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brain officially pancaked


Hasnain Khan



It's not surprising that Joe is hallucinating Rhys. We know from the previous seasons he has a vivid imagination every time he beat his meat. Also the interactions from the first half of the season with Rhys was sus af.

mitch anderson

I actually was not expecting the end. Joe is clearly sick in the head


Yea joe has lost it fr

Peter Tran

If you actually look back at the previous episodes, Rhys was never see interacting with the other characters. When he was on screen he only interacted with Joe. There was also a scene where Joe was talking to Rhys at a dinner table with the other character and the other characters looked at Joe like he was just talking to himself. Also, another hint was the first text message he got from “Rhys” said, “Hey, you”. Which Joe’s line. It was definitely hinted that he was just in Joe’s imagination .


I’m guessing we’ll get that infamous scene where someone goes through Joe’s video recording and we see that he was only ever talking to himself. As cool as the idea that this is a figment of Joe’s imagination I’d really have loved if Rhys was a real character and this wasn’t Joe dealing with a new personality.


Also Nadia…please lol you’re doing a lot.

Jacob Artis

it kinda seems like a split personality that joe has outwardly manifested as a defense mechanism for his mind

rickie woodson

i dont know whats more shocking. that her dad is american or that he's played by greg kennear

rickie woodson

thats not where he confronted marianne cause that was in PARIS and they are in london. two separate places.....but wow didnt see that twist coming despite all the fan theories of rhys being fake and they are only half right. rhys is real, their interactions were the hallucinations. so joe was so conflicted with wanting to be WITH marianne and wanting to be the person marianne would want/changing he created a split personality (rhys) who has been doing all his serial killing and capturing for him. WILD. this show just turned into the united states of tara, murder edition.


i guess roshi and sheera watch too many shows and just get clapped so easily. obviously rhys was a real person because tom lockwood wants to get rid of him for political reasons. i dont know why but joe made up the psycho rhys. remember rhys has never been seen interacting with anybody. joe killed the actual rhys monstrose but the psycho rhys is in his head. looks like joe is gonna be the final villian of his own show lol


after finishing the show this morning i can't wait to see y'all's brain to do more backflips lol


Joe's worst enemy has always been himself. This season was the literal personification of that lol

Lily Rose

Lmao I love knowing I was right. I think I deserve an apology from the people under my comment during part 1 trying to tell me it didn’t make sense 😂 it was obvious that Rhys was a figment of Joe’s imagination, always randomly appearing in his apartment and only speaking to him and no one else. Rhys is a real man, he’s an author running for mayor. Joe just doesn’t know the real one.


That makes a lot of sense but does that mean all those texts were made up and does that mean he just had an ear with him this entire time.


Please do Bojack Horseman as a duo reaction 🙏🏽


The next episode completely changes everything cant wait for the reaction


Well I hope you two are strapped in and ready for the brain damage that is the next 3 episodes lol. The writing for the 2nd half of this season has more holes than Ellie gave David in TLOU.


My best theory is that Joe underwent a psychotic breakdown from the drugs in episode 1. Which led to his identities and egos splitting which is some off the walls fiction shit

David Emerson

This seem like some FIght Club shit

Sheldon Lewis

I'm guessing Joe has a split personality in order to deal with the things he's done. I'm assuming he couldn't live with the fact he let Mariane go. He's created a an alternate world where he's changed for the better. Rhys Monroe is clearly a real person but Joe fabricated a version of Rhys in his mind to take the blame. His inner Rhys is the killer within telling him he's a murderer and that he should just accept it.

Nigel Douglas

i already watched the episode once and it took me until halfway through dinner of you guys reaction to realize he didnt have a brittish accent lmao. i realized it, but i didn notice it

Nigel Douglas

pov: you watch ahead in the show and then go back and pretend like you´re making guesses


Not until Roshi mentioned it but yeah, Joe is a lot like Yoshikage Kira, man just wants a quiet life


If Lupa was watching this his brain would hurt and in the next episode brain would leave the building.