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One of the best episodes this season!



Finally. Been waitin' for this specific episode.

Corey A Tripp

(SLIGHT SPOILER) I think it’s crazy how they went through so much, and are now dealing with this in the manga rn, todoroki family has S tear drama


i agree, this was my favourite episode. todoroki family centric episodes are always well executed


Yeah baby, watching endeavors journey always gets me. He's quickly secured himself as my favorite character in this show.


Umakoshi art work at its finest

tiana britton

I know it’s jokey jokes but that moment actually spoke to something more terrifying…like him forcing her to continue to have children…it was just as eerie as it was in the manga…there’s something really jarring about it not being spoken but through their facial expressions (and what you see immediately follow)alone you know.


I've always thought about how different things would be if Endeavor had just tried to work with Touya's body composition instead of taking it as a sign he was worthless


Yall skipped the op :<

tiana britton

Because I know how people are they probably won’t fully see it but everything goes back to endeavor and the abuse he perpetrated. There is no Dabi without that. There is no “broken” traumatized family without that. He’s responsible. I know people talk about character development this and that but tbh we’ve really only seen that with him as a hero not a person. I speak from professional experience due to what I do but it takes a whole lot more to actually take accountability for long term abuse you perpetrated. If you love him or like him now no shade to you but there’s really nothing he could do to change how I see him. I can say he’s starting now but he’s still very early on in taking accountability. & people give Natsu shit but his reaction to endeavor is actually totally healthy and that’s not something that’s an opinion. Forgiveness is not needed to heal. & him sticking so strongly to his boundaries can help people in the exact same situation. Like I’m working with you because we have to but nothings changed this is temporary. Being neglected is abuse and I think a lot of folks aren’t aware/don’t think about/ or downplay that witnessed traumatic events is also a cause of PTSD.


Endeavor is such a good character because on the one hand he's still focused wrongly on surpassing all might so he's focused on training Shoto but on the other he already saw how Toya tried to kill him and is trying to keep the two apart

Jorge Viera

18:26 me having the same reaction as roshi

Earphone Jack

This episode was painful to watch but Bones did such a good job animating it. 10/10 episode. And the fact that Deku saving Shoto that day during their match at the Sports Festival is what allowed him to become his family’s hero…my heart. 🥹


Bro why can’t kids just listen I tell you to stop using yo powers it’s killing you and you go the mountains and use that shit like bro why can’t you listen 😭


its what makes a kid, a kid. they arent used to these new experiences, their brains always want to try things and keep doing it. just human nature of a growing mins

Big Daddy Dre

All I’m saying is one good ass whoopin would’ve put a stop to all that😂


Deku indirectly saved shoto and his family by giving up the tournament win in order to help shoto and set him straight.


This episode title is actually perfect


To be fair. Deku still would have had to face off against Bakugou to win.


Next few episodes are what I have excruciatingly waited for. Finally we are here. I hope they do them justice.


Lmao leave it to Lupasan to make a funny ass BJ joke right as the emotional part is happening lol


That isn't the point though. Whether or not he went up against bakugo he still chose to save todoroki opposed to potentially beating him.


When roshi started nodding, I knew he knew heh


Yea that is something a lot of people will miss. Deku indirectly saved the todoroki family through his actions with shoto.


Never liked the Endeavor hate train and despite context to the story these haters still refuse to see Enji as a well written character. They're too in their own trauma to appreciate the Todoroki story arc and just want him to die in the series as "atonement" because they think he doesn't deserve redemption of forgiveness. They just want him to suffer and not grow from what he did. Lame. Enji will never be forgiven and his character knows that. He never really asked for it. He doesn't even wanna force himself into the family because he's had dreams where the family is together and happy, but he's not in the picture. That's why he said he's gonna build a new home, get Rei checked out of the mental hospital so that she and her children can all live together like in his dream, happy, while he stays in the prison that is the home he abused all of them in. Enji was never in it to be a parent. Just to be a glory hog and beat All Might so when it came to Touya being a problem, he refused to be a parent. Rei didn't know how to be a parent either. She was just a docile baby maker the whole time and that sparked Touya's misogyny. And I'm so glad Hawks is understanding toward Enji. He knows he is not that abusive monster anymore and is gonna stay by his side and support him.


I think Dabi was something that was inevitable. Even if Endeavor had gone to the mountain and Toya didn’t get extra crispy then, all that would have done was given Toya a bit of hope. Hope that would have led him to continue training, and eventually Endeavor wouldn’t be willing to keep humoring Toya and his training, because it was hurting him. So, Toya would have ended up as Dabi or burnt himself to death either way.


Lupa is so right. If Toya still wanted to become stronger Endeavor should've just tried to get some support equipment to help with his fire resistance

XxYourWaifuxX Xx

One for all secret is finally coming fingers crossed


I can somewhat agree this was an oversight on the plot department, but this can be explained, kinda. Shoto and Endeavor themselves also suffer this same issue where eventually their fire is gonna burn their bodies. This isn't just a skin burn thing, this is an internal body temperature issue too and Shoto and Endeavor have bodies that can sustain this heat but only for so long if they crank it up at their highest point. Touya cannot. His body just can't and support tech will not help it. They might have ways to possibly prevent his skin burning to a degree, but they can't stop his flames from roasting his innards and I doubt they had the technology that could even withstand his flames if he's gonna use them at max level.

Lūthér Hölâyèãhmé

Toya could never become a hero with his quirk. He would only have been able to create small flames as to not burn himself.

Devin B

Even a couple of episodes ago Shoto admitted that he was pretty much on the same time as Dabi when it came to their father. Deku helped Todoroki realize that he's his own person despite inheriting Endeavor's powers and that one moment helped move along his process of somewhat forgiving Endeavor.

Dude Man McGee

that damn manga reading roshi, lookin at me like i know what's coming

Belt Cedd

Toya was crazy regardless. Dabi was inevitable.


How could he have done that though. Dude burns his own body by using his quirk, there's no working through/around that unless there was some kind of suit to negate/reduce the harm he causes himself.


Rewatched the ep and looked over the manga. There was one part they took out for some reason: Anime left out why Fuyumi was born. Enji was still focused on Touya at the time and they had another child through Rei's suggestion to give Touya a sibling to layer on more emotional motivation for him to be the best. That right there, even if you don't find Rei complicit with the marriage ( and there are people who absolve her still for some reason), she contributed to Touya's grooming by bringing to the table of having sibling motivation. I wonder why they left that bit out.


Ass whoopings are part of the reason he turned out like that

Hasnain Khan



Im pretty sure they mention Rei wanting Touya to have a sibling in the Dabi reveal episode


Because that came up earlier, when Endeavor was reflecting on Touya's earliest years when things were "okay"


there's 0 indication that anything could be done, the fire comes out of his body, so if the skin isn't burn-proof it's getting burnt


Because he wants to spend time with his dad, and his dad spends literally all of his time doing "Hero" stuff


I wonder if Geten is related to Rei due to the Himura having a unique bloodline. I mean its ice all over. I wonder if Toya knew that, that being the reason why he chose to work over him in the war. That being said if its possible: Toya and Geten would be cousins


I wouldn't phrase it like that lol but it is true that as far as we know, Touya was never punished in *any* way for *anything*

Jacob The weird (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-31 05:34:12 Roshi nodding his head lol. Manga readers know what’s coming!
2023-01-31 04:23:18 Roshi nodding his head lol. Manga readers know what’s coming!

Roshi nodding his head lol. Manga readers know what’s coming!

Julio Morales

i just realised they showing some people on them sillouertea


Yo Lupa you had me in tears with that Best Jeanist belt joke towards the end lmfao


i was hyped when roshi saw a silhouette of a certain hero


Roshi I saw that head nod when they showed a certain someone's silhouette


They're probably going to watch it after this weeks episode since it will no longer "spoil" them


The fire comes from his body, if the skin can burn it will burn. Support items aren't miracle workers.


Everything in this comment >>>>>> I love watching the character development of Endeavor though a lot of people tend to forget that his intent to change only came about like within the last 3-6 months of the story's timeline. Compared to nearly 25 years of abuse, neglect, and utter trash behavior from him there's really barely anything to show for it. Like so much of his awful behavior is very telling in these subtler scenes but people want to say he had done what he did out of genuine concern... but having more kids to prove you don't need the others as a way to counter a purpose you thrust upon them in the first place is wild if not manipulative. Rei calls him out, directly saying he's running away from the problem. There's no way you can blame a child for developing some sort of mental health issues from the mind games Endeavor - a grown man - puts him through in lieu of taking responsibility and working things out with Toya. Let alone the fact he's shown as coming to these decisions with that crazy look in his eye while watching reports of All Might being successful. It's clear there's always been one thing driving him and his obsession has always been the leading push in his decisions, not real concern for his kids. Like his first thought after hearing Toya's quirk burns himself is about how "he was meant to beat All Might"... SIR?! If his family had truly been first, then the death of your first born probably should've been a wake up call if anything, not an excuse to develop a sunk-cost fallacy out of your obsession. That being said, I love the Toya storyline acting as a true test of Endeavor's new path. It should be incredibly difficult for him for how long he put his whole family through hell. I wish more fans could acknowledge how much Endeavor really needs to prove himself to his family outside of the bare minimum things he's done so far to atone (to this point in the anime), and especially how none of them are actually obligated to forgive him.


Its not that hard to understand why, like cmon now u aint listen when u was youngin either. Kids try new things & super power society just amps the curiosity


Actually I was a quiet kid and kept to myself as a kid all the way up till I was like 13 even if I didn’t I would keep doing something that clearly caused me physical harm especially if my parents told me to stop because it’s hurting me I’m convinced bro just liked pain cuz don’t no normal person just keep doing something that’s physical hurting them


I think the phrase "the path to evil is paved with good intentions" is a great way to explain endeavor raising dabi cause he thought he was doing the right thing by distancing himself and crushing his spirit so he could move on. Completely terrible way to think and treat anyone let alone your own son but he meant well.


I see you roshi 👀

Cameron Eldridge

something something something... heroOOOOOOOOO


that is a really good theory, I would think that would be interesting if true

Carter Skjerven

I’m honestly surprised that no one mentioned how thicc Rei looked when she bowed down to apologize.

Senjioh (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-31 20:07:20 Wont be long till we see the Stars and Stripes bs animated
2023-01-31 18:58:08


About the support item for Dabi. While it would be awesome i don't think it exist. After all it is the same problem Endeavor has with his body overheating, but you have to add that Dabi has weaker immunity to fire combined with a stronger flame than Endeavor.


I figured he could just wear a skin-tight heat-resistant suit. I mean, his skin is what's burning. If a suit could provide a layer of protection, that might have solved the issue. Endeavor overheats internally, which is no Bueno. I haven't seen anything to suggest Toya to have experienced that. With a suit, he might develop new problems, but those problems would at least be more manageable like Endeavor's


Maybe season 7 is where we get THOSE parts. How many episodes are there on this season. 12?


Well, Endeavor and Rei are about to opt into a 104 trimester abortion. Or however old Toya is!


so far we are 17 episodes in and 8 episodes left to go


btw idk if i’m wrong, but i heard that anya’s VA is also voicing lady nagant. which is really dope


since dabi has high res to ice he can just pour liquid nitrogen to cool him and with his high fire it would be neutral no bad only good

Orlandez Malone

This is one of my favorite episodes of MHA period. Everything we've seen in the past couple seasons involving the Todoroki family is so interesting to me. Endeavor is probably my second favorite character in the show purely cause of how deep and well written his story is.


Damn its happeenniinnggggg. THis month about to be fuckin INSANE.

Alex Campbell

Anya VA is in this season just a different character

Elijah Mcbean

All for one got like 30 sum quirks and he thinks a fire and ice quirk gonna be strong enough lol


Except the fire seems to come out through/from the skin- we don't see it "form" separate from Endeavor's body (outside of one anime-only scene), and it's projected from different parts of the body all the time (eg from the feet to hover/fly) +Endeavor runs into the overheating problem because it's a somewhat delayed consequence of being exposed to his fire's temperatures- like he's immune to being burned, but his body is still 70% water and it's going to have trouble when his internal temp gets to a certain point. The only reason it's not mentioned as an issue for Touya is because the burns are the more serious and immediate concern


it def wasn't out of pocket for him to say this his parents suck and they know it lmao