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they really tried it with Toni's picture lmao


Hasnain Khan



I really like Yi Seo. Ik there’s no way they’ll end up together but I like seeing her grow as a sociopath who wants to connect with others and I much prefer her to Soo-ah’s wish washy bs


Damn Yiseo I was rooting for you!!! Fuck!!! Toni didn't deserve that, and G didn't deserve that treatment either. She tossed bro like they were never friends, and trampled all over his feelings. Almost forgot she was lowkey sociopathic...


I'll still pick her over Soo-ah but she was wildin' this episode. And she don't wanna connect with others lol just Saeroyi and that's gonna cause him more issues.

Sabine nau

Toni is making me so mad.. like dude you are not Korean..Stand up 😠


They had to remind us this episode that Yi-seo low-key crazy haha. Still she way better then Soo-ah. I feel like Soo-ah is taking Saeroyi's feelings kinda for granted


Come on Bro, my man Toni has a Korean dad and speakes perfect Korean. This guy is even more Korean than me😭(I have two Korean parents, but can barely make a sentence)

Bria A.

I can’t believe I forgot this, not me just now remembering that Toni’s actor is just a random black dude from MD who knows Korean extremely well but insists he’s “still learning”. 😂 But yeah, Korea has a small subsection of extremely popular actors and comedians who are full on foreigners who just happen to know Korean lmao. There’s only a handful of actual mixed black Koreans who have made it big in the entertainment industry over there (that I currently know of).


She's a sociopath. Or at least highly suspected to be. I don't know if you guys are forgetting that or don't necessarily understand what that means. One of the major symptoms of sociopathy is lack of empathy and being unable differentiate right and wrong.

Devin reid

Both of the chicks close to him suck so bad they piss me off he just needs the danbam bros


yup at this point forward i dislike the main 3 more and more


I need to learn Korean one day. If only I can stop procrastinating.


tonis situation is like frank gallagher and liam gallagher iykyk lmao


Sheera mentions her being a sociopath in the reaction however they can still find her actions frustrating


They didn't forget lol they both mentioned it in the vid


I know, I hear Sheera mention it once but then as the video goes on that concept doesn't seem to stick. Which is why I say "forgetting" (as in constantly forgetting) or just don't understand. For example, if they understand she had completely sociopathic tendencies, we would not expect her to say sorry to geun-soo and mean it. That scene shouldn't have been surprising. Or it wouldn't be difficult to understand why she says the things she does to Toni. It's not so much that she's "immature" albeit that's a contributer, or that she's not understanding some situations (she's understanding fine, it just doesn't fit her agenda). There are just many instances that can easily be explained by sociopathy, but I feel like are being over explained.

Jay rellim

"i bet my life on you" kinda rings hollow bc she herself made this decision and only bc she had a crush at the time. plus, she literally can quit and just go to any top college she wants and just live off her social media money in between. also imo it's hilarious that she basically learned empathy to get closer to saeroyi by not being such a terrible person to those he cares for. her reason for helping toni revolved around saeroyi. like to me that's not super genuine but i get it bc pseudo sociopath


She is taking his feelings for granted, not taking him serious at all


I don't like people like Yi-Seo to be associated with me in person. I'd probably go nuts. But I like her character on this show. It peaks my interest how contradicting every single thing she says. But, I like her to be with Saeroyi, maybe not romantically, she is one of the reason why DanBam is still running at this point. He needs her or else DanBam would be stagnant. Soo Ah is the embodiment of chaotic neutral.

Kameron Renae

A little insight there’s a popular African Korean model name Han hyun min. Father is Nigerian and his mother is korean. Now due to genetics he looks like a regular black man. He was born and raised in Korea. He speaks no English, his nationality is Korean. Ethnically he is black and Asian. Where I’m getting at is that Toni’s character is a lot like Han he was born in Korea so he considers himself korean.

Anna Choi

LOL @ 27:29 when the scene changed so suddenly and y’all just decided to start dancing 🤣 best reactors fr

Bria A.

Hyunmin is really cool, I love seeing him when he shows up on variety shows and stuff.

kody mike

sheera said "if you getting cheeks over there you can", but he ain't thats the thing. SHE AINT PUTTING OUT!!!