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Gotta watch Girl From Nowhere, Roshi (your own time is fine). I know it's a BIG mess of a show, but every episode is more smoke and straight fuckery. The MC is LITERALLY Yumeko Jabami from Kakegurui! I mean that figuratively, of course. She fucks with people in the exact same manner, and on a much more sadistic level lol. Not for the trio, for sure, but I figure Roshi would personally love it 😄

Don Kim

Is the third episode dropping today too to make up for last week? Or is that coming later?


Hope you guys will get to My Name eventually! I like Itaewon Class even tho I'm not the biggest fan of the female MC. Not a show I'd ever rewatch tho


Gonna keep commenting that y'all should watch Girl from Nowhere in the hopes that you eventually do it.


Just finished watching all episodes and this show definitely had me on the verge on tears a lot which is crazy cause most shows/movies dont


This is a top tier Kdrama in my opinion, I was not expecting it to be so good

Bria A.

The head turning while drinking alcohol is another Korean etiquette thing. The younger person always turns their head so as not to look an elder directly in the eyes while doing it. Also: “It’s the price of my dad’s life. It should be more meaningful.” means he’s not going to use any of what’s essentially the profit from his dad’s death to build his business. He’s truly starting from scratch with his own self-earned money. And the guy doing a headcount was genuinely saying that Saeroyi is a unique name because it is — among other things, first names aren’t typically three syllables / characters.

J Man

Giving new meaning to Choking the Chicken


saeroyis actor is so good at portraying emotions. i wanna cry every time he does


park seojoon always nail this type of character and the ceo trope whew


the reason saeroyi turned his head while drinking with his dad is because he was drinking with an elder. It’s a sign of respect. He doesn’t have to do it when he drinks by himself or with friends (:


Tomie? Is there another Demon I need in my life? Lol 😆


Ughhh SO ENTITLED 🙄 lol jk. I'm totally trolling


Lol to your first point, I just LOVE how prude/insecure Asian culture can be! I know it's normally a sign of respect, but the whole culture is based off of being prude where the rest of the world wouldn't bat an eye 😆. I really do love it. It feels like things are still SACRED!


I’m sorry I’m new but I thought double stars on the calendar meant double upload?

Bria A.

I mean I’m literally part Asian, but only through one main relative who’s sadly no longer here, so I got a good amount of the culture without most of the social guidelines (especially considering we’re in the US) lmao.

Bria A.

One of Junji Ito’s most famous stories / series. Girl never dies, just makes everyone’s life hell for no particular reason and tends to end up turning other people into her or making clones or other weird shit. There’s manga, live action movies, even a tv series I think.


I know it makes no difference to you, but that's so awesome, in my mind! I love Asian culture for their values, though they tend to be very old school and such. That's what I love though! The culture really seems to embody principles and values most of us Americans never even learned. Would you ever move to any part of Asia? I see videos all the time talking about why NOT to move to Japan, which I always find weird, though I totally understand why the youth are moving so rapidly.

Bria A.

Lol first of all I’m not actually East Asian (the more popular countries, tbh), I’m Southeast. No, I’d never move; I’m actually disabled, so that’s a logistical nightmare for a lot of reasons. Places are either very rural or very industrial/packed, neither of which are environments I can navigate too well. I also don’t speak the language because my grandma refused to teach me (tried a few beginner lessons and I can confirm she was right, it IS hard as hell, it’s a tonal language and big on the whole “same spelling different meaning” thing, so like five words that look near identical except for accent marks can be a full legit sentence. still wish she’d given it a shot though.) There are a lot of great things about Asian countries, but there’s a long way to go still in terms of things like ableism and accommodations and racial discrimination bc they tend to be so homogenous and used to it otherwise. Shrug. Grass is always greener.

Sung Woong

South Korean Viewer Here! Itaewon is the go to place for foreigners. There used to be a militrary base there (my uncle was stationed there), but has since been relocated. Itaewon is now a very popular nightlife district and because of the influence of the military base, has become closely associated with foreigners. Lots of English speakers, also Koreans love to drink, bars are different there as well, almost sit down restaurants, and there are a lot of those too. Great place to visit if you ever wanted to see Seoul, South Korea!


That's crazy asking if she wants a ride still. sir, you are in your late 20s and she hasn't fucked with you since high school and she still doesn't. My dude needs to move on.


nah. damnnn bro not even versed on the roshi schedule lore thats crazyyyy


I feel you, and thanks for the answer! I just have always felt a deeper connection with Japanese culture through anime and video games, but I'm probably just an American bigot that, as you said, feels the grass is indeed greener lol. I watched a video on a Japanese man taking Japanese lessons through an app and he had several similar issues with "I wouldn't use this word, but I guess it could be said that way. But Japanese people don't ever speak like this." Lol 😆 I bet other nationalities struggle with English in very similar ways. Anyway s! Thanks for your time, friend!


Ohhh I think I heard there were actually like American BBQ restaurants there too


I think the reason he went deep sea fishing is because in the auto biography said if he wants to be head he has to know everything from the lowest level all the way to the ceo level

B (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-05 12:00:14 The gay bald man (Hong Seok-cheon) is a cameo. He's playing himself in this show. He's a really famous person in South Korea that owns multiple restaurants in Itaewon. Although I think with Covid he has now closed all his restaurants and no longer operates in Itaewon.
2023-04-05 09:58:24 The gay bald man (Hong Seok-cheon) is a cameo. He's playing himself in this show. He's a really famous person in South Korea that owns multiple restaurants in Itaewon. Although I think with Covid he has now closed all his restaurants and no longer operates in Itaewon. Oh and the `what a unique name` was not sarcasm. Korean names are generally 3 characters/syllables (1 for the last name, 2 for the first name). But Sae-ro-yi is a 3 character first name. So it is a very unique name.

The gay bald man (Hong Seok-cheon) is a cameo. He's playing himself in this show. He's a really famous person in South Korea that owns multiple restaurants in Itaewon. Although I think with Covid he has now closed all his restaurants and no longer operates in Itaewon. Oh and the `what a unique name` was not sarcasm. Korean names are generally 3 characters/syllables (1 for the last name, 2 for the first name). But Sae-ro-yi is a 3 character first name. So it is a very unique name.


You guys got to check out Taxi Driver. It’s really good and currently has two seasons


Loved this episode, reminded me how saeroyi really dislikes taking shortcuts. Can't wait for the next episode!

Hasnain Khan


Nuri Numighost

I think the son did try to call an ambulance but his phone seemed to be dead cause it looked like his phone didn’t turn on when he took it out. So I think he did probably try to do the right thing at the car accident?

rickie woodson

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! the guy at 48:19, bald with glasses? VERY famous variety show host! hong suk cheon! he's a gay, owns a million restaurants in itaewon (hence why he is there) and is beyond important/popular for being one of the first if not the first openly gay celebrity in korea. definitely the most successful as those who got fame and came out later lost their careers and some committed suicide. hong, marshell and holland are doing the lady's work! #respek!

rickie woodson

minor complaint: i wish they would have done something to change up saoyori's look to show he has aged/grown. they did it would soo-ah and other characters but its like he has no growth at all. dont know if its intentional for commentary on his character, how he is stuck in the past/moment his father died or the actor just didnt want to change his hair but this military bro cut aint it!


Saeroyi is a someone who sticks to his beliefs as a person so to emphasize that more He has the same haircut lol


Weak hero class 1 is a must after this all three or just you too

Danger Tomato

Give me some serial killer drama plz, plenty to choose from

Kenisha & Kim

Idk I don’t like how the girl legit goes to the company that did her foster parent dirty and yes I’m saying foster parent cuz he was basically her dad like girl could u betray him more and ur thriving at tht company bye I want him with someone genuine not a flip flopper

naomi obi

lmao i'm glad i'm not the only one that saw the similarities with olmar from vs. when i was watching vs and saw him i thought of this show


Nah man, she remains a bad person to the end. Neither of the FL in this show deserve Saeroyi.

Kenisha & Kim

Yea I already quit watching the show like I can’t with this dude idk who told Roshi tht this show was better than the glory cuz it isn’t if anything it’s boring


After watching this episode the first time, i really wanted to visit Itaewon during Halloween.. until what happened last year during Halloween

Lxrd Vegeta

And the plot thickens... like my 🍠s