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John Chinaman crumpled them in that cell lmao



Can't wait for you guys to react to episode 9


His sister didn’t kill those men in the alley it was Ah Toy from the brothel

Mike A

Point of clarification: Ah Toy (the brothel madam) was the one that killed the two guys they were trying to blame Ah Sahm for. It was at the end of the episode after Ah Toy and Ah Sahm have sex, she slips out after he's fallen asleep and kills the guys with her sword. Mai Ling (his sister) had the dirty cop killed, but that was a separate thing.


Ah Sahm, really got jumped into the gang after being in the gang for 6 weeks for leaving china town.... I bet Father June got some good sleep that night lol

Awaab Adam

LMAO sheera wildin this ep Roshi ain’t finna put NUN them soy sauce jokes on YT


"THEY ALL TIRED" I can't Lupa😂💀


Somebody get Lupa a croissant😂


Bless you @sheera


This ep had me weak as hell

Cozyman Nas

Even though it's brutal to see Father June use that tonfa on Ah Sahm you have to consider what happened. The point Father June was making was that Ah Sahm isn't understanding the brotherhood that's the tong and one of the reasons why is because he never got his ass beat like everyone else did, he got in off the strength that he can fight. So he's correcting this by beating his ass as punishment but also by properly bringing him into the gang so he respects that lifestyle. We're looking like these guys are crazy but to them it's like a code so that's why Ah Sahm took it.


Just noticed Ah Sahm sounds like Keanu Reeves.


daaam so when we cancelling sheera? or is she untouchable? lmao sticky rice? chopsticks? whats next? me so horny? lmao wheres the woke people when you need them

rickie woodson

so many villains in the show, hard to say who is the main but i would put it on mai ling and mr. cane with mercer being a side quest baddie

rickie woodson

cant speak for the rest but sticky rice really is a thing. in azn gay slang, sticky rice is asian men who only date asian men so as "offensive" as it might sound, they did to themselves!


This show is lit idk how I haven't heard of it until now.

Devin B

I really wasn't expecting O'Hara to be somewhat cool with Ah Sahm. I thought he was just one of those full on racists like the others on the force but hearing Ah Sahm speak English really did open his view a little bit.

Mozart Waddell

Love O'Hara character development. This episode did a good job of analogizing O'Hara and Leary to someone who has prejudice to someone who is a racist.

Devin B

I was done when she said let me put some soy sauce on your roast beef

Stonewall Hackson

If anything is opening up in the schedule anytime soon would love if warrior got upped to 2x a week


Day 2 of asking for a reaction to High Card


React to the Harley Quinn Valentine’s Day special


Yo I cracked up at that jail scene... 'They'll never believe you."


Need this to be 2x a week 😂


When yawl get time...plz THE EMINENCE IN SHADOW!!!!!


But hopefully soon y’all react 2x a week for this show


I thought they said after Vox Machina they will

Hasnain Khan


Anthony Clawson Jr

I can’t wait until you all see more. Great reactions as always!


It’s funny af…….. and I’m Asian don’t take the stuff they say to heart…..


people people please take your seats. i keyo the wise am not offended by what sheera said. i was making a joke. i made the same joke about roshi when he mistaked that woman on last of us for a man. -clears throat- i am fine. i am not crying myself to sleep over her jokes. that is all. thank you

The Mister Octopus

John Chinaman: "They'll never believe you" XD

Corey Leach

Yea you'll see not much good comes from leaving the gang you got jumped in. Also Roshi, I don't thing there's really anywhere for Ah Sahm to escape to if he chose to do that.


nigga what was that 007 goldeneye lobby music at the 40:20 ? XD


What's the song Lupa and Sheera are blending with the intro?

Jamaal Ellison

I agree what happened with Father June was brutal, but if I shed blood, sweat and tears building the tong. Cutting out a piece of territory in the city for me to run and keep the peace. And some arrogant smart mouth asshole fresh off the boat that I took in, put all of that at risk I'd do the same.