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Peak continues



Love yall and the community, Peakland!


BTW alot of staff that worked on AoT s2, worked in this episode, and it shows


This episode was so visually pleasing. The way that the weather was used as a tone-setter alongside the beautiful backgrounds was fantastic.


In the 1960's, evidence of Nordic peoples was found in Newfoundland, Canada. It's highly speculated prior to that that the Nords traveled to North America LONG before Columbus ever did, and that evidence in 1960 proved it. The historical Leif Erikson technically discovered North America, named "Vinland" around 1000 AD! Two other lands mentioned, Markland and Helluland (not mentioned in Vinland Saga to my knowledge) are speculated to have been Labrador and Baffin Island, Nunavut, respectively. The only CONFIRMED evidence, however, has so far remained to be that found in Newfoundland in the 1960s, but I could be wrong on this.


I think u knew already but u probably just forgot. Leif Ericson was a real Norse Sailor in the past who discovered America roughly 400 years before columbus, but he only discovered it and didnt colonize it, which is probably the reason the most people dont know him. They even showed him in season 1 trading with native americans, where he also got a feather crown which he is wearing in s1. So yeah, Thorfinn is talking about America. Vinland = America


Lupa asking if it's America had me weak ngl. America Saga


Peak will come for the next stretch until the end. I'm loving this adaptation

Jorge Viera

I read somewhere that thorfin was a real person and he was the first person to discover america which they call vinland, but he only stayed for a few years and left cuz he didnt want war with the natives


next episode is going to be fire


Yeah Lupa was actually close. It's technically Canada, not America. At least in the present.

Gas Bandit

"Bro... is that... America?" Well, Canada, specifically. Leif Erikson was a real person, whose descriptions of Vinland are commonly thought to be referencing Newfoundland, CA.


Yo thorfinn is talking about Vinland guys cmon lmao

Jackie Gibson

Close the Vinland referenced in the show and in real life refers to north america, Newfoundland Canada specifically. Technically not America since geographically the Norse would have to travel much further south to arrive in current american borders.


I was really a little dumbfounded by that statement, I alrighty thought this was common knowledge in the Anime Community since Season 1 Episode 1 came outxD


America saga

Joey Zero

Did yā€™all forget the name of the show? Where did you think Vinland was?


Sheera and lupa really know how to disregard the entire situation going on in the show

Tyrese Marshall

I dont think anyone knows shes pregnant


And the next and the next etc...

Kevin Kovacs

Next eps are gonna be sooo good like I just can't wait for them.. it's gonna be FIRE!

Devin B

At this point only Thorfinn, Einar, and the old master know about it.

Ruben Pomp

ā€œAmerica???ā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ bro Iā€™m dying


Show is named VINLAND saga. The series has repetitively talked about Vinland. The series showed that it was here in North America/Canada in case people are dumb about history and geography and they somehow completely forgot about the biggest plot point of the show. You guys were seriously confused and questioning what thorfinn was saying when its literally been repeated multiple times. Someone please tell me I am just misreading the situation here.


This deserves one of the hardest claps in the comments you guys have ever gotten if you seriously forgot about the entire premise of the series and what the point of "vinland" saga is.

Theo Vorster

For those who are interested in reading along with the manga, this episode adapted all of chapters 82 and 83. Also the manga translated Thorfinnā€™s line ā€œthereā€™s no point if you fight for peaceā€ as ā€œit is meaningless to wage war for peaceā€, the latter which I think conveys Thorfinnā€™s main concern and ideal better. As Thorfinn isnā€™t so uncompromising that he thinks there can be zero conflicts, heā€™s more concerned with killing and warfare (i.e. mass armed mortal/lethal conflicts). Also the girl that Thorfinn was thinking about that caused him to remember Vinland was a random slave-girl he talked to back in the first few episodes of season 1. And technically Vinland was likely located in what is modern-day Canada (specifically the province of Newfoundland and Labrador), but yes they are talking about North America. And the human jaw is stronger than one might realize, most people are just rarely in any situation that would deign using the full bite force (and I would think biting out a chunk of someoneā€™s throat would be easier than biting through someoneā€™s fingers, in terms of amount of force required).


It is supposed to be common knowledge. Unfortunately it isn't common knowledge to them I guess.

Theo Vorster

Not the first, Leif Erikson encountered Vinland before the historical Thorfinn (who was following the precedent Leif had set). The historical Thorfinn is more known for being the father of the first European child born in either of the Americas. But yes the historical Thorfinnā€™s Vinland settlement did eventually fail and virtually the settlers returned to Greenland and Iceland (thereā€™s is some speculation that maybe a few settlers assimilated and/or had kids with the local First Nations tribes of the area but thereā€™s virtually no way to determine that presently).


I assume the conclusion Arnheid came to is to free him, despite how conflicted she feels, she was going to be killed, she only had one option at that time.


Leif Erikson day enjoyers crying rn

Ginger Dwarf

Y'all deadass forgot about Vinland xD


when yall forget the name of the show you're watching lmao. You wright tho the content of north america more specifically canada was "discovered" by vikings so it's probably based off that

Ginger Dwarf

Sheera out here the number 1 women defender.


The way I typed my comment was a little aggressive but it was just because I was confused how they just erased this stuff out of their heads. Not because I am trying to be aggressive on purpose. My 2nd comment was mainly a joke.


I was too was waiting for the Title but nope lol all we get is merica xD home of the brave jokes


I was thinking the same thing that whole situation got worse because of her an she untied her husband and Sheera said she didn't do anything lmao


lupa forgetting these people are slaves and have no say in anything lol. im with roshi and lupa. they dont even know shes pregnant. they could kill her without ever knowing. no spoilers tho let me find out on my own lol


Do you realize how many shows they watch everyday? That's an easy thing to forget.

Devin B

Even though they don't know about her being pregnant they know that she's Ketil's side chick so they wouldn't just kill her like that

Daniel Robb

Yeah, Arnheid is a special slave to Ketil, so she gets special treatment

jordansamuel (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-19 02:47:55 With all the great stuff thatā€™s coming out these days. This one is the one iā€™m most excited voor, shitā€™s so good!
2023-04-19 02:17:51 With all the great stuff thatā€™s coming out these days. This one is the one iā€™m most excited for, shitā€™s so good!

With all the great stuff thatā€™s coming out these days. This one is the one iā€™m most excited for, shitā€™s so good!


ong bro i was like plz tell me they understand towards the end...

Aniki Pft

They read comments, why not just refresh them instead of bussing a blood vessel over it. Some ppl gotta understand that sometimes you'll forget even the most crucial of details when it comes to media, or just shit in life. Relax.


ā€œso treat slaves like slaves cuz ā€¦ slavesā€ yes lupa slaves have no say in anything in this environment LMAOOO

Daniel Robb

Lupa not knowing Vinland = North/South America after two seasons of VINLAND Saga is so hilarious to me šŸ˜­šŸ¤£

Antonio Williams

You'd only know that if you knew that the vikings made their way over to canada back then and researched it outside of the show.


To be Perfectly Fair, Leif DID interact with Native Americans in the first episode of the series.


just so you know, Leif Erikson was a real person. He is actually one of the first Europeans that landed in North America. This series is based on a lot of true events.


5:27 Lupa foreshadowing šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yes Vinland is what the Norse called America, but if i remember right the vikings that settled in north america ended up in canada. Tho i believe historicaly Leif Erikson did actually encounter native americans, the settlers he left all died off shortly after his departure


youre correct, except columbus didnt discover america. He never even landed in america. He sailed around spanish islands (and maybe the carribean) carrying diseases and raping and pillaging every settlement he came across, then he went home. bro was a menace that got credit for some shit he never even did

Cleven Anthony

Well funny enough I knew it was America cause Vinland being referred to America happens in a lot of different medias so I just assumed lol

Knuckle's hair

Gardar put her in a tough position tho. She was only there to take care of his wounds


Guys! i would recommend you to hear the outro song please, is a beautiful one, but is yall decision dont worry:D p


Pretty sure anybody would be able to bite someoneā€™s throat meat off. Just nobody is savage enough to actually want to do that lol

Sauce Sorcerer

Sheera underestimating human bite force. You can do some crazy shit under extreme situations, but your body will take its toll later if not immediately.

Randy Petitmaitre

I might be wrong but I think it's believed now that the vikings actually came to America first not Columbus


Snake a real gangsta. Based on him being able to READ (Latin or Greek, I'm not 100% sure which one was used for the Bible at the time, assuming there's not both variants still in circulation depending on where the book originates from) the Bible like that at the time when only clergy knew Latin/Greek, + his sword design being the kind used by the Varangian Guard of the Roman Empire of Byzantine, he seems to be ex-Varangian Guard (bodyguards of the Emperor), which checks out since Norse were common enough Varangian Guard members for recruitment, alongside Germans. The reasoning is simple for this: as outsiders, they don't give a fuck about local politics, nor do they have any ties to any of the local clans, thus no reason to assassinate the Emperor, thus 100% reliable bodyguards (guess they learned from the end-game failure of the Praetorian Guard back in the final days of Rome, huh?), and unlike Praetorian Guard, they can't actually sell the position of the Emperor, because they are outsiders, thus none of the locals would trust them that much, and they'd be unable to garner support from local nobles to get military might to back that shit up either

The Endless

Even if they did i think Sheeras putting TOO much faith in the master's "attachment" to his slave. Especially given how good the world building is to show Nordic culture and what other societies were accurately like. A baby is NOT enough protection to keep you from being killed back then, this isn't the modern era nor do everybody value the sanctity of new life or even their own kin. Now how much do you think a master would love their SLAVE child.

Tyrese Marshall

For Ketil I could realistically see him loving his child born from a slave or not, considering he genuinely has feelings towards Arnheid


Yes Lupa, Vinland is America. I thought we've established that xd


Roshi and lupa playing dodgeball: Roshi: ey Lupa why didn't you dodge!? Lupa: I was in shock man! i swear.

Vincent S Deluca

Yeah with enough Adrenaline your Teeth can do some crazy damage, Including to yourself lol, some people break their own teeth by biting to hard without realizing


I'd prefer if that were the case, that man columbus was fucking doplhins lmao

Christian Acosta

Not that itā€™s a big deal cause who cares, but watching a lot of shows is kind of a dumb excuse. We all watch at least as many shows cause we watch along with them lol.

DeAndre Woodruff

... Y'all know Thorfinn is a real person right?


Yeah, like WAY back in S1 when Lief was telling them about Vinland. Im pretty sure they just straight up showed him talking to and trading with Native Americans.

Andrew shultz

Damn these guys didnā€™t know Vinland was America. Wasnā€™t everybody taught about Leif Ericsson in elementary school? Thatā€™s crazy I been taken that all for granted.

Aniki Pft

But this isn't what arneid wanted, so I understand why Sheera would defend her. The situation was already bad before she untied her husband. I can understand why some would blame her or defend, but relax lmao.

Aniki Pft

But we've seen how empathic Ketil is. And we've also seen how much he needs Arneid, it wouldn't be a shocker if he had a special attachment towards Arneid at all.


Sheera... Come on now, read between the lines a little lol. They didn't go back inside because it was raining. They went inside because they realized what the situation was like and were gonna give them privacy. Incidentally, I kinda wonder if Snake didn't do similar. He SAID take her back, but he seemed somewhat reluctant to be that cold to her, and he immediately left afterwards instead of just taking her back with him. I kinda think he was just keeping up appearances while also not enforcing that it happen that way. I do think Roshi is correct though - I think Arnheid is dead. Yeah she's carrying Ketil's child, but Ketil is not aware of that, and I GUARANTEE the Mistress does not want that kid around so I'm also wondering if that somehow doesn't play in at all.


When it comes down to a female having a kid in the show to sheera that character or person can do no wrong anymorešŸ˜­šŸ˜­


bro that came out in 2019, they ain't gonna remember everything


"this is a show based on realism" like thorkell wasn't throwing tree logs like spears at Olympic distances casually


They did. There's a viking settlement in newfoundland, canada that dates back 400 years earlier than Columbus discover America.


Yes the land they are talking about is America

Friendly Elites

Not in most of America, you're lucky if they even teach you about Amerigo Vespucci which the continents are named after


Holy Shit, i heard that for the first time and double checked it. Cant believe that so many people think he was a good Person. Thanks for clarifying!


Thorkell's feats of strength are accurate to the nordic sagas the character is drawn from.


key word is "based" in realism, not realistic

G. B.

Vinland was a real place, along the east coast of Canada named such for being a good wine producing land (vinland).

Mexican Stalin

This episode really shows the struggles women go through Arnheid's husband is a good person but he keeps making decisions for Arnheid and she has to deal with the consequences. And Thorfin and Einar had the chance to be free and make a living at the farm but she would be a slave for the rest of her life


Yā€™all just now figuring out that Vinland is the US is funny asl Iā€™ve been waiting for yā€™all to catch on šŸ’€šŸ˜‚


yā€™all seriously have no capacity for empathy lmao, yes blame the slave woman who just wanted to see her husband and literally canā€™t catch a single break because the men around her always fuck it up šŸ’€ sheā€™s not the one who tore a chunk out of that guyā€™s neck, she just wanted to see Gardar and everyone there except Snake was fine with that


Just now realizing that when Lief and Ketil show up, Thorfinn gonna be gone with Einar. why is this show so peak even if im wrong here


Build up continues

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-27 19:10:40 To Sheera's last point: 'The human jaw is capable of exerting up to 125 kg of force in a single bite', considering this and the knowledge the dude was highly bloodlusted, ripping out someone's neck would actually be pretty easy when it comes down to pure savagery.
2023-04-27 16:58:26 To Sheera's last point: 'The human jaw is capable of exerting up to 125 kg of force in a single bite', considering this and the knowledge the dude was highly bloodlusted, ripping out someone's neck would actually be pretty easy when it comes down to pure savagery.

To Sheera's last point: 'The human jaw is capable of exerting up to 125 kg of force in a single bite', considering this and the knowledge the dude was highly bloodlusted, ripping out someone's neck would actually be pretty easy when it comes down to pure savagery.


they watch way too many shows to remember all that bullshit, I don't understand being so harsh with them when they give us so much content.


The idea that a slave cannot commit acts of violence against their enslavers, that this violence somehow renders them impure or unworthy of being liberated, is INSANE. Yes, he bit the guard, dude HE AND HIS WIFE WERE SEPARATED AND ENSLAVED WHAT DO YOU MEAN THIS IS NATURAL AND CORRECT BEHAVIOR. FUndamentally, it is not her husband's FAULT that they lost their child. The onus is on those that raided and enslaved, that took advantage of the men's abscence. Sure, if they hadn't left the village, maybe it wouldn't have happened. Let's just say that's a guarantee. Why are you so quick to place the crux of the blame for what happened on him? It's crazy to say "oh you made this mistake, which seemed rational at the time, and so you deserve to have your family enslaved and your child killed." Ill end on this - for a slave to struggle for their freedom is as natural as breathing air. Their actions are wholly justified, it's not "drama" or whatever. The SLAVERY IS THE DRAMA


@nago i was literally stunned. I thought it was a bit. and Lupa was like "did i just call that????" and im like WHAT DO YOU MEAN


you are 100% right lmaooo insane responses


^ they are fucking slaves. any time they struggle for freedom it "makes the situation worse" no SHIT. it's an insane way to view this whole thing as if it's some lunchroom drama instead of a depiction of enslaved people


i mean none of them even remember he was referring to Vinland. let's not purely blame Lupa.


when liberal feminism = opposition to the liberation of slaves. do you know who really made a decision for arnheid? the people who enslaved her and the man who uses her as a personal sex toy. who raped her and impregnated her. when her husband who, after 5 years, escapes slavery and comes to free her, he's "making decisions for her" can we be real please? im begging here

Brian Estepa

you continue to have the shittiest takes. everyone knows slavery is wrong dipshit. nobody is saying that he DESERVED that to happen to his family. but at the end of the day his actions led to it. you're under every video just virtue signaling like everyone doesnt know that slavery is bad and pillaging is bad LOL so dense

Clinton Vance

ā€œButterflies with human facesā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

Jeremiah Neely

The only way to eliminate war is to eliminate conflict, and the only way to eliminate conflict, is to eliminate free will.


I miss when Thorfinn was cool