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Rematch bout to be spicy!



Ok early mf


I think this is my fav ep this season, so far

Smash Bran'Discootch

DAAAAAANG super early drop, I'm still at work. Oh don't worry, I'll feed you baby birds!

XxYourWaifuxX Xx

I was waiting for this reaction! I wasn’t even gonna check out TLOVM but I’m so glad I did.

Smash Bran'Discootch

One tidbit I can give you early is the human man who got the axe thrown into his head was a voice cameo by THE Christopher Sabat. Vegeta, baby!


ready for that “You” reaction

Bria A.

no, it was pike. just with brown hair and no scar. we’ll probably get the flashback / explanation next season.


Am I the only person who peeped that grog slightly filled back out at the end of the episode


Roshi's Team Kevdak 🤣


Grog got that Omni-Man vs Invincible beat down feelsbadman


I think that’s was the last episode 😂 y’all got to wait for a whole new season


That was Pike's grandmother? The one in the flashback called Wilhand grandfather, while Pike called him great-great grandfather.

Bria A.

that’s only because no one’s going to constantly keep adding two “great”s when you’re talking casually or in a rush; it comes off clunky and weird. as someone who’s watched the entire livestream this show is based off of, trust me, it’s pike — there’s a story reason behind the hair color change, as well as her immediate family’s absence / why she was raised by wilhand.

Jason McKay

Tonight at 7 last 3

abdulrahman fahad

ok luppa sfx sound for getting beat up lmao they should use it


nah pretty much tonight with how amazon is with their releases


Vox Machina go CRAZY! Also, Grog's VA did his thing this episode. Something always endearing with big idiots having hearts of gold.


I'd love to watch her flashback and find out that reason.

Bria A.

it’ll be interesting for sure! especially because the circumstances have to change in ways that even the original show watchers including me won’t know about (both because of when in the timeline it happened and to avoid official d&d copyright). we’ll probably get it next season whenever they focus on the vestige that ends up being hers.

Smash Bran'Discootch

-Soooooo the Titanstone Knuckles are something that Travis(Grog) just threw into his backstory as an intimidating thing that Kevdak had. When Matt was creating the Vestiges of Divergence, he was like, "Ohhh, I know what THOSE are gonna be." -The titanstone knuckles, made from the heart of a Primordial Titan, originally in the hands of a Champion of Kord(The Storm Lord), until Kevdak beat him to death and took them. -You've now met Dr. Dranzel. In the original campaign, Dr. Dranzwl(Dr. Dra) discovered Scanlan and Scanlan Shorthalt(SS) was part of his troupe. Yes, Scanlan's backstory is just Eminem's life story, im not even joking. -When Grog made his backstory, he named his father Stonejaw, forgetting that he made his own surname Strongjaw. So Grog's father's name is Stonejaw Strongjaw. -Good call on the girl healing Grog being Pike. A lot of reactors are thinking that's Pike's mom because they clearly haven't been paying attention to the show. -The Herd of Storms, Grog's people, were nomadic warriors, never settling anywhere. So the fact that Kevdak is trying to settle in a city is huge. -As you can see, Pike used to have dark hair, but then a THING happened and now her hair is white. I don't know if there gonna explain that so I won't say anything. Some things I know for a fact they aren't doing, but some things I'm not sure of. Pike IS older than Grog, but her hair turning white has nothing to do with age. Gnomes don't start showing their age until they're WAAAAAAAY old. -They 100% killed that pig lmao! -Grog's whole storyline is freaking amazing. It's WAAAAAY easy to make a dumb character. It's a lot harder to make a dumb character who is also full of heart and totally likeable. And when you add in actual healthy masculinity, and themes of honor and strength, Grog's story is way better than it has any right being. -You can also see if you're looking for it, Grogs muscles are slowly starting to fill in. -Zanror was a lot more antagonistic in the original campaign, but it's good to see they went with the finished product. -Originally, all of the members of vox machina(except maybe Pike? I can't remember) were here when they went to westruun. They're splitting the party a lot for the sake of telling multiple parts of the story at the same time. Aaaaaand thats all I can think of at the moment cause I'm still at work. I might think of more later, but I doubt Roshi and the crew are even reading my long ass vox machina comments anymore 🤣🤣🤣

Smash Bran'Discootch

Right?! Dude it is so hard to play a dumb character and have them be loveable instead of just annoying.

Josh Rangassamy

i'm curious to know how you came to that conclusion. To me it didn't seem like pike. yea they looked similar but that's it. Plus like the other person said she refers to him as great great grandfather while in the flashback it was just great grandfather so it would only make sense that it's pike's mother and not her. I could be wrong though so feel free to correct me if that's the case.

Josh Knoebel

His VA (Travis Willingham) is my favorite player at the table. Scanlan (Sam Riegel) is a close second.


Day 3 of asking for a reaction to High Card

Bria A.

no worries. from a more objective standpoint — it’s the same exact character model and voice actor (ashley johnson). if you take into account vilya and adult keyleth as a comparison, they were careful enough to add significant physical differences even though they also look extremely similar. from someone who knows critical role…just trust me, it’s pike as a brunette. lol. (also, this was maybe five, ten years ago at most? half-giants don’t live all that long, although gnomes live for centuries. no way late teens / early adult pike and her own mother would look identical.)


I'm 100% of the mind that Scanlans dragonfly was that colour scheme because he played Donatello in the 2003 TMNT series. Man, I loved that show.


Where do you guys watch this?


I know the show doesn't explain it very well, but it is indeed Pike. Pike's hair turned from Jet Black to shock White due to something that happened in the past. I don't know if it'll come up in a flashback, so I don't want to ruin it. It's explicitly stated in the campaign that it was Pike who saved Grog. Also, Wilhand and Pike do not associate with the rest of the family, on account that the Trickfoot family are infamous for being thieves, con artists, and fences. Wilhand left the family with Pike when he repented his ways and took Pike, the youngest in the family at the time of his leaving, to seek forgiveness in the Everlight, the goddess of light, second chances, and mercy. Soon Pike devoted her life to the Everlight and took up an oath to be her servant.


show doesn't explain it very well, but in the campaign it's explicitly stated it was Pike who saved Grog.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Good catch! Youre absolutely right. There are actually like 4 or 5 different grog bodies they use, according to the people at Titmouse.

Drake Rage

Bruh I want the next episodes right now, that was too nasty of a cliffhanger. I want to know what Grog does, and maybe the "where does your strength come from" question will finally get answered.

Smash Bran'Discootch

They'll be dropping on amazon prime in an hour and twentyish minutes ^_^ enjoy, bro! It's gonna be good!


that gnome had a fuckin problem with EVERYTHING. like i. dont. know you. you want me to save you, and youre gonna bitch the whole time


Sucks cuz it's midnight here right now and I have work tomorrow. So can't stay up another hour to then spend ANOTHER hour watching the episodes :p

Hasnain Khan


Jason McKay

Okay that’s what I thought the great great part confused me when black hair pike just said grandfather


So that’s why he was so happy about Pike’s vestments. They meant that she didn’t backslide into the family business. I’m pretty sure that was the reason I thought that it was Pike’s mom that healed Grog. I thought that Pike and Grog had gone to a temple so she could be a priest for Everlight, and Wilhand was excited that she succeeded. So when I saw her in the flashback, I thought it was her mom because, why would he be excited that she had the vestments when she had them in the past?


grog came back like. aries!!!! i have returned!!!


This cliffhanger was the worst they put out i swear, and i already know whats gonna happen lmfao. At least we have the new eps already so if ya thirsty roshi you can always watch early and edit later haha.

Smash Bran'Discootch

I just saw the last three episodes and holy hell. Yall are in for a treat. I'm HYPED to see y'alls reaction on Tuesday!

Tommy G

I need Re:Creators 😭


me watching the last three ep "oh Roshi and dim ain't ready for dis"


bro i just finished ep 12 and holy fuk is this show good ashel I wish more people knew about it cause it really deserves the love. the creators got 2 back to back banger seasons and it looks like they're gonna go 3 for 3

Lamaree Jackson

“Azula just showed up” when she was the whole villain last season 🙃


okay, is that not pike's mom? in the flashback pop pop is referred to as great grandpa while the pike we know refers him great great grandpa.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Lol it is definitely not Pike's mom. It's pike. She just doesn't say "great great" every time because who does that? She used to have black hair, but then a thing happened and now she doesn't. I totally understand the confusion, but it's definitely pike :)


Can't wait for you guys to see the last 3 episodes! This season is just fire!! Can't wait for season 3!!

Charis Smith

She has referred to him as grandpa before, like when she was talking to Grog in the barn. It is faster to say grandpa than great great grandpa. That confused a lot of people, but it is Pike. Her hair is a different color due to something that happened in the campaign, but idk if they will go through it in the show or not.

John D

that was Pikes mom

Charis Smith

The voice actor actually voices Cheshire from Young Justice, so I thought that was cool too, because they have watched that show as well.


KILL BOX reacting about to go crazy!


Grog this episode just giving me major kratos vibes

Abel Nunez

Went to High School with someone named Scanlon....Needless to say, he was no where near as cool lol.


Me coming to the comments on every Vox reaction for your breakdowns and extra tidbits 🙋🏽‍♀️


GAHHHHHHHHHH I cannot wait for the next eps


"Good call on the girl healing Grog being Pike. A lot of reactors are thinking that's Pike's mom because they clearly haven't been paying attention to the show." I think thats REALLY unfair. Thats feels like a totally honest mistake . Especially since it hinges on an event we haven't seen yet and tbh they make it very confusing.

The Zany Spirit

What the hell was that voice at 21:33?

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-21 18:20:27 Only attacked people that was attacking him? Bro Grog was a cold hearted murderer what are you on about
2023-02-21 18:20:27 Only attacked people that was attacking him? Bro Grog was a cold hearted murderer what are you on about
2023-02-21 18:20:27 Only attacked people that was attacking him? Bro Grog was a cold hearted murderer what are you on about
2023-02-21 18:20:27 Only attacked people that was attacking him? Bro Grog was a cold hearted murderer what are you on about
2023-02-21 18:20:27 Only attacked people that was attacking him? Bro Grog was a cold hearted murderer what are you on about
2023-02-21 18:20:27 Only attacked people that was attacking him? Bro Grog was a cold hearted murderer what are you on about
2023-02-21 18:20:27 Only attacked people that was attacking him? Bro Grog was a cold hearted murderer what are you on about
2023-02-21 18:20:27 Only attacked people that was attacking him? Bro Grog was a cold hearted murderer what are you on about
2023-02-21 18:20:27 Only attacked people that was attacking him? Bro Grog was a cold hearted murderer what are you on about
2023-02-21 18:20:27 Only attacked people that was attacking him? Bro Grog was a cold hearted murderer what are you on about
2023-02-21 18:20:27 Only attacked people that was attacking him? Bro Grog was a cold hearted murderer what are you on about
2023-02-21 18:20:27 Only attacked people that was attacking him? Bro Grog was a cold hearted murderer what are you on about
2023-02-21 18:20:27 Only attacked people that was attacking him? Bro Grog was a cold hearted murderer what are you on about
2023-02-21 18:20:27 Only attacked people that was attacking him? Bro Grog was a cold hearted murderer what are you on about
2023-02-21 17:02:57 Only attacked people that was attacking him? Bro Grog was a cold hearted murderer what are you on about

Only attacked people that was attacking him? Bro Grog was a cold hearted murderer what are you on about