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Loving the mystery aspect of this a lot!


Theo Vorster

For those who are in interested reading along with the original Heavenly Delusion manga, this episode adapted the remaining 15 pages and 7 pages of chapters 3 and 4 respectively, the majority of chapter 6 (26/30), and all of chapters 5 and 7. Some stuff to clear up, when Man-Eaters/Hiruko eat humans, they donā€™t absorb the eaten individualā€™s personality/mind, the inn-keeper was just deluding herself (and the Man-Eater likely hung around her because the inn attracted other people and thus potential prey). I also personally like how the story leaves it up to the audienceā€™s interpretation as to whether or not the inn-keeper may have fed past guests to the Man-Eater or not. And if it wasnā€™t obvious by the end of the episode, yes, the ā€œTomato Heavenā€ farming community did indeed grow and smoke pot/weed. And I have to say If I had a nickel for every time Iā€™ve watched a post-apocalyptic/disaster anime with music composed by Kensuke Ushio that also involved a community that grew and smoked marijuana, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice. (the other anime is Japan Sinks 2020 for those who are curious) Those with a keen eye for details may also notice that the video camera feed in the school (around the 14:05 time) has the date of t17/06/23 listed at the lower right-hand corner. Also Shiro (the white-haired Mob-haircut looking kid) got a nosebleed because he got nervous/anxious when Mimihime (the same girl who was in the nude photo sent to Shiro) clung to him when she got startled by Taka's fall. And some mild spoilers to just temper anyoneā€™s expectations for Kirukoā€™s character (in regards to media representation), their confession at the end of this episode isnā€™t really them coming-out as a transgender man, though they also arenā€™t a cisgender woman either (the next episode will explain their gender stuff and backstory). I am still not sure exactly how much of the manga this first season cour will adapt. We know based on trailers it will at least get to the end of chapter 23 of the manga. Based on how fast the pacing the of this adaptation remains the same or slows down (I imagine it will slow down at least somewhat) I can currently basically envision three different potential ranges of where season 1 will adapt up to in the manga, namely, either around Chapters 24-25, around Chapters 30-31, or around Chapters 34-36 (for context there are currently 53 chapters of the manga published at the present). And if anyone is interested in starting the manga after this season is finished, I personally would still recommend starting the manga from the beginning regardless, as in addition to the standard cutting of extra dialogue and scenes for the anime for run-time and cinematic pacing, the chapter titles and cover pages of the manga also play a role in experiencing the foreshadowing of the story that the anime canā€™t quite replicate (due to the inherent difference in mediums). And the mangaka of Heavenly Delusion, Masakazu Ishiguro, their most well known previous work is ā€œAnd Yet the Town Movesā€ (also known as Soremachi), which was serialized from 2005-2016. They have also done a number of other single volume manga, a number of them science fiction stories.


Personal theory, the brother's brain is in his sister's body, because that's the only practical explanation given the information we've been provided thus far.


Im thinking that Haru(the blonde boy) has abilities because he was born after the disaster happened which was 15 years ago according to him trying to deduce Kiruko's age. He said he was 15 and the kids in "Heaven' seem to be his age or younger so thats also why they also have super human abilities. Like drawing, future vision, physically gifted, etc.... Kiruko was 3 or something when the disaster happened meaning she was already born hence her not having the same abilities. i dont think theyre bioengineering kids i think the kids got affected by whatever happened.


It HAS to be a ryunosuke thing, right? Like, when she said "they rip you up and absorb you in pieces" or something like that, then said "I should know, I almost was killed by one." She/He clearly meant that literally. I bet some dude (boyfriend, perhaps) died trying to save her and she have ended up dying anyways, but her body was intact, while his was torn up and absorbed. Then something-something magic or science related can explain how his soul entered her body.


"Im a boy" "Im a boy too", "Im 18, i mean 20" Covered in scars, def wasnt a catastrophic accident or anything.


The reason the other dude started bleeding was because the girl he liked hugged him. Its just doing the 'im horny so nosebleed' anime trope.


Yeah, it's up to interpretation regarding the woman possibly feeding travelers to the Hiruko, but I think it's heavily implied. 1. She has WAY too much shampoo/body wash, all of which are in unique bottles. It's 15 years into the the apocalypse, you as a traveler are just gonna leave your cleaning supplies at the inn? No way she collected that much on her own, she's in a rural area, and as we see she takes cash as payment. 2. She fed the kid's a meal with 'some kind of boar meat'. Wtf does 'some kind' mean? If she hunted the boar or even found a carcass, she'd have to butcher it and know what part of the boar it came from and if it was in fact boar. Plus, she has a shotgun, not a hunting rifle which is usually used to kill big game like boar/deer. You'd be eating shotgun pellets and it would ruin the hide/half the meat. 3. The Hiruko's reaction to her. Pretty docile around only her and understands she's a food source. Only attacks her when half its limbs are gone and she's up close. 4. She just randomly has sedatives on hand? At a rural inn, 15 years in the apocalypse? Hell no. She knows how to use it, how to either secure/grow it, and seemingly has enough to use on kids. Personal theory is she puts some travelers to sleep, and either takes them outside or lets them sleep thru the monster coming. In this case maybe she thought kid's hit's too close to home and decided not to leave them on a silver platter.


Guy up there really wrote all that

Fernando Perez

This is what Iā€™m thinking. Didnā€™t she refer to herself as ā€œa city girlā€ or something last episode? Also it would sorta explain the scene where she tries to kiss herself in the mirror.


If you guys like this show, you'll probably like From the New World as well

zILovePelmeni _

nah thats another summertime rendering situation where the brother dies and enters the sisters body fs

Hasnain Khan


Carlos Gunn

Lowkey this my favourite of the season


Ep 2 of that Heavenly D damn


i feel like Hiruko stuff at the end is like some summertime rendering shit. with the brother living in his sisters body

MC zsn

Roshi Dawg

Jacob R

I'm completely blind on this, but my theory is Kiruko was mind swapped with the guy she has a photo of. That is why she knows his name specifically and is searching for him.


iā€™m surprised nobody commented on how the one girl jumped n literally stuck to a tree like spiderman


Yo! This season bringing the intense seinen! Gotta check out My Home Hero some day. It's anime Dexter mixed with a little Taken.


this anime keeps giving me last of us vibes. also why people always pregnant during like these apocalyptic settings? no thank you. my dick never getting hard lol


Well I mean she can identify as a guy and still be attracted to guys, doesn't necessarily have to be attracted to girls just because she identifies as a dude.

Tusk Ish

Easily my favorite entry of this season. Something ACTUALLY pretty new that I havenā€™t heard a thousand things about. And itā€™s pulling out all the stops. I love it.

Sauce Sorcerer

My current guess with the story so far is that the timeline between the kids in the facility place isn't the same as the timeline of the main characters. The girl that was bedridden and originally had the gun looks like an older version of the kid in the wheelchair from the facility, and they also had the same sickness but looks like it wasn't as severe yet. I'm also not sure if the kid in the wheelchair was even a girl so I might be way off the mark


loving this anime


why is everyone above writing novels?


I feel like a lot of people are getting the ending all wrong. I'm an anime only so I basically know nothing but it's obvious that there is quite literally another guy's mind inside of Kiruko's body. A lot of hints have been given like when they were surrounded by the bandits in the first episode. When Maru said that he was a guy Kiruko said that he was also a guy. During the shower scene, the whole looking in the mirror and kissing his own reflection thing happened. And also, he uses the "boku" pronoun to address himself which is generally used by males in Japan.


I took the nose bleed as homie getting turned on cuz he knows what Mimihime looks like nekkid

rickie woodson

well that place is "heaven" as they mentioned in the last ep so yeah that is what they are looking for but i dont know if they know exactly where it is or are looking for clues to its location


Nah I think its more along the lines she got mind swapped and is the guy in the photo and thats why she is looking for him. Would make sense why "she" wants to find him but at the same time find the doc as well. Not too sure but the only theory I could come up with.

Theo Vorster

To be fair most monolingual English speakers are typically not going to pick up on that last one, even if they are anime fans.

Lucky Licks

Bro you literally spoiled him by indicating it was a spoiler šŸ’€

Pan Cakes


HIM (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-11 04:08:50 Starting to think that maybe buddy got chopped up, but like the lady, maybe his head was cut off and the brain was intact, but Ole girl died from blunt force trauma to the head or something. They ge
2023-04-11 04:07:30 Starting to think that maybe buddy got chopped up, but like the lady, maybe his head was cut off and the brain was intact, but Ole girl died from blunt force trauma to the head or something. They probably get rescued before buddy gets completely absorbed, then the saviors transplanted his brain into her body since she's brain dead and he's just a head/brain Lol. Last theory, I promise šŸ˜‰

Starting to think that maybe buddy got chopped up, but like the lady, maybe his head was cut off and the brain was intact, but Ole girl died from blunt force trauma to the head or something. They probably get rescued before buddy gets completely absorbed, then the saviors transplanted his brain into her body since she's brain dead and he's just a head/brain Lol. Last theory, I promise šŸ˜‰


She also acts like a guy. Her manner of speaking is more fitting for a guy than a girl. I also noticed the "Boku", but the emphasis on her walk in the last episode that had REALLY good animation was the dead giveaway. She walks like a guy.

Theo Vorster

Well either we get chapters 32-34 as like the last arc/episodes of the the first seasonā€™s cour, or we get them as the opening arc/episodes of the (eventual) second cour.


They work all day and get high all night, there's no telling what can happen lol


It's funny how anime treats a male and female being sexually attracted to each other as some kind of delicate, weird, embarrassing taboo thing, but then can have two girls trying to swallow each other's tounges within the same episode lol


so... spiderpowers in the show or was I seeing things at the beginning?

Saraƫl Lele

this one kid having a nosebleed was just this anime typa thing when a character is supposedly horny. probably didn't notice but the girl he has a crush on (the one he got a nude from) hugged him

Justin Neason

That explains why she was tryna kiss herself, I don't even think he's talking about how he identifies, I think he's literally not in a girl's body


What's wrong with writing a bunch of stuff if you're passionate? There's literally nothing wrong, you're just sad you don't have an intelligent or critical bone in your body.


theyā€™re making theories or assumptions on what happened/what is happening. as most people do when watching a showā€¦


Sheā€™s not choosing to identify as a guy, she quite literally has the consciousness of one but the body of a woman.


because theyā€™re modified people, so it wasnā€™t surprising


show reminds me of Darling in the Franxx


WDYM "not consensual"? It literally stated that Mimihime WAS THE SENDER (i.e it came from her phone)


Makes sense since we see that there's niggas being genetically engineered or w/e in Heaven w/ super powers n shieet (and the gun came from Heaven based on logo, and the chick had same bruising (tumors?) as the wheelchair kid, so presumably some ppl aren't RNG compatible w/ the gene engineering stuff, so they develop tumors & eventually die as a consequence of obvious things tumors are known to cause. I assume the syringe thingie was prepped by the dude ppl call "doc" & it's intended to reverse male MC's bro from the gene engineering stuff?)


Luckily it wasn't that big of a spoiler by Karma2 confirming it, since we can assume that's the case w/ the bits we are told already if we use other LN or w/e series that have been released so far to deduce the plot elements based on data shown


Yeah she apparently "killed her brother 5 years ago", and now she can't quite remember her age, whether she's 18 or 20 (and trying to kiss the mirror image in E1)


Also she apparently "killed her brother 5 years ago" according to some obsessed fan at least (IDK he has literally 0 reason to lie, so we can assume it's not a lie from outsider POV)


Also we know that she apparently "killed her brother 5 years ago", at least from outsider POV who don't know the actual details like the dude on the farm


Then why did she send it??? There's cameras in hall areas, so it's unlikely a rando could sneak into her room (and I assume they can be locked from the inside (altho I suppose the staff would have means of overriding it, since the doors seem to be tech-based & all that), because there's no reason not to be able to do so).


they were surprised later in the episode when bro survived the drop so they didnā€™t know they were modified thatā€™s why i was wondering why no one said anything about the girl


Did it look like she took the picture tho? she's clearly got her eyes closed taking a shower... meaning someone else took the photo or she set up the entire scene (which I think is unlikely).


@karma2pointO he was literally just taking a guess at what could of happened you muppet


yeah I think that just flew right over there heads lol. I was confused as fuck thinking how the hell is she holding onto that tree

Vincent S Deluca

Yeah they def superhuman lol, the person with the drawing in the beginning got HOPS too lol, also they arent connected the dude got a bloody nose because the girl who clung to him is the one he got the Nudes from lol

nami (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-11 15:33:50 I think you misinterpreted the last scene. I think she's literally saying there is another mans mind inside her head. It's not identifying as a guy. There were a lot of hints towards that throughtout the first two eps
2023-04-11 15:33:50 I think you misinterpreted the last scene. I think she's literally saying there is another mans mind inside her head. It's not identifying as a guy. There were a lot of hints towards that throughtout the first two eps
2023-04-11 15:02:05 I think you misinterpreted the last scene. I think she's literally saying there is another mans mind inside her head. It's not identifying as a guy. There were a lot of hints towards that throughtout the first two eps

I think you misinterpreted the last scene. I think she's literally saying there is another mans mind inside her head. It's not identifying as a guy. There were a lot of hints towards that throughtout the first two eps


Loving the mystery behind the show.šŸ’Æ

DsWorldd ā€¢

I think it's less hinting towards kiriko being trans and more of a Summertime rendering situation where the dead brother that the famous racer killed, entered her body so they are literally a man in a girls body. Still weird that they tried kissing themselves in the mirror if that really is the body of the sister thošŸ’€


The first episode makes some sense now with the mirror scene


@NecDW4 yeah that's what i meant by 'set the entire scene up'. but oh well you might be right...she set up her device, used a camera timer and took a selfie of herself naked in the shower... for some guy she's hardly interacted with this episode.

Josh Mr.Fire

To me it's more leaning to trans UNLESS the brother lost his memories. Cuz wouldn't he refer to himself as kiriko's brother? (unless his name is kiriko) also if he does have his memories then that'd make the mirror scene wierd


I'm about to start, actually... šŸ˜’


Read my comment bro. If something was wrong then then yall wouldn't do nothing about it


I feel like it's more of a literal body swap situation rather than Kiriko being trans, but fuck it I could be totally wrong.


How are guys supposed to walk and talk? Do we walk bow legged so our dick and balls can breathe? lmao


Kiriko is a boy's name so I'm assuming that's his name and yes it makes the scene kissing the mirror hella weird. Edit: I was wrong. Kiriko is a girls name but yeah it's still weird.


@karoshn you just explained what being trans actually feels like lol but yeah I get what you're trying to say.


@ChickenDinners yeah lol. I was literally gonna say that. Like isnā€™t that what being trans is?

Drake Rage

Nosebleed is a common trope in anime guys, it happens when the person gets naughty thoughts or got horny because of something (in this case the girl was hugging him). If y'all were in an anime you'd instantly die of blood loss, lol.


I have a feeling that if it's not something natural, it's something like him swapping bodies with his sister or something


yeah nah it was definitely because of the picture he saw before and then that contact. Unclear who sent the picture tho cause it definitely wasn't her

Thulani Mason

Remember the scene when they were looking in the mirror and tried to kiss themselves? Yeah, I'm more inclined to believe it was a body swap. I also did suspect after the reveal that maybe the brother is in the sister's body, but then that would make that other scene weird. Of course, we can't put wincest past anime lol.


Nah she did hug him too when that brainlet fell down from the tower (hence the nosebleed on Shiro cuz she saw her nude)


Yeah, he's just trapped in her sister's body, you'll see more about how it plays a role. A typical body swap trope, but in a serious setting.


I didn't want to say it, but your suspicion was too correct, lol


Kiriko is the girl's name, but yes, about kissing the mirror you're still right, he likes ...


If you've never had a girl send you nudes in a position that makes you say "who the hell is holding the camera!?" Then you haven't been sent enough nudes x3


Just wanted to say, I didn't read the Manga yet, but I DID run into a shit ton of spoilers! (I always do this šŸ˜†). The people who are right will never know it until it bites them on the ass, and the people who are wrong, are still actually kinda right lol. I read one spoiler that made me put down my phone and whisper "OH noooo..." for like 3 whole minutes. This story has more twists and turns than Roshi's (all natural) weave šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£. I don't look up details when I spoil myself, I just look at what happens, or if I can't wait to know an answer, I'll look it up early. I advise AGAINST it if you really enjoy the pacing. However, I just couldn't wait to know what the real deal with Kiruko is! SPOILER: I didn't actually find it lol šŸ˜†


pls dont be a woke anime


I donā€™t think she was trying to feed them because they were locked inside, they had to actually go through the bathroom window to get out. And she could have just left that shit unlocked šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Just enjoy the show bro, what the hell is a woke show anyway yā€™all annoy me with that nonsense šŸ˜‚


Two theories: she's either lesbian or what she said is literal


Chill out homie. Y'all whine more than the SJW Woke brigade you complain about.


I get what you're trying to say but that's exactly what it feels like to be trans. I know she's not.

Daniel Robb

Nah. It's ambiguous until the third ep. I totally thought they were just casually introducing her as trans lmao.

Daniel Robb

You do realize if we lived in The Last of Us, a few people would try to fuck the clickers, right? šŸ¤£

Daniel Robb

Lmao Lupa. The water. They're showing that they're on a boat šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ opposite of the Sheeragan

nami (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-10 00:36:16 She literally said sheā€™s a boy in the first ep with the bandits, the scene in the bathroom was just weird, when she reveals it at the end of ep 2 itā€™s pretty obvious if you thought back to those scenes
2024-02-10 00:36:16 She literally said sheā€™s a boy in the first ep with the bandits, the scene in the bathroom was just weird, when she reveals it at the end of ep 2 itā€™s pretty obvious if you thought back to those scenes
2023-04-17 00:01:40 She literally said sheā€™s a boy in the first ep with the bandits, the scene in the bathroom was just weird, when she reveals it at the end of ep 2 itā€™s pretty obvious if you thought back to those scenes

She literally said sheā€™s a boy in the first ep with the bandits, the scene in the bathroom was just weird, when she reveals it at the end of ep 2 itā€™s pretty obvious if you thought back to those scenes

Charlie baker

damn generator rex meets some summer time rendering vibes with some copellion and promised neverland/darling in the franxxx vibes

Arkan Matlub

Look, another person complaining about ā€wokeā€ shows. There are more of you than the entire lgbtq community at this point. Being lgbtw isnā€™t being ā€wokeā€.

Royal Lucario

I hope to god its a body swap thing I'm getting kind of run down with every show doing the same thing

Random Guy

incest isn't exactly rare in anime. So i think that would be more likely the case, especially if the brother died young, you know when kids are smaller they wanna marry their sister/brother thing.

Random Guy

as far as i know there arent any woke anime made in japan. I don't even consider yaoi and yuri anime as woke because they simply want to tell a story in that genre and they dont try to lecture you, What would probably be woke are localizers who add their woke lingo to subs or dubs.

Random Guy

maybe body swap brother and sister. She did say people would think she's crazy. Body swapping seems to fit more that description than being trans.

Dark Danny

funny you brought Darling in the franxxx up cause i want them to watch it so bad


This is late but that's a lot of vibes ngl

Cameron Eldridge

10:58 Manga readers is that what i think it is???


Nigga whaaaaaaaaat šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚