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justice has no smell

sorry for all the late uploads, that extra AoT really extended the time lol



If yall see me falling over, looking like I haven't eaten or slept in days, please drag me to the hospital. If I refuse, then please knock me the fuck out and force my ass.


Just letting you ya’ll know but the AOT episode has an audio delay about halfway through during the Hange and Erwin scene

Chance branch

In case it wasn’t obvious, Deku is isolating himself to protect everyone. He’s running in fumes, which is exactly what AFO wants. He can’t see that, because like All Might, he never takes his own well being into consideration.


Stain actually liked All Might didn't he ? I feel like All Might is gonna be just fine lmao

Jaiden Frazer

The Uzi vert joke sent me😂😂😂


“Rude hero deku” is crazy Lmao

Devin B

The fact that Deku is holding himself up with blackwhip just shows how broke down he is.


dam dude the patreon player sucks, vid is like perma stuck on 360p for me

Benny T

This was a masterpiece by the VAs. I was in my feels all episode.

tiana britton

All Might was actually one of the only if not the only hero he saw as a true hero so know beef there lol. After their battle he felt the same way about Izuku too!

A. P.

lmao Deku spraying on the Axe Chocolate in between bodying villains 😂 I feel Dark Deku man he don't want to get his homies smoked, but ain't no way I'm turning down that Katsu All Might made, that bento looked fire.

AlexXis Amadeus

Ya'll ain' never had to give a friend or family an intervention or nothing, I can tell. Deku's high on his ideals fr, they gotta knock him on his ass a little bit, he's being crazy. Guarantee next episode will make some people cry tho. The Manga made me cry.

Earphone Jack (edited)

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2023-03-07 05:53:29 I’ve been waiting for this moment and it’s finally here! I can’t wait for the next episode!
2023-03-07 04:50:10 I’ve been waiting for this moment and it’s finally here! I can’t wait for the next episode! Lupa and Sheera got sense when it comes to Deku vs. Class 1-A! I wouldn't say that Deku was being shitty or rude because he wasn't (he's more so being hardheaded), but they get it! Deku needs to rest and his friends are here to help him! I love that! I wish most manga readers saw it like that when this chapter first came out 2 years ago, but alas...they didn't.

I’ve been waiting for this moment and it’s finally here! I can’t wait for the next episode! Lupa and Sheera got sense when it comes to Deku vs. Class 1-A! I wouldn't say that Deku was being shitty or rude because he wasn't (he's more so being hardheaded), but they get it! Deku needs to rest and his friends are here to help him! I love that! I wish most manga readers saw it like that when this chapter first came out 2 years ago, but alas...they didn't.

abdulrahman fahad

man I love the reaction so much I'm dying laughing


Nah they did they thing with this cour as a whole , Dabi Origin, Nagant Origin, Dark Deku all been pretty fuckin good ngl


Deku looks sick ,also bakugo brave for talking shit cause you really don’t know how far this nigga would go to keep doing what he’s doing for all we know Deku would’ve kick the shit out of him to knock him out and leave 🤣

tiana britton

He’s not rude lol. He’s depressed/drained/stressed alladat. It’s literally the all might syndrome “forget yourself but everything on the back burner and put everyone else above you”…but even in all nights hardest times he didn’t have to be a hero in a time like now so izuku is already burnt out compared to what took all might years. It’s always been stated that all night was his own foil bc he took everything on himself but izuku has friends who will MAKE SURE even by force if necessary that he doesn’t continue to go down that path. Like Bakugo pointed out he doesn’t even look like himself…he couldn’t smile if he wanted to… & like the question Uraraka has brought up who saves the heroes when they need saving…& like the 2nd user pointed out he actual has friends who can get him back on track and support him he just has to accept it & know it’ll be okay.

Devin B

I get that Deku needs to take a break and rely on others but I can't blame him for trying to do things on his own with the amount of pressure that he's under. Not only is he the target of the most evil villain in history but the last time he fought with others most of them got wiped out by an incomplete Shigaraki. The threat they're going to face now is even greater than before and Deku is literally the one with the best chance to take out the threat.

Godrick (edited)

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2023-03-07 06:15:46 I really feel like they dropped the ball on this arc..they did a good job with dekus look, but not great for me. it was much grittier in the manga, so much so that they broke the 4th wall to make a joke about how they were drawing deku so dark. In the anime, it feels less dark, and more like dekus trying to be edgy. I felt kinda whelmed by the second muscular fight, but that was short in the manga. But then they literally did still frames for every shot of the nagant fight and compressed every bit of it in 1 episode. Its weird too.. as popular as the show and manga are they shouldn't have budget issues, but here we are... watching One Punch Man season 2 all over again.. Edit: It just occurred to me, they blew up a house with Deku and Endeavor standing in it, went to the intro-then cut to the next scene like nothing happened XD didn't even address that shit. cmon bro... that's a big corner but they cut tf out of it
2023-03-07 05:09:22 I really feel like they dropped the ball on this arc..they did a good job with dekus look, but not great for me. The panel they did in this epsiode hit so hard in the manga, but it was... ight in the anime. It was much grittier in the manga, so much so that they broke the 4th wall to make a joke about how they were drawing deku so dark. I felt kinda whelmed by the second muscular fight, but that was short in the manga. But then they literally did still frames for every shot of the nagant fight and compressed every bit of it in 1 episode. Its weird too.. as popular as the show and manga are they shouldn't have budget issues, but here we are... watching One Punch Man season 2 all over again.. Edit: It just occurred to me, they blew up a house with Deku and Endeavor standing in it, went to the intro-then cut to the next scene like nothing happened XD didn't even address that shit. cmon bro... that's a big corner but they cut tf out of it

I really feel like they dropped the ball on this arc..they did a good job with dekus look, but not great for me. The panel they did in this epsiode hit so hard in the manga, but it was... ight in the anime. It was much grittier in the manga, so much so that they broke the 4th wall to make a joke about how they were drawing deku so dark. I felt kinda whelmed by the second muscular fight, but that was short in the manga. But then they literally did still frames for every shot of the nagant fight and compressed every bit of it in 1 episode. Its weird too.. as popular as the show and manga are they shouldn't have budget issues, but here we are... watching One Punch Man season 2 all over again.. Edit: It just occurred to me, they blew up a house with Deku and Endeavor standing in it, went to the intro-then cut to the next scene like nothing happened XD didn't even address that shit. cmon bro... that's a big corner but they cut tf out of it

ArkhamRed (edited)

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2023-03-07 06:21:55 We didnt watch the same manchester smash then, also did they even adress it in the manga??? they literally cut to that exact same scene in the chapter, and there was barely any still frames in the nagant fight
2023-03-07 05:16:01 We didnt watch the same manchester smash then, also did they even adress it in the manga??? they literally cut to that exact same scene in the chapter, and there was barely any still frames in the nagant fight. Bro talkin about big corner cut, that shit was a fuckin dorito crumb like gtfo here with that.

We didnt watch the same manchester smash then, also did they even adress it in the manga??? they literally cut to that exact same scene in the chapter, and there was barely any still frames in the nagant fight. Bro talkin about big corner cut, that shit was a fuckin dorito crumb like gtfo here with that.


The 4th wall joke wasn’t even in the chapters they adapted this episode lol

Syukor Kirito

The bento dropping reminded me of the soup scene from cobra kai.


It also doesnt have jack shit to do with budget the main keypoint in any form of animation is TIME if you do not TIME you cannot perform to the fullest of your ability especially with crunch deadlines


"You're even drawn different" line would be in the next episode The Nagant fight was only ~4 chapters in the manga too so idk what you think was "compressed" And re: the explosion there was a line to the effect of "we barely escaped getting caught in the explosion, but any traces of the league are gone," which is exactly how it went in the manga

Zen Reacts

How do yall forget that All Might was the one hero Stain actually respected, why would he try to hurt him?


He does. Stain sees AM as the epitome of what all heroes should be. If anything he’s a lowkey fan

Earphone Jack

Oh, I know I'm most likely going to cry the next 2 episodes. The manga made me cry, too. I'm ready lol.

Hasnain Khan



One of the highest rated My Hero seasons. Everyone has been loving it including Roshi who complained about last season. Don't know what you're watching but i'm loving it. To each their own.

Matrim Hall

Sheera gotta remember that Deku has a notebook on all his friends lmaooo

Dude Man McGee

everytime roshi speaks in these reactions i feel betrayed. fucking, manga readers... (jokes friends, they're jokes)

Zen Reacts

Yeah Roshi you think Deku has that kind of control in that situation?


Deku got that batman style tabs on all his friends and what the can do lmao. This is like batman with supermans powers going up against the justice league

Jaden Coleman

Because season 2 was almost 5 years ago? Lol, they watch such a crazy amount of content at the same time that they're bound to forget some details of a season they watched 5 years ago lol

Zen Reacts

But they dont forget who Stain is? His entire ideology is what what sparked the formation of the League of Villains. I mean shit Dabi even talked about Stain earlier this season. You act like the people that watch the MHA reactions are only watching these reactions and nothing else like there arent people that are watching just as many or even more shows that never forgot that shit

Jaden Coleman

It's so obvious Deku needs help. Falling over in the damn street, not eating or sleeping, but he think he's fine enough to run the fade with AFO? AFO would cook his ass rn and that's why his classmates gotta get him together.

Justin Neason

I get where Deku's coming from. He just watched the TOP HEROES get folded while Shigaraki was tracking HIM SPECIFICALLY, his teacher lose a leg and get his eyes damn near scraped out, and saw Bakugo get impaled to protect him... all while fighting BABY AfO.. Ofc Deku's ass would slump them to keep them away, if AfO pulls up on fuckin MINETA what u think is gonna happen LMFAOO

Matthew Bankston

Those who chase monsters should be careful that they themselves do not become monsters. This whole story arc with Deku reminds me of Batman: Knightfall, with a dash of Batman: No Man's Land.

Jason Williams

Nothing lowkey about it. He shouted his admiration of All Might to the heavens and the video of it was posted everywhere


Man Bakugo saying "Can you still smile" pretty much insinuating that Deku cant save people with a smile like All Might without his friends. UA is okay with taking him back. I bet deku loses next episode. Im anime only before i get hate

jac jacob israel

Not Roshi trying to defend Deku lol 😂


Wait Stain love All Might

Osiris Cage

But they did forget. It happened, it's done, and now we're moving on. It's truly not that serious. And of course they don't forget Stain. They mention and show him many different times throughout the series. How many times have they mentioned he respected All Might? Like twice in season 2 lmao


Nah Deku need a whole helping of that nyquil poon from beast lady last episode and a shower. NOT in that order

Braxton Brown

I just wish the anime would have stressed that Deku hasn't like eaten or slept in DAYS, hes just been going everywhere Danger sense has been telling him too. Much like how they left out on emphasizing that Shiggy had been on E for months with nearly zero sleep or rest fighting Giganto Machia. This his that same moment for Deku and the anime really drops the ball on pointing that out.


Nah they made it perfectly clear in both those situations lol this is an insane nitpick if anything


These guys really forgot how much Stain loves All Might. Stain literally said he's the only worthy hero

Zachary Jackson

Shigaraki literally said in the anime that his life for weeks was fighting Giga with only short periods of rest. You can tell in this episode he isn't get rest, sleep, or food. I'm starting to see why the anime has to waste like 2 freaking episodes of every season beginning to explain everyone's names and quirks.... pay attention

Sheldon Lewis

I don't think Stain would kill all might. If anything he'd help all might in some way. Like getting Deku to come back to his senses. I would like to see Stain call Deku using All mights phone just to show you can't protect everyone if you push everyone away.


Yeah, and look at him now. The all might stain knew would go down fighting not sit on the sidelines


Yeah this is what I assume will happen too, perfect way to teach Deku the lesson. He may take All Might captive at most, but he definitely isn't about to kill him, All Might was his inspiration.


Lmao, the scene with All Might falling and dropping the bento, reminds me of the Pepe meme where he’s on the ground crying while he also dropped chicken nuggets. Wish this version of Deku lasted longer.


Mineta throws a grape ball into AFO’s mouth and kills him, gg

Drake Rage (edited)

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2023-03-07 15:11:28 4:00 "Your Next" All for One literally told Midoriya the same thing All Might did when he used up all his power after beating All for One, lol. That must have stung so hard for Deku to hear that from that piece of trash.
2023-03-07 13:59:23 4:00 "You're Next" All for One literally told Midoriya the same thing All Might did when he used up all his power after beating All for One, lol. That must have stung so hard for Deku to hear that from that piece of trash.

4:00 "You're Next" All for One literally told Midoriya the same thing All Might did when he used up all his power after beating All for One, lol. That must have stung so hard for Deku to hear that from that piece of trash.

Drake Rage (edited)

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2023-03-07 15:30:14 What Beef Lupa?? Seeing you get hyped when they showed Stain again this season made me think you remembered Stain, lol. "The True Hero: All Might is the only one that I will allow to kill me." -Stain Ain't no beef there.
2023-03-07 14:18:27 What Beef Lupa?? Seeing you get hyped when they showed Stain again this season made me think you remembered Stain, lol. "The True Hero: All Might is the only one that I will allow to kill me." -Stain Ain't no beef there. 10:37 That is the same way Stain used to walk, that is the walk of someone who is obsessed with that single goal and nothing else matters. Stain was obsessed with bringing back what it means to be a True hero in a society overflowing with commercialized heroism, but we are now seeing Midoriya becoming obsessed with his goal of taking down All for One. Stain seems to have cooled down after spending time in prison, I wonder if they are slowly building it up to then having Stain meet Deku and having him tell Deku not to lose himself, to not become obsessed with a goal to the point of losing himself and forgetting what it means to be a True Hero. "Justice has no smell," lmao.

What Beef Lupa?? Seeing you get hyped when they showed Stain again this season made me think you remembered Stain, lol. "The True Hero: All Might is the only one that I will allow to kill me." -Stain Ain't no beef there. 10:37 That is the same way Stain used to walk, that is the walk of someone who is obsessed with that single goal and nothing else matters. Stain was obsessed with bringing back what it means to be a True hero in a society overflowing with commercialized heroism, but we are now seeing Midoriya becoming obsessed with his goal of taking down All for One. Stain seems to have cooled down after spending time in prison, I wonder if they are slowly building it up to then having Stain meet Deku and having him tell Deku not to lose himself, to not become obsessed with a goal to the point of losing himself and forgetting what it means to be a True Hero. "Justice has no smell," lmao.




this is probably a comment that very little people will know but deku looks like that character from that old ps1 game legacy of kain: soul reaver. thats for my old heads out there lol



Jason Eastman

This translation really did you guys a disservice. When All For One pointed at Deku, the most appropriate translation would've been "Next, it's your turn" which All For One deliberately said to mimic All Might's words from their last fight.


To be fair Stain has been out of the picture for like five years.

Drake Rage

Yeah, I didn't even think we would ever see him again, that is why I had gotten super hyped, because he was honestly the best/my favorite villain in this series so far and I had wished they brought him back and they did :D Also Lupa had mentioned/remembered earlier this season how Stain was the cause of the Villains League blowing up and becoming big, which was true.


what beef you forget stain only views all might as a true hero in society.


nah it clearly doesn't make it obvious when sheera thinks after the all might scene its only been like an hour when its been actually like 2 weeks. lol.


He's not wanting to fight them, he wants them to fuck off. He just wants to get away from them - his classmates just know they'll have to throw hands to get him to realize he needs to chill.


Next episode is going to wreck me emotionally.


Who said anything about him wanting to hurt them? They are the ones trying to stop deku. Not deku trying to trash them. If deku wanted to he could whoop all of them


Mt. Lady went and got a BBL after getting those trees outta dem cheeks! I see you, girl. Double caked up like a pack of Hostess 👌


Would Stain even hurt All Might? Like you guys do remember that All Might was one of the only Heroes that Stain respected, right?

Josh Knoebel

Right? Like, his whole motivation was that he hated all the other heroes because they felt manufactured and forced, treating it like a job instead of a passion and a duty as people with power. All Might was the only one he respected. He would praise Deku and All Might, if anything. Stain is probably standing there nervously waiting to ask for an autograph.

shamier fields

just because you respect someone doesn't mean they would get a pass, remember stain also said the only one he'd let kill him is all might so that means he would want the smoke, and seeing as all might isnt what everyone thought he was stain could easily interpret this as all might being a fake, but who besides the manga readers knows till the time comes

Wagner m

I mean Deku would have sense any bad intent from stain

Delinda Arts


The Zany Spirit

It feels like everyone always talks in only hindsight, and never any other way of thought.


No? It's like Spiderman's spider sense. It only works for him, and the person or bullet or whatever is going to hurt him has to be somewhat nearby, right about to hurt him. It's not an omniscient power that tells him if anybody in a 20 mile radius is mean lol.

Charlie baker

the thing is thats more like spidermans spider sense lol, danger sense is the most barebones version possible. spiderman has almost full on limited precognition


Lupa is acc my fav person, he's too dang FUNNY