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they need to chill on my boy hes vibing lol

also they gave Yui a million dollar animation budget for that line lol



oh boi. the spice boutta build up


the pain train continues with yui and yukinon

Devin B (edited)

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2023-04-21 00:13:12 Also shout out to Hayama for sticking up for Hikigaya cause he basically told those two girls "you think you're better than him, here are two actually baddies that he hangs out with on the daily"
2023-04-20 22:06:45 Shout out to Hayama for sticking up for Hikigaya cause he basically told those two girls "you think you're better than him, here are two actually baddies that he hangs out with on the daily"

Shout out to Hayama for sticking up for Hikigaya cause he basically told those two girls "you think you're better than him, here are two actually baddies that he hangs out with on the daily"


Yeah it lowkey feels like their be some bias in that animation room because especially in season 3, yui be having some amazing animation on her specifically

Devin B

No one is saying that Hikigaya is hurt from the last situation because he liked the girl but because he made himself look bad by getting in the middle of a confession and just confessed out of nowhere. As Hikigaya do things that makes him look like the bad guy the public is going to view him in a negative way and Hayama, Yukino, and Yui are just trying to make him realize that he is worth something. He does things not caring what happens to him because he thinks he's not worth much to anyone and it's sad cause that was programmed into him for years now.


Don't know if you guys remember but ep 3 his sister got mad at him because he said she was being nosy in a rude way

Cameron Robinson

They want Hikki break out of this pattern of sacrificing himself before it gets worse too. The last situation may have not been that bad, but we see the pattern repeating itself with Hikki. Now he feels ok with embarrassing himself on stage in front of the whole school. They don’t want that for him and he shouldn’t want that for himself.


this. They need to understand that just because his solutions are effective doesn't mean he doesn't trample on his own actual feelings. Hikigaya lies to everyone and himself.

Losalma (edited)

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2023-04-21 00:57:54 I think that both of you are falling in the same lie Hikki is trying to sell, about how he's always going to be alone or how he´s worth nothing and you can see that up until this point. If you ever kW on a person in that situation, they have that attitude of I don't care that people hate me because I hate nothing so if people reject mine more doesn't matter because im whortle´s.
2023-04-20 22:57:35

Darrell Jones

8man doesn't want to see it. Not that he doesn't see it. He observes and doesn't like to be observed. And the only one that sees this is Yuki sister. Which is why she always messes with him.

AlexXis Amadeus

That was almost unintelligible. Please Edit.

Devin B

@Jazko yeah Roshi and Sheera are mostly looking at things from his perspective and room what they see he seems fine with it but they have to truly understand and listen to what everyone else is saying about him cause they can see through his lies


told ya Hayato is a homie. 2nd best character after hiki in the show by far low key it sjust you really gotta pay attention to details to understand him.


damn you're the only mofo who actually gets whats going on lmao


Regarding Komachi. In the previous episode, when they talked to each other. Hachiman made her mad by pushing her away.


Also there is something you guys haven't noticed. In this episode, Haruno says "you can see through everything, huh." The EP shows show he can read through the lines. An example of this was with iroha earlier. To further contribute to him lying to himself, he is not dense. He is aware of the situation between Yui and Yukinoo.


How I see it, it's not that Hachiman does not see how Yui acts or says, but he sees it as insincere in a way. She is a nice girl and nice girls are nice to anyone. That's why he mistakenly thought the other girls might like him, and got emberassed by his own "selfish delusion". So now he just doesn't bother anymore. Also I think Yukinon is frustrated because Hachiman puts up an act to solve problems effectively as per request. He has to lie and say things he doesn't mean, something Hachiman and Yukinon both dislike. Makes him look like a jerk, the way Hayato was this time. She doesn't like that, but she can't counter it because the only one who has solved all the problems from the volunteer club is Hachiman. Yukinon and Yui have not yet come up with ideas to help anyone their way, only Hachiman's. This is how I interpreted it, I'm not sure if this is what the creator's had in mind, but it makes most sense to me✌️


i just don’t think they like how things are being “solved” and tbh i didn’t like it either when i watched it.


can’t wait for them to watch episode 8

Devin B

@Sergio that's a big part of it too cause with his solutions he's just allowing others to not face the root of the problem. They're just avoiding it for the time being.

MM (edited)

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2024-01-08 01:52:40 Then Orimoto looks back at Yui and Yukino like "Damn, they are baddies" lmao
2024-01-08 01:52:40 Then Orimoto looks back at Yui and Yukino like "Damn, they are baddies" lmao
2023-04-21 00:38:59 Then Orimoto looks back at Yui and Yukino like "Damn, they are baddies" lmao

Then Orimoto looks back at Yui and Yukino like "Damn, they are baddies" lmao


HIKIGAYA ISNT DENSE He knows Yui likes him, he just doesn’t value himself enough and is scared of opening up and being help, he specifically keeps people at arms length and he’s getting frustrated and worried when Yui and Yuki break through those defences

Rue Ryuuzaki

Again, Hikigaya isnt dense. He knows what's going on just like Haruno said.

blue snivy

i love the reaction also the whole iroha thing is just a type of segway for their relationship/friendship issues. also props to being as patient as possible to teens having communication issues lol

Jose silva

Hiki isn't actually dense he just choses to believe she doesn't mean it in a romantic way because he doesn't want to get hurt again.


I feel like you guys get it, but don't get it at the same time. Hikigaya likes to analyze other people, but doesn't like to be analyzed himself and that's why Haruno picks on him so much. She even called him out on it twice in this episode (once on the phone and in the restaurant). It seems like y'all are only looking at it from Hikigaya's perspective and are seeing it as his methods being effective, so everything else including others opinions of it don't matter, which they do. MASSIVELY. I'm sure someone else in the comments have said it before and they even say it in the show, but Hikigaya is just accustomed to hurting himself, so he doesn't see anything wrong with it and that's why everyone is upset. Hayama wants him to see his worth while Yukino and Yui just want him to stop falling deeper and deeper into the pit. Hiratsuka (the teacher) even told him twice that "there's people that hurt when you get hurt", but he's been disregarding this fact for the longest time. It's not that you guys have to deeply analyze every little thing they say. You just have to pay a little more attention to it instead


Your Lie in April gotta be after this


This episode did make me think of COTE.


I mean one point they were making though I kind of get is Haruno gets involved in everything like why are you here it's like she goes to the school with them when she's just an Alumni

DamnBust (edited)

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2023-04-21 07:03:46 Komachi (mc's sister) is angry with Hiki ever since their fight, which happened after he returned from the trip and was being rude to her, despite her trying to help him sort things out. He hasn't tried to make up for it or apologize in any way. In regards to Hikigaya hurting himself, you're presuming that he's fine just because he's saying he's fine. He's just not saying what's on his mind. The real reason why he's resorting to his methods is because he's used to them and because they brings results quickly, as well as him being used to no one caring of his well-being in the past. It takes a toll on him and is eating away, hurts people that care about seeing him like that. Additionally, it's because he's resistant to change, as well as used to solitude is why he puts up barriers between himself and Yukino, Yui subconsciously. He doesn't try to get to know what problems others are facing or try take out the root of the problem, which is why his although his methods come at the cost of him ruining his image or friendships all it does is postpone people taking responsibilities. Which is quite literally contrary to what he hates most, on which Yukino calls him out on, saying that she supposed they both hate superficial things
2023-04-21 05:00:49 Komachi (mc's sister) is angry with Hiki ever since their fight, which happened after he returned from the trip and was being rude to her, despite her trying to help him sort things out. He hasn't tried to make up for it or apologize in any way. In regards to Hikigaya hurting himself, you're presuming that he's fine. However he's just not saying what's on his mind. The real reason why he's resorting to his methods is because he's used to them and because they brings results quickly, as well as him being used to no one caring of his well-being in the past. However is still takes a toll on him and eats away, which in turn hurts people that care about him and don't want to see him suffer. Additionally, it's because he's resistant to change that he puts up barriers between himself and Yukino, Yui subconsciously. He doesn't try to get to know what problems others are facing or try take out the root of the problem, which is why his although his methods come at the cost of him ruining his image or friendships all it does is postpone people taking responsibilities. Which is contrary to what he claims to hate most. On which Yukino calls him out on, saying that she supposed they both hate superficial things.

Komachi (mc's sister) is angry with Hiki ever since their fight, which happened after he returned from the trip and was being rude to her, despite her trying to help him sort things out. He hasn't tried to make up for it or apologize in any way. In regards to Hikigaya hurting himself, you're presuming that he's fine. However he's just not saying what's on his mind. The real reason why he's resorting to his methods is because he's used to them and because they brings results quickly, as well as him being used to no one caring of his well-being in the past. However is still takes a toll on him and eats away, which in turn hurts people that care about him and don't want to see him suffer. Additionally, it's because he's resistant to change that he puts up barriers between himself and Yukino, Yui subconsciously. He doesn't try to get to know what problems others are facing or try take out the root of the problem, which is why his although his methods come at the cost of him ruining his image or friendships all it does is postpone people taking responsibilities. Which is contrary to what he claims to hate most. On which Yukino calls him out on, saying that she supposed they both hate superficial things.

Sami Mottaghian

I feel like people dont realize Hikigaya is an unreliable narrator. Yeah outwardly he says he doesn't care, but everyone thinking you're a bad person is going to have a negative effect on you no matter who you are. The past is definitely still weighing down on him as well, like when he sees Orimoto for the first time hes instantly reminded of when he got rejected. The way he solves these problems are definitely having an effect on him no matter how much he tries to delude himself (and the audience) into thinking he doesn't care.

Devin reid

Niggas in this show piss me off so much but I literally can’t stop watching it

Random Guy

What Hayama just did was pretty much how Hikigaya does it every time. But the main difference why this one feels much worse than Hikigaya is because we are not used to seeing Hayama do it like this. And he did say it felt really bad.

StolenChakra (edited)

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2023-04-21 10:09:45 I'm surprised Roshi remembered about the vague connection between Yuki and Hayama but can't realize why the sister mad >.>...lol. Also I feel like it's not mental gymnastics to read that Hikki is trying to avoid being hurt by saying he doesn't care. That is a typical respone to somebody being villainized. He was being insulted and was acting like that was right/normal outcome for him. I feel like if Hikki flipped out and "deleted" the school yall be like "but he said he was fine!"
2023-04-21 07:58:29 I'm surprised Roshi remembered about the vague connection between Yuki and Hayama but can't realize why the sister mad >.>...lol. Also I feel like it's not mental gymnastics to read that Hikki is trying to avoid being hurt by saying he doesn't care. That is a typical respone to somebody being villainized. He was being insulted and was acting like that was right/normal outcome for him. I feel like if Hikki flipped out and "deleted" the school yall be like "but he said he was fine!"

I'm surprised Roshi remembered about the vague connection between Yuki and Hayama but can't realize why the sister mad >.>...lol. Also I feel like it's not mental gymnastics to read that Hikki is trying to avoid being hurt by saying he doesn't care. That is a typical respone to somebody being villainized. He was being insulted and was acting like that was right/normal outcome for him. I feel like if Hikki flipped out and "deleted" the school yall be like "but he said he was fine!"

원 지

osama ranking goat


fruits basket is a must

Adamantite Momon (edited)

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2023-04-21 15:50:14 One clarification. Hikigaya does care and does get hurt making himself scapegoat. He always says he does not care but that is a lie, a lie to others and also to HIMSELF. Remember when he was having a chat with Ebina on the rooftop after the fake confession, he had a monologue where he said He is the biggest liar of them all because he is essentially lying to himself that he does not care about being a scapegoat.
2023-04-21 15:50:14 One clarification. Hikigaya does care and does get hurt making himself scapegoat. He always says he does not care but that is a lie, a lie to others and also to HIMSELF. Remember when he was having a chat with Ebina on the rooftop after the fake confession, he had a monologue where he said He is the biggest liar of them all because he is essentially lying to himself that he does not care about being a scapegoat. Also, in addition to both Yukinoshita and Hiki saying they hate superficial things and Hiki's solutions being a superficial one, Yuki is also mad that Hiki is not trying to grow, he is still stuck in his middle school mentality. This was implied when she asked him "So you are not ready to grow at all?". Even though they both started as loners , Yuki is desperately trying to grow as a human being. People change, people grow. As an adult we are not the same as when we were in college, similar how we were in college was not the same how we used to be during school days.
2023-04-21 15:50:14 One clarification. Hikigaya does care and does get hurt making himself scapegoat. He always says he does not care but that is a lie, a lie to others and also to HIMSELF. Remember when he was having a chat with Ebina on the rooftop after the fake confession, he had a monologue where he said He is the biggest liar of them all because he is essentially lying to himself that he does not care about being a scapegoat. Also, in addition to both Yukinoshita and Hiki saying they hate superficial things and Hiki's solutions being a superficial one, Yuki is also mad that Hiki is not trying to grow, he is still stuck in his middle school mentality. This was implied when she asked him "So you are not ready to grow at all?". Even though they both started as loners , Yuki is desperately trying to grow as a human being. People change, people grow. As an adult we are not the same as when we were in college, similar how we were in college was not the same how we used to be during school days.
2023-04-21 15:50:14 One clarification. Hikigaya does care and does get hurt making himself scapegoat. He always says he does not care but that is a lie, a lie to others and also to HIMSELF. Remember when he was having a chat with Ebina on the rooftop after the fake confession, he had a monologue where he said He is the biggest liar of them all because he is essentially lying to himself that he does not care about being a scapegoat. Also, in addition to both Yukinoshita and Hiki saying they hate superficial things and Hiki's solutions being a superficial one, Yuki is also mad that Hiki is not trying to grow, he is still stuck in his middle school mentality. This was implied when she asked him "So you are not ready to grow at all?". Even though they both started as loners , Yuki is desperately trying to grow as a human being. People change, people grow. As an adult we are not the same as when we were in college, similar how we were in college was not the same how we used to be during school days.
2023-04-21 15:50:14 One clarification. Hikigaya does care and does get hurt making himself scapegoat. He always says he does not care but that is a lie, a lie to others and also to HIMSELF. Remember when he was having a chat with Ebina on the rooftop after the fake confession, he had a monologue where he said He is the biggest liar of them all because he is essentially lying to himself that he does not care about being a scapegoat. Also, in addition to both Yukinoshita and Hiki saying they hate superficial things and Hiki's solutions being a superficial one, Yuki is also mad that Hiki is not trying to grow, he is still stuck in his middle school mentality. This was implied when she asked him "So you are not ready to grow at all?". Even though they both started as loners , Yuki is desperately trying to grow as a human being. People change, people grow. As an adult we are not the same as when we were in college, similar how we were in college was not the same how we used to be during school days.
2023-04-21 13:41:02 One clarification. Hikigaya does care and does get hurt making himself scapegoat. He always says he does not care but that is a lie, a lie to others and also to HIMSELF. Remember when he was having a chat with Ebina on the rooftop after the fake confession, he had a monologue where he said He is the biggest liar of them all because he is essentially lying to himself that he does not care about being a scapegoat. Also, in addition to both Yukinoshita and Hiki saying they hate superficial things and Hiki's solutions being a superficial one, Yuki is also mad that Hiki is not trying to grow, he is still stuck in his middle school mentality. This was implied when she asked him "So you are not ready to grow at all?". Even though they both started as loners , Yuki is desperately trying to grow as a human being. People change, people grow. As an adult we are not the same as when we were in college, similar how we were in college was not the same how we used to be during school days.

One clarification. Hikigaya does care and does get hurt making himself scapegoat. He always says he does not care but that is a lie, a lie to others and also to HIMSELF. Remember when he was having a chat with Ebina on the rooftop after the fake confession, he had a monologue where he said He is the biggest liar of them all because he is essentially lying to himself that he does not care about being a scapegoat. Also, in addition to both Yukinoshita and Hiki saying they hate superficial things and Hiki's solutions being a superficial one, Yuki is also mad that Hiki is not trying to grow, he is still stuck in his middle school mentality. This was implied when she asked him "So you are not ready to grow at all?". Even though they both started as loners , Yuki is desperately trying to grow as a human being. People change, people grow. As an adult we are not the same as when we were in college, similar how we were in college was not the same how we used to be during school days.


I don't think Hikki is necessarily dense and doesn't realize Yui has feelings for him. It's more just that he hates change. If one of the three confessed, their friend group would get really awkward and their club would probably get disbanded. It's the same reason why Yui mentions that she has a problem with Yuki becoming president. She wants the club to stay the way it is. Even Hikki does, but he doesn't want to admit it. They're all pretty much in stasis and the only one trying to move forward is Yuki, because her sister is getting to her.


Y’all will get it in a couple eps cause hikki himself doesn’t know what he wants. So if y’all think y’all know what he wants right now I promise you don’t.


Respect to Roshi for doubling down on Hikki being dense even though he's completely wrong.


The thing that Yui said about Love towards the end of the episode, purely by words is ambiguous. She didn't actually say "I'm in love", thats the subtitles already doing some of the interpretation but it's technically wrong since she just said "I love the club. I love ..." and the rest is basically open with the most standard way of reading it being "I love it".


roshi gonna be saying hikki dense for the whole season lmao

Arashi storm

Oregairu is not your average romcom so you might need to use more than 2 braincells and I understand if this might be hard for you so here's a tldr

Arashi storm

Tldr: imagine hikkigaya as shirou from fate and you yuki/yui as rin. As for him talking the L it pretty much is. He's sacrificing his mental health and image with the way he does stuff as you can see from the recent president arc or the camp arc. He is a living L because he basically he doesn't see any value in himself. Remember when he says he's the biggest liar of them all. He pretend it all the shit doesn't get to him but it does


Yo I can’t believe that haven’t watched it


You could say this without sounding like a dickhead lmao

Shin splits

I feel like you can tell hikkigaya does not like to be disliked. It’s just he’s used to it and try’s to convince himself he’s okay alone and hated. But that’s the only way he knows how to solve problems is to make himself the target of aggression. Even if he truly honest to god doesn’t care about how other ppl perceive him, how can Yui and Yukino who are his friends just watch him become the center of everybody’s hate and be okay with it. If my friend was pulling this type of bs i would call him out on it to.

Shin splits

Also Hikkigaya isn’t dense. He knows how Yui feels he just try’s to deny it as much as possible and kind of just ignore because he’s constantly trying to convince himself he wants to be alone.


Oregairu fans are some of the most pretentious mind-numbingly stupid individuals on this Earth. These constant comments every episode explaining the same regurgitated point of view via hindsight are sad. Just let them watch the show and make up their own minds instead of telling them how to feel. Like this comment "Oregairu is not your average romcom so you might need to use more than 2 brain cells and I understand if this might be hard for you". I feel like every person that worships this anime and constantly spews this needs therapy. If you needed this anime to tell you not to make the most egregious choices that plummet your public image, then you must've been like 14 when this shit came out.


Bro chill lmao. Also u say they must've been like 14 when it came out as an insult but it came out over a decade ago, telling ppl they're in their early twenties as a way to demonstrate how dumb you think they are doesn't rlly work lol. And ur also missing the point, sure there are edgy teens out there who love the show for hikkis monologues n shit but most ppl worship the show cus of how hikki changes for the better. You're just stuck viewing the fan base as if its only made up of the vocal minority.


bro relax it's just a show also oops i deleted my previous comment lol

Jake Young

Right?? They act like their opinions are fact, and that Hachiman isnt actually a loser lol


sry but i cringed hard at this comment lol. Almost all are helpful here trying to help Yoshi and Sheera understand the meaning between the lines. Also its great having a healthy discussion here about the show. Calm down and the enjoy the ride.


There were other people there too Roshi (2 randos). But I get what you mean how it wasn't that big of a deal.


You didn't understand that meaning between the lines on your first watch either, only hindsight helps you. It's lame

olle spengler

late ik, but they know hikky doesnt like ebina, but they still dont like the way he did things