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masterpiece of an episode


Musical Esscence

I was worried they were going to censor the gore alot worse. But they did so well animating this scene. One of my favorite scenes in the manga and now the show.


Bro said he not fighting no more??? Yeah I’m dropping this I’m ngl…


Lil bros have never seen an Seinen before :skull emoji


It's giving me "BERSERK" vibes

Theo Vorster

For those who are interested in reading along with the manga, this episode adapted the entirety of chapters 70 to 71. (also the manga has slightly better written dialogue, but that’s completely understandable since the people who write/translate the subtitles only have a limited amount of time before the simulcast goes up, so they have less time to dedicate/worry about the quality of their prose) One really important bit of imagery/symbolism in this episode was how not just Thorfinn was being weighed down by the dead but Thors as well. But unlike Thorfinn, Thors wasn’t pulled down to “where everyone is your enemy”, because he’s already gone on his journey of rebirth and being a “true warrior” so he’s learned how to climb back up to the top while bearing the weight of the dead (i.e. all the people Thors killed in his past). Also for anyone worried that the series is going to have zero conflict (or even zero action), recall how even Thors (who had already become and been a “true warrior” for a while) was still forced into situations that requires Thors to use martial prowess to defend himself (and others), but without taking a life. Recall Thors “a true warrior needs no sword” line as well, that should give watchers a good indication of how Thorfinn is going to learn how to deal with violence that insists on finding him. While the series is never going to be like season 1 again in terms of action and content, there is still plenty of conflict and martial engagements to be had in new ways in the future narrative.

Zach Saltou

Actually mad confused about how the story goes. I get that he was a war crazed and also due to circumstances battle crazed kid but i feel like there is no way he does not need to go ham with his previous experience. I

Devin B

It’s sad that most people that are watching this season aren’t appreciating what Thorfinn is going through. My guy actually has a chance to look back on the things he has done and is actually thinking about what he was and what he wants to be going forward. I don’t blame him for not wanting to be the beast that he was cause even though it looks epic on the outside inside there’s no substance.


I'm also really interested in how this story's going to progress. Is Canute's army going to show up on their farm and is he gonna try to recruit them? Are they going to fight each other? The way they explore Thorfinn and Einar's emotional development and the sheer quality of the animation/music/VO just has me down for anything.


This was so good! Makes me wish more people were into the second season but I guess that just means they miss out.


since it seems yall don't fully remember Bjorn. he was pretty much Asskelads right hand man who would eat those steroid mushrooms when he would fight. he was also the guy who was stopped by Canute when Canute had his whole little awakening happen.


It might be weird of me saying this, but I actually found it interesting that this episode is so polarizing (as most manga readers knew it would be.) But I find that also very realistic. Our world is filled with people from many different walks of life and phylosophies, but there's no true agreement on what's truly right. Some will say that Thorffin is being naive with his pacifism, and that action and violence is necessary when it comes to defending what is important to you, while others will attest that pacifism is a much harder life that should be pursued in order to attain true peace. For me, there's no truly correct answer. It's up to each individual to decide what's the best path for them to tread. If you dropped this show because of it, you're just as valid as people going forward with it. We all see things differently.


You know what if I am remembering correctly. Didn't Thors also do the same thing? Where he did not want to resort to violence anymore and just had a family when he literally faked his death. In the first season thorfinn seemed more like askeladd and resorted to violence but in this season he is going to be like his actual father and probably start a family maybe... at least that is what I want for thorfinn lol throw some romance in lmao & speaking of family. are we never going to see how thorfinn's mom and sister are doing? are they gone forever or is thorfinn never going to go back to iceland? I kinda wanted to see what is happening there


The show gets 100 times more interesting now as Thorfinn has to figure out how to resolve conflict without fighting. This is the true battle. Throwing hands is easy negotiating peace is hard especially in the age of Vikings.

Joey Zero

Not tryna call Sheera out, but she needs to remember they are slaves. They're lucky Ketil is a good man, because when slaves fight free men, they're usually punished without question. Like, when Sheera said it's partially Thorfinn's fault since he didn't defend himself a few episodes ago. Slaves don't usually get the luxury of defending themselves, so him decking home boy in the face was very dangerous.


ngl kinda mid to see a peaceful viking


2:33 Eren is that you?


Vinland saga manga readers are one of the worst fan bases to interact with. You give any kind of criticism or say how the show isnt for you and they immediately resort to just calling you a retard lmao.

Emman Reed

I took a lot of great things from this episode and I wish others could see the incredible themes in it too. But I can't tell people how to live so they will just have to be ignorant on their own. I'm surprised that a lot of the people I've seen react to the episode never learnt from their parents and teachers that violence is never the answer(although it took thorfin a while to come to this conclusion himself). Just kind of saddening to see. Oh well, they say ignorance is bliss. Great reaction either way Roshi.


Makes sense when you're going around saying "when will we get off farming?" Those are not really proper criticism that you're giving apart from just complaining


Thorfinn has to be an actual him like Thors was in order to go the pacifist route. Thors managed to fight Askeladd's army without killing anybody back in season 1so hopefully so is Thorfinn.


Yeah I do believe this was his recurring dream that he keeps on forgetting. Just as he always wakes up trying to reach upwards, screaming. And he always feels like he forgot something that he shouldn't have. This is just us finally seeing it fully and him finally not forgetting about it. I love that sequence. Thorfinn cannot make amends with those who are already dead. But he has to accept what he has done. That metaphor of carrying the lives he took weighing him down, and climbing back up. It's never gonna go away. He has to carry that weight with him for the rest of his life.


Don’t worry your gonna see some fights lol my boi thorfinn actually about it


So happy seeing the shounentards slowing realising that seinen ain’t all about action and logging off cause two meatheads ain’t fighting 24/7😂

Cleven Anthony

Lol yall be so mad wen ppl don’t see shit your way & it’s a ugly habit. If ppl don’t like it cause they decided a Viking show is too peaceful, that is there right & a valid one at that. Up until now the hype came from now beast mode thor Finn has been. Some ppl just not into the heavy story animes. I’ve watched both kinds n can easily tell you I get more excited from action n heart filled animes like black clover or re zero before I happily invest in a more laid back story


Shounen fans when the MC gets development....


Im dying. Did people want another edgy ass "literally me!!!" character? lmaoooo. Let's go. The shounen shit filtering has been done.


This is one of my favorite scenes in the manga, my other favorites are much later on. But MAPPA animation was really good for this episode, again love yall reactions.

Cleven Anthony

Well after watching farmland saga 😭 I don’t think it’s bad & watching as many anime as I have I understand the route of healing his mental from the path he was forced too take. But I also understand people not being happy at the possibility that the entire series could end without any more epic battles involving thorfinn for now personally I wanna see where it goes from here cause I feel a kind of I’m a warrior for the weak and righteous type thing eventually happening But I don’t think y’all should label ppl and put them down cause they want action or “shounen shit” everyone has different tastes and might not have broad experience like a lot of us. It’s cool too like story driven & action driven anime all the same.

My Dirty Hands

That's a pretty big double standard considering those people are putting down the show and calling it "mid" because it isn't exactly what they wanted.


I’ve never seen the trio so silent during a reaction before 😂 I’m so hyped for the future of the series as a whole

Sofia & Chill

I've seen a couple of videos on YT trashing season 2. I tried to give them the benefit of doubt but as I watched them it came down to the same types of arguments: "It's boring", "nothing's happening" "why the f is Thorfinn a slave on a farm instead of popping off". The show is obviously not for everyone, and I dare say, it's perhaps for more mature people it seems. I hope the studio doesn't get discouraged by it and keeps going because I really fell in love with this story and I want more, the characters' evolutions in this are marvelous.

Magical Drinking

The bit where Thors said "There's no one who it is okay to hurt, there never was" was heartbreaking. I finally understood that Thors must have gone through the exact same crushing regret that Thorfinn is currently experiencing.

Acen Yang

I teared up this episode already, I am not ready for when it adapts the "I forgive you" scene😭😭

Erica Collins

Man I'm happy for Thorfinn & I'm ready for this rebirth arc. He's been through so much that he deserves to live a peaceful life without violence. (however long that lasts) I know it gets hate it but I like the fact that the show is taking this turn. Also I think this was the recurring dream he kept having because what else would it be? We were bound to find out sooner or later and I assume that he's not going to wake up screaming anymore so

Dale Cooper

This is seinan. The tag isn't for just gore or edgy themes. It's not the end all for mature content, but shonen fans get weeded out when we talk about mature themes and this series did that with the manga. If you want battle manga/anime you have so many options so if this isn't what you want feel free to go to those.


I read recently that Black Lagoon would be considered Seinen. I found that funny.


Also I love how the gang deals with people in the comment pushing back on basic misunderstandings. Like both with Roshi's perspective on Askelad (he just doesn't remember s1) and Einar's "shock" earlier in the season (re: Lupa and Sheera) it's the community who is crazy and never right 😂 honestly I respect it. Keep pushing forward lmao


Bruh, what is he supposed to do? Laugh?


For those wondering, yes - there will be more action in the show. Even if the MC is a pacifist remember that there's also Thorkell & Canute


So I am assuming we will be going back to the violence soon Thorfin has to get his freedom and go home after all there is no way the show can just be peace from now till the end. Plus we have to get that Thorkell runback.


thorfin isnt main character at all its canute.

Magical Drinking

Also I really loved that in his dream Askeladd jumps down to try to protect Thorfinn from the arrows, and urges him to move on with his life and fight his true battle. Askeladd in his twisted and fucked up way really did care a lot about Thorfinn by the end of his life.

FlorYA19 Arauz

This episode was done so well the animation the voice actors did amazing so so good I cried the whole episode tbh 😭


I think Thorfinn is gonna eventually follow in his dad's footsteps. Pacifist who can and will fuck people up to protect the things/people he cares about, but never outright kill

The Endless

Seinentards are objectively as bad as shonentards. No, you are not smarter, wiser or more elevated than any reader of any other manga genres including the Shonens as well. You just enjoy a different genre. Yes it can seem bad when they call they show mid but why are yall attacking ppl over their opinion when they state it? Have yall forgotten that neither theirs or your judgment determines what is objectively good or bad so yall high praise of the story is just as much as an opinion as them calling it mid and it matters just as much. So no somebody commenting "this show is mid" is not enough to literally insult ppl who has said/done absolutely nothing to you. Stop being immature.


That part when Thors showed up briefly after Thorfinn swore to never resort to violence again got me tearing up. Thors basically saying, "you finally understand son, I'm proud of you"

Mary L.

The way Askeladd helped Thorfinn pull himself out of the darkness reminded me of how Zaheer helped Korra work through her PTSD in B4 of LOK, despite both pairs being "enemies"


Does Sheera not know what a slave is?