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Anos is unstoppable!

But honestly....lol the pacing this season isnt too great its making it really hard to follow whats happening properly



I can’t even tell if it’s pacing or if they’re just leaving out some info or not reminding of info, or if it’s actually intentional and you aren’t supposed to know some stuff lol. I still love the show but sometimes they be saying names and I’m like who tf

Ginger Dwarf

Yeah no, I was confused about this episode. I had to go look up details left out on the reddit. Definitely one of those light novels that just has tons of world building and lore that isn't brought over to the anime.

Hasnain Khan



I'm following ok, I just watch the anime to follow what's going on.


You just seen what happen he stabbed misa and that’s the result


so after watching this twice is the grave we see Shins? and the weird spirit girl following anos is like a fragment of the great spirit that was with shin and thats maybe why she got corrupted?




lmao what's with all these unstoppable. Is Lupa typing these or something?

Dark Shogun

I still think Leena is The Great Spirit Leno. I don't think she'll be able to remove her hood until her source, which Misa has, is reunited with her body.

Mr. K

It was an "unstoppable" day today huh lol

Ethan Keene

Episode 14 huh? 😂😂


why even bother challenging anos? thats crazy how jar jar binks is the villain daaaam


if i see unstoppable one more time…


this entire season has been them shoving all the information and plot turn in the last 5min. the first season was sooo much better. this season has kinda sucked

Devin B

Idk about everyone else but I'm not really invested in the plot of this season as I was last season. There's really not much to be shocked about.

Mason Dragneel

Y’all need to watch One Piece together!! It’s an amazing series!! Or watch DanMachi!!


bro to much unstoppable shit today roshi lol

Ranginald Vagel

No one can be stopped this week


I don't understand anything that is going on anymore. I'm just here for the Anos quotes at this point LOL

Davon Thomas

There definitely will not be a season 3 of this. Nobody is even talking about this show

Mateo Castaneda

No danmachi in the poll one day

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

love the show overall but this season's pacing and explanations is very questionable. Im confused half the episode trying to think back to what happened in previous episodes/last szn and if there's correlation to what i'm seeing now. idk maybe im just slow


Y is everyone unstoppable

Big Daddy Dre

Well the mangaka passed away like 2 years ago so they’re probably just speed run this season or doing anime original stuff so it can have some what of an ending and if that’s the case then fan should be grateful cus I’m still holding out hope for a continuation of High School of the dead😂🥲


oh i didnt know that! that gives more context then. but still the writing this season aint great but now IMO it’s more understandable


Irrelevant as the source material is LIGHT NOVELS, smh...


WDYM "Misa has"? Misa's Source is that of the Great Spirit Avos Dilhevia, as was stated (i.e the Lore making up her existence are the rumors & legends centered on what Avos Dilhevia is famed for (so basically everything Anos did, + some other shit warped by descendants who made shit up at some point or w/e))

Julian Gaison

Hopefully they put blood blockade battlefront in a poll one day


Pls pls react to Atlanta you guys will love it

MC zsn

Devin B

It's almost as if Roshi is unstoppable with the unstoppables

Chris Tercero

Lmao you a bum . You lucky he even reacting to this mid ass OP power fantasy 😂

Chris Tercero

They read one piece . Anime sucks . Way to slow paced. Plus way too many episodes . They don’t react too long shows anyways

Ryan Ott

@Chris Tercero Couldn't have said it better, I hate looking at the community section cause more than half of the recs are just edgy trash and it makes me lose faith in humanity

MC zsn

lol, i'm not upset, idk why you would imply im upset

MC zsn

I didn't insult him, i said, OR MAYBE, I never said he is, come correct next time

Ranginald Vagel

Hmm not certain yet but this may end up being a "read the LN for a better experience" season


Has gotten a little boring since the first season


This shit boring af now

Keith Nieves

It has to do with the foundations and rules they laid about spirits and the magic and sources. They orginate from rumors and are based on legends etc, that's how become and thats how they get their power. The episode said that Misa is the spirit of the legend of avos dilhevia. I agree the pacing is a bit bad this season but I think the problem, why you're so confused is because you have different subtitles and you miss small yet important details. In the first episode they showed shin and the great spirit, he was ordered to be her bodyguard and misa is half demon, half spirit. The sword her father gave her is part of shin's sword as Anos stated. I don't know if it's a spoiler or not because I'm just using the clues from the episodes and I'm watching the same show at the same time you guys are.


Confusing ass season lmaoooooo


they have normal subs when they watch also the pacing isn't a bit bad its straight up disappointing lmao


Anos better be done with misa after this just end her don’t let her back in the group 😭

Alexander Szabo

Although in this episode, while the pacing might be bad, it’s not confusing. It’s all chronological.


okay but crystal chronicles was dope