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how to make acquaintances friends



Attack on Titan s4 p3 available now in Hulu.

Erick Tejada

I just got off work thank god this dropped!

Devin B

Did anyone else catch that S-Cry-Ed reference when the teacher said Annihilating Second Bullet.

Devin B

The sticker thing is basically for when they finish a request cause right now it's 4 up there. Also for an episode count as well.


The whole thing with sai is just the show saying "He looks like a girl so here" Basically just the fact he's a trap and hikki acknowledges that.

Childish Gamer

Hiki is low key for Saika and that's OK cuz Hiki is a chad

Invader Rin

Yeah, Hachiman is a bit gay for Saika. Even in the light novel when you read his thoughts its really obvious. Props for him for not hiding that.

Mirrorline (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-04 00:54:33 This anime came out on 2011 and the light novel is before that. That's why I think there's still chain mail and stuff in the show. Myspace was still a thing back then and most japanese people at that time still use email to text each other. lmao.
2023-03-03 23:46:08 This anime came out on 2011 and the light novel is before that. That's why I think there's still chain mail and stuff in the show. Myspace was still a thing back then and most japanese people at that time still use email to text each other. lmao. Also the reason hiki said please cook breakfast for me every day to Sai was just to say that he wanted to marry him.

This anime came out on 2011 and the light novel is before that. That's why I think there's still chain mail and stuff in the show. Myspace was still a thing back then and most japanese people at that time still use email to text each other. lmao. Also the reason hiki said please cook breakfast for me every day to Sai was just to say that he wanted to marry him.

Mike A

It wouldn't make sense for Hayato to be the one to start the chain letters, cause then why would he ask the Volunteer Club to investigate it? Roshi was right in that it ultimately doesn't matter, cause Hayato just wanted the rumors to stop and making the three real friends would accomplish that.


One you're through this show, I really recommend Horimiya as your next romcom, it's pretty damn good


I'm pretty "Cook for me everyday" is Hachi saying marry me subtly lmao

Oscar Santos

Hachiman is down bad for Saika and he is simping over him, thats the joke.


I think what's happening is Hiki is getting distracted by the way Sai looks he's offering to be his house husband.


Hayama didnt want to look into who the culprit was because he didnt want one of them to be guilty, if you find out who it is you have to confront them, if you dont then you’ll eventually forget and move on. It was 100% one of those three but He didnt want their friendship to be ruined And Hayama 100% sees them as friends, not Accessories like sheera was thinking, if you look at that group assuming they’re just typical cliche popular kids you’re gonna make some mistakes


I can promise you right now the "thing" with Hachiman and Sai is for jokes, don't think too hard on it.


Really glad they're watching Loid Forger and Yor Briar: High School Days

Jay Lu

Best girl Komachi is here! "I'm sure that line scored me some points!"


Roshi I think the stickers are for when they help someone? However I could be wrong

Quincy Jones

Yo I'm so mad, throwing in those S-cry-Ed references. Bruh I want to see a trio reaction for that series. Its a short one too so they could knock it out in 2 months weeks if they do about 3 episodes a week.


cant wait for the next ep, iconic monologue incoming


Haha, love the S-cry-ed references, that was cool.


They never directly say it but every time they help someone they put a new sticker outside the club room. It’s kinda like a tally of every job they’ve done


When Yuigihana started talking to the girl group the "friend" thought she was saying the 3guys were gay for Hayato and she likes BL(Boys Love/Gay love).


I wouldn't look too deep into the relationship between Hikki and Sai. It's pretty much bussy got him acting up.


Just to let you guys know because it’s a bit difficult to understand but the reason why it feels like they don’t really fix the issue like finding the culprit or learning how to bake cookies is because that’s how Hachiman deals with issues kinda like running away instead of facing it head on in contrast of how yukino would deal with it. Keep this in mind as the show goes on


that plus Hayama's request was that he didnt want the culprit to be found because he was afraid if it was one of the 3, their relationships wud crumble. but yes, it also shows Hachiman's way of dealing with stuff


Seems more like a joke don’t think he’s actually a little gay for him


another reason the title card said he doesn't have many friends it was about hayama seen that too many times it's hayama being an enabler and if you remember last ep he could have stopped the tennis match but he wanted to appease "hi friends" to the point of involving other in his fantasy

Pan Cakes

bussy making hikki act up

Rebel Gamester

after this y'all should definitely check out working!, it's my favourite romcom show


Basically all 3 of them were doing it. Ech one was trying to make the others look bad. Also the culprit didn't matter more so than how to fix the issue.


I could tell Sheera was taking shots at Araragi talking about how Hikigaya had normal thoughts 😭

Random Guy

did anybody pick up on the detective conan reference also when hikigaya said he wants saika to cook him breakfast for the rest of his life, it probably means he want to get married.


The Cooking every morning thing is something they say for Marriage I guess to cook for someone every morning


chain mail kinda just evolved into full blown scams and reaction baiting. so many tiktoks going "like, comment, share, and use the sound and what you've been waiting for will come true next tuesday"


it's a showa era proposal. Back then, proposing directly wasn't really done so people said something like "Make miso soup for me every morning" or "when are you moving in" to say it in a more roundabout way.


In japanese it's more common to refer to people by name rather than pronouns. Even if hachiman had just been speaking to hayama and Noone else he would still have referred to him by name rather than you. Hachiman is actually a bit of an unusual case because he sometimes tends to refer to people with "omae" which is somewhat of an unfriendly way to talk to people. The way they speak is actually really interesting: hachiman talks in a very harsh tone while yui uses a bunch of slang as speaks more like a typical high school girl would, and yukino uses very formal, novel like language, even as she is verbally tearing people to shreds.


I am so sad that in my first watch of this I did not catch that s-CRY-ed punch reference.


One thing I hate about anime they always tryna make the main character lowkey gay🤣🤣🤣 like bruh just let him focus on pum