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10/10 season


Hasnain Khan


Smash Bran'Discootch (edited)

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2023-02-15 04:01:05 Now i can FINALLY explain my "Hey guys, I saw Larkin!" joke. The Green Eyed kid who was mean mugging Grog when they teleporting from Emon to Whitestone in the first episode was Raishan, the green dragon I'm disguise. If you noticed after that first appearance, you saw ALLL the other dragons meeting together, but not Raishan, the green dragon. We haven't seen her since the start of the season. Because she was disguised as that little kid and infiltrated them FROM THE JUMP! In the original campaign, Larkin was another disguise Raishan used. There was HILARIOUS moment where everyone realized that Larkin was Raishan except for Vax's player leading him to confidently shout "Where the fuck is raishan!" right in front of her til finally they explained it to him lmfao! This lead to many shirts #LarkinWatch
2023-02-15 02:46:14


yeah except that the larkin stuff doesn't come up until after the reveal, and aall that stuff with vax and larkin is probably coming in s3, so that's still a spoiler

Anonymous (edited)

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2023-02-15 04:28:47 To explain, Mythcarver is mechanically a Bard only weapon, it thrives on music so Scanlan's "musical shout" empowered it.
2023-02-15 03:22:51 To explain, Mythcarver is mechanically a Bard only weapon, it thrives on music so Scanlan's "musical shout" empowered it. In the game it boosted his bardic class abilities but as an actual melee weapon it infamously saw almost no use.

To explain, Mythcarver is mechanically a Bard only weapon, it thrives on music so Scanlan's "musical shout" empowered it. In the game it boosted his bardic class abilities but as an actual melee weapon it infamously saw almost no use.


So what’s next after this?

Alex Omega

The future Larkin jokes are now spoiled for new viewers...Awesome!!!


And dont forget it is DND based so pike running out with her power just meant she was running out of spells for the day. You cant just spam all the spells you want. Just like any game or anime magic or divine power runs out.


...Isn't this ruining a punchline coming down the road??

Joshua Burns

I love this show so much I’m sad it’s over


Roshi: "Activate the gauntlet" My brother in christ can you not tell that Grog was like 15ft tall?


The Vestiges don't track each other. Mythcarver is connected to all myths and legends, that's why it could find the others. It doesn't work in reverse.

Smash Bran'Discootch

I am soooo glad that they gave Scanlan the W, he definitely earned it and some of his more badass moments from the campaign don't really translate to well into an animated series or involve spells that it would be hard to justify him having but not using. -I have been SITTING on the wings reveal for WEEKS now. Soo the Vestiges were all designed to get more powerful after moments of great character growth. It has its base state, it's awakened state, and its exalted state. Each state gave the vestige a different ability. Initially the Death Walker's Ward only offered resistance to various elemental damage, but now having accepted his destiny and embraced the Raven Queen, his Vestiges awakened and gave him wings. -So Vax ended up getting his OBSCENE speed from a combination of his wings and The Boots of Haste, a dnd magic item. The wings already gave him a sixty foot fly speed, but combined with the boots of haste that doubled his movement speed, he had a 120 foot movement speed. That's 20ft per second. Again, I will say that 120ft of movement in any 3d direction in dnd is OBSCENE. The boots of haste also allowed Vax to attack 3 times leading to one of his catchphrases, "Dagger, Dagger, Dagger" -Because of this MASSIVE shift in relationship between Vax and The Matron, Liam(Vax) actually started taking levels in the Paladin class, a class that is generally a holy warrior. This allowed him a teeeeeeeny bit of healing ability as well, but I doubt they'll work that in. -They are deviating from the campaign pretty heavily. Ripley working with the dragons was never a thing but its TERRIFYING and I love it. -Also this concept of dragons using the Vestiges is ALSO new and TERRIFYING and I love it! -You now see the perfect example of a capital L Lair in dnd terms. Certain monsters in dnd, if they are in their lair, get something called Lair actions which is essentially the creature's environment fuckin you up. You see this from the acid pools and the exploding crystals. -They are doing scanlan's character growth arc suuuuuuuuuch justice. Like it happened in such a similar way in the OG campaign. Once Scanlan learned that he had a daughter, his ENTIRE world view and list of priorities shifted. -One thing I love about this adaptation is that you actually see how stacked against you the stakes can be in dnd. You actually see the characters getting fucked up and wonder if they can even win. -Roshi, when you were telling Grog to activate the gauntlets, he already had. The Dragon is just THAT big. -Sooooo Mythcarver is a weapon specifically made for Bards like Scanlan. The blade is constantly vibrating and creating a musical tone so it makes sense that Scanlan singing into it would amplify the magic. -Ah yes, the "Raishan can take not only human form, but the form of people that you know and you can't sense her when she does that" reveal. -That magic key is 100% gonna be the in-show explanation for a certain EXTREMELY useful spell that Scanlan used ALL the time in the Campaign. Get ready for lots of chicken. -Cree Summer's velvety voice is PERFECT for Raishan, The Diseased Deceiver. -Awwwwwwwwwwww shit, dragon babies! Season 3 is already in production, and soon we're also getting The Mighty Nein, an animated series retelling Critical Role's second campaign. This same studio is gonna be handling it. We've got some WIIIILD shit coming. Yall think the DRAGONS are tough? Naaaaaah. I'm stoked that yall enjoyed this so much. I'll throw it out one more time, any time yall want I'll run a single session dnd game for yall over discord and roll20. Until next season, ✌️

Belt Cedd

Pike's healing is fine. In most DND campaigns you have a limited amout of heals\spells you can use per day.


Just to clear something up. Mythcarver, the sword, has the ability to locate other vestiges. That’s it’s unique ability.

Nicka Snax

larkin is still in future content, so it's a spoiler. better to delete this than risk it, don't you think? there's plenty other CR stuff that's occurred you can write ridiculously long paragraphs about

Matthew Grant

the way I interpreted Umbrasyl over the season is that he originally was the most loyal. but then Ripley lured him in with the power of the Vestiges, and when Thordak didn't return that interest, Umbrasyl's loyalty slowly wavered

Nicka Snax

And you literally don't know how they're going to adapt this, so like I said, it's safer to NOT mention it until it actually occurs, or the moment when it would have occurred has clearly passed.

Will Jones

I've briefly tried DnD, and one thing I remember is that trying to fight a Dragon in it's horde/lair is putting the game on hard mode, because they get ridiculous advantages there.

Sean Carrasco (edited)

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2023-02-15 06:04:55 The Chroma Conclave Arc is the 3rd arc out 5 of Critical Role’s iconic First campaign. They recently announced that they were approved and are currently working on the animation for their Second campaign titled The Mighty Nein which skyrocketed their popularity and is a Fan favorite within the community of D&D. It follows an entirely different group of characters with the same main voice acting cast and jumps to 20 years in the future of the first campaign.
2023-02-15 04:44:09 The Chroma Conclave Arc is the 3rd arc out 5 of Critical Role’s iconic First campaign. They recently announced that they were approved and are currently working on the animation for their Second campaign titled The Mighty Nein which skyrocketed their popularity and is a Fan favorite within the community of D&D. It follows an entirely different group of characters with the same main voice acting cast and jumps to 20 years in the future of the first campaign.

The Chroma Conclave Arc is the 3rd arc out 5 of Critical Role’s iconic First campaign. They recently announced that they were approved and are currently working on the animation for their Second campaign titled The Mighty Nein which skyrocketed their popularity and is a Fan favorite within the community of D&D. It follows an entirely different group of characters with the same main voice acting cast and jumps to 20 years in the future of the first campaign.


Then the Targaryens were born!


Season 3 is gonna be crazy... give my guy Percy an OP Gun

Asad Khabir

When Roshi told Grog to activate the Gauntlets I had the flashback of King Kai saying that Goku has been using Kaioken against Frieza all this time.

Asad Khabir

Wait towards the end when you said there is more wild shit coming are you talking about M9? Because aren't M9 battles on a smaller scale than VM and if you are talking about VM are you referring to (spoiler) Vecna?


Percy already has the OP gun which is the rifle he wields. He won't get a gun as a vestige because Percy invented firearms. Will he get his pistol upgraded? Yes, he will, won't spoil how though.


Wait he literally invented guns holy shit that's crazy to think about

The GoDKing 27

That key reminds me of the one in castlvania

Totally Thomas

If the key is to what we think it is- lots of chicken!!! Also, I enjoy Dr. Ripley's character in both the campaign and tv versions. Her ambitions were always next-level and made you fear her throughout. If season 3 is handling Vorugal's arc, the next locations Vox Machina will be going to will be great! I hope a certain...yaksha makes an appearance.


hopefully in the show they have Scanlan use it more.


So to note, its mentioned earlier in the season Thordak is attempting to "Ascend" which has something to do with the gold.


Unless Percy doesn't join the adventure the won't have the time to make the upgrades himself. He has to create the parts himself. You have to wonder, how Percy was able to rebuild a pistol in short amount of time. The liberation of Whitestone and the attack Chroma Conclave of Emon isn't a whole lot of time. He had the parts of the to quickly make one. Rewatch S1 to find out where he got parts from. That should be enough clues, where his next pistol will come from.


Mythcarver is a blade that was specifically forged to be wielded by bards. Scanlan's music makes the blade vibrate sonically. Scanlan rarely used it in the campaign, but when he did, Matt described it piercing his foes with no resistance, like a hot blade through butter, and blade held not a drop of blood on it, because it was resonating so fast. The sword's basically a weaponized tuning fork.


Me casually waiting for when that orb at the end of season 1 is going to come into play.. Like did we really just forget about that thing?

Nicka Snax

Condescending? All I was saying is save all this shit for when that moment has passed. TO BE SAFE. Man, nerds like you that wanna just bust their nut with all this wall-of-text stuff no one asked for are annoying af. It's apparently more important for you to do some weird flex and act like some lore keeper for the show than just be a normal person and make sure there's no chance for the crew to get spoiled on the show they're watching. And don't bother lying about considering doing that, it's pretty clear you never intended to. You repeatedly acted like you could see the future and know exactly how this was all gonna play out. Now THAT is condescending af. If you're not writing the show's scripts, you don't see shit. Best believe I ain't remembering you or any of this nonsense when S3 comes around.


Oh that won't play for now. That is something for much later on. You have to remember anything shown in the show has a reason. The story is already complete they just have downsize suitable for tv adaptation.


Genuine Question. Why wouldn't he use it often? It Seems like a pretty OP weapon.


Probably because it required him to be in melee range, which is dangerous for a squishy Bard. Also, his spells were not only longer in range; but a lot stronger than they are in the show!


Dope season, can't wait to see where it goes next! I think those could maybe be like halfling dragons or something. I doubt all those eggs would be full on Dragons like the main ones.


Comments like this are the absolute worse type "manga reader" comments because youre very clearly doing it for attention. Even getting to the point of straight up spoiling people. You DO NOT KNOW how the rest of the adaptation will go stop spoiling people for attention.


Comparing him to Umbrasyl its what makes it obvious though. All of a sudden Grogs as big as his head.


wish there was more of Scanlan vicious mockering enemies to death LUL

Smash Bran'Discootch

Now i can FINALLY explain my "Hey guys, I saw Larkin!" joke. The Green Eyed kid who was mean mugging Grog when they teleporting from Emon to Whitestone in the first episode was Raishan, the green dragon I'm disguise. If you noticed after that first appearance, you saw ALLL the other dragons meeting together, but not Raishan, the green dragon. We haven't seen her since the start of the season. Because she was disguised as that little kid and infiltrated them FROM THE JUMP! In the original campaign, Larkin was another disguise Raishan used. There was HILARIOUS moment where everyone realized that Larkin was Raishan except for Vax's player leading him to confidently shout "Where the fuck is raishan!" right in front of her til finally they explained it to him lmfao! This lead to many shirts #LarkinWatch

Quinton Campbell

i really feel like Vax should've been the one to kill Umbrasyl since the majority of the season focused on him. but a W is a W lol

Lamaree Jackson

God Cree Summer is perfect as Raishan. Freddie from A Different World is a great voice actor.

Monotone Type-F

Is it just me of does Thordak sound like the sovereign Uriel?

rickie woodson

either the gold helps them hatch or they eat it or consume it somehow


Funny enough a lot of people liked C2 characters a lot more than majority of C1 characters. You'll probably be pleasantly surprised.


Maybe more, if it’s going to take an entire season to kill one dragon, plus the other two arcs after this. Hope they don’t start the Mighty Nein until Vox Machina is finished.


In DND its called a Sphere of Annihilation! Its as awesome as it sounds.


i know right. the moment i heard her voice in ep 1 i was like "Cree Summers as a elder Green dragaon?! oh she's gonna be epic" love her. a living legend


pretty sure the VA for sovereign Uriel was the guy who voiced Cyborg in teen titans. the black dude with the grey dreads from walking dead. can't recall his name. great voice actor though. OH he did Aqualad form young justice too. they really got good Voice Talent for this show *chef kiss*


another great season. i would watch the fuck out of yall playing dnd it would be too hilarious

Smash Bran'Discootch

Nah, the spinning orb of death isn't a sphere of annihilation. One does come up in the Vox Machina campaign, but the spinning orb of death underneath whitestone is a WHOOOOOOOOLE other thing.

Brett Christensen

Look closer at the speaker. No mole. The dragon is impersonating her. Love your reactions. Great observation on hiding the gold from Thordak.

Jax Tharp

Scanlan wasn't particularly tanky and the type of Bard he was only gets one attack per round except when activating Mythcarver's special ability. It was usually just better for him to be a battlefield control or support character with Scanlan's Hand and lightning being his go to options when he needed to deal damage


Maybe it’s building a nest of gold.

Jax Tharp

While I'd say the legendary moments of the Mighty Nein aren't as flashy as Vox Machina their encounters definitely ended up being against more bizarre enemies. The Nein also had more personal connections with the foes they fight. Plus that Volcano fight, the last stretch of conflicts and the event of the post campaign 1 shot go to a similar level scale of VM if just far less widely known.

Jax Tharp (edited)

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2023-02-16 08:47:35 I don't think Grog growing broke his fall, I think it multiplied his weight by 8 (by D&D rules) and dramatically increased his kinetic energy.
2023-02-16 07:22:42 I don't think Grog growing broke his fall, I think it multiplied his weight by 8 (by D&D rules) and dramatically increased his kinetic energy.

I don't think Grog growing broke his fall, I think it multiplied his weight by 8 (by D&D rules) and dramatically increased his kinetic energy.

Metweet .c (edited)

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2023-02-16 15:12:59 Thordak is so dumb. A world with only dragons? What are you gonna eat once you've killed all the humans and messed up the eco systems? You've got no livestock because humans were tending to them, you'll struggle to find a satisfying amount of gold because humans find them and make objects with them. There's no functioning world with all dragons with how greedy they are
2023-02-16 13:41:43


If people aren't tending to livestock then the livestock doesn't just die out lol. Cows and Pigs dont NEED people to survive. Humans dying isn't going to destroy their ecosystem. The worst that would happen is that the animals that humans kept in check would populate the area, but then that's still just more food for dragons . Also, he clearly wants the gold for a specific purpose once the purpose is complete whos to say he will even need or want gold anymore.


Damn we get VAx and keyleth out here with the hawks and endeavor love story lmao. kiki hit him with the plus ultra prominence burn


So, percy needs a straight sniper rifle stand. Keyleth gotta finish her avatar state, and someone get pike an a USB charger


Bruh im reading up lore on Dragons and Gold. Why i feel like Thordak about to melt the gold down and make a Cash money chain.


not a fan of the constant nerfing of characters for plot sake but looking forward to season 3. Based on what I heard about the 2nd campaign I'll probably enjoy that more than this one. NO MERCY PERCY BETTER BE BACK SEASON 3

Mufid Lassissi

So you were just a Percy fan boy. Did you think Percy without a vestige could compete with vestige bearers and literal magical beings on the team

Connor W McDougall

bro if you think they nerfed any of vox machina for that fight you must not know a THING about DND ancient dragons. Im honestly surprised they won but they did a good job illustrating that it was by a HAIR.

I VisiBomb I

the fight went pretty much how it did originally in the game, they were pretty tapped out, on spells as it is, and items have only so many uses before needing to recharge during a rest. meanwhile the dragon had time to fully restore its hp and basically reset the fight from when they fought it in the city and back to its lair. the other dragons are wayyy more nasty btw.

Thiago Silva

Third season is coming this year!