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is this like the end of the story or can we expect more? hes kinda busted now lol


zILovePelmeni _

this wont be the last season theres more

Deshawn Smith

Theres a lot more, the manga is still ongoing


There’s way more the manga still going


I’ve been waiting for this


Idk if we'll get a full adaptation of the whole manga since they really skimped on the budget when they switched studios this season. But to give you an idea of the scope of this story - the author has gone on record saying the series will be told in Three Acts: Past, Present and Future. S1 and S2 are only Act 1.


there's definitely a lot more to the story but personally i feel like the story falls off after this arc. i'm not sure if they'll continue to adapt it after this season


I understand why you feel that way, but to play devils advocate for people who didn't read the manga - IMO the next story arcs aren't bad, just different. The genre and tone shift from a daring adventure to a more philosophical drama, since obviously the threat of Fushi's companions dying no longer exists. People were already complaining last season that the formula of "meet someone, they die, fushi grows" got really predictable, and the Author has already told the stories they wanted to tell with this premise, so it's only natural that the series drastically shift gears as the setting changes. How the author handled the shift is up to your personal taste, but I really liked it even if I think Bon's "sacrificial gambit" was the peak of the series so far.

Devin B

I'm happy that Gugu, March and everyone else are back but at this point I don't feel any sense of urgency in the overall story. Fushi got even more OP which I didn't think would be possible and pretty much most of the nokkers except the one with Kahaku are done for. Even if they do come back they can't do much to Fushi now.


As a manga reader, i agree with gilthwixt. Personally found the events that happens after this arc to be really fucked up in it own way, after all that fushi's been thru


lowkey teared up when fushi and gugu reunited


So we're still in the past even with close to 500 years of time skips? Dayum


@gilthwixt - my issue with the plot in the next couple of arcs is that it just doesn't feel as impactful as the previous ones. it's tough to have a discussion on why exactly i feel that way without moving into spoiler territory, but i do see what you guys are saying. i'll revisit the manga with that perspective in mind.


nah, now we go into the villain origin. If you want to be brought back you gotta pay. and the price goes up every time.


I’m not 100% sure if they gonna do 2 more seasons but theres 2 more ARCS in the manga.


wait my mans died in an apron butt naked? what was he doing lmao


*Spoilers but it'll probably be teased at the end of next episode* I mean does anything about this era in the show look "Modern" to you? We live in a world with airplanes and smartphones 👀


I think it doesn't help that the author slowed the pacing down to releasing only half chapters every couple of weeks. The following arcs read much better in one sitting than stretched out as they were. And yeah, I get that it doesn't have the same "impact". With the stakes being so different it's hard not to feel that way. What I love about these upcoming arcs though is that it changes the Nokker antagonism to such an interesting dynamic and dives into really fucked up philosophical territory. I realize that can't land as well for everyone, but it really hit me on a personal level. I just worry it won't be well received in the anime due to how they lowered the animation quality and the fact that it takes a long time to ramp up to where it's going, even longer than the Bon arc.


Unless I'm mistaken, killing Eko or letting her die, just to fix her body, would be a bad idea. Morality aside, if she decided to go to her Paradise upon death, instead of staying in Reality, she would have died for nothing.


Saying anything feels like it would be a spoiler, but yes the story does continue, and from what I remember it's still very interesting so far from what I've read in the manga

Merfhew (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-08 04:25:39 I'll try to withold judgment until I've seen next week's episode, but the conclusion to this battle felt kinda messy and rushed and similar to the ending of the Pain Arc in Naruto (in terms of damage being the only consequence despite mass destruction and deaths during the conflict itself). I'm assuming things played out the same way in the manga, as opposed to the anime adaptation going badly due to poor pacing, so I guess my issue is with the author's writing? I've mostly enjoyed To Your Eternity until now, but if the story really drops in quality going forward, as a few people have suggested, I'm a bit worried.
2023-03-08 03:22:06 I'll try to withold judgment until I've seen next week's episode, but the conclusion to this battle felt kinda messy and rushed and similar to the ending of the Pain Arc in Naruto (in terms of damage being the only consequence despite mass destruction and deaths during the conflict itself). I'm assuming things played out the same way in the manga, as opposed to the anime adaptation going badly due to poor pacing, so I guess my issue is with the author's writing? I've mostly enjoyed To Your Eternity until now, but if the story really drops in quality going forward, as a few people have suggested, I'm a bit worried about what's to come.

I'll try to withold judgment until I've seen next week's episode, but the conclusion to this battle felt kinda messy and rushed and similar to the ending of the Pain Arc in Naruto (in terms of damage being the only consequence despite mass destruction and deaths during the conflict itself). I'm assuming things played out the same way in the manga, as opposed to the anime adaptation going badly due to poor pacing, so I guess my issue is with the author's writing? I've mostly enjoyed To Your Eternity until now, but if the story really drops in quality going forward, as a few people have suggested, I'm a bit worried about what's to come.


I suppose the only "modern" object we've seen is Kai's ancient prototype of the Nerf Gun Super Soaker. lol

fall ocean

Yep, the pace was off and had nothing to do with the anime adaption. Manga reader here and the next arcs are just more off pace stuff like this. It completely differs from its well paced stories in the beginning, and it was just not as enjoyable for me, so I dropped the manga.That being said I understand there are those who still read and enjoy so it’s just up to the individual to choose to drop it or not. Perhaps there are more reasons for why I dropped it, I vaguely remember reading it, I think the way the plot was developing was weird, I didn’t have a strong connection with the characters and didn’t feel for some in comparison to characters like Gugu or March or even the nameless boy. All in all just wasn’t hooking me.


I feel the same way about the modern arc that I do about Vinland Saga's current anime arc. The stakes are different, and it's exploring emotional growth and philosophical questions in a way that constantly fighting the nokkers didn't really allow them to. And the current manga arc is jus something I never saw coming. Given how much they like the Farmland Saga arc, I'm betting they'll like the TYE modern arc in a similar way. JUST Y'ALL WAIT.

Emiliano Ruiz Chong

(No plot spoilers) Currently in the manga, there have been 4 different scenarios or timelines. Currently in the anime, this is close to the end of the 2nd timeline, but there is so much more to the whole story.

Jigga Man

The manga for this apparently goes wayyyyyyy into the future so I'm interested to see how they're handling it show wise and what issues arise next because at this point, Fushi is the author, no one can die

Matrim Hall

Its not anywhere near over as far as I know

Matrim Hall

Also, I think they explained that Fushi was faster because everything had been taken from him by Kahaku. I don't really get it, but that's somehow connected.


this was the prologue

lakewood145 .

How slow is Lupa? This man can never figure things out. Everything is a surprise to him LMAO

The GoDKing 27

What about kokakus nokker that got away with a ton of people?


Fushi can bring back anyone who didn’t go into paradise, and Kohaku’s nokker got away, does that mean Fushi lost Sandel, Joann, the booze man, the Boy, and others?

Ranginald Vagel

Seems like a person can't even be brought back against their will because if they just choose to pass on they can't be brought back. Pretty useful.


So that nokker that infected Eko is it just trying to survive or has been doing som 007 spying?


There will be a season 3

Ec Aea

Remember that he could only revive people whose soul he still can see right? Technically he couldn't revive the princess as she had ascended for the heavens. Basically anyone that had ascended to the heavens he couldn't revive them , but can take their form. Which explains why certain people when he tried to revive back then turns into corpse instead , they had left the world. The body needs a soul for them to revive it. The specialty of Bon's ghost seeing body is that he can revive them , without having to met them while they were alive as long as he met their ghost form. All he need is seeing them once , ghost or not to make their body.

Me Me

Yes because the one who took it from his is alive (kahakus left arm) he hasn’t killed him yet


Ion like Bon’s face lol I hope he get his main back