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what happens in Vegas



this was such a good episode


I finished this last night and holy hell that was a ride. Hopefully this gets renewed though I don't know how it can go for another two seasons like the creators have said. Here for it though

Hasnain Khan



Two episodes on a Sunday?! Y'all are treating us!!


I said the same thing Roshi this nigga talking about Jesus but Jesus wouldn’t be trying to rob a church gtfoh lmao


To be fair if someone made me run up 45 flights of stairs I would be hella pissed too.


I love this show fam

Josh Mr.Fire

Can never say they dont love us


dam. everything she does is in the right and she does nothing wrong. yall really forget that she started this. she started the road rage lol. they both pieces of shit tbh but she gets praised for the shit she does lol. and the brother stole his truck too. paul and amy both deserved what happen to them this episode lol


didn't amy start the road rage? she's going to struggle more mentally and everything she hides will come up soon


but this ep was hilarious they need to stop messing with their cousin though


Isaac is the type of person you hang around if you wanna end up in a Super Max prison.


paul is the rizzler bro

Sincerely, the Best.

i like how people are mentioning how she started the road rage but let's be for real, he escalated that shit to a level it never needed to be. people are dicks on the road, doesn't mean you chase after them on the street. not defending her because she shouldn't be drivin' like that too. honestly they both need to move on with their lives fr


Fuck that bitch Glenn gang nigga

Kwame Hasani Salmon

Super fax, parents don’t give a damn after the first kid

Cameron Robinson

I liked that they aren’t totally robbing the church since they are just stealing the supplies and pocketing the supplies fund, but not that got ruined by them being arrested.

rickie woodson

robin hood and aladdin are both thieves so yeah, it works lol

rickie woodson

someone's missing a finger but he/she is good at that massaging

rickie woodson

issac was so triggered. someone is hiding something. explains all the sexualizing his cousin

rickie woodson

i feel for paul. i was in a similar situation once. living with a toxic and verbally abusive relative. he has to move out. i assume he's legal since he's going to clubs and drinking. get your accounts back. cash out. get a job (maybe from your sugar momma) and LEAVE. the only way out is OUT. love from a distance when it comes to people like that. and if they fix their ways (maybe daniel can but issac most definitely wont) reinsert them in your life with set boundaries. but he cant stay. thats CHOSEN pain and victimhood.


i hung out that with that kind of people for safety from bullies


Paul a spoiled brat literally living with his brother playing video games making money on the side and ain’t even paying rent or helping out he know that girl is Married with child and still wants the yams stole his brothers car and drove to Vegas to try and get it he is part of the problem

Teyon Alexander

I feel for Paul. I won’t go into why yet. Danny is an ass. There’s no way around that. What’s worse is he included his criminal and shady cousin in on things. A cousin who already cost his family severely. So at that point I lose all sympathy for him. More so down the road.


I think it could work nicely as an anthology series.


Whats crazy is Danny let that shit go with Amy, he was dealing with what he has to do to make money but she the one still interfering in his life with Paul. Like Danny would not have been in the panel if she had never let Paul know where she is or stay the night.


what you talking about. danny was the one supporting paul all his life? working to put a roof over his head and sutff. working to help their parents out of a situation. danny literally has no one to go to and has tried to kill himself several times and on top of that you making money off crypto but you dont help your brother pay bills? and then you steal his truck because you wanted to follow a married woman to vegas whos cheating on her husband? and then when they confront you. you tell him nobody would care if you died....? after you got them drunk and stole the truck? but hes the victim? danny is toxic? oh come on now lmao.


i will agree with you that isaac should go he just a wild dude with too much criminal shit but as for danny? paul deserved the slap


i agree that isaac should go he got too much criminal stuff going on but danny has been the one supporting paul and putting a roof over his head? while he was making money off crypto and not helping danny with the bills or anything? and then you get catfished by a married woman follow her to vegas and get them drunk and steal his car and tell him nobody would care if you died after danny tried killing himself several times. yeah no sympathy for danny lets give it all to spoiled paul lol

Teyon Alexander

Like I said, I won’t go into why but this situation wasn’t of Paul’s making .

Lily Rose

where is episode one???????????

Tuny kun

28:56 The fucking scream had me rolling.


Exactly but nah apparently it’s all Danny’s fault😂


You have sympathy for Paul?!?🤦🏽‍♂️wild, it’s all Danny’s fault ig


thats a sad neighborhood to live in . hope things get better for you


I love the scenes between the boys too they capture that shit perfectly. When Isaac goes "I don't make the gook rules" I lost it lmao he's so right tho we didn't make the rules but we gotta live by em. A good hyung will take care of you but you disrespect him and you're definitely getting slapped up lol


d4NnY sH0uLd LeT IT g0. Hell no, other girl started it off in the first place so Imma finish it regardless of the amount of Ls I gotta take.


28:00 Listen this happens in Vegas


nah me off edibles i start laughing and dancing and shit lmao

Opal (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-27 01:11:31 all the signs are already there, but once you get to the end you'll realize that danny is a shitty brother. danny is the reason paul feels the way he does & acts the way he does, if you can't tell already you will soon lmfao
2023-04-17 21:21:25 all the signs are already there, but once you get to the end you'll realize that danny is a shitty brother. danny is the reason paul feels the way he does & acts the way he does, if you can't tell already you will soon lmfao

all the signs are already there, but once you get to the end you'll realize that danny is a shitty brother. danny is the reason paul feels the way he does & acts the way he does, if you can't tell already you will soon lmfao


paul's the only innocent character in the whole series besides amy's kid.


That’s like saying my parents was terrible so I became terrible we all gotta take responsibility for own actions when we come of age if Danny was such a shitty brother to Paul that means become shit also stealing a car and messing with a married woman and not helping out don’t make you innocent bro it makes you become shit also


i agree with you for the most part. paul's responsible for his own actions, yeah, but if you haven't finished the show, you might understand why i said what i said when you do.


ugh it’s so satisfying when shes saying uh uh uh after he gets caught FUKK danny.


Yeah he, did and then she escalated to another level. It's almost like the point of the show is that two angry people keep escalated a pointless argument.

Lupa is Dadi

surprised sheera aint have nothing to say about her dropping the kid 💀

Lupa is Dadi

sheera really said “he cant leave her alone” like he knew she was there from the beginning 💀 maam shes still messaging his brother? if SHE stopped messaging his brother and left it alone he wouldn’t have been there in the first place. i hope sheera woke up from this delusion in upcoming episodes

Brian Estepa

Khang, YOU need to wake up. you realize the whole point of the show is that BOTH of these people are in the wrong and are ruining their own lives because they can't let go of the road rage incident, right?


I get that he wouldn't have been there if not for her texting her brother, which is obviously her mistake. But what sheera was referring to was him not being able to control himself when he saw her at the conference. THAT was on him completely.

Lupa is Dadi

you do realise that by agreeing with me your point about sheera contradicts itself? sheera wouldn’t have a point in the beginning if amy stopped with paul but since she does vice versa happens right?


I can’t wait for her to lose