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Isaac played himself lol



Isaac so funny man

Tuny kun (edited)

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2023-04-18 22:38:35 7:27-8:04 Sheera's face during this sequence lmao. I can guess, but I wonder what she was thinking.
2023-04-18 22:31:00 7:49-8:04 Sheera's face during this sequence lmao. I can guess, but I wonder what she was thinking.

7:49-8:04 Sheera's face during this sequence lmao. I can guess, but I wonder what she was thinking.

Hasnain Khan



Edwin's "For the Lord" throw killed me lmao


So Fumi knows that Amy cheated, since she was in the house at the time. And like you said, in a previous episode we found out that Fumi is in debt because of her shopping. I think Fumi saw an opportunity when she overheard Naomi and Amy's convo. So in this episode, when Amy had just taken Fumi shopping when she said that stuff about being generous, I took that as Fumi saying that Amy will have to continue to take her shopping in exchange for her silence about the affair and taking the blame for the road rage incident

rickie woodson

fumi is the real mastermind. she set everything up. she over heard the convo, she knows amy is up to no good rather she saw paul or not, and she needed to sell the tamago. george already said he was willing to sell it so she set up the deal via her attorney (rewatch the end of last episode when she called him). so from george's perspective he saved the deal by selling the tamago to jordana, which makes him a hero when in fact it was fumi all alooooooooong! she been speaking in vague subtext the whole episode! and that convo with amy in the car? "truth doesnt exist. we create our own reality" she wants the perception that they are happy and rich with no problems which is why she lives the lifestyle that she lives. "so amy what do you want" now if that knowledge we will see what illusion amy creates for the world going forward

Sauce Sorcerer

I thought it was crazy when I was watching the show on my own and saw Fumi doing this. It's crazy your own mom would prioritize luxuries over letting you know your partner is cheating on you. I felt bad for Fumi in ep 5 because she was lonely, but after that I didnt have much sympathy for her. I know George had his own thing going on with Mia, but damn bro

rickie woodson

danny didnt want to clown himself in front of everyone, thats why he was trying to get out of that ball game so bad. he was doing his best to play it cool and make it look like he was disappointed "yeah cant. its full its out of his find oh well". notice when they did play he mostly just passed to paul for him to get the points..... but it worked in his favor in the end. got back good with his brother, one upped his rival and got issac back. good day for a bad guy i guess. but is he really going to pursue a taken one.......


And an immediate “Word of God” airball 😂😂

Drake Rage

Finally Danny with the Finesse, great episode!


Yall must not have watched any of Ali Wong's stand up specials on netflix.. that girl be nasty in the best way XD straight up taalkin about her husband jizzin on her face and all a' dat


Sure did


the Danny and Paul team up goes crazy, but if Isaac survives jail, I wouldn't be able to sleep at night once he's out, brother is unhinged. Straight menace


I think he just didnt want to play with isaac with the way he be acting. And playmaking is as important as scoring and he hit a 3 and got a good drive to the basket


yknow I expected isaac to be up to some fuck shit and scam danny but he was fr helping danny out even when they messed up


Nah, danny is good idk what u’re talking about. He wasn’t trying to sign in cause he knows that dude (his ex’s husband) don’t like him. And he doesn’t want to clown him infront of his wife


I don’t get why people are siding w amy? Shit’s crazy


Because in retrospect it doesn’t matter who started it. Danny escalated the situation from the beginning and his decisions following that made his life worse. It’s as if no matter what Amy does, Danny just manages to 1-up her in irrationality. I feel terrible for him and his circumstances but he’s an idiot.


dam everything was going good.....until it wasnt lmao. i aint gonna lie isaac was being too much of a mob boss but sending him back to jail? idk about that..jail aint a fucking joke ...like i said before everybody is a scumbag lol. even mr church man cursing in the bball court of god? how dare you lol


I'm exactly like Edwin when playing any sports and my team is losing.


Well I don't understand the hate for Danny tho. Like just support both of them. It's just all comedy between those two anyways. At least till now it's nothing that serious even.


She a terrible person no matter how u look at it. Cheating ain’t it, her husband did cheat but There was nothing physical between mia and him from what I’ve heard and seen unlike amy, who when danny stopped she kept on talking w his little brother and manipulating him to get to danny


I was thinking this, getting somebody locked up is a short term solution unless it’s for something that they have no chance of parole for, still a w tho cause fuck Isaac

Cameron Robinson

My fear right now is that Danny is going to try to blackmail Amy to get some extra money for his business and Amy is going to come down hard on him.

Cameron Robinson

There two things I really liked about this episode: One was in regards to the misdirect on what Danny was gonna do with the tip line and two is that it is still technically possible that Danny didn’t rat on Isaac. His acting at the jail makes me think he did but Naomi had already figured out that Isaac was connected to the car, due to the break in, so she could have given the police the name.

Lupa is Dadi

“what they got going on is none of her business “ sheera she just cheated on her husband wtf are smoking 😭 please this is hurting my brain the biased

Lupa is Dadi

“he cant even get mad because he was talking to her husband” sheera please 😭 she started dming his brother long before danny chatted up her husband 😭