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misunderstandings go crazy


The Endless

will forewarn you now, this will not be your average typical romcom, things are gonna get real complicated ALL the time

Reuben Filimaua

I'll keep saying it, it wasn't just that one girl. He's been interested in and shot down by other girls too. Anyway yeeah I too was glad this misunderstanding was resolved quickly too, I was quite surprised myself.


Hikkigaya isn’t dense in the slightest, it’s the opposite: he’s painfully aware of how people act and feel and he’s scared of opening up and being hurt


ALL the time lmao. Not even an exaggeration. I love it but my god if overthinking was a talent these people have it in spades.

Devin B

Just because they showed you that one flashback of Hikigaya and a girl doesn't mean that was his only experience. He actually tried with other girls too but it ended the same way for him


This show is like 99% misunderstandings at all times. It really is a wonderful show tho, it really encompasses those awkward teenage years when you are old enough to act like you know everything, but you really know nothing and shits awkward.


If you remember Yukino interacting with Kamakura (8man's cat) during the SakiSaki investigation, Yukino is absurdly in love with cats. The book she reads constantly has a cat on the cover, in this episode, the apron she picked out and ultimately bought for herself had a cat on it. In contrast, Yukino doesn't know what to do with dogs and all their affectionate energy. Just like Yui. Also, the instigator in the accident would be the car that would have run over Sable if not for 8man playing the hero.


A lot of people don’t say this but The characters are oddly similar to Doki Doki Literature club. Yui looks like she’s was copy and pasted into the game

Cameron Robinson

I’m pretty sure the incident with the dog happened on the first day of school. Since he wasn’t there he wasn’t able to make introductions to the people in class like everyone else and that might have impacting him form relationships in class. He didn’t have any prior knowledge of Yui so she didn’t change the way she acted around him after the accident she just acted a bit more favorably when she met up with him again. He thinks she being and trying to make up for his lack friends possibly because he saved her dog. This is my understanding at least


roshi and sheera give off mean girl bully vibes tbh because they constantly shitting on him for what? how about you guys point oout that she never communicated with him about her feelings? that he was just supposed to just magically know she got feelings for him? a dude that has been rejected countless times in his life? thought you guys were better then this. L takes


Hey your title is spelled wrong at the end part!


why cant someone give an opinion about something without being treated like im having a panic attack or foaming at the mouth? like im calm and i gave my opinion. you just sound desperate to defend them. just try again its ok


Wasn't just one girl who shut him down. I'm pretty sure some of the flashbacks we saw to this point had different girls in them, not just one. When several people shut you down socially by the point you reach high school, it's definitely gonna have an effect on your sense of self-worth. Dude is just tired of getting hurt, and I can't blame him for it.


He's so aware but it's also sad how at the same time he's not because he simply could not see himself as someone who is valued by others (shown in the beginning of season 2) where people have to straight tell him that.


I have to agree that it's not that serious. These are off the cuff reactions. Never taking them too deep. Not saying the things you listed aren't true but I don't ever expect them to have every perspective in mind. Think most people are here for their on the spot perspectives not the ones we had/prefer/like/want.

Devin B

I think they were going hard on Hikigaya because he caused the misunderstanding in the first place. It's understandable why Hikigaya felt that way though because of his past experiences with girls but it's not healthy for him to treat people that are genuinely trying to be nice to him like that.

William Yang

And the PAIN TRAIN begins...


lmao u insulted them cause their opinion differed from yours... u sounding desperate to be noticed


how am i sounding desperate to be noticed? i gave my take on the matter and i never insulted them i said they giving off that vibe. they grown. like i said before you come into the comments with your troll attitude instead of giving an actual argument. i was just stating what i heard and saw. everybody watching the dam anime sees that he has told his story of rejecting multiple times. i get it you guys wanna defend your favorite reactors but come on now. calling someone desperate for attention just because i pointed out what they said?


you watched the reaction did you not? did roshi not call him an idiot and a scumbag? roshi said he was frustrated but its ok for him and not someone in the comments to be frustrated? like shut the fuck up and grow up and stop being children


Hikki isn't dense though. He's already said he's had experiences with nice girls like Yuigahama in the past but they all end up with him getting hurt. So how is he suppose to know her feelings are genuine for him? We are watching an anime with Hikki as the MC and Yuigahama also being a main character in this show so that makes it obvious to us her feelings aren't fake but to Hikki she's just one of the many nice girls who have hurt him in the past. Yuigahama only talking to him after he saved her dog only solidifies that belief. That's why he's a loner cause he's tired of getting rejected all the time.


I agree with your comment to some extent but the wording that you used was overly aggressive and the way you talked was not good for you and everyone else to understand where you coming from. they can be very nonchalant and very understanding and the problem here is that they do not still understand the overall theme of the show and each characters personality because it's still the beginning. it's ok to give your take on it but give them a few more episodes so that can understand better.


thank you very much for that. you actually came to me with a reasonable argument not just a trolly comment. ill give them the benefit of the doubt but i was just going off by what i heard and how they treated him. people still took my comment and went up in arms tryna defend them without even giving a why just "oh you seeking attention" like huh? i appreciate it tho rowlett :p lol


lmao bro you've seen this anime they haven't and you're mad at them for not understanding a situation u already know? weird behavior to come to the comments to insult them for not seeing your pov . I said u were desperate for attention because your comment was giving a childish vibe.. but anyway like my guy said above learn to respond appropriately instead of throwing tantrums to avoid things like this


i never seen this anime im watching it fresh just like them. i pointed it out what was already shown in the anime. as for saying that they give off mean girl bully vibes i agree that was a bit harsh but thats what they sounded like. you tell me. how did they sound like when you heard them say that? just curious


Hachiman may seem dense, but that's just a symptom of his problem, that he can't see himself as someone others would care for. In his flashbacks what you see the most is people first acting nice to him, but in the end you see they were just being polite. So he is aware how people act with him(like Yui) but he has seen how that ends and does not fall for it. Now instead most people seem phony to him and he can't believe people are genuine towards him

Argo TheSlicer

sounds like my fucking life jesus christ how far ive fall- actually ive always been this sad


sound like all their other reactions to characters who act out of the norm ... taking their comments way to serious lol. like i said before it ain't that deep


I can see the attachment to Yuigahama already. Hope they're ready for what comes in the later seasons haha


Sheera for what you said in the beginning, the accident happened before they started high school so they didn't know each other nor have a class together before, she only saw him again once he recovered and found out they were in the same class because hikki wasn't there the first week of high school


so the dude wasnt acting normal? hmmm i see okay now i totally understand what im dealing with now. okay thats all i wanted to know

Cleven Anthony

I agree w it being handled bad. As someone who experienced it I can tell you for you a fact after multiple bad experiences you just naturally wanna protect yourself & I synergize with his character alot, eventually you literally run out of fucks too give lol


Just wanna let ya'll know, he doesn't base his relationship advice based on only that one thing that happened with that girl. He's asked out a bunch of girls who he thought liked him and tried to be friends with a bunch of people to but they've always rejected him.


Oregairu has a lot of subliminal hints about the characters and how they act which is why a lot of their actions don’t really make sense at first glance

The Endless

It’s like a slice of life version of Death Note, smart niggas overthinking all the time😭

These Plums

She took the apron because she likes cats, and the apron had cats on it

Jake Young

Sheera needs to do the mental acrobatics, shes dead on lol, these characters a really in their own heads,

Soulja Boy

"Oregiaru" 🥴


I have been through that phase myself. I wonder how normal this actually is


Bruh I can’t take those lil jealous laughs after watching doki doki I immediately think of the wrong thing😭😂