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they need to have a sitdown about this event lol


Drake Chuckle

That's a squid, Sheera. LOL

ironic legacy

This episode shows how immature both hachiman and yukino are, hachiman not wanting to bring it up and yukino showing how she has trouble talking about personal things


Watching the "I" in the title shift in real time in the ending is kinda funny.


I was also always confused on their dynamic in the past but you gotta think about it like this. Hikigaya and Yukino are both socially inept. Hiki prefers being the background character hating on everything else while Yukino never seen others are more than just acquaintances at best. Thats why it becomes awkward around them because they both dont know how to react or communicate with one another. Yuigahama is the only glue that sticks them together. She wants to know them better, understand them and become friends. Because at this state, you can hardly call them "friends" as they only hanged out around club meetings/activities. And as Yukino and Hikki are both novices at this kind of stuff, shit becomes more difficult than it is. Plus they were already tired and scarred by their respective pasts.


Yeah 8man basically saw Yuki as perfect which is why he was disappointed that she wasn't cause if she was she wouldnt have "lied"even though its a dumb reason to be dissapointed. Also Yui best girl.

Devin B

At this moment Hikigaya is more concerned about reevaluating his path rather than trying to make things better with Yui and Yukino. Both Yui and Yukino hid the fact that they were involved in the car accident from him and that made Hikigaya question the relationship he has with them as a whole. With Yui he thought her being nice came from her being guilty about the incident and with Yukino her not talking about it destroyed the image he had of her being the kind of person that didn't hide anything. That reveal was the last straw for him cause he thinks if she was hiding the truth about this who knows what else she has hidden. It's unreasonable to expect people to be honest all the time but Hikigaya rather not deal with it if there's even a 1% of them being like the girls he dealt with in the past.


I also think that Hikki wasn´t mad about the fact that Yukino hid the fact, I think is most for the fact that he start to idealize Yukino, Hikki create this perfect version of Yukino in his mind and got his hopes up to the possibility that this person wasn´t like all the other people, his final monologue was about Hikki hating himself about creating and been disappointing in this false Yukinon that He himself created in a selfish way

danial javady

Today i learned that squid dicks and octopus are the same thing 🙏🙏🙏🙏 thank you for this wisdom Sheera


i feel like you guys dont care about peoples feeling with their pets. you guys probably dont care about animals which is why you keep saying its the dogs fault like kids run away from parents too. what if that was her little brother? or sister? you guys wouldnt be saying its the kids fault for running into the street and getting hit by a car. you would probably blame her. the dislike for peoples pets shows here. yes it was an an accident but it shold up to the person who was in the car like idk the driver? to apologize or at least mention it to the person not be like oh shit its your dogs fault blah blah like that sounds messed up for someone who just got their pet hit by a car


absolutely not idk what kinda logic this is, if someone is driving in the road where cars belong and a dog or child runs out into the road god forbid and there is an accident it is NOT the drivers fault if they are following road laws. Her feelings toward her dog have nothing to do with the fact her dog got off the leash and caused this accident. Basically your logic also amounts to if a dog gets off the leash and bites someone its their fault for getting bit lol. As someone who has had dogs and has kids its your responsibility to keep them out of danger, the road is never a safe place


A big part of the reason he's so in his feelings is because this is just a similar situation to yui. Their relationship seems disingenuous now. He thought of her as a flawless and genuine person but is disappointed to find out she's just like anyone.


I feel like Hachiman is really just trying to protect himself. Coming from having been rejected in the past and kinda tossed socially in middle school, it's really hard to come back and just open yourself up again to new connections, especially when romantic feelings are potentially involved. I feel like he's very much a sensitive person, and he's very afraid of being hurt again, so it's harder for him to just open up again and let himself be drawn along in the flow with everyone else, even if he's very cognizant of what's going on. It's like, what happens if he does start to believe these coincidences and experiences are authentic and real, just to go and end up taking the same, if not more damage than he did last time. Of course, not saying that makes it logical for him to stay as he is, but it does make it that much harder to heal and feel safe enough to put himself out there authentically again, if he even remembers how to. Speaking from somewhat similar experience, it takes a fair bit of time to dissolve the cynical/protective view, regardless of how awkward it might feel to other people.

Oscar Santos

So I have shown this series to quite a few people and I think one of the problem that most people have with it is how the problem are very focus on teenagers since the come from the characters inexperience, I think the reason why it doesn't bother me is because I watched it when I was a teen so I could relate to some of them to some extend. That been said I think there are still a lot of problems that you will find as an adult so I hope you can enjoy them.


No reactions today? I can see that they’re live on YT

Teddy McDonald

Roshi im begging you, use another player that isn’t patreon’s. Can watch 4K vids on YouTube but patreon can’t even play above 240p at a consistent rate, makes the content almost unwatchable


will you guys react to psycho pass in the future?

Lil Pickle

where's bungou stray dogs TOT


I think hachiman being a loner at first thought he could get along with yukinoshita but it was him thinking he knew yukinoshita but only as a superficial not what she actually feels like or her family circumstances. and he knows right now as their friend lv each each other are too weak to withstand all the shit they have going on in their lives when they have a stronger bond maybe they will feel easier to talk about their problems with each other, and rely on each other.


Roshi ima need you to post episode 10 🗿


Have you guys considered reacting to YouTube content, like the Mandela Catalogue? There is some Grade S material in that lore, and I think y'all would enjoy it as a psychological horror!

Noel Cruz

Sheera spittin rn


Where these uploads at though?

Wasabi tobiko

did we get announcement for friday schedule ?


not at all. Wtf. They even streamed Re4 remake when these were supposed to go up and again right now lol. We paying for the reactions not the game streams. At least put out a notice so we're not waiting for no reason

Funny Name

People asking for uploads when it’s only Saturday. Have patience, plus people are making it sound like their life depends on them uploading 😭. Chill and play some games while y’all wait!

Taveon Staten

they r asking cause we didnt get all of fridays an people have the right to complain when not getting a simple update


A simple post update as to when the friday schedule will be won't take a minute of your time from you stream.


I feel like a Crack addict who's gone too long without any when I ask, "H-hey, dawg...ya'll got any of those polls on ya??"


Did Roshi forgot to post EP 10 again?


Bro really said nah y’all ain’t getting ep 10 dis week 💀

Son Goku

Where is Bungou stray dogs reaction?

Merfhew (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-27 14:56:27 Looks like last week's Bungo Stray Dogs reaction has been rescheduled. We'll be seeing Episode 10 tomorrow (Tuesday 3/28).
2023-03-27 12:36:32 It looks like last week's reaction to Bungo Stray Dogs was rescheduled. We'll be seeing Episode 12 tomorrow (Tuesday 3/28), and Episode 13 two days later (Thursday 3/30).

It looks like last week's reaction to Bungo Stray Dogs was rescheduled. We'll be seeing Episode 12 tomorrow (Tuesday 3/28), and Episode 13 two days later (Thursday 3/30).

Kévin Chamberlin

if the dog had been hit by the car, it could have been rename " disabled"