason yall can conceptualize that The Crew have right to say, think, and judge whatever/however they want but ppl in the comments can't? As long as its not disrespecting them or anybody else anybody has the right to say anything here or at least the environment that this community used to have.


I’m not saying people shouldn’t comment what they think I’m saying that they should just be respectful about it cause some people be coming for their necks when they get something wrong which can cause then to drop a show

Sebastian Serafin (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-24 01:01:44 hey just a quick question i thought i ask here xD. Are you planing to watch the "that time i got reincarnated as a slime" movie on patreon? because if yes then im gonna wait with watching it on my own. its currently out on crunchy thats why i thought i ask <3. Much love to you guys
2023-04-23 22:51:12 hey just a quick question i thought i ask here xD. Are you planing to watch the "that time i got reincarnated as a slime" movie on patreon? because if yes then im gonna wait with watching it on my own. its currently out on crunchy thats why i thought i ask <3. Much love to you guys

hey just a quick question i thought i ask here xD. Are you planing to watch the "that time i got reincarnated as a slime" movie on patreon? because if yes then im gonna wait with watching it on my own. its currently out on crunchy thats why i thought i ask <3. Much love to you guys

Rebel Gamester

I really hope you guys watch working! after this, goated romcom fr


lol dude got rejected so many times the thought of someone liking him gets gas-lit into "nah im bugging"


Although it was made my the actual author of the ln


It is not from the light novels (the books) but is from the webnovel (first draft of the story online). From what i understand it will kinda be canon since a person from the movie will show up in the anime. Also the animation is crazy with many awesome scenes


@ the uruk slayer please DO NOT misquote me, I NEVER said that. Yall cant come at us saying we dont catch stuff and then completely misquote me to create your own narrative. One thing about me, I'll let yall say whatever about me but LYING on me is one thing I cant stand. When you properly listen to what I said then we can have a discussion


LMAO Luffy_77 dawg, people just not LISTENING to what I said cause Im just dumb and the mangaka is a genius


I don't understand people getting upset that Roshi and Sheera have different opinions to other viewers on the characters in the show, isn't that the point of watching their reaction?

by chances

comments are kinda mess but as always great video guys


Anime romcom watchers continuing to prove that they are the most lame and insufferable people in the anime community


I think people forget they are explaining this to them from the point of view of having seen the whole series. Knowing where it goes what the major points and themes are overall. It seems a bit early to go into massively deep explanations when they are not finished with the series yet.


sheera he did tell you lmfao. ep smth of Love is War, i remember Roshi mentionning it


9:00 on god I remember a girl running for student council saying she was gonna try to get sports to count for half a credit and I was like man if she can get that I could graduate early and like the rest they were just glorified poster hangers ☠️


That's in America though. In Japan the Student council is the strongest force in the school behind the Principal Chairman according to anime.